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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Julius felt a soft smile play on his face as Yukie began to explain the futur he wished for their relationship to be like. "I want that" he agreed with the other. His chest tickled and he felt warm inside as his heart seemed to speed up abit.

He couldn't help but blushas he leaned over and kiss Yukie sweetly "I want to spent forever with you too" he felt good and giggly inside. His skin had started to prikkle all the way from his toes to his head.. he was becoming more and more aware of his attraction to the demon. Especially here now.. Julius blushed even harder as he tried his hardest to remain calm.

"Um.. " he tried to clear his throat embarressed as the heat growing in his stomach. The water was so clear he could see every little thing of his mate's gorgeous body.

Julius cursed at himself for being such a horndog. They had been together just right up till this morning but he still felt as if it had been weeks ago. The witch looked back at Yukie then blushed as he looked away again.

"Mn I think the warmth is getting to me.." Julius said as he tried to cover his crotch so Yukie wouldn't see the growing boner.

Wasn't this herb mix suppose to be relaxing?He didn't feel any of that effect. And Yukie was tired. He wouldn't tire him out even more simply because he couldn't keep him naughty thought to himself.

".. I'll just.. wait for you to finish your bath" Julius said as he dock his head embarressed and turned around in the water to crawl out.


Yumro chuckled alonge with Haruhi as the walked slowly. As the reached the staires he already knew Haru was there waiting as he sensed the boy before he heard him.

On 9/8/2022 at 12:26 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

”Gross. They where right on the smooching.” 

Yumro smiled as he found the young once words funny. He pulled Haruhi in against him even closer and placed a kiss on him. "Mnh yes, we are so lovey dovy" he said with no shame in the world. Haruhi was gonna become his mate. The smooching would only get worse once they'd actually bonded in bed. Atleast Yumro knew he would grow even more obsessed with his little cute centaur.

On 9/8/2022 at 12:26 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Can we go to the bookstore in town? I found a book I want to get” 

Yumro lifted n eyebrow. Didn't he just go yesterday?. He thought to himself.

"Haruhi isn't well enough to go, and he dosen't want to he carried" he said the last part simply to tease Haruhi abit. "Can't you just order it online?" He asked the kid. "You can borrow my card and buy whatever you want." It wouldn't effect him no matter how much Haru spent on book.

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“You don’t need to tuck your tail and run. It’s natural to want to fuck often.” Yukie mumbled as he sat up a little amused by how Julius was trying to sneak away. “Your heartbeat sped up a little, kinda silly to leave after the fuss you gave me to be in here with me.” Yukie explained as he chuckled before grabbing Julius’s waist allowing his hands to snake around his mates waist hungrily. “Don’t you dare sneak away on me over these urges” Yukie whispered playfully with a devious smile as he pulled Julius into his lap the water splashing around them. Holding Julius closer Yukie nuzzled into his lovers neck for a moment. “What exactly got your heart racing? I need to know for future baths” Yukie asked as he looked at Julius with a chuckle. 

Making a face at thought of Yumro and Haruhi smooching even more Haru let out a little huff of disgust. “Mum is always sick. Normally I wouldn’t even bother asking…The shop sells more then just this book, but Im looking specifically for an older version that’s not heavily edited. I only came to ask because Yukie is busy and the servants are all gone. Not only that I was ordered by Yukie to not leave the house or set it on fire” Haru replied as he looked at the two clear annoyance on his face. “Not in that order though.” Haru grumbled as he looked at the two and sighed. “I’ll figure it out. I’m sure I can make a portal there or call hunter or rose to take me.” Haru added as he stormed off feeling foolish for waiting for so long when in his mind Haruhi was always busy anyway.

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Julius's skin felt even warmer where Yukie's arms touched him. "I'm not running, and you should be resting." Julius said embarressed as he tried to pull Yukie's hands away. But then he was pulled back down. He utted a small humf as he landed against Yukie's chest. oh god' Julius groaned on the inside. His lover's warm scent filled his nose along with the sweet herb smell.

1 hour ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“What exactly got your heart racing? I need to know for future baths”

Julius looked back at his lover, he was both annoyed and turned on by how persistent he was on hearing him out.

".. maybe I allergic to some of the herbs in the water.. or" Julius paused as he licked his bottom lip."Maybe we should bath together dressed from now on. I know this demon guy who is.. not bad looking. He is both whise, sweet and gentle. And when I am alone with him and really sees him... my mind starts to thing about naughty things.." Julius slowly turned his body around as he spoke. Til his was sitting face to face with Yukie in the male's lap.


2 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“I was ordered by Yukie to not leave the house or set it on fire.. Not in that order though.” 

"There you have it then" Yumro shrugged his should. "You aren't leaving the house for tonight" Yumro replied just as Haru stormed off. 'Keep an eye on him' he mind-linked a shadow whom soon flew out of Yumro's  own shadow and followed after haru without the boy knowing.

"We should make that boy his own library and set it so all the books changes once a weak to new once." Yumro said to Haruhi although he knew the reason why Haru liked books do much was because he was lonely.

"Maybe you were to become a house-husband once we move? Haru misses you and with everything he would like to simply just see and talk to you. I know when I started school I loved having Ren there when I came home.. of coures it's your choice and I know you are concerned about him. But Haruhi your son loves you and I know you love him." 

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”I see well, maybe this demon guy doesn’t mind you thinking such naughty things. I’m sure he will be more careful in the future to think about your comfort in such settings.” Yukie replied as he rested his hands on Julius’s hips his fingers dancing across his mates flesh. “If it helps I know of an equally maddening and seductive witch. This witch he doesn’t see how cute and amazing to be around he is it’s intoxicating. Drives me mad with how much I want to ensnare him in my arms and bed and never let him leave, his very presence is so comforting it’s terrifying when he leaves. But when he does it even more cute seeing the world light up in his presence the whole world seems to thrive when he’s around it’s breathtaking.” Yukie whispered back as he gently kissed Julius’s neck lovingly. “You should seriously punish the demon guy though being such a flirt and so shamelessly undressing all the time in front of you. It’s as if he’s wanting to cause a scene with you to make you blush and become embarrassed and aroused.” Yukie teased with a smirk continuing to kiss up Julius’s neck until he reached an ear lobe to nibble.


“please we need to have an intervention he’s got three rooms in this house bigger then Yukies dedicated to his mountain of books” Haruhi replied not liking that Haru was upset but well, the thought of traveling right now sounded awful. “I wouldn’t mind being home more. I know he would love having me around it’s something I planned on once I settle down more. If it wasn’t for me helping run the house here I wouldn’t have to split my time so much. I’ve been talking with dad about retiring…maybe moving to something easier to manage and leaving all of this place behind.” Haruhi explained having been trying for the last month to get Yukie to listen to his health and the fact that he was exhausting everyone with keeping up with the household to make his work work. “Honestly the repairs alone for the Nannie’s take hours.” Haruhi admitted as he continued slowly walking up the stairs having an easier time since he had a railing. “I want to put my family first, can’t do that if I’m always running the house in Yukies absence I mean it’s crazy to live somewhere where hundreds of people can live when there’s only four people full time here” Haruhi grumbled as he took a moment to breathe only having made it three steps. Letting out a sigh Haruhi held out his arms wishing to be carried the rest of the way.

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Goosh.. Julius felt the blushe rush to his ears. "How can I punish him, when I love you so much.." The witch said as he looked down at Yukie's chest where his had his hands. He caressed it slowly..


13 minutes ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

Letting out a sigh Haruhi held out his arms wishing to be carried the rest of the way.

Yumro smiled as he was only waiting gor the other to quite being so stuborn and gladely lifted him back into his arms, with a kiss to Winston's jaw. "Our hours is easier to manage than any of my father's. I don't want servants around but a few people coming in to clean is okay for me. And I will want you close once we've mated... is something about wolfs getting really territorial in their honeymoon period... I don't want you to be scared that I will be wanting to  controle you. Is just that I would wanna beat up evey man whom looks at you with complet rage"

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“Mmh fair point it would be to cruel.” Yukie replied as he gently kissed Julius’s lips. Pulling his mate closer Yukie kissed Julius’s a little deeper before letting him go the demon almost breathless. “But he still needs to make up for making you overly aroused.” Yukie admitted with a smirk as he looked at Julius still able to see all of him. “If you desire I can show you just how long I can hold my breath~” Yukie offered his voice playful as he let his hand reach down so his fingertips could graze Julius’s cock.


“I know there are wolf demons I’ve met some but they stay well hidden even more so then the spiders. I don’t know much about what your taking about when it comes to mates or that stuff. Honestly that side of you you take after ren…and I don’t really remember him.” Haruhi explained his voice quite sad at the thought. “I was rather young when I started living here. And well I didn’t really get to know him before everything went downhill. I’ve seen pictures that Yukie keeps tucked away but well…how do you know that side of you that he must have had. That wolf side.” Haruhi asked gently his intentions purely curious since he knew nothing about that side of the family and that side of his lover.

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"Mn..nh" Julius hummed in delight as yukie kiss him. The other's lips felt so good and made heart beat more wildly. He pushed himself close to yukie to feel more of him. His lips moved and parted when Yukie wanted access and Julius groaned in respons. His cock throbbed harder between his legs and he was reminded of it again.

On 9/11/2022 at 10:21 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“If you desire I can show you just how long I can hold my breath~”

"Ah~" Julius shivered as Yukie's fingertips touched him. His face was bettle red by now. He wanted what yukie suggested but still feel guilty about it because he knew jow tired his lover was.

"..." he looked up into Yukie's eyes as he nippled on his lip. It was still tingling from their kiss. "Just don't push yourself.." he couldn't even have blushed any harder even if he had tried.


"I learned it by instinct most things. My wolf inheritance didn't fill up as much when he was alive but my mom told me bits and pieces. As I grew into puberty I felt most of the things on my own body... I've never actually meet other wolfs but I know about them from rumors." Yumro explained as he carried Haruhi to his room. He the door opened as he came near and closed again as they entered.

Yumro walked over to the bed and said down with Haruhi across his lap.

"I just know things about my second natur. Like why do a newborn gazelle try to get up on his feet immediately after birth? Instinct.... And I might have watchs lots of documentaries about wolfs to explain so of the things I've experienced. Like... did you know wolfs only ever chooses one mate for their entire life..to me that explained why I couldn't just simply move on and find someone else. And it explained why I was constantly angry and hurting even years after you left." Yumro caressed Haruhi's neck and kissed him softly. "You are the only one for me"

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“Oh trust me I’ll be fine. I can change only parts of me. “ Yukie teased as he sank into the water his body changing to allow him gills so he had no real reason to need air. Moving closer to Julius he took his cock in his mouth before happily sucking Julius off. Breathing in the medicated bath out Yukie at ease the medicine working it’s way inside to help heal his exhausted body.


 “I regret hurting you for so long.” Haruhi whispered his voice saddened at his regret. “It must have been so confusing. Learning everything on your own” Haruhi mumbled as he snuggled into Yumros chest trying to move on from his mistakes and look forward for how he could be there for Yumro to make up for leaving. “Anything I should really know about that side of you?” Haruhi asked curiously not really knowing a lot about his mate. “You know since…we are a little bit like strangers to each other.” Haruhi admitted with an embarrassed blush.

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On 9/14/2022 at 7:24 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Oh trust me I’ll be fine. I can change only parts of me. “

"Th-That wasn't w-what I- I meant!" Julius studdered as yukie sank under the water. He felt so weird as he felt Yukie's hands and gasped as he felt yukie take him into his mouth.

"Ah...ngh...Y-Yukie..ah..nga....sh..mnh!" Julius didn't know what to do. He could see Yukie's beautiful white hair floating in the water like seaweed right between his legs. His cock throbbed against yukie tongue and his skin shivered with very move of his mouth. He tried holding his voice back and grabbed a firm hold on each side of the tub. Is body was already warm from the bath but now he started to feel like he was sweating in tje water.

Yukie's mouth ate him up in the most pleasurable way. Julius's red face reflected how split he felt. It was embarressed and exiting all at once. He felt like this was also partly Yukie's fault, he made him develope some weird kinks.


"I don't blame you and we can't change the past" Yumro nuzzled his nose against Haruhi's cheek as the two of them cuddled.

On 9/14/2022 at 7:24 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Anything I should really know about that side of you? since…we are a little bit like strangers to each other.” 

That didn't seem to sit right with him. He didn't wanna Haruhi to see him as a stranger.

"Anything... well I don't snore or sleepwalk and I'm houseclean when in my other skin. I leave the toilet seat up and I'm a sucker for waffels.. the rest I guess you'll just have to learn yourself."

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Smirking Yukie continued to pleasure Julius enjoying every second of fun. Pulling Julius loser Yukies tail swished playfully as he was clearly enjoying their sexy time together. Groaning happily under the water the demon continued to work at Julius’s cock milking every last drop from the poor witches body. Reaching down to his own member Yukie worked on getting himself off alongside his mate.


“I see, it’s interesting…those small tidbits” Haruhi mumbled with a blush as he smiled at Yumro. “Not really much to go off of”  Haruhi teased as he snuggled into Yumro. “Waiting until we live together might  be a touch harder I mean I don’t plan on us moving out for at least a month at most. I mean we have to pack and tie up some loose ends back here. So….what’s your favorite color? Do you have a favorite book?” Haruhi asked wanting to soak up all of the information he could about Yumro since it would truly be a bit before they where fully ready to move.

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He could feel Yukie smile around him. He was enjoying this and Julius almost wanted to pinch him for being so mischievous.

Julius felt Yukie's hand pulled him in. His arms tensed and fought the other back. The pulled got stonger and Julius was lossing the strenght in his arms the closer he got. Suddenly his grib slipped and the witch felt himself tilt backwards and felt with a splash into the water. The tube was quite long although not wide and could easily fit two grown adults. Julius's head went back up again to drew in air. "W-wait" he said out as he placed his hand on Yukie's head to maje him stop. He felt a ach at the back of his head where his head had hit the tube wall. He properly would get a bump there after this but he didn't really care about that.

He pulled Yukie's face up and pulled the half turned merman up to him. "Hehe you pull too hard babe. Thank you for the amazing blowjob.. but I want us both to feel good here" Julius's body sank as he pulled Yukie ontop of him. He pressed his lips to Yukie's and kissed his deeply while his free hand took both of there members and began to rub them. "Ngh..nh....uh" Julius moaned into Yukie's hot mouth that tasted of mint and salt. He knew what that last thing was but wasn't disgusted about tasting himself in Yukie's mouth. It anything it was quite the turn on


"Tidbits huh.." Yumro looked at the other with a face suprised look and held a hand to his dramatically.  "I just told you my deepest dark secrets"  But he couldn't entirly keep the laugher out of his voice.

24 minutes ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

"So….what’s your favorite color? Do you have a favorite book?” 

Yumro was actually a bit suprised Haruhi did know that first one. Since they had grown up together but of coures he might think his tast had change since back then. "It's red.." he answered after a moment. "And I don't really do books. I'm more a movie kind of guy. What about you? If anything I know just whom Haru got his bookworm abilities from.  You always had your nose deeply buried in those things..." But like everything they had both changed with time."I remember you used to like yellow and green when we were little.. what is your favorit color now?.. and what is your favorit food?"

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“Mmh spoiling my fun~” Yukie teased as he sighed and nuzzled into Julius’s neck. Kissing back Yukie eventually broke for air his body trembling as he was touched and stroked. “So naughty~ teasing and touching me like this” Yukie whispered his voice shaking as he blushed red his body burning in pleasure. “Did you know…mermaids are really sensitive about faint their tails and touched? Whole tail is filled with so many nerves that even just a brush of fingers is enough to turn them on.” Yukie explained as he pushed a touch against Julius’s hand enjoying being stroked.


“red?” Haruhi asked himself more so curious about the choice as he smiled. Ashen Yumro revealed enjoying movies more then books Haruhi couldn’t help bus stifle a chuckle at the thought of Yumro sitting through a movie and not fidgeting. “Well, I read when I have time, and I feel Haru gets his love of books from me.” Haruhi admitted with a deepening blush. “As for colors…well, I kinda like jade green. And the color pink preferably the color of cherry blossoms.” Haruhi mumbled embarrassed to admit he liked such feminine colors to Yumro who seemed so manly. “Food wise. Well, I like sweets and non meat dishes. I’m not a fan of eating meat all the time but I can, depends on how much energy I’m burning. My favorite thing is the sweets from a bakery back home, they where made by a sweet elderly woman, when I was pregnant I would eat so many of them daily…The bread and sweets would basically melt in your mouth. I believe her granddaughter runs the shop now if it’s still in business. ” Haruhi explained as he blushed even more talking about such things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now Julius smiled mischievous. "Really? Is it that sensitiv?.. maybe it that’s why mermaids has such a bad reputation with sailors.. in thruth they just long to be touch" Julius chuckled as he ran his free hand over Yukie's scales. It felt like the fish skin he had touched in the past but only Yukie was warm, and not slimy.


Julius moaned and bite down on his lip, when Yukie pushed into him making him squeezed both of them a little tighter. "Horny fishy ngh.." Julius blushed and looked into Yukie's equal red face.

He rubbed them harder as he thought that was what Yukie wanted him to do.



"It's not feminine colors. They are pretty too and we live in a age where people don't care about those things. Heck red isn't even a real 'boy' color either. I like looking at cherry blossoms too and I wouldn't mind it if our bedroom was painted that green either. I like red but not on a wall, that’s abit too much in my tast." 

"I might disgust with my meals though. Cause I eat alot in a single setting, I like meat but I eat health vegetables too. Mnh and who doesn't like sweets. I like baged godess and chocolade. But not jelly candy or liquorice. I've never made a cake before in my life but I'll try my best to win your heart over and try. Or maybe we could go to that bakery and we could make it a date?"



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“Can’t help being such a horny fish. This form is just so sensitive to everything. I can feel you moving in the water.” Yukie mumbled as he moaned his body feeling sparks of electricity as Julius continued to stroke their cocks. “As for sailors…I think your right mermaids live in the deeper waters only coming up to the surface to mate or find mates. Being with someone so warm and under the sun I’m sure the sailors where intoxicating to be around. I wouldn’t blame any of them for taking them back home.” Yukie admitted as he let out a small moan his body dangerously close to cumming.


“Mmh it’s back in the centaur village and I’m not exactly welcome back. If I set foot there I’m on trial for execution. You know part of pissing off the elder by blinding his son in one eye.” Haruhi explained as he shrugged not really phased with having a bounty on his head. “Long as we stay outside of their area they can’t do anything.” He added with a frown before looking at Yumro the centaurs mind wandering like normal. “Will I need to learn to cook for you?” Haruhi asked curious if he would be needing to learn more meat recipes. “I know how to cook some meat but I am lacking in some cooking skills.” Haruhi admitted with a small blush.

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"So..do you feel the urge to dragging me with you. Deep down to your lair?" Julius teased with a flusthered smile and chuckled. He still remember last time Yukie had actually tried to drown him. Only Julius couldn't drown, it was a witch thing.

Back in the old days the were actually right about that one. The witch wouldn't drown in water. They usally had enoughtime to cast a spell, but they did burn since fire was quick and consumed everything.

Julius panted as he felt himself getting close. "Mnh..nh" he moaned and pressed his eyes shut. "Hm..ah.. I'm...ah..I'm..so close" the witch shivered in pleasure and his cock twitched as his hands stroke down the lenght.

"Mnnh.. cuming!"


"Then I could go and bring them back for you." Yumro offered instead and leaned in to kiss Haruhi's forhead. "They would be beyon foolish if they tried anything with me." The demon grined for himself so Haruhi couldn't see.

3 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Will I need to learn to cook for you? ...I know how to cook some meat but I am lacking in some cooking skills.” 

"... you wouldn't haft to do anything you don't want. But I most admit.. I would love to eat your cooking from time to time" Yumro smiled as he looked into Haruhi's beautiful eyes. He had no doubt he would love it even if Haruhi only knew how to cook salat.

He kissed Haruhi's cheek, chin and then lips lightly as he cuddle rhe other closer. "I'm used to having my meals brought in from a place outside, if I'm not just dinning out. But I can cook basic recipes myself" he annonced proudly with a loning look in his eyes. "Just didn't have anymore special to cook for. Who knows. Maybe you'll grow used to breakfast in bed every morning" Yumro said with a hint of a groan behind his words.

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“Fighting the urge to~” Yukie teased back as a moan escaped his lips. Groaning happily Yukie shivered as he clung all the tighter to Julius’s body. Yukie was on cloud nine his body burning and screaming happily in orgasm as he painted his lovers stomach. Taking on a few steady breaths Yukie was seeing stars as he rested his head on Julius shoulder. “Your breathtaking in every way and for every form for me.” Yukie whispered still surprised by the fact that every form of his was intoxicated by every inch of Julius.


“Mmh bringing me sweets and feeding me in bed all the time wouldn’t be healthy.” Haruhi admitted with a blush absolutely smitten by how loving Yumro was being towards him. “The thought of being with you…it’s so exciting.” Haruhi admitted with a blush as he smiled at Yumro clearly looking forward to going into their new life together. “Though the thought of living with you forever sounds amazing. Honestly I wish it could be sooner” Haruhi mumbled with a reddening blush as he snuggled into Yumro lovingly wanting to just melt into his arms.

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Still riding on the high of his orgasm Julius leaned back and let his arms wrap around Yukie to pull him closer. He nuzzled his face against Yukie's hair. "You are also quite charming in every way I see you" Julius whispered next to Yukie's ear and caressed the other's neck. "You excites me.. which you've obviously found out.. if not before then surely now.. and.. my love for is real. It wouldn't change even if you grow be it tail, fangs, horns or wings. This here" Julius's hand pressed against Yukie's chest. "Is what I love the most about you"


Yumro squeezed Haruhi tighter in his arms. "I wish the exact same. The moment you are well enough I want to start building our lives together. Both physical and mentally.." his eyes darkened a bit with a lustful yearning. He wanted to state his claim to this man now. To mark Haruhi as his. To love as savor his forever beloved.

"It takes everything in me just to hold myself back. But I will not hurt you.. not ever.. you are my futur and my dream.. and when you become mine, my world will be perfect" Yumro said ashe leaned back slowly on the bed, taking Haruhi with him. He pulled a blanket over them both and held Haruhi in a gentle embrace. "For now.. rest"

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Blushing red Yukie was embarrassed by Julius’s words that only melted his heart. “Your to kind saying such things” Yukie mumbled as he kissed Julius’s lips before moving away and easily changed back to normal so he could get out of the bath. “Why don’t we rest? I need a nap after our herbal bath.” Yukie mumbled his face and ears burning in clear embarrassment as he walked over to a dresser to grab the towels off the top. Walking back he held one out of Julius still being overly shy.


“sleep is for the weak” Haruhi grumbled in a small protest as he snuggled more into Yumro not even wanting to fight his need for rest. “Tell me…what does becoming mine mean?” Haruhi asked half awake the male genuinely curious but also just wanting to hear Yumro talk until he fell asleep. “You keep talking about it like it’s a ritual…are you going to brand or tattoo me?” Haruhi asked as he looked up sleepily at Yumro.

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Julius stood and took the towel. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Are you embarressed now Yukie? Just after telling me not to be" he smiled as he patted himself dry and hung the towel around his hips. "You are such a hypocrite. I can't be shy about my body. But you can be shy when I praise you.. That's not fair" Julius giggled as he kissed Yukie's ear and raced passed him to get to the bed first.

He wasn't as tired as yukie but he wasn't gonna pass up a chance to snuggled with his boyfriend.


21 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Tell me…what does becoming mine mean?” 

Yumro's eyed were almost black as Haruhi asked him.

"When I claim you. I'm gonna bite your neck" he rubbed the side of Haruhi's neck with his hand. "Right here, when we orgasm through penetrating sex. When I bite you, my saliva will mix with your blood  and a small mark should apear at your nape. That make will prove to other that you belong to me. And make me bonded to you." His voice was mellow, round and deep as he explained the finer details.

"I've never given my bite to anyone so I don't exactly know what it would feel like.. but from what I've heard it shouldn't hurt too bad compared to the pleasure. Apparently the mating bite itself should be enjoyable"

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“Unlike my feelings your beauty is something to not be embarrassed about. Feeling all flustered and like this…it’s not always pretty.” Yukie mumbled trying his best to explain that he didn’t view his strong emotions the same as he viewed his mates beauty. Crawling into bed Yukie snuggled beside Julius the bed basically melting around his tiered body. “I forgot how soft my bed was at home.” Yukie mumbled sleepily having not slept in his ginormous bed in awhile. 


“Mmh…I see if it hurts do I get to punish you?” Haruhi asked teasing a little but underneath his teasing it was clear he was unsure if such a commitment was something Yumro would really want when the time came. “I mean I’m not really into that kinky stuff but I’m sure it will hurt to some degree since you have fangs.” Haruhi added his face half buried in the pillow as he looked at Yumro for a moment.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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Julius rolled his eyes. They weren't getting anywhere with this conversation. Julius was modest and self-aware of his body. Yukie was just plain shy because not everyone accepted him. 

He chose not to press the topic futher as his tired lover dragged himself to bed and crawled into his arms.

On 10/7/2022 at 12:34 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“I forgot how soft my bed was at home.”

"Mhn.. is a very comfortable bed" Julius agreed as their bodies tangled against eachother. One leg there, another here. They got quite comfortable in eachothers  embraced. "Sleep my love. You can rest here with me. I will not leave your side for the rest of the night" Julius told him as he gently kissed each of Yukie's closed eyelids.

He pulled a blanket over both of them. Although both were still warm after their bath. They way their naked skin was freely exposed to their surroundings would eventually cool them down.


Yumro laughed. He hadn't expected Haruhi to deman the right to punish him after. He pulled the centaur closer and lay his head on the same pillow Haruhi had partly buried his in.

"I will only need to do it once so don't worry. I wouldn't run about biting you now and then. Not unless you want me to" Yumro smirked as he caressed the other's ear with the stroke of his fingers. "I bet you can handle a little pain. You who is so strong and smart. You know I wouldn't hurt you unless I had too.. but if you want you kan punish me however you'd like. I'll forgive almost anything you could do as long.. as you are my mine" he whispered with a soothing voice. Trying to tire the other.

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“Mmh unless the witchy council call for your aid. You’ll have to turn some pumpkins into warriors then.” Yukie mumbled with a small laugh amused by his own little idea. “Haru would get a kick out of that if you told him it was real.” Yukie added with a yawn as he snuggled down more before instantly falling asleep his body breathing deeply as he slept.


“Only once…yeah right haven’t you heard that once a demon gets a taste for blood that’s all they want?” Haruhi teased playfully as he opened an eye and smirked. “I’d be covered in little bite marks weekly.” Haruhi mumbled snuggling more into Yumro as he tried to cement his lovers scent into memory. Letting out a small yawn it was clear Haruhi was almost out and within ten minutes the centaur was out cold peacefully sleeping away.

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Julius smiled at the poor joke the tired demon fished up. He gently touched the other's forhead with his own and closed his eyes aswell. Sleep didn't tske hold of him right away so he could enjoy the calm breathing of the other.


"Maybe I might nipple a little on you from time to time" Yumro shrugged amused. He didn't think he had the exact same craving for blood like the other demons in the family. At least not entirly in the same way. But he wanted to spare Haruhi that knowledge.

Right now he simply focused on the pleasure in life. It have his chooses one snuggling up to him and drew in Yumro's scent calmly was such a precious moment.

He watched the other sleep for quite a while. Never taking his eyes of his beautiful futur mate. Even if Haruhi still seemed to have doubts Yumro had never doubt the pull he alway had felt to the centaur. Haruhi didn't even realize just how much crontrole he had over him. There wasn't a thing Yumro wouldn't do for Haruhi.

Quiting the drugs was the easy part. Deling with his dealer...wasn't gonna be without some sacrifices. Yumro didn't fear many people. He respected his father and both respected and feared his grandpa.. but Fairy.. he feared that person more that even a billion year old grimwalker. 

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Yukie was out cold for the night, the occasional mumbling passing through his lips. Every now and then he would turn or nuzzle closer to Julius mumbling his lovers name or random mumbled words causing the house to glow and move around as his words caused things around to shift every now and then. Sitting up for a moment Yukie looked around before rubbing his eyes still out cold but basically sleepwalking as he looked at the wall the shadows swirling around.


Haruhi mumbling in his sleep frowned at the soft knocking on their door. Haru waiting patiently outside their room as he sat holding a flashlight and a book waiting for Haruhi or Yumro to come out or at least answer him.

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Julius kept feeling Yukie stur restlessly beside him. He could heard him mumbled a few times but was still haft asleep to really hear it. And before it could bother him enough to wake Yukie stopped and cuddle against him again.

Julius was by no means a light sleeper but the way the demon kept moving around was damn well annoying. Suddenly Julius was thrown right back out of dream land as the bed dipped beside him. He groaned at Yukie for being so damn restless. Not even children was this bad he thought to himself as he turned on his back and looked up at the other tired.

"Yukie is not okay to rearrange the house when people are asleep." He comented as sat up. To him Yukie seemed like himself. But then again the demon had always done things that was strang to him.

Julius reached in and touch the other's chin. The room was bright enough for him to make ot the frame of the other's face.

"Come back to bed" Julius said as he pressed two fingers against Yukie's lips to stop his chanting. "Don't make me tire you out again, cause I will! if you as gonne ruin even my sleep." The witch chuckled.


Yumro turned his head to the door at the first knock. He slid out of bed and quietly went to open the door.

"Hey Cookie whats up?" He whispered as he held the door so they wouldn't wake Haru. "Haruhi is asleep so we haft to be quite" he said and invited the boy into the room.

He was actually really adorable standing there with a big book and his disney flashligh. He reminded him so much of a younger Haruhi.

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