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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Go ahead my darling~” Yukie whispered as he moaned at the sudden increase in desperation that he could feel from Julius. Yukie moaning even more pulled Julius all the closer as his cock burning with arousal finally came shooting heavy amounts of cum inside of Julius. Letting out a small sigh Yukie tried to catch his breath as he snuggled into Julius refusing to let him go anytime soon.


“I’d rather walk and rip stitches. It’s bad enough you have to carry me everywhere.” Haruhi replied annoyed with a semi angry huff the poor centaur feeling rather helpless at the moment. Sighing softly Haruhi took a few moments to process and calm down before he looked at Yumros face and, slowly got up and sat down his face burning red. “You only get your way until I’m healed….after that we will properly bicker…about this caring stuff” Haruhi mumbled his heart secretly melting when he he looked at Yumros face. Haruhi of course refused to look at Yumro again due to being weak willed when it came to his mate and also out of embarrassment since he had always had to be self reliant and strong and didn’t usually ask or need help. It was a hard transition for Haruhi who knew Yumro was only thinking about him and being caring.


“Yeah….I…I made one for you at one point.” Haru admitted with a shy blush as he went to his closet and pulled out a pretty black box with a gold intricate pattern. “I was to shy to give it to you…and well I planned on offering it if I went away to school that way you could join me, but now you have a body so…” Haru explained as he opened the box the little doll clearly made with much more effort to where it was almost a work of art. “It’s made out of porcelain, and the hair is soft and real it’s rabbit. The eyes are pretty realistic and can change color and it’s held together with super strong spider silk, not only that at this point with as much as I’ve worked with it, it’s pretty indestructible. And it has moveable ball joints unlike the others. It took  a year to make.” Haru explained rambling on his face growing redder as he explained.

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Julius ass clenched down on the other as he felt his own orgasm coming. The witch's shoulders trembled as he painted Yukie's stomach. He moaned in a high pitched tone that even he couldn't crontrole. His legs gave out just as he felt Yukie burst inside and the witch's cock throbbed with each pump. "Mh.. um... ah..ah..ngh" Julius fell down on top of Yukie's chest while his body still shivered from his orgasm. He panted against Yukie's neck as the other pulled his arms up around him and rolled them to the side. "Julius whimpered with a tired moan as Yukie's wet cock slid out of him. He could felt the emty wetness between his buttcheeks but the heat of Yukie's fluid was still there.

Julius's smile was content as he closed his eyes an suddenly dozed off in his lover's arms.


On 11/20/2022 at 9:23 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“You only get your way until I’m healed….after that we will properly bicker…about this caring stuff”

Yumro beamed with his most charming smile, happy that he seemed to have won over whatever was happening inside his beautiful mate's head. The way he was quick to anger and then suddenly calmed only to refused to look at him while doing just as he had request was so adorable.

"Don't worry my love." Yumro said as he leaned down to have his lips close to Haruhi's ear. "When you are well. I'll try only to carry you to our bedroom in the futur or while we are inthe act" he smirked mischievously and kissed Haruhi's rosy cheeks. Right now he picture how gorgeous Haruhi would look being fuck good against the wall with his legs wrapped up around Yumro's waist. His cock felt that and twitched a little from the image. 

Yumro had never wanted to fuck anyone as much as he wanted Haruhi. But he would respect his partners wishes and date him before they did their mating.

Yumro help Haruhi get ready to leave by helping him change and brushed his hair. They took their time getting ready before Yumro opened the portal. "You ready to go Beautiful?" Yumro asked Haruhi as he stepped in behind the other's chair to push it.

The other side lead to a mall.


Shan stared at the beautiful doll for a long moment while Haru talked. The shadow could tell right away Haru had given so much more into this body than any of the others. "It's very.. very pretty" Shan felt his chest fluttered like he had a swarm of butterflies inside. 'Pretty' was such a tiny word from what he felt.

Without saying anything more. Shan's body centigrade into gray smoke. The smoke moved down to the doll in the box and disappeared inside. A short moment later the eye color changed from transparent to a mix of red and gold. Shan tried to flex his fingers and then his other limes before he then sat up. Then Shan smiled up at Haru  "This is fun" the doll laughed as he crawled out of the box and onto Haru's hand. "What do you think Haru? Is it like you had imagined?"

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“I overdid it” Yukie mumbled softly as he kissed Julius’s head and just snuggled his sleeping mate. After a little bit he let Julius go and went into the bathroom. washing himself until he was clean Yukie thought a lot in the shower and as one does after thinking he dressed and sat down in his office and started drawing plans.


“ugh. A mall. A human mall….” Haruhi teased playfully with a roll of his eyes while looking at Yumro. “Let me know if your tiered of pushing me, I can walk a touch.” Haruhi added in a more serious tone the centaur worrier Yumro would run out of energy pushing him around such a huge place. Looking around the mall Haruhi smiled a little, the centaur excited for their fun outing and to be out in public something he had avoided for a long time. “I want to get our picture taken to hang up at our home.” Haruhi told Yumro with a smile clearly the centaur was over the moon about living with Yumro and that they would become mates. “I also…want to buy a nice new bed we can….you know…” Haruhi added his face red at the thought of them breaking in a new bed bought just for sex.


“it’s perfect and looks like I imagined.” Haru added with a happy smile as he gently looked the doll over. “Can you feel in it?” Haru asked softly while gently brushing his thumb over the dolls cheek. “I wanted the shadows to be able to feel being kissed and comforted. To given the ones that don’t have a lifelike body a human experience.” Haru explained his cheeks blushing as he looked down at the thing shen doll in his hands.

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Julius woke about an hour after Yukie had left the bed. He was confused at first, he didn't get how he could have fallen asleep like that. He cover himself up quickly and hurried out on the bathroom to wash before anything. He saw Yukie's back sitting at a desk as he rushed out of the room. And after he had showed he found Yukie still sitting at the same spot.

"What has drawn on your mind now my love?" Julius asked as he touch Yukie's shoulders and leaned in to see what he was making.


"Hey what's with that?" Yumro tried to sound offended but his smile in his voice quickly gave him away. "I'll have you know that human custom services are still the best and they deliver fast" Yumro pointed out as the portal closed behind them.

He pretty much blew Haruhi concerns about the chair out of the air when he answered that he was used to working out and that Haruhi weight the same as a cart or groceries.

On 11/23/2022 at 6:57 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“I want to get our picture taken to hang up at our home.”

Yumro looked around and saw a winter wonderland photo set up for people to take pictures. Well is was almost close to the Christmas month.

"What about over there" Yumro said as he pointed Haruhi chair in the direction and pushed him over to it. The only people there, was simply looking at the decorations so there were no q.

The kamera was one of those you pressed a button and counted to 5 before it shot and the picture would then print out below.

"We can go after we've chosen paint colours and you can pick out any bed you want. Queen size, king or even bigger is all up to you. Our room could easily fit two king size beds side by side. But I personally wouldn't need it too big. Because I am a big cuddler" he said without even getting embarressed about saying it. He wasn't even gonna ask if Haruhi wanted a bed i  his own room. Yumro had a rood just for Haruhi to do with whatever he liked. But he wouldn't be sleeping in there on any grounds when they go mated.

Yumro angled Haruhi infront of the camra so the only thing there would be a picture of was from they chest and up. By doing this Haruhi wouldn't be able to see the weelchair in the futur.

"Perfect. You ready, here we go" Yumro pushed the button and the screen counted down from five as he walk back Haruhi. he squated down and pulled his arm around the other's shoulder. As the came flashed he pressed his cheek against Haruhi's. 

The screen above showed the two in a nice couple foto. "It perfect don't you think so too sweetheart?" Yumro grabbed til foto as it had printed and looked it over before he gave it on to Haruhi.


Shan titled his head and squinted his left eye closed as Haru touch his cheek careful. He could sense the touch but not feel the body heat as his outerlayer were of porcelain. Stil.. when Haru asked him if he could feel it the shadow didn't entirly lie when he said. "Um.. I don't know. I would haft to try it to really know" he said innocently although he didn't like the thought of Haru kissing other beings. His family he could handle and even Yumro would be a pass. But the thought of anyone else made him feel bitter and foul inside.

Shan wasn't use to all these upgreated feeling he now had after he'd evolve. He it was much more simple before. Back then he was either sad, afraid, happy or angry. This feeli g he had right now was a mix of atleast two of those.

Shan held his hands up. A signal he had learned meant a person wanted to be embraced and comforted. "Hug me Haru, lets test it out"

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“I’m thinking of repairing and moving this home making it more for us….can’t figure out the garden though and the greenhouse.” Yukie mumbled having delicately drawn in great detail their new home that he planned on building. “I…I want to move away from this home and look toward building a home with you. This home is loved and has been by many people but it needs to be fixed up and well, I want to feel more of you in it then I do my last mate.” Yukie explained as he set his pencil down looking over the grand house again.


“I’d prefer a bigger bed that can support my other form, as for cuddling…eh you’ll have to persuade me to enjoy it.” Haruhi added with a chuckle as he thought about it for a moment. “Will we be sharing a bed all the time?” Haruhi asked curiously as they walked over to the pictures only to be surprised as Yumro kissed his cheek making him blush just as the photo was taken.   “That…was fast.” Haruhi admitted as he looked at the picture and blushed embarrassed by how caught off guard he was and how great the picture had turned out. Holding it closely in his hands Haruhi smiled warmly at the photo obviously in love with the picture. “I love it.” Haruhi whispered his cheeks warm as he looked up at Yumro. “Can we do more another time?” Haruhi asked wanting to have as many photos as he could of them the centaur absolutely smitten.


“I..okay but let me know if it hurts.” Haru replied as he blushed a little and hugged Shen gently. Letting the small doll go Haru gently kissed its cheek before setting him back down on the table. “What about now? Did you feel anything?” Haru asked worried the dolls wouldn’t be able to feel the world around them.

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"So you are going for a 'Moving Castle' vibe" Julius thought to himself as it reminded him of an anime he had seen as a kid. Looking ovre the drawing he got an idea. "Why not bring the garden to the center and the house around? Then the glass house on top of the roof or built and glass bobble around the entire garden? That way you can have a warm environment in the garden even if there is a blizzard outside" Julius spoke as he picked up Yukie's pencil and draw a sketch of what he was thinking on another paper.

"With this you could even take take the foxes or song birds into the space too"

Julius finished his drawing, it looked to be the same form as a turtle.


"I think I could convince you" Yumro smiled with himself. It would haft to be a lie that Haruhi didn't like cuddles, when almost every time Yumro held him, the other melted like softbutter into his embrace.

On 11/25/2022 at 3:25 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Will we be sharing a bed all the time?”

"Yes" Yumro replied without a second of hesitation. "When we are home we use that bed. The only other bed I'll allowed in the house would be for the kids"


After they had taken the picture Yumro started to push Haruhi's chair through the mall to get to the store.

"Should I buy us a camera? Then we can take many more pictures where ever we are" he offered as they reached the paint store. When a sales person came up to them Yumro asked into the color of jade green and cherry blossom pink Haruhi had taked about earlier. The clark found them a lot of samples. There where about 20 shads of each colour to pick from. Yumro kept to the back ground to let Haruhi pick his favorit. Then they haft to chose the floor and Yumro said that he wished to have an nice warm walnut flooring in the living room because ir would fit right in with the fireplace


Although he couldn't feel Haru's body heat it still felt pretty good to he hugged. The doll had his arms spread out wide to squeezed Haru back.

When Haru kissed him. Shan's doll face froze in place as his white cheeks started to glow. Shan covered his face with his small hands as he started to giggle really embarressed of himself.. "Hi hi, it feels nice. I can feel your touch and emotions. And your kiss.. I really like that.. but don't kiss anyone else, even if they ask okay" Haru looked at the floor and then up at him. He had been so use to see Haru from this angle before. But now he actually prefered seeing Haru eye to eye. "Most of the important senses are working." 

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“Honestly that would work better I could move around to the different villages and keep tabs easier not only that but it would make vacations nicer.” Yukie admitted never having thought to make the house moving until Julius said something. “And an indoor garden like that would be nice for the winter months we could use the warmth.” Yukie added as he kissed Julius’s cheek the demon quite surprised by his mates suggestions. “I’ll have it started soon. Maybe it will be done in a few months?” Yukie admitted the demon quite excited to fix up the old house to something new for him and Julius. “Want to pick out furniture?” Yukie asked Julius having a few catalogs on a shelf that was a mix of normal furniture and dorm room furniture.


“I wouldn’t mind a camera it would be nice to have more pictures of us to look at.” Haruhi replied as he looked over the 40 color samples and carefully picked his favorite ones that really complimented each other. Looking back at Yumro he held the colors in his hand before catching that the floors would be walnut and wood. “We need to get some rugs if it’s all hardwood.” Haruhi piped up knowing that he would have trouble walking in his other form on the wooden floor, not only that but he was thinking about getting some protective shoes for the safety of the floor.


“why not?” Haru asked not seeing anything wrong if he kissed someone he liked. “What if I find someone I love one day?” Haru asked his face blushing at the thought of finding his mate like his grandfather and Haruhi did.

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"Woa, hold your horses" Julius was a little taken back with his. "Honey, I get you wanna built a new home for us, but.. isn't it too early to pick out furnitures? If anything don’t you think you wanna save something. You might end up regreting it if you just leave it all"

"And about the house I know a great architect who can help making it functional. We both know you aren't the people admit he wants help but you should remember to still save your energy. Sam can do all the boring and heavy. Mnh but that is if I can get her to help us. I don't know how busy she might be."

"Either way I can contact her and ask if you are okay with it?" Julius asked as he didn’t want Yukie to think he was doing this alone.


"Arh! Right" he hadn't thought about that problem. Haruhi could slip on his hoves. "Rugs yeah. Slipping free rugs" Yumro nodded in agreement. "We can picked that up at the hardware store amoung other things"

"Have this deliver to this adress this afternood" Yumro paid and gave the clark the adress.

"Now" Yumro walked them out of the store. "Should we take another store or lunch?"


"..um.. because you can't.. at least not before you find someone" and honestly he didn't even want him to do so after. Shan shook his head confused with himself for feeling such strange hate in his heart.

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“Well…I wouldn’t mind help I mean I know nothing about building a house. If I can I’d like to keep as much of the original house that I can but replace or modernize what needs to be fixed.” Yukie offered as he looked at Julius. “I won’t do anything alone and I won’t use any energy doing it. If you think it’s best to hire someone then I’ll trust you know the best person.” Yukie added as he smiled softly at Julius. “And as for furniture I  meant a bigger bed, maybe some nice chairs and a table for the garden.” Yukie offered as he kissed Julius cheek. “I promise I’ll take my time with this one thing at a time for now let’s get your school ready and looking amazing.” Yukie whispered the demon sighing softly as he held out his arms wanting nothing more than to snuggle Julius.


“I think I could handle another store and then lunch. I wouldn’t mind somewhere with a nice coffee selection. Maybe a cafe? Or a nice little quiet restaurant?” Haruhi admitted as he smiled at Yumro and gently touched his hand. “You sent it to somewhere? Where did you send the stuff?” Haruhi asked curious where the pain and other house stuff went off to since he didn’t exactly know if it was at Yukies address or to the new home. 

“do…you like me?” Haru asked softly his eyes confused yet curious as he gently set Shen down on a pillow. “Like…like you know romantically?” Haru added not sure how to really ask such questions since he hadn’t really had any crushes yet.

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Julius smiled at his lover's open invitation. He turned his body and sat down on Yukie's lap so both could snuggled. "I'll call Sam then. And while I would love to go shopping with you for a new bed. I belive we were gonna head out to look at the last place on the list for the school" Julius said as his fingers traced Yukie's jawline. He noter that his mate smelt very good, it was the same shampoo he'd used and he liked that even he could smell they lived together. His nose wasn't strong enough to pick up how they smelt the same, other that right after sex. But he his senses wasn't super advanced like a demon.

Julius kissed Yukie on the lips softly as he leaned into his chest. The witch felt a light shiver going through him as he felt the other's warm bodyheat. He was reminded of their little fun from earlier and his body properly could go again with no problem. But he wasn't gonna act on it. He could cuddle with his beloved even without the sex. Still he had to get up before he really would embarresse himself.

"I'll get us some breakfast. Any urges? " Julius asked as he stood.


"Alright another store it is. I'm sure we can find a good cafée after" Yumro smiled as he pushed Haruhi's chair through the mall to find the store that sold beds and living appliances.

"I gave them our adress" the demon answered with a satisfied grind. It felt so nice saying it. It about an half an hour away from here in car. That is why I choose we came here. This is our local mall, how do you like it so far?" 


Shan got down on the pillow and sat there as Haru asked his question. The dolls eyes widened as he stared right back at Haru. After afew seconds eyes eyes flinkere to the side, the back and to the other side and again back on Haru. "..." the doll's mouth opened and then closed again. Shan wasn't sure what to say. Did he have those feelings?.. welll he liked the centaur and admired him. But was it romantically?.

Shan's doll eyes looked troubled as he thought. ".. I don't know..." Shan said confused with himself. Shadows usally didn't feel much. But here he was going through this huge library of emotions he barely reconsided. ".. I don't know how it feels like.. I know, I get irritated when you talk about doing things like this with others.. I missed you and thought about you when we are apart. My head and chest feels funny... I like you very, very much.. but what does love feels like?" 

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“Mmh eggs and sausage?” Yukie asked with a teasing smile as he chuckled before kissing Julius cheek as he got up to join him. “Kidding kidding! But an omelette sounds good.” Yukie admitted with a smirk as he lead the way to the kitchen the house rather quiet and empty as the staff had been deactivated to fully give Yukie a rest. “Mmh though I wonder if anyone else is home? Usually the staff make everyone breakfast but with them gone, should I?” Yukie asked softly not sure if the others would accept their cooking.


“Oh that’s actually closer then I thought. With how far out Yukies house is it takes quite some time to reach society.” Haruhi added amused that they would live so close to a city. “It’s nice, though do we have neighbors?” Haruhi asked curiously wanting to know all about their new home. Looking up at Yumro Haruhi gently pat his hand since he could hug or snuggle him. “Should I bake something for them after we move in? Are they demons or humans.” Haruhi added starting to think to deeply into his own question before even getting an answer.


“what does love feel like…well…I’m not the best person to ask. I don’t know myself.” Haruhi explained as he looked at Shen unsure of how to even answer such a question. “There’s lots of different types of love, I guess…” Haru mumbled as he stood unsure about such a thing. While Haru could be smart in every aspect and a fast learner when it came to the world around him social interactions well they never were his thing. Because of that he wasn’t sure how to answer. “I don’t know, the love I’ve seen…it’s not what books say love is suppose to be. When I’ve read about it…it’s always been strange and weird to me…. Maybe we should ask Yukie and Julius, or Yumro and mom.” Haru offered as he gently picked up Shen and wandered out of his room to look for answers the question annoying him in the sense he didn’t know and couldn’t explain it.

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Julius crooked a eyebrow when the other started laughing. He didn't catch what was funny about that. But maybe he just didn't get the joke. "Mnh that sounds so good right now. Ah but we better make that for three people..and a half?" Julius added as he saw Haru coming down the hallway with a living doll in his hand. "Hm morning Haru  who is your friend?" Julius asked as the boy got closer.

"Yukieand I was just about to make some breakfast, have you guys eaten yet?"


"Yeah we do have neighbours. I haven't meet most of them yet. but I know two of them are a paired couple of harpys. And they are very curious creatures. Mn and there was a mixed couple too. If I remember this right, a human and a leprechaun." Yumro explained from afew of the things he knew. "I wanted ours home to both have space for us and still have a local community. You turned my apartment down that one time become you said you didn't feel comfortable. But I don't think isolating ourself it good either. Not in these moden days."

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“No we haven’t and this is shen!” Haru explained as he smiled and showed Julius. “We have a question though…what does love feel like? Like all the different types.” Haru asked as he sat down on a kitchen chair and set Shen down gently on the counter.

”ah…that’s a more adult question in a sense” Yukie replied as he looked at the two with a raised brow before looking at Julius.

“We…kinda don’t know what that feels like or what it exactly is so I want to know what other people think so I can tell him if I love him or not.” Haru explained even more as he settled down more in his spot.


“I don’t think I’ve met either of those…you’ll have to help me with their customs.” Haruhi admitted as he thought about it a flash of nervousness on his face. “Do they have kids?” Haruhi asked curiously wondering if Haru would have kids to play with where they were. “What about a park? Or something like that for Haru?” Haruhi asked as he looked up at Yumro a little worried Haru wouldn’t like such a place.

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On 11/28/2022 at 10:30 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“We…kinda don’t know what that feels like or what it exactly is so I want to know what other people think so I can tell him if I love him or not.”

Shan nodded. "Yeah!"

Oh.. Julius smirked as he looked at Yukie. "What's the matter dear? Do you not know what love feels like either. Well you had me fouled" he teased his mate as he tapper him on the should. "Maybe you should start on the omelettes and let me tell them then." It wasn't a big deal he was gonna be Haru's teacher soon anyway and all conversation with Haru was good practise for the futur.

"Well love can come in many forms and sizes. Take what you feel for Haruhi when he tuck you in at night. You properly feel warmth inside and feel cozy and safe. A friend is someone who you feel cozy and relaxed with. Someone you thrust wouldn’t go behind your back, someone you can maybe even be really mad with, but it's okay because you know you'll make up again at some point when you are ready. A crush or a love interest, from what I know. Is completly driffrent. You easily gets nervous and tries to fit the image you think the other will like you more by. You sweat a lot more and your heart feels like a jet engine racing over every little smile the other party gives you. You feel happy when you are around that person more that you are with others and you think of them when you aren't together. Its easily to get jealous or hurt if you see them close with others. Love is difficult it's both hell and heaven mix in one ball, but everyone feels these thing, just on a driffrent level." Julius who was very good at telling feeling tried to explain the best he could for his younger audience.

"I for an example, feel very good and giggly inside. I love the fact I'm here and that Yukie is taking time off too. Just having him here and doing little things together are enough"



Yumro chuckled. "Haruhi baby, I just told you I haven't meet them either. I only made a shadow check their houses out to figure out what kind of neighbourhood is was. I haven't done an actually background check yet. I could do that if you'd want me too though?"

"If there isn't a park, we can make one. We got enough ground to the house, to build two of these malls with parking places included"

"In all don't worry. I'm sure we are all gonna make this the best home for us all.. but first we should pick out a bed for our.. mesterbedroom~" Yumro stopped Haruhi's chair and picked him up and placed him on the bed. " he pulled out and lay right nest to him. "Is this size bick enough? He asked

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“Cute.” Yukie replied with a smirk as he chopped ingredients and listened to Julius speak the demons heart melting. “Well, you’re talking about the witch human side to it right? Demons usually find mates so it’s a little different when it comes to finding your mate.” Yukie added as he poked at the omelet and seasoned it. “When you find your love and mate it feels as if there’s no one else in the world but just you and them. You would rather die than be away from them.” Yukie explained trying to tone down the other feels he got around Julius since he thought that part was a talk for another time. “Depends on what you and Shen are in my eyes it also depends on your own customs for examples spiders have different courtships then centaurs. So love for them is completely different than what I would find with Julius.” Yukie explained as he set an omelette down on the plate in front of Haru for him to eat.


Laying back on the bed Haruhi frowned as he looked at Yumro before sitting up. “It’s not soft enough or big enough. I would absolutely squish you in my other form. Not only that but I like sleeping on the softest of clouds~” Haruhi teased as he snuggled beside Yumro his face buried in his mates side. “This is the only thing I like about this bed.” Haruhi mumbled as he snuggled more into Yumro only liking the bed due to the fact they could snuggle more. “What bed would you like as a wolf?” Haruhi asked softly wanting to know what Yumros instincts would choose for their love nest.

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Julius turned to his lover on the bar chair he was sitting on as he hear Yukie little coment. Cute, the witch smiled.

On 11/29/2022 at 11:40 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

''Well, you’re talking about the witch human side to it right? Demons usually find mates so it’s a little different when it comes to finding your mate.”

"I'm human so yes."

On 11/29/2022 at 11:40 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“When you find your love and mate it feels as if there’s no one else in the world but just you and them. You would rather die than be away from them.”

Julius listened in as closely as the kids. What Yukie told him was written down in sny if the books he own so this was valuable knowledge to him. Especially since Yukie proclaimed that they were mates. He also felt a sting of pain as he was reminded of the pain Yukie must have gone through, loosing his first mate. If demons bonded so strongly it was a wonder how Yukie could be this sain now. Of coures he knew it had left permanent scars that the other would never forget.

As Yukie placed the plate down infront of Haru. Julius wrapped his arms around the male's waist and pulled him in for a hug. Feeling that Yukie might need one for bring up the topic.

"I like your version" the little shadow doll said as he looked at the two. Shadows don't have many feelings, but after I evolved I think that part of me has too. Its just hard to know what some of them are" Shan looked at Haru. He could tell Haru liked him but was that love? Shan felt envious of Yukie and Julius. It just seemed so easy to them. Shan wished he was old enough to have which day seemed to have mastered.

"I think it will come to you two someday.. when your are older. Right now you should enjoy being kids because once you get older you can never get those days back" Julius said wisely. He got up and helped Yukie prepare the next few omelettes.

The snake around Julius's wrist stole one of the eggs, swallowing it whole before it shifted back into a bacelet. Julius laughed and went to get a new one.

As he stood by the refrigerator he felt a strange tingling in the back of his neck. He shook his head but it didn't go away. Julius went back with the extra egg. He rubbed his neck, trying to shake it off and ignore it.


"We can get a bigger and a softer one if you want. This is only a model bed to test the mattresses" Yumro chuckled as he reached up to light pinched Haruhi's nose. We'll haft to test out a few more, wouldn't we" the demons was quite amused as he pulled Haruhi closer and took him in bride style over on a driffrent bed with a much softer bedding and memory foam that made your body melt into bed.

"I usally sleep on the ground in my wolf form. That way I was free of loss dog hairs and the bed felt too hot anyway. Wolfs skin don't breath so its hard to cool down once overheated. Beside my wolf form is very big. Not to scare you but I'm properly around the same size as a horse. So not exactly fix for couch cuddles in that form either." He said as they tried out the next one. "What about this one? Is soft."

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“Yes! Enjoy your youth! You have so much time to figure out love and relationships when you’re older. For now just focus on being friends. It’s much easier to surround yourself with the love of family and friendship first. Then when you do find the one you know the relationship is happy and healthy.” Yukie added as he looked at the two boys before smiling softly. Chopping up the onions and mushrooms Yukie hummed softly as he focused on cooking the demon in quite the happy mood.

”Their version is nice. Though I’m not sure what type of demon mating ritual Yukie falls under.” Haru added as he ate a bite of his omelette. “For centaurs they are married off by two families. The heads of the households choose their mates early on in life and when they are older they get married and make a new family. I think I already had a mate chosen when I lived with dad. My mate was nice but it was more like us just being good friends.” Haru explained to Shen as he shrugged not having really thought about his old home much since moving back here with Yukie and Haruhi.


 “We could get you a dog bed. Or two” Haruhi teased gently as he snuggled into the next bed melting all the more into the mattress in pure bliss. “I like this one.” Haruhi mumbled as he looked at Yumro as he sat up slowly. “Do I get to brush you? Or do you go to a groomer?” Haruhi asked since he had appointments with a farrier for his hooves so he wondered if Yumro got brushed regularly. “I go for my hooves and a deep brushing to get rid of my winter coat in the spring.” Haruhi explained with a small blush as he realized how silly the whole conversation was.

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"Oh" Shan eyes widened as this was the first time hearing about it. He felt a spark some of that bitterness again.

"But you wouldn't haft to marry him now, right? I mean you aren't part of that flock  anymore... so you are free to do whatever you want in the futur. Like travelling! You once told me you wanted to go explored the world and see some of the stuff from your books in real life" Shan sat in front of Haru's plate and smiled at him.

"Maybe I could come too? If you want company. I net by a few years I can move about like a completly normal human being. And I think it could be fun going with you" the little shadow doll's eyes shine as he was trying to do his best puppy dog face. Hoping it would help so Haru wouldn't turn him down.


" travelling huh" Julius thought. Haru wouldn't be the first kid to dream of such things. He had too though about travelling yo learn more about the world. But as he grew older that dream had changed. His dream was to make a school now. But lucky he was blessed with a lover how took him to far out places so he could have both of those dreams come true.

Julius grabbed two more plates from the cabinet. "Shan do you eat food? He asked just to be on the save side so they wouldn't seem rude to forget about the doll"

"No sir" Shan decline politely. He liked Julius,  eventhough he was a human he didn't seem shallow around strange things such as living dolls or treated them coldly.

"If you need anything don’t be shy. I for one can't get my day started without a boost of coffee" Julius said as he took to mugs out too.

"Do you want some too" Julius asked Yukie as he waited with the kettle in hand.


Yumro bellowed out a deep rumbling laugher from his chest. "Oh Oh try it and I'll have you sleeping on the ground next to me. Then we wouldn't even be needing a real bed would we" the demons return the other's teasing as he as up to.

"I don't need a groomer. My wolf form maintains itself like magic. I might shed some hair but I've never had anyone groome me. So I wouldn't know if I would like it or not." He said honestly before he leaned in over the other. "So.. are you the type of man who keeps the dog off the bed huh?.. Because this dog aren't trained in that"

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“I wouldn’t mind the company but it’s not like I don’t visit with him. We did become close friends and I still call and visit when I can.” Haru admitted as he thought about his old friend and blush a little embarrassed to be bringing up such old things. “But you right, I’m not apart of them anymore…I’m not like any of them anymore.” Haru mumbled a little sad at the fact as he poked at his omelette and took a bite. While he was unsure fully why he was he had learned from Yukie that he was different now and because of that he would be more blood related to Yumro and Yukie than his own father. Because of that he would have to learn how to be more careful with what he could change into and what powers he developed, and while Yukie wasn’t fully giving answers at the time to save Haru from taking in to much he did agree to tell and answer all of Harus questions going forward when he was ready. “I wouldn’t mind the company, traveling with friends is always more fun than traveling alone.” Haru replied not minding having Shen come on the trip with him since he did enjoy Shens company. Sitting quiet and eating Haru mulled over a few things before looking at Julius and Yukie again.

“Coffee sounds amazing.” Yukie replied as he smiled and looked at the doll for a second. “So how much of that one is my work? Or did you figure out a new recipe?” Yukie asked Haru having given him some lessons on demon powers since he was now more identical in powers to him and Yumro.

“He’s mine I’ve been working on it like you showed me.” Haru replied as he looked at Shen for a moment before speaking again. “so…I-I was wondering… if we could spend a day just us.” Haru asked Yukie the boy quite shy about his request since he didn’t want to take him from Julius.

”oh yeah?” Yukie asked as he stopped and looked at Haru before looking at Julius. “Depends on my mates plans. But I can carve out a day if you want?” Yukie offered as he stopped to study Haru wondering just what was on his mind.


“I’m the type of man who knows nothing about dogs but wouldn’t mind one to snuggle at night.” Haruhi teased as he looked up at Yumro his face flush as his heart melted even more. “…I feel so happy and safe with you.” Haruhi whispered his voice breaking a little as he looked away and pulled back from Yumro so he could compose himself and keep from crying. “Give me a minute please.” Haruhi asked his voice tight as if he was trying to not cry while speaking.

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Shan beamed with a huge smile when Haru said he could come too. "GREAT!" The little doll jumped up exited. Although it wouldn't be soon, Haru had still said yes.

On 12/5/2022 at 12:10 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Depends on my mates plans. But I can carve out a day if you want?”

Julius did have a lot of plans for the day. He would still need to go see the place he most likely would pick for the school. It was suppose to be the two of them but.. then as Haru asked to spent some time with Yukie, Julius realized he had taken up all of Yukie's time. They were always together. Leaving no time for him to spent time with other.

"Um I can do those things by myself. You've already funde the place I'm gonna take a look at. So it just me trying to get a feel of the place. Then I'll meet you guys later" Julius tried to be mindful with his offer. Although he felt a little loney to not have Yukie by him. He could make room and suck it in for a child how needed to spent time with his grandpa. And beside they couldn't just let the two along ar home without a adult.


On 12/5/2022 at 12:10 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Give me a minute please.” 

Yumro just smiled at himself because he knew Haruhi was trying not to break right there and then. An not because he was sad, but because he was still just getting use to be treated right in a relationship.

Yumro leaned in and kissed Haruhi's neck. "Take your time Babe. I'm gonna speak with someone about us getting this mattress in a custom-made size that can fit even your sweet little butt." He teased as he crawled out of the bed to get their order settled. After a few minutes he was back to help Haruhi into the wheelchair.

"Now.. let me escort you out of here and take you to lunch. What is your preference, Italian, French cuisine, midwestern or?"

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“Mmh I’m not going to just bail on you. I can take Haru tomorrow.” Yukie reassured Julius not wanting him to go anywhere new alone even if it was to somewhere safe like the school areas. “Haru can go visit hunter and rose until Haruhi gets back. Or I can ask an elder to come watch him.” Yukie added as he looked at Julius with a small sigh.

”I can wait till you’re free” Haru reminded Yukie as he ate another bite the demon thinking for a moment. “I could go stay with your mom. She likes having visitors.” Haru offered with a happy smile.


“so fancy.” Haruhi teased with a happy laugh as he looked up at Yumro. “Why not just a burger and fries or a grilled cheese? Something easy and light.” Haruhi asked as he smiled at Yumro gently patting his lovers hand. “Unless you prefer the fancy fancy food, I wouldn’t mind…I’m just not sure how to act in such fancy places.” Haruhi admitted with a small blush being quite truthful with Yumro.

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"If both of you are sure then it's a deal" Julius smiled at the two. Actually glad he wouldn't be going alone.

Shan's black smoke leaked out of the doll umtil it light up in a ball of smoke that moved to the egde of the table a grew to Shan's human size.

The shadow boy appeared again, sitting on the table beside Haru with the doll in his hand. "In that case I'd better leave this guy here" Shan said and jumped down and ran down the hall to Haru's room to put the doll back into the pretty box.

Julius jumped startled when a huge bang came from were Shan had just disappear to. And the boy yelled. "It's nothing, sorry" Shan had forgot he couldn't just go through a close door and ran right into the hard wood. He fell back on the floor but quickly got up again and rubbed his forhead. Luckily he hadn't dropped the doll but he still whinced at the bump on his head "..ouch" he groaned at himself, and reached out for the door nob.

It felt strang to hurt physically but atleast he had learned a lesson by this. 

Julius looked from Haru to Yukie. "I think your mom will need to be careful with that one. Her home were just fixed yesterday." He chuckled. "But Haru should know the spell by now just in case" Julius winked at the Haru. "We can drop you two off at her place after breakfast, when you are ready. Then we'll come and pick you up tonight and tomorrow Yukie and you can play nerds all you want to" Julius smiled as he tried to set a plan. He wasn't gonna do anything important he couldn't do from home. So Julius would still be in the house tomorrow.


Yumro smiled. "Is perfect no matter where we are. I've dinned outside alot. With work it would always be somewhere fancy. Eventhough I prefer a regular burger over a salat at any given day of the week." He laughed as he pushed the chair forward.

They found a place without that many people around, which was a shame really. Because out of all the 3 places around. This was the one whom had the best quality of ingredients, according to Yumro's nose.

Yumro ordered on a Coke and a beef burger from the menu. The waiter then turned to Haruhi to get his order before he when out to the kitchin.

Yumro smiled a little to himself as he reached over the table to take Haruhi's hand in his. He stroke his thumb over the centaur's knockles. "This takes me back" the demon looked at the other's hand as he spoked. "Back in our teens we used to sneak out from time to time when Yukie wasn't to be around. Although the circumstances wasn't great I did always like the break from reality... and even back then I was already crushing on you hard. Even if you dragged me to the library just to plant your nose in a book for hours I don't think I'd ever complain"

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“Mmh she will be excited to have visitors.” Yukie replied thinking about putting some extra protections on the house before they left. “Though I’m taking precautions with these two and putting them under protection and tracking. It makes me uneasy having them wander that area.” Yukie explained as he took a long piece of his hair and cut it with the kitchen scissors. Following through with the second piece of long hair being cut he ran his fingers over the strands watching them weave themselves into necklaces for the two boys to wear. “Alright rule is you can’t take these off. If you do I will be the one punishing you.” Yukie warned the two as he set the necklaces on the table for each boy to put on. Taking the scissors again Yukie continued cutting his hair till it was a nice shorter length the demon putting his hair twice wrapped around itself in a brown paper bag. “You’re also to give this to grandmother. She will want it for the kimonos she’s making.” Yukie added leaving the package on the counter for Haru to take to Yue.

”is she making kimonos again?” Haru asked as he slipped the necklace on enjoying its braided warmth.

”something like that.” Yukie mumbled as he fluffed out his hair and styled it a bit glad to have lost the extra hair weight that was almost to the floor. Taking out his phone he quickly messaged Haruhi where the boys would be for the day keeping them in the loop.


“I was always so afraid of getting caught. I mean I knew we wouldn’t since he was so checked out but it was always a nagging feeling that he would find out we were sneaking out.” Haruhi admitted with a small sigh. “Granted…I like being able to just go out with you like this more. No sneaking out or hiding away.” Haruhi added with a smile quite happy with their date. Hearing his phone buzz Haruhi raised a brow before looking at the message. “Seems Yukie found a babysitter for the boys so we have as long as we need.” Haruhi added as he kissed his lovers hand.

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Julius was a little sad to see Yukie cut off his long beautiful hair. But he also thought it suited him shorter. Julius couldn't help but to reach out when Yukie was texting on the phone, and lightly touched the short locks with his fingers. It still felt glossy and soft. Eventhough it was strange to see Yukie with a new hairstyle. He looked much more like his eldest Yumro like this.

"I doubt it would be enough for an entire piece of clothe even if you cut yourself bald" Julius chuckled as he still played with Yukie's hair. "Then again I bet anything dhe will make of it will be beautiful" Julius smiled as he leaned in to kiss his lover's now exposed neck before taking a step back so he wouldn't be doing something inappropriate before the kids.

In the mean time Shan had return after packing the doll back into is box. He looked down at the necklece on the table and took it as he looked up to the one around Haru's neck to see it matched. Curiously he pulled it down over his head and looked shocked as he felt a warmth coming off from it.


15 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Seems Yukie found a babysitter for the boys so we have as long as we need.” 

Yumro felt heat spreading from where Haruhi's lips had touched him. The demon grined sheepishly. "In that case.. wanna go see our house after?" He asked, hoping he would.

"If we get a few more things we could maybe even spent the night there. We could plan out the progress together and you would get a better picture of it all"

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“Well she’s got to have something made at this point I’ve sent her my hair for the last few months. I cut it every other week with how fast it grows.” Yukie replied as he blushed a little at his mates soft touches to his neck.  Feeling Julius’s soft lips on the back of his neck Yukie only blushed even more enjoying the soft kisses and love his mate was showing. “Mmh careful now you’ll get a rise out of me kissing and loving me so much.” Yukie whispered as he turned and snuggled Julius closely wanting to just hold his mate forever.

”The necklaces aren’t to be removed until we come back home.” Haru explained to Shen as he played with his absentmindedly while he finished eating.

”when your ready the mirror in my room is ready for you two to go through.” Yukie explained as he snuggled Julius even more refusing to let his mate escape his hold now.


“I would love to. As for sleeping I don’t think we will do much there but we could get some nice sleeping bags.” Haruhi offered excited to go see their home and to spend more alone time with Yumro. Gently taking Yumros hand back to his lips he kissed Yumros hand his lips brushing softly against his lovers flesh. “Mmh being able to do this….it’s nice” Haruhi whispered enjoying being able to show love to his mate other then the cold silence he was use to.

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