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Tbh drama CDs are not my taste, but Chiaki Kobayashi is remarkable to me. This one was already shared by another member within forum but the post was not an official thread and the links were expired. So, I share this again for those who have not enjoyed it yet. I bought it from DLsite lately and this product can only be played in browser (DLsite playing). Hence, I recorded & merged all tracks into one track, also added some sound effects that may let me realize my file in case it is reposted elsewhere. Hope you guys fully enjoy and thanks for understanding :) Another work of Chiaki will be posted after few hours. Cast: Chiaki Kobayashi / Yoshiki Nakajima I will let the link be available for 1 week because I recently don’t have much time to visit the forum and re-upload regularly. Please try to download asap and enjoy them yourself. DO NOT re-up/ re-share my links anywhere else, even inside the forum since you will never know in the hands of who may end & for what purpose. I’m sorry to say that but if you want to re-up/re-share something, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it. Thank you and enjoy! Download: MEGA MediaFire To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM THANK YOU!101 points
青と碧 Drama CD Cast: Yamashita Seiichirou × Ootsuka Takeo Enjoy!! Link: https://mega.nz/file/ArQgBaoQ DO NOT SHARE & RE-POST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM, Thank you!! The link will be removed one week later.96 points
This was shared by poster from Weibo, only people with Chinese phone number could register and download, so I had conversation with the poster and I got her permission, that's why I could share the files here! I made the mega link because the poster can't use these in China! Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/drszgBTL Password: FbuoSm5P5sTDTXVZQI6omxe_KLq0Y17BEvbKDEwRExE Original DL link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01277151.html (No worries about seeing Chinese character in video, because that's the way the Weibo poster let people notice it's her shared files!) Because I got the poster's permission, so I'll share some more if anybody needs it88 points
お狐様の初夜は甘くない Drama CD Cast: Ura Kazuki × Ishiya Haruki Enjoy!! Link: https://mega.nz/file/V3xmVTbb DO NOT SHARE & RE-POST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM, Thank you!! The link will be removed one week later.88 points
♡あらすじ♡ モテるが自他共に認めるクズの逢見。 告白されれば誰とでもつきあうが束縛しないのが条件。 現在の恋人・楓は何も求めてこないし、余計なことを言わないので都合がよかった。 でもセフレとキスしているのを見て態度すら変わらないのはおかしくないか!? 調子が狂いまくりの逢見はいつしか楓に独占欲を抱くようになってしまう。 しかし逢見の気持ちは楓に伝わらず……? ヤリチン恋愛初心者の胸キュンラブ ♡キャスト♡ 逢見 萩(あいみ しゅう)/CV:榎木淳弥 楓 真波人(かえで まなと)/CV:天﨑滉平 佑二/CV:吉田和生 あかり/CV:拝師みほ マキ/CV:本丘りさ 男友達A/CV:柳生歩 男友達B/CV:石井瑞樹 女子生徒A/CV:丸山京夏 DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-drama-touch/work/=/product_id/BJ01197682.html MEGA :https://mega.nz/file/YmVVUTzA87 points
Henai Dramatic Monster pairing: Kumagai Kentaro x Nojima Kenji Download DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE THE FORUM LINK AVAILABLE UNTIL JANUARY 30th81 points
教室を出たら俺のモノ Drama CD Cast: Yamashita Seiichirou × Horie Shun Enjoy!! Link: https://mega.nz/file/N7RQCYaC DO NOT SHARE & RE-POST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM, Thank you!! The link will be removed one week later.81 points
As I mentioned in previous thread, here is another work of Chiaki Kobayashi, my favorite seiyuu. I bought it from DLsite lately and this product can only be played in browser (DLsite playing). Hence, I recorded & merged all tracks into one track, also added some sound effects that may let me realize my file in case it is reposted elsewhere. Hope you guys fully enjoy and thanks for understanding :) Cast: Chiaki Kobayashi / Toshiki Masuda Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl-drama/work/=/product_id/BJ01109716.html Manga (Raw): Here I will let the link be available for 1 week because I recently don’t have much time to visit the forum and re-upload regularly. Please try to download asap and enjoy them yourself. DO NOT re-up/ re-share my links anywhere else, even inside the forum since you will never know in the hands of who may end & for what purpose. I’m sorry to say that but if you want to re-up/re-share something, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it. Thank you and enjoy! Download: MEGA MediaFire To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM THANK YOU!80 points
Namaiki na Dom ni wa Shitsuke wo 生意気なDomには躾を Cast: うじくん Release date: Jan/22/2025 Download Password: I bought this myself, so please do not distribute, share or repost anywhere. Please support the voice actor by buying your own copy here.75 points
Both Video and Manga: 人気動画配信者生ハメ撮り This was shared by poster from Weibo, only people with Chinese phone number could register and download, so I had conversation with the poster and I got her permission, that's why I could share the files here! I made the mega link because the poster can't use these in China! Mega Link: https://mega.nz/folder/s7liFTRK Password: aAAOmlIKw9V8yyokPzHtGA Original Dl link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01270155.html (No worries about seeing Chinese character in video, because that's the way the Weibo poster let people notice it's her shared files!) Because I got the poster's permission, so I can and I will share some more if my mega storage fits72 points
《Live2Dアニメ》ウサギはオオカミの子を孕む。~強○メスイキ肉食オスピストン♂無理矢理中出し番レ●プ~ ◇◆ STORY ◆◇ CV: 霧雨よいと / 中江漣 This was shared by poster from Weibo, only people with CN number could register and download, so I had conversation with the poster and I got her permission, that's why I could share the files here! I made the mega link because the poster can't use these in China. Mega Link: Password: Original DL link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01271330.html (No worries about seeing Chinese character in video, because that's the way the Weibo poster let people notice it's her shared files!) Because I got the poster's permission, so I can and I will share some more if my mega storage fits72 points
Hi All, today is the last day of my CNY sharing! Here is my top favorite one by Shirobara Rei-san! The creator really impressed me by the good storyline & high quality illustration and sound making. Also big bravo to Rei-san for his excellent acting! Recommend to support the original work if interested to extra content. Enjoy! NPCの癖に暴言吐きながらクソ生意気に抵抗してくるので、無理矢理調教しようと思います ■Summary 夜霧夏樹は死んだ。 俺の幼馴染で、誰にでも愛されるような優しい男であり、「Moongarden」を作った天才だった。 俺はあいつが憎かった、何もかもを持っていたアイツが。 勝手に死ぬことなんて、許さない。 瀧川琉は夜霧夏樹への執着を断ち切るべくMoongardenで夏樹とそっくりのキャラクターを作成した。見た目、性格、全てのパラメーターを生前の通りに再現するはずだったが、エラーが起こり見た目が一部変更され、性格は全くの別人となっていた。 「初対面の相手に何しようとしてんだよ!?」 どうせゲームの中だからと、夏樹を性処理道具として使用しようとするが全力で抵抗され、拒絶されて本当に生きているかのようなMoongardenの夏樹の様子に戸惑う琉。 警戒する夏樹を面白がって構ううちに、違う思いが芽生えていく。 ■Content Main Track 1~8 - 2h38m Special Track* - 48m Free Talk* - 11m Script* Story Illustration* Live 2D Animation* NG take* (* Will not be shared) I'll be sharing only for the mp3 version for main content. For extra content, please support the original work. !! P𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 !! DOWNLOAD Link will be removed w/o prior notice. Please support the original work here: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01244883.html71 points
後輩なんか好きにならない / あずみつな 2022 Added a new rule, so I'll follow it and link for 1 week! Will not re-upload after deadline. If you've never shared anything on YO, don't complain about the publishing period. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!71 points
Hello, it’s me again. This is the voice drama based on “Hasegawa-senpai to Tachibana-kun” manga, one of my fav manga. The voice version tells about "dating edition" and "first experience edition" of a beloved handsome senior and a devoted kuudere junior. Enjoy the weekend with this sweet and melting work and see you later :) Author: ash Release date: Nov/29/2024 Cast: Takara Inoue / Yuki Otani Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01298757.html PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice · I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then · Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere · To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it · I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA MediaFire To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM71 points
I’m temporarily back with some horny/smut stuffs as usual. I love this series, both manga and voice actors are really my tastes. The previous edition was already shared by another member of the forum, so I only share 2 latest ones. Author: MIZUKI Release date: Jan/18/2025 Cast: Sukima Cherry / White Rose Rei / Yukine Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01309720.html PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice · I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then · Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere · To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it · I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM70 points
愛あるすみか / あずみつな 2017 Added a new rule, so I'll follow it and link for 1 week! Will not re-upload after deadline. If you've never shared anything on YO, don't complain about the publishing period. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!69 points
凪がれ星 / ミギノヤギ 2022 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!69 points
夜明けがいちばん暗い / 山田ノノノ 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!69 points
泣き虫センパイ〜後輩に泣かされながら拘束調教される先輩のM堕ち記録〜 CV: うじくん/Uji-kun Release Date: 12/11/2024 - Summary: Ren is an elite man who is popular with both men and women inside and outside the company because he is manly and considerate. He is a perfect man who never complains in front of others, but his junior, Yuki, is the one who is after him to defile him. One day, while the two of them are drinking at an izakaya, Yuki gets drunk and Ren has to take him home. As soon as he gets to the bed, Ren is pushed down, restrained so that he cannot resist, raped, and starts crying. In fact, Yuki's sexual preference is completely locked on by the restraint and "crying face." From that day on, the training escalates. And Ren's body is also developed. This is a recording of an elite senior who has only ever played normal games being taught the pleasure of abnormal games by a younger junior, and crying every time he is raped, becoming a masochist. - Ren (CV: Uji-kun): He joined the company three years earlier than his junior, Yuki. He lives alone. He has a clean look, cooks his own meals, does housework every day, and is a family man. He is quick at his work, and is what they call a perfect man. He is popular with women. However, he is weak to anything that feels good, and has a habit of crying when he feels deep pleasure. He is embarrassed about this habit and doesn't want anyone to know, so he tries not to get a girlfriend. Yuki (CV: None): Ren's junior. He lives alone. He is not the type to be honest or stand out, but he is quick at his work and always goes home on time. He admires Ren, and while he wants to shine like Ren, he always has twisted feelings about what his face would look like if he were to soil his perfect face. He also has an abnormal fetish for being tied up, which allows him to take the lead, and he has a fetish for making people cry, so he has a hard time finding a girlfriend. - Alike to many here, I've also fallen in love with Uji-kun's voice acting! Omg, he does an incredible job. Sometimes I'm like, this isn't real???? But that's how great he is. He's become a favorite of mine now. He had said in a letter to those who purchased this that this was the first time he had cried in an audio drama, so he wondered if he did it well but he definitely did imo. He said his throat hurt from crying and panting! His moans and cries are sooooo good. I want hear him him to cry more but please Uji-kun, take care of your health XD This will be available to download for a week starting today (1/27 PST) until 2/3 PST. There's no specific time the link will be taken down on that day but just know that you will have this amount of time to get it. If I see my files re-uploaded anywhere else then I will take down the link and not re-upload it. Please do not share my files. If you disrespect uploaders then that's just making it so you get less BLCD's to listen to. It's not difficult to be a good person. If the link is no longer available then please wait for it to be updated. - 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 - < Please support the original creator here! > !! DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE OF HERE NOR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN !!68 points
I’m temporarily back with some horny/smut stuffs as usual. I love this series, both manga and voice actors are really my tastes. The previous edition was already shared by another member of the forum, so I only share 2 latest ones. Author: MIZUKI Release date: May/10/2024 Cast: Skima Cherry / White Rose Beauty Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01187679.html PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice · I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then · Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere · To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it · I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM67 points
【ぜんぶまるごとお前がわるい + やっぱりまるごとお前がわるい】 LINK 【For a limited time】 Do not reupload or reshare anywhere. For personal enjoyment only. @Hina Nagisa Thanks for sharing. I also chose Azumi Tsuna!66 points
つがいごっこ。 / 田麻るみ子 2024 ☆ Do not reupload or share anywhere. As an appreciation for the people who keep on uploading here, I've decided to upload again, at least once in a while. At this pace, it might be once a year... I've decided to break my rules, so I'm now uploading this with the link available for 30 days. After 30 days, I may reupload it with a permanent link, but watermarked. I hope you understand. Download Until next time! 👋65 points
《Live2Dアニメ》強○3Pセックス 〜後輩男子と激しい上下攻めでぐちゃぐちゃに〜 ◇◆ STORY ◆◇ CV: 吾妻信一 / どっこいしょーいち / 水斗累 This was shared by poster from Weibo, only people with CN number could register and download, so I had conversation with the poster and I got her permission, that's why I could share the files here! I made the mega link because the poster can't use these in China. Mega link: Password: Original DL link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01251235.html (No worries about seeing Chinese character in video, because that's the way the Weibo poster let people notice it's her shared files!) Because I got the poster's permission, so I can and I will share some more if my mega storage fits64 points
Shikabane to Hanayome 屍と花嫁 AKAGAWA Sagan (赤河左岸) 2021 Vol 1 (7 days)64 points
【両性α ~生意気キメラは逆らえない。~ (上)(下)】 LINK 【For a limited time】 Do not reupload or reshare anywhere. For personal enjoyment only.63 points
Hey guys, to celebrate Chinese New Year, I decided to share my collection continuously for 5 days! Today will be the work from my fav seiyuu and creator: Shindou-san & tiutiuPlease don't mind the flie is in Chinese cuz I'm buying the translated version. Tomorrow I'll shared -> ご主人様は黒豹執事の生ラブドールをご所望です~薬で全身開発されてどスケベオナホまんこにしていただきました~ by Shirobara Rei-san. Stay Tuned & Happy Chinese New Year for those who celebrate!! サークルクラッシャーを止める方法!~股緩すぎVSガード固すぎってセックス相性最悪……と思ったのに!?~ ■あらすじ その美貌と小悪魔さから男女共に食いまくる股が緩い「サークルクラッシャー」と名高い小清水 結花。 現在所属するイベントサークル仲間も食い散らかす中、助けて欲しいとSOSを受けたのは大学一のイケメンと名高いがストイックな桂木良一。 このあり得ない盾と矛の勝負、一体どちらが勝つのか。 学内では二人のどちらが折れるかで賭博まで行われる始末……一体この関係、どうなってしまうのか!? 超堅物大学生 × 誰でも食べちゃうサークルクラッシャー(CV:新堂大輔様) I'll be sharing only for the mp3 version for main content. For wav file & extra content, please support the original work. !! P𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 !! DOWNLOAD Link will be removed w/o prior notice. Please support original work here: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01176147.html62 points
片想い中の後輩とマッチングが成立しました / 愛葉もーこ Volume 1 2024 ☆ Do not reupload or share anywhere. The link will be available for 30 days. After 30 days, I may reupload it with a permanent link, but watermarked. Download Until next time! ✌️62 points
お狐様の初夜は甘くない / 白松 2022 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!62 points
明日こそ絶ッ対、縁をきる! / きむらきむ 2023 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!62 points
Hi all, hereby sharing a cute love story on first day of CNY. Kappagari as a fudanshi is just funny as hell XD. Tomorrow as my last day of my five day sharing schedule, I'll be sharing my top fav voice drama -> https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01244883.html Enjoy and Happy Chinese New Year!! 俺の話を聞いてくれ!!~副社長は佐藤さんを食べたいらしい~ ■Summary 服飾系ベンチャー企業の副社長・七五三掛悟(CV:九財翼)は、窓際業務の佐藤さん(40)(CV:白薔薇麗)に恋をしている。 主張が少なく使いやすそうだから選んだ人材…しかし、彼が何を考えているのか気になって仕方ない。 滲み出る乱れた独身生活が気になる。庇護欲がそそられる。食育したい。ピクニックに連れていきたい。日光浴させたい。 そんな溢れ出す欲望を、今日も生意気な新人・乙木勘九郎(CV:かっぱガリ)にぶちまけていた。 いつものように乙木をファミレスに呼び出した悟は衝撃の一言を放つ。 「実は佐藤さんと一夜をともにしちゃってさ…」 BL同人漫画家(ハピエン厨)である乙木の中で起きる《副社長×佐藤》ビックバン。止まらない妄想。 そして、二人の関係はどうなっていくのか……!? ■Content Main Track Free Talk* Script* (* Will not be shared) I'll be sharing only for the mp3 version for main content. For wav file & extra content, please support the original work. !! P𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 !! DOWNLOAD Link will be removed w/o prior notice. Please support the original work here: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01262099.html61 points
かわいい顔、みせて / 古多ふる 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!61 points
■タイトル: 尻壁男子 ■収録時間 7分04秒 ■プロット: 小遣いほしさに壁尻バイトをする男の子の話。 ■CV男子/モブ男:秋月勇人 *I got this one on my own, it's a great work so I want to share :) Mega Link: Password: Original shop link: https://booth.pm/ja/items/5056872 The creator of this work sales many great products!!! I'll buy them when I had more money...60 points
This is another work of Maggot. If you love my previous sharing "Wake Up for Anal Sex", here you enjoy this one. Release date: Oct/23/2024 Cast: Maggot Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01275296.html PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice · I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then · Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere · To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it · I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM60 points
苦学生斗真くんのグレーなバイト2 ~着ぐるみバイト編~ 【あらすじ】 かんらい亭の人気コミック「苦学生斗真くんのグレーなバイト2 ~着ぐるみバイト編~」(サークル:かんらい亭 /原作:ベニ子)がボイスドラマになって登場!! 着ぐるみバイト(黒猫)の着衣モブおじレ○プものになります。 着ぐるみのバイトに来たはずが、客(モブおじ)にエッチな事をされちゃうお話です。 ※「苦学生斗真くんのグレーなバイト」の続編になりますが、本作単体でもお楽しみいただけます。 登場人物】 ・逢沢斗真(おうさわとうま)【受】20歳 CV:京竜 太郎 都内の大学に通う大学生。 学費捻出のため怪しい高額バイトにホイホイされている。責任感が強く頼まれた事は最後までやろうと努力するタイプ。 実家が離島にあり、7人兄弟の長男。(弟4人、妹2人) 弟妹たちの為にも両親の資金援助は遠慮している。 ・モブおじさん【攻】52歳 CV:スキマチェリー 某老舗メーカー系の課長職。独身婚活中。 界隈のお店でもノードリ、ノー指名で通い、色々おイタをして出禁になってる Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01167724.html Please help to read more of description on DLsite as I've been being quite lazy to put them all here :) Download Password ENJOY FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD MY FILES ANYWHERE UNLESS IT’S YOURS. BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM. THANK YOU!60 points
【あらすじ】 かんらい亭の人気BLコミック「苦学生斗真くんのグレーなバイト3 ~パパ活編~」(サークル:かんらい亭 /原作:ベニ子)がボイスドラマになって登場!! _人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ > 斗真くんのア◯ルマ◯コ < > 気持ちよすぎだろ!!!! <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ パパ活アプリで知り合ったおじさんに色々エッチな事をされちゃうお話です。 大学の学費と生活費の為日々バイトに明け暮れる斗真くん。 お金がなくなり、またしても怪しげなバイトに手を出してしまう…。 今度のバイトはパパ活!?果たして無事にバイトを終えることは出来るのか? 心穏やかに勉学に専念出来る日は来るのか…!? 苦労人DD(男子大学生)斗真くんの雌堕ち性春グラフィティ。 セーラー服着用 射精管理 アナルバイブ使用 断面図表現 などがあります。 ※「苦学生斗真くんのグレーなバイト2.5」の続編になりますが、本作単体でもお楽しみいただけます。 【登場人物】 ・逢沢斗真(おうさわとうま)【受】 CV:京竜 太郎 都内の大学へ通う大学生。大家族の長男。 学費と生活費のためにあやしげな バイトにホイホイされてしまう。 ・おじさん【攻】 CV:ツチノコ パパ活サイトで知り合ったあやしいおじさん。 【CAST】 京竜 太郎 ツチノコ 白雲空 天宮 ありす Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01307845.html Please help to read more of description on DLsite as I've been being quite lazy to put them all here :) Download Password ENJOY FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD MY FILES ANYWHERE UNLESS IT’S YOURS. BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM. THANK YOU!59 points
作品紹介 ■総時間1時間55分+フリートーク ちょっと人には言いづらいけれど、今までの人生できっと一番の恋をしてる。 そんな「オトナ」の恋を覗いてみませんか……? 仕事は順調、まだローンは返済中で中古だがリフォーム済みの一軒家に住んでいる。 そんなささやかな日々を送る良川海鈴に歳下の……少し訳ありな恋人が出来た。 相手は四年前に不慮の事故で離婚前日に不倫相手と共に亡くなった妻の弟。 「今日から普通の恋人になりたいです」 妻の四回目の命日、共に墓参りをした帰りにそう告げられ……二人のぎこちなくも、少しずつ傷を癒すような優しい、互いを想う恋人としての日々が始まった……。 ■キャラクター 受け:良川海鈴(よしかわみすず) CV:鷹取レイジ 様 年齢34 身長180 職業化粧品メーカー広報 新卒から務めている有名化粧品メーカーにて広報職に就いている会社員。 現在は自宅に 職場柄、美容や服装に気を使うこともあって年齢よりも若く見られることが多い。 29歳の頃に離婚直前であった妻を亡くし、縁を切ってあげられないまま別離したことを悔やんでいる。 妻の弟であった郁哉とは妻と交際中から交流があり、兄のように慕ってくれる彼のことをとても可愛がっていたが想いを告げられてから距離を置くようになった。 しかし妻の死後、時間が経つにつれ彼の自分を想う気持ちに心が解け始め、三回忌を終えた後から少しずつ心も体も許し始める。 その事に何処か罪悪感を感じていたが四年目の春、普通の恋人同士になりたいと言われてから少し心境が変わり始め……。 攻め:萩原 郁哉(はぎわらいくや) 年齢 25歳 身長 186 職業:造園業 子供の頃に見た異国の庭に憧れて造園業を志し、現在は空間デザインメーカーにて施工から設計まで幅広く学びつつ働いている生真面目な青年。 海鈴を裏切り続ける姉に苛立っていた矢先、不慮の事故で姉に「逃げられて」しまってやり場のない気持ちを抱え続けていたが、自分の気持ちに嘘を吐けず海鈴に告白し、何度目かの告白で受け入れられる。 しかし何処か申し訳なさそうな、悲しげな海鈴を見て辛くなり、姉の四回忌をきっかけに「普通の恋人同士になりたい」と提案をし…… DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01309690.html MEGA:https://mega.nz/file/tz1zmIxS58 points
This is the second link from my previous post. Enjoy! DL site: Link: Please refrain from sharing my links with others especially outside of the forum. If any links need to be updated , I will gladly do so. Thank you!58 points
来世もどうせ愛してる / とまぜ & 久松エイト 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!58 points
僕の完璧な恋人 / 雨隠ギド 2020 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!57 points
吸血鬼はパリピ男子が趣味じゃない / びーたま 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!57 points
嘘つきギズモ / ニャオスキー 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!57 points
彼は女王さま / のびのび 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!57 points
【Live2Dアニメ】生徒指導〜生意気DKにお仕置き分からせSEX〜 Story: 裕太郎は服を着崩していたことが原因で、教師に呼び出される。 呼び出されても尚、反抗的な態度をとる裕太郎に、教師は【教育的指導】を行う。 最初は訳が分からず戸惑いながらも抵抗する裕太郎だったが、 次第に教師の行う指導の気持ちよさに溺れていく。 名前:裕太郎 生意気な男子高校生。部活で鍛えており良い体つきをしている。 服を着崩していたことが原因で教師から目をつけられ、 生徒指導と称して、陵○されることに── CV:水斗累 教師 筋肉質な体育教師。裕太郎が服を着崩していることにかこつけて、 生徒指導と称し、自身の手練手管を駆使し、裕太郎を快楽落ちさせていく。 CV:小次狼 Mega Link: Password: Original DL link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01232348.html (No worries about the Chinese characters in video, because that's the way the poster let people notice it's her shared files!) Because I got the poster's permission, so I can and I will share some more if my mega storage fits56 points
不時着ハッピーエンド / 寝巻マキ 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!56 points
Hey guys, today is the second day. I'll share my collection based on my plan. I found out Shirobara Rei has a good voice when he's voicing for uke but he usually voiced for seme side. Gimme more Shirobara Rei uke!!!!! Tomorrow I'll be sharing→ド陰キャ配信者くん(処女童貞)落札しました!~フェラからの流されえっちでめろめろイキまくりとかチョロすぎん!?~ Stay Tune & Happy CNY! ご主人様は黒豹執事の生ラブドールをご所望です ~薬で全身開発されてどスケベオナホまんこにしていただきました~ Synopsis 主人様から薬の試飲を頼まれた豹間颯斗、戸惑いつつも承諾する事にしたが、主人の目的は自分専用の生ラブドールを作る事だった。どんどん歩くなり作り変えられていく体に戸惑いつつもその果てしない快楽に溺れていく。 Content Live 2D Animation 23分38秒 Audio Track 23分30秒 * Free Talk 9分33秒 * (* Will not be shared) I'll be sharing only for the mp3 version for main content. For wav file & extra content, please support the original work. !! P𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 !! DOWNLOAD Link will be removed w/o prior notice. Please support the original work here: https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01316667.html55 points
Enjoy! Release date: Jan/17/2025 Cast: Tetsuto Furukawa / Dokkoi Shoichi Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01307643.html LEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · From now onwards, the link will be lasting for 1 week and removed without prior notice · I will re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads. Your comments will be quoted in re-uploading then · Some of my files were randomly modified with sound effects that may let me realize in case it is reposted elsewhere · To anyone who managed to download this, please enjoy yourself. DO NOT re-upload/ re-share my files anywhere (even inside the forum). If you want to re-up/re-share anything, kindly use on your own purchase and make sure that you can prove it · I’ve made my humble efforts to keep sharing on this forum regardless of unexpected incidents that I’ve been well-versed and observing in those, so please understand and follow these basic rules. Thank you & enjoy! DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MediaFire To see all latest sharings, click HERE FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT RE-SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD/ DISTRIBUTE BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM55 points
こんなの、好きにならないわけがない / 水谷あや 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!55 points
そして、海に日が昇る / かれい煮太郎 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!55 points
男子高校生、はじめての 4th season Original titile: Danshi Koukou Sei, Hajimeteno 4th season Author: GINGER BERRY Artist: Hashimoto Mitsu Year of release: 2022 LINK You can use this for translation purpose, Just meantion me as QNN as a RAW provider, HAVE A FUN TIME READING53 points
インカミングコール・ラバーズ / 鶴子 2024 3 days only! Will not re-upload after deadline. For personal enjoyment only. Please don't re-upload or share it anywhere!52 points