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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Mmh that depends on who seduces me” Yukie admitted with a teasing smirk before adding some accessories to match his suit including a watch and some basic earrings. “You should be asking how I learned to wear suits and pick them out” Yukie added as he looked at Julius and kissed him softly on the cheek.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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"Like I would let anyone but me seduce you" Julius said fairly simple.

"From that way you look do I even wanna know.. okay hiw did you become so good at wearing a suit?"

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“Well it started with getting humans and other demons along and I kinda just had the spiders dress me....they would teach me how to look how the humans like their lovers to look. It’s one of the reasons I was able to gain a place outside of the demon society” Yukie admitted as he frowned for a moment. “They enjoy watching humans and fall into the culture so they know a lot. Despite not being comfortable around them all the time I do appreciate how eager they are to help us get a foot into the door when it comes to being accepted.” Yukie finished as he pinned his hair up beautifully with a matching pin. “After seeing how determined they where to help I started taking the lead on merging our two cultures so far despite the bumps we’ve done good” Yu okie replied with a small smile.

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"Spider demons uh.." Julius tilted his head and raised a eyebrow.

"That simply eh. Well I would have voted you in too for looking like this. I think you just stol my heart away" he smiled as he hugged Yukie from being. Thought he was careful not to wrinkle his clothes. Thought with his eyes he was already undressing him.

"With thag said you look stuning babe" Julius whispered as he placed a gentle kiss behind the other's ear and released him.

He took a look at their luggage. Though Yukie had sendt most of what he had bought on the market that day there was still a few boxes.

"Are we bringing these?" He asked as he had gathered all their things.

"I can transport us but I dont know with this amount. Half properly i can."

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“These will be sent home except this one” Yukie added picking up the small black box and smoothly tucked it away in his pocket. “I have staff to move my purchases and luggage home for us so no need to worry. And things will arrive safely and on time I have a little friend to make sure of it” Yukie added the small black doll sitting on a suitcase and staring at the floor while kicking it’s feet. Looking up at Julius for a moment the doll looked away and resuming to kick its feet back and forth as if bored by the task.

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Julius saw the box Yukie's hid away in his pocket and looked at him curiously. He opened his mouth to ask who Yukie plan to give it to. But stopped when the little black doll showed up.

"Is this your powers doing?? Like the dolls you said moved my things? How can they be so small and strong" Julius asked as he kneeled down to get a proper look.


"Oh and well then I guess we are ready to go" Julius stood back up and reached out for Yukie's hand.

"It's best to be i close contact or you could end up trapped in a wall" he teased.

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“They use my strength and raw power same way you’ve been taking it” Yukie replied as he slipped on his shoes ready to go. “If you put me in a wall you’ll have to take over all of my work~” Yukie teased back with a smirk.

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"Yep.. no vacation for you just yet so hold on tightly" Julius shook his head as he tightened his grip on Yukie's hand.

He said a few strange words out and then the world went black around them. Like a blanket had fallen over them.

Julius took a step closer to Yukie just as a new room poped up around them.

The room was huge with big whit walls with a celling so high above that it felt more like a church than a bed room.

The light of the dusk was lightning the room up in a golden before Julius flipped the contact.

His room were exactly as how he had left it the last time he had been here. A bed, desk a closet, a few books on a shelf. The only pictur in the room was a old family photo which was laying face down.

"This is it. Just make yourself at how" Julius said although he knewn there weren't much homey feeling to the place.

He went over and picked the suit up that waited for him on the bed.

"You haft to be kidding me, who the hell wears a red suit these days!? God! You don't match red with red" he frowned as he ran a hand through his red hair and held it up infront of him to show Yukie.

"Good thing we can change this with ease but still..ew"

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“If you need anything changed or altered I can do it with ease as long as you have a sewing kit” Yukie replied looking at the suit that made him cringe at the color and look. “Or we can change?” Yukie asked not wanting his mate to be seen in such a horrible clashing outfit.

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Julius was happy Yukie agreed with him and not just lied about the suit looks so he would doubt himself.

He really wanted to kiss him right then an there but if he started now they would most likely be late. Instead he blowed him a kiss.

"Love you sweety" he said with a big smile as he lay the suit set back down on the bed.

"I don't have any sewing stuff. But that is alright cause i don't need it. I can just change it with magic" he said and put the snake down before he started to strip.

When he took the red suit on, Julius wanted to just close his eyes and block out the ugly colour.

When it was on he the clothes started moving on his body, like he stood i a windtunnle.

The colour changed to suit the same gray Yukie wore and the waist in the jacked shrinked to match his size. Same as with the sleevs and pants.

When chage was done the suit looked great and followed the curves of Julius's body like he had been born with it on.

The suit looked really skarp and detaljed. His ass looked amazing in those tight pants.

In all this was the best suit Julius had ever made/ worn. He had but in extra effort in it, to try and look great for Yukie.

"What do you think about it now?" Julius asked as he did a litte satified spin. Hoping Yukie liked it.

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Letting out a low whistle Yukie smirked as he walked around his mate his eyes taking him in. “My don’t you look sexy~” Yukie replied wishing he could take Julius then and there but, he had to behave. “Shall we get going?” Yukie asked wanting to show off his mate to the world.

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Julius smiled feeling a tiny bit embarressed for liking the way Yukie looked back at him.

"Well then" Julius's smile grew even bigger as he wrapped his arm around the other's arm.

"Let me me be your chaperone this evening, my dear" Julius tried to sound like he had all this under crontrole and be confident. True be told, if not for Yukie  he would be scare to be here.


Julius lead then out of his room and out the corridor. There were a low mumbling of voice  as they followed the candle light to tje big hall.

Ehen they passed the doors they were greeted with the same sound of low talk. People whispering in the corners, not rasing their voices so others could hear them over one voice.

Around were young and and older beautiful witches dressed in dark elegant netual colours. A few wore more brightly coloured clothes but that was only those with most wealth and power within the community.

The voice that stood out being none other that the witches elder, Julius father.

A middel age looking man with a trimmed black beard and short black hair that was styled smoothly.

The bastard had so many spells enchanting to him that he didn't look a day over 30. Though he was closer to half Yukie's age.

Julius dad was handsome and almost god like from the way his skin shimmered.

The only thing that resembled Julius to the man was that he had the same deep green eyes.


Julius felt himself tense as he saw the man smile around to his guests and laughed with them.

Julius felt himself push in closer to yukie as he nodded towards his old man.

"That one, is my father Macus spellman"

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“I’m going to have so many dad jokes after this” Yukie whispered surprised how close in age he looked to the man. “Can we assume you might have daddy issues?” Yukie teased with a smirk his eyes looking at his mate as he stood watching Macus just waiting for him to sense his dark presence.

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Julius released his grip atound Yukie's arm and elbowed him right in the side.

 "As if!" Julius practically growled at the other for even saying that.

If anything he wanted to be as far away from the man if it stood to him.


Marcus noticed something, though he didn't understand what this presence were. He took a look around the ballroom. He wasn't short are could almost see above everyones head as he scanned the room.

Then his eyes landed on a strange face he hadn't seen before an frowned for a short second.

Marcus knew every person who was inviteret and the guards wouldn't have let anyone in if they didn't have an invatation.

"Exuse me just a second minister." Marcus exused himself and greeted abd smiled at the other witches as he made his way over.

He then noticed a familiar redhead standing right beside the stranger. Marcus's eyes took his son suit in and sighed.

"Good evening I am Marcus the host of this astate, I don't quite recall your name mister?"

"I invited him father, this it Yukie, the demon King I told you about over the Phone. I've" Julius tried it say more but was interrupted.

"Julius none of that tonight. You brought a stranger in tonight of all nights and you don't even wear the suit I gave you"

"I do wear it. I just changed the colour and size and Yukie is't a stranger, his is my" Julius wanted to introdus Yukie as his lover but another witch came in and interrupted.

"Sir it is about time, everyone is here" a servant said.

"Thank you Grayson. I'll be there in a second." Marcus said and turned his attention back on Yukie. Something about that person didn't sit right with him.

"Oh well nice to meet you Yukie, pleas make yourself at home. And Julius will make sure no one bulles you here"

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“Mmh I’ll make sure to have fun and hopefully we can talk even more when your less busy” Yukie replied as he looked at Julius a deep frown on his face.

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Marcus nodded and moved back through the small crowd toward a stage that was set up so he could stand up and everyone could see him.

Julius shook his head and saw a guy walking around with a tray with whine.

At first he thought to asked Yukie if he wanted a glass but then he remember the episode from last time and thought bettet of it.

"I could use a glass of cider, do you want one?" Julius asked as he noticed a bowl for the guests to fil their glasset from. Mostly for the kids but adults drank it too.

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“That would be wonderful” Yukie added noticing the cider and sighed a little his body less tense. “I’m glad they have other options, I am trying to behave” Yukie whispered to Julius before taking his arm and leading him over to the punch bowl his ears catching snippets of conversation from the different groups.

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"Do you think the elder has invited us tonight to talk about.. mnh you know the thing going around?"

"I can't say it would suprised me. They are both the two strongest familes in the contry."

"I think they'll make a pretty pair"


"I know. It would be pretty hard to explain why my boyfriend is sitting in a tree" he teased the demon as he squeezed his arm.

Not having as keen of a hearing like Yukie, Julius just went with no worries. What his father did was in no interest of his.

He took two glasses and made Yukie help him hold one as he filed them one at the time til both were full.


Marcus cleared his throat on stage, signaling for peoples attention.

"Good evening too you all. I must saw that it warms my heart to see all of you come with such a short notice. When I look at you I see this gathering not only as a strong society. But as friends and family whom I've known all my long life. And belive me I know things about most of you I wished I could just simply erase" Marcus joked, and many laughed at that.

"But belive you me I wouldn't trade where I am today with anything. Like all you know life can be tough for some of us. But that is where our shared bond to eachother makes us stronger. Not just the individual but the people behind that person to lift them back up and giv them a helping hand in times of need. In times when the world is against you there will always be them backing you up. To never let you tast the bitterness on you own."

The people in the crowd nodded and some even said 'yeah' or 'right' like they were at some sunday church.

"Friend you been my support through the worst and I thank you. It has made me. Made US stronger today than we were yesterday and now I think about what tomorrow with be like. Powerful and stady, with a new  generation to carry on our family."

Marcus smiled out over the crowed and too a moment to look each witch in the eyes.

Julius lifted his glass to his lips just as his father started again.

"So tonight we celebrate engagement of Lissy Peyton and Julius my son!"

A spotlight flicked down over the persons mentioned as their names got spoken.

The glass slipped out of Julius's hand and shattered on the floor. Not that anyone noticed because the applause were too loud.

Julius's eyes stared back at Marcus blank as his mouth voiced the words.


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“Well I hope your lover isn’t expecting a virgin” Yukie mumbled amused by the sudden change of events as he opened his hand the small black doll hurrying to clean up the mess Julius had made. While the whole ordeal angered Yukie he kept his work and kept his emotions under control not giving in to the desire to destroy the building and everyone in it in his jealousy. “Then again this has kinda killed the party mood for me...” Yukie added as he sipped his drink already knowing that this is where Julius belonged.

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Julius couldn't remember ever feeling this much anger in his entire life. How dared that person do this to him.

With a whift of magic he broke the spotlight without even moving a finger.

His head snapped to yukie wanting to say that it was a joke or something. But then Yukie called that woman his lover and his eyes went black with rage.

"I'm not getting fucking engaged to anyone!" The killer intens were strong enough to make the people near them to take a few steps back.

"And you" Julius turned his face to yukie. "YOU DARE CALL SOMEONE ELSE THAT!" 


"Stop this  Julius! You are acting like a child" he father yelled as he made his way down to him.

"Who is childish? Don't think you got any Claim on my life. I LIKE MEN you get that. And I'm not having you sell me off just because it suites you."

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“No, but I was curious why you where avoiding your father. Seems you where running away from a marriage” Yukie added with a small smirk clearly trying to keep from laughing. Looking at Julius Yukie raised a brow and watched his mate finding his angry side rather interesting. “While I find you having a fiancée interesting, I have no intentions of stepping down or letting my new father in law sell you seal some random business deal” Yukie added as he finished his drink and set the cup down.

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Julius didn't know what hurt the most, being sold off by his father or hearing how little Yukie thought of him.

"She was my brothers not mine.." Julius said hurt as he stepped away to go to his father.

"I'm not my brother and from this day one neither am I your son.." Julius held himself upright as he spoke.

Marcus was growing red with furry. "You don't get a saying in this boy. What I say goes!"

"You may be an elder. But even you can't force anyone to marry against their will. And I've never liked the female sex. Mother made a terrific headfigur in that aspect." Julius's head spun to the side as Marcus slapped his cheek, palm open.

"Get out of here! Now!" The elder roared, causing the crowd to mumble again.

"Fine.. But first" Julius's eyes flickered to black as he released a huge amoung of magic im the room. Marcus grew pale and yelled for him to stop. But Julius didn't. the air around them grew hot and soon the stage was on fire and people started run from the room in panic.

"Try talking your way out of this one. If you can't then might as well just killing me off and save you the headach. I'm not your fucking puppet!" Julius said and jumped down from the stage. Flames licked his pants as he jumped over but nothing caught fire.

The snake poped It's head out of his chest pocket and looked around as Julius headed for the balcony.

He didn't even look back for Yukie as he pushed the doors open and left.

He didn't want to hear anymore of what the demon had to say about him. His heart felt broken in so many places just another word might shatter it.

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“Be lucky old man that your son is so nice to spare you. If it was me I wouldn’t have left anything for them to bury” Yukie whispered his eyes glowing as he stared at Marcus and started walking after his mate giving him as much space as needed. “Julius.” Yukie asked looking at Julius as he stood away from him before stepping in and stopping him from leaving his arms wrapping around Julius. “I’m sorry, I was joking but it was in bad taste” Yukie explained with a small frown not liking the pain he could see deep in his mates eyes.

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Julius tried pulling away from Yukie's hold. "I didn't sound like one! You really thought that I would start something with you and have a second person on the side.. that hurts" the witche shook his head as he tried to calm his nerves. He didn't turn his face to yukie. Eventhough he stopped fighting the demon's hold. He still couldn't look at him while his eyes threatened to water.

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“Julius I never thought you would do that granted I was blindsided by the news...kinda killed my attempt tonight to ask afew questions” Yukie added with a small sigh just holding Julius. “Honestly wanted to ask your father first but seeing as how that went and how upset you are I think I’ll skip that step” Yukie replied with a small sigh before letting Julius go. “I love you...and I’m sorry for what I said it was a bad joke” Yukie admitted.

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