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(Private RP) Fairy Dreams <<mik3la & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy wasn’t sure why the other was avoiding them... or was Cass just being too sensitive? The man... did look exhausted. “Sure. After noon, sleep well, Winnie.” He smiled softly.


“I’m sure I’ll love it. Thank you, Winston.” Fai offered a shy smile and waved. When Winston hung up, he was left with Cassidy.


“Everything okay with you, Fai?” Cassidy asked gently.


Fai nodded. “Yeah. All good.” Talk about awkward.


“Want to keep talking?” Cassidy asked.


Fai considered then shook his head. “Not tonight.... but Cass?”


Cassidy just smiled and waited.


“Thank you.” Fai offered before hanging up.


Cassidy stares at the blank screen a moment before flopping onto the bed and feeling.... alone.

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Guest mik3la

Hanging up the phone he thought more about it and he was going to rebel against his brothers and have Cass come over there. Maybe he could see a reaction from their part or something that would show him they were wrong.


He couldn't believe that Cass was what his brothers said he was because just now he was the most sweet person. Even better than Fai. He was conflicted with that but that was the truth.


Opening a message tab he texted Cass.


\\Thank you for making me laugh today in the call. I really needed that. And about tomorrow, i'll be more than happy to see you. I'm just warning you that by brothers apparently are not a fan of your presence. That's why i am...kind of afraid. But i don't care. I want to see you and i have no one else that can come to take the food for you guys.

Sorry if i've seemed weird on the call.\\

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy heard his phone. He knew it wouldn’t be Fai, he didn’t want contact. He knew it wouldn’t be Kaido or Branwen, they were lost to each other. Which left only one logical person... unless an old flame was messaging him? Winston.


Looking at the text he scanned the words the smiled to himself. ///You’re turning into such the rebel! *wink emoji* why do your brothers hate me so much? I’ve never done anything to them...!/// Cassidy wasn’t even a hundred percent sure who Winston’s brothers where! ///I’ll see you tomorrow, Winnie.///

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Guest mik3la

\\they say that you are a player. That you will only hurt me. That you will use me for sex and then will throw me away. That you are a sweet liar, always having the perfect words to you manipulating people to get what you want.

I know you're not like that but i don't know how to make them understand.

You're different and that's what i like about you


See you tomorrow\\


He turned in bed trying to get some sleep since he had to wake up in the morning to prepare the food for the others. He just hoped his brothers wouldn't do a scene and would let him talk with him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy read the words carefully. ///Aren’t most nymphs players in part? I’ve never denied sleeping with a variety of people. I am not just using you for sex, though sex will be nice. I like your company./// He offered. Though he didn’t think words alone would be proof enough for Winston’s brothers! ///Good night, Winnie. Until tomorrow.///


Cassidy got some sleep eventually. The next day he did some work in the fields, returned home to wash and changed before knocking on Winston’s door.


Of course, it was Alfred who answered. Cassidy recognised him. “Afternoon. I’m here to see Winnie.”


“He’s not here.” Alfred lied.


“I thought he was grounded? Where else would be? Maybe I’ll just call him and see?” Cassidy asked, taking out his phone.


“Okay. Fine. You’re not welcome here.” Alfred lowered his voice with a hiss. “Not after what you did to Bernard.”


“Bernard?” He frowned. Cassidy only recalled one Bernard, “your brother I take it? But I didn’t do anything to him....”


“Don’t lie. Just leave.” Alfred slammed the door in his face.

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Guest mik3la

Waking up pretty early he started to cook the dish for the boys. He was super excited since it was his mother's dish and he didn't cooked it in long time.


He tried to ignore his brothers as far as he finished the ingredients and placed them in the oven waiting to be cooked. It didn't took long and be heard knock on the door and ran to open it but Alfred had open it before he could.


It was Cass, and he spoke so politely. Why would his brother lie to him like that. But apparently Cass was not fooled. Where else could he be since he was grounded?


Seeing how his brother spoke to him and slammed the door in his face he felt his blood was boiling. Brandon? So it was Brandon and not him? He lied?


He stood in the hallway looking hurt at Alfred.


"You lied! Let him in! Let him in!" He shouted feeling his body tensed.


"I'm tired off all of you. I've staied in the house, did not comment on it but now you do this? Let me in or I swear I'll do what I can to get out of here even if that means I'll break everything in this house!!


He said feeling tears in his eyes. "You're not mom nor dad. And I'm old enough to make my own decisions so stop the crap already. He just came to take mom dish that I cooked for Fai" he added angry.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Alfred turned and looked at Winston, wounded. “Only about who. Not about what. It wasn’t my story to tell. But I needed you to understand! To see the truth...” he frowned at the others outburst then glanced at the door before reluctantly stepping aside. He’d lost. He could accept that. “I was only trying to protect you.” Alfred said before heading upstairs defeated.


Cassidy nearly left. He’d been shocked to see the door slammed in his face... but then he’d heard Winston’s voice through the door and hesitated. Waiting instead.

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Guest mik3la

His heart hurt a little because of his brother but it was his problem. It was his choice. Seeing him leave he went to the door and open it hopping that Cass didn't left already.


"Cass..." he gasped standing in the door looking at him and a smile appeared on his face.


"Are you going to come in or making me stand here like a fool? You know I cannot get out" he said stepping to the side to make room for him.


As soon as he got inside Winston hugged him tight, hiding his face in his chest. " hi" he said blushing still hiding his face.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy smiled at the door only to chuckle, “I was just waiting for an invite.” He teased with a wink and moved inside.


He laughed and hugged him back, “oh baby. Miss me that much?” He wrapped his arms around him, threaded his fingers into his hair and tilt his head back to seal it with a kiss.

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Guest mik3la

He blushed a little more. It was hard to admit but yeah.


"Yes... " he said shortly looking at him and closed his eyes letting him kissed him.


Even if he didn't want to admit he really missed him and his touches. Was he really starting to fall for the guy?


Brandon wanted to head to the kitchen to take something but seeing his little brother kissing Cass. He gulped and returned to the living room remaining there.


"Let's leave the kisses and return to what you're actually here for" he said dragging him in the kitchen taking the food from the oven.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy smiled and nodded, “sure. To the kitchen....” as they past he glanced inside the other room.... catching a glimpse of Brandon. It hadn’t ended well. Brandon had asked him to leave, telling him he wanted his true mate. Cass has been helpless but to agree. Yet it seemed the story had been told differently....? Cass wasn’t one for staying where he wasn’t wanted. “Winnie... will you excuse me a moment? I think I.... I need to talk to your brother a moment.” Maybe if they repaired the bridge things would be easier for a Winston?

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Guest mik3la

"Hmm?" He looked curiously and frowned. " if you think that will be a good idea go" he said pointing the living room.


In the meantime he started slicing the food and place into small boxes to be easier for him to carry.


In the living room Brandon was searching something on tv that would make him watch it but there was just nothing that could help him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy knocked on the door before stepping inside. The guy had changed a lot. He looked like he had more muscle. His hair was different too. “Hey?” He offered a little nervously as he stepped closer. “Can we talk?”

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Guest mik3la

He flinched a little hearing his voice. They didn't end in well terms but it was mainly his choise only that he expected something more. Maybe for him to sat to be together till he could find his soulmate. But Cass had just agreed.


"Hei ... sure.. What's up?" He asked leaving the remote on the couch turning and looking at him. he changed

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Guest syaoran-puu

“I just....” he stepped closer and crossed his arms, his wings shifting behind him as he took the man in. Cassidy could remember their time together well. They’d had fun while it lasted. “I guess I just wanted to say hi? See how you’re doing. I haven’t seen you in a long time.....” Cassidy had avoided the man at parties.

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Guest mik3la

"Yeah ... I've been doing ok. Still looking for my mate but took a break from everything" he shrugged taking a deep breath.


"How about you? My brother?" He asked smiling softly. "I thought you dont date virgins" he added remembering his preferences to well.


"Just ... dont hurt him. I'm not my brother Alfred who you've already meat. I just dont want to see him hurt" he said shortly.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy looked to the guys hand a moment. No mark. “You’ll find them. I know you wanted to. I couldn’t.... watch you try, even if you planned to return to me at night. I don’t like being someone’s sloppy seconds.” Cassidy knew he deserved more than that. He might have been tempted to make a life with him though, even knowing they weren’t mates. But Brandon had broke his heart that day.


He laughed, “you remembered?” Cassidy looked towards the door then smirked. “It’s not what I looked for.... but it sort of.... happened. Not just one virgin but two.” Fai too. They were both.... so different.


He looked back at him and moved closer, crouching before him. “I can see you’re still hurting... but honestly? I don’t know why? And I don’t plan on hurting your brother. I can’t promise I won’t accidentally? But I’m not planning on it.”


He sighed, “I recall Alfred. Didn’t he introduce me to you? No wonder he hates me....”

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Guest mik3la

"Wow ... Fai two? I do remember him trailing after you for so long. Well you got yourself in some big thing with them both" he laughed.


"I know ... no . . I'm not mad at you or anything. You didn't deserved to be a second best. So I understand" he said nodding his head.


"Alfred is more overprotective. Ever since our parents he became head of this family so... you cannot blame you. And I think he hates Branwen more so . . You'll be fine" he smiled.


"Winston can act like a kid sometimes but he is mature most of the time. He stood against Alfred for you so , guess you do mean something for him"

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Guest syaoran-puu

“I have been denying him for a long time....” too long perhaps? Or because they’d needed to wait for Winston? He didn’t know. It hadn’t felt right before? But now? Now it did. He realised he was very possessive of them!


He reached and touched his cheek, nodding softly before dropping his hand from Brandon. “Good. Though maybe you should tell that to your brothers? Winston seems to think you all keep telling him I’m just a player who plans to steal his virginity and leave?” He quirked a brow. It wasn’t impossible but Cassidy wasn’t cruel by nature.


He stood again. “It was nice seeing you again Brandon. Happy trying.” He winked and walked back to the kitchen.

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Guest mik3la

"Alfred is the one who told Winston that. He doesn't like Beandon and because you are his friends he kind of hates you too. But only to protect Winston" shrugged and smile.


"But I'll talk to Winston and let him know. But I think he trusts you more. Hes a good kid" he smiled looking at Cass as he felt the room.


Winston just finished packing everything leaving a piece out to give him to eat.


"Hey, here. Try this" he said walking in front of him giving him a bite, feeding him. He was happy that he cooked the dish.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“I’d appreciate it.” He said simply to Brandon.


Cassidy smiled and licked away the treat from Winston’s fingers. “Delicious.” He licked his lips, it actually was. “Your mothers recipe?” He reached and shuffled his hair.

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Guest mik3la

Blinking a few times he blushed but taking a deep breath he smiled. He really had to get used to this guy or he was going to give him a heart attack.


"Really?" he asked super happy that he managed to make it just like his mother. "Yes ... it was one of my favorites when she was around and we used to make it a lot" he said remembering those times. He really was a softy.


"Here is for you , Fai and also for Kaido and Bran. That if they ever leave their room" he said remembering what the other said about those two.


"I left some for my brothers too. Maybe i can calm Alfred after all this and ... he will think again and let me go out of the house" he leaned to the counter.


"How was your discussion with Brandon? All good? I still cannot believe that Alfred lied to me ...." he sigh frowning. That hurt damn hard. his own brother lying to him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“It’s delicious.” He hummed. Cassidy liked getting a reaction from him.


He put the boxes down a moment and stalked closer. Picking Winston up and sitting him on the counter before inserting himself between his legs. He liked it here. Felt like home.


“They haven’t left their bed except for food.... maybe rope? Branwen looked devious last I saw.” Cassidy laughed, leaning in and nuzzling him. Missing his neck and shoulder.


“What exactly did Alfred say in this lie?”

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Guest mik3la

Winston didn't expected Cass to lift him up so easily, not to mention to get so close to him in his house. But he kid of like it that he didn't cared and he did what he liked. Blushing a little he wrapped his legs around his waist, which was so strange to begin with but he liked it, leaning more into his touches.


Holding his hands over Cass's chest he closed his eyes a little, letting the soft chill spread through his body but then looked up at him. Even on the counter Cass was taller than him.


"He said that you cannot be trusted. That you say all the right things and can manipulate me. He also said that you played him when you were together for 2 months but now i've found out it was Brandon who was with you. And honestly i don't care what was between you two" he said shaking his head. "That is your past. I didn't believe him ...it was just ... " he sigh lowering his face chewing his lip not sure if to say it. But he did kind of figure it out in the call.


"Yesterday when you guys called. You were the first to see that something was wrong with me. It was right after the talk with Alfred. And on the call, at some point I ... felt ignored when you two talked...and i get it , you have so many memories with one another ... i get it...but ..i felt left out... Especially by Fai" he said closing his eyes for a moment. "Please don't tell him this ... I still care a lot for him and all. It was just the wrong moment and i was ... overwhelm" he shrugged.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Oh?” He sighed. “There’s nothing till tell. We were fed up of trying and failing. For a time we stayed together without a mate mark. I would have stayed longer. But Brandon eventually wanted to find his mate.... but keep me in his bed too. And I.... couldn’t. So I left so he could find his mate.” He said simply. Not wanting to hide anything or have misunderstandings between them.


He moved his hands to grope the guys arse cheeks. Caressing then as he wiggles their crotches together.


“I won’t tell Fai. But you should, when things feel more normal. Fai is just hurting still. Give him time. That’s the thing about trios. More people’s feelings to consider,” he touched his cheek, cupping his face, “you can’t get jealous among us. We should be able to be all together. To be just me and you or me and Fai or just you and Fai. All the combinations. Does the idea of walking in on me pleasuring Fai anger you? Or what about if Fai walked in and I was balls deep inside of you? Pile driving you too oblivion? Hmmm?” This was important. “Jealousy among the group means the group doesn’t work.... communication. Honesty. Trust. Those things are important.”


Cassidy didn’t care about their location. With he free hand he moved and rubbed Winston’s crotch. “I’d fuck you right here if I thought I could get away with it.” He winked, only teasing.

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