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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“I still will never understand the need to live here. While I respected the twins decisions...it seemed rather strange to me” Yukie admitted as he walked through the line and picked out a couple of times he liked and some healthier options. “Seems to make more sense to get an apartment with a fridge or order takeout” Yukie mumbled as he waited for Julius.

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Julius shrugged his shoulder. "It has it's charm and I could affort it without using the old man's money. But the food for one thing isn't bad" he said as he filed his own tray along side Yukie.

They payed their meal and got Coffee before heading down to get a free table.


"I thought that I saw you before and I was right! Over here Juli! dad too" Rosa called out form the table he and Hunter shared.

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“Hello” Yukie replied as he lead Julius to go sit with the two. Settling down in his seat Yukie sipped his coffee raising a brow at the twins.

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Rosa simply smiled back at Yukie very wide as she eyed the two. "What?" She asked as yukie raised his brow.

Hunter was his normal selv. Face hardly never change on him from it's neutral borred expression. And he was quietly eating his bowl of cereal, along with a glass of juice.

Where Rosa had both egg and bacon, mini pancakes  and fruite on her plate.

"Good morning Dad. Morning Julius" Hunter greeted the two. 

"So.." Rosa looked down at their clothes and back. "Are you planing to steal our Juli now Dad? His room seems to be emty, all of the sydden. I do hop You asked first"

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“ I didn’t ask I just moved him in and that’s that” Yukie added as he poked at the plate full of meat. “In all honesty you should have seen this coming.” Yukie added with a small smirk as he looked at Julius. “Though we had a pretty late night so we haven’t changed yet. Truth be told we will be getting a ride home both of us are pretty worn out” Yukie added with a shrug.

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"We don't see every thing and you know that." Rosa frowned do her pretty forhead winkled.

"I thought you could see the futur. You told me so before" Julius interrupted. 

"It is just glims. Like when you watch a trailer to a  movie. You know what is't about but not the little details." Rosa said as she took a mouthfull of her food.

Hunter looked up at the meantioning of a ride. "I would offer you my bick, but is beeing fixed" for the first time Hunter actually looked sad.

Hunter thought he weren't good at showing his feelings, were the most sensitive of the twins.

It sadden him he couldn't help out.

"Just call a taxi." Rosa waved her hand to ensure Hunter that it wasn't a big deal.

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~You seem sad. Why?~ Yukie probed trying to talk to hunter privately in his mind. Eating his food Yukie sat in silence. ~you can talk to me there’s no worry about us having a ride it’s a simple phone call fizz~ Yukie assured hunter.

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'Sorry dad, it's nothing. I just wanted to help you out.. but I can't shift or do magic like you or Julius.' Hunter sighed.

'He is sad that his baby broke down, so his mood is a little all over the place' Rosa explained. She shared bond with her brother so when Yukie shared thoughts with Hunter she heard them too.


Julius was the only one at the table whom couldn't hear them. But he figured something was happening between them and let the father and children settle it themself. They would tell him if he was needed anyway.

"So what will you two do now? I mean with Dads work and Julius's school?" Rosa asked after a bit.

Julius looked over at Yukie and then down on his pendant. The one yukie had just given him last night. "I want to be with Yukie and travel with him. But I also wanna finish school. So I'm gonna apply for online schooling in the evenings"

Both twins frowned worried for a second but didn't say anything.

"Well if that is what you want we'll miss coping homework of you" Rosa joked lightly.



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~Doing magic isn’t always the best thing sometimes being supportive and loving is better then anything else~ Yukie replied as his ear caught the part of Julius leaving the school. “Your not leaving you just live with me. You’ll be taken to school every day for your classes and on weekends we will go out. I’m not changing anything with your routine” Yukie replied not wanting Julius to give up what he liked.

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To say Julius was suprised by what Yukie said would have been an understatement.

"But your work. You said it yourself that you needed to be out there in the villages. I don't need to be in school to get my degree."

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“And you forget you need social interactions and to be somewhat normal. You can’t do much if your always living out far with me” Yukie replied with a smirk. “Besides it’s not like I can’t travel and have you watch the house” Yukie added with a small kiss to Juliuss hand.

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"But..." Julius stopped as he felt Yukie lift his hand up to his lips.

He smiled shyly since he wasn't use to having someone being so charming in puplic.

Aside from the twins Julius felt others eyes them and even hear som low whispers from the table behind them.

"But I promise to help you so I thought it would be the best way like that" Julius whispered as he squeezed Yukie's hand.

"And I wouldn't be lonyly, because I would be with you."

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“You’ll still come home every night and we will sleep together every night” Yukie assured as he smiled at Julius. “Besides it’s just the city house we are living in the main house can wait till your finished and ready to move in” Yukie added knowing the city house had a much shortened commute.

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"Okay." Julius didn't wanna fight Yukie about something so silly as his school. If it meant so much for Yukie to stay here. Then he would.

Julius was just happy that he could finish and get his degree. Either way it still worked for him.


Julius held  Yukie's hand tightly.

It was kinda weird how much his life had changed in such a short time.

He had turned 18. Gotten a boyfriend. Meet all kinds of demons. Frozzen his balls off in some parallel world. Created a familiar. Left his last family and gained a new one all in the same night.

Well he hadn't said 'Yes' to yukie now. Since he had asked Julius to think about it first.

But the witch allerede knew the answer he would giv his lover.


He peeked back over at yukie as the group had continued their breakfast.

When he caught Yukie's eyes again.  'I love you' Julius formed the words with his mouth without saying them out loud. Mostly to be fair in front of his friends.

Julius thought they might feel a little awkwardly about seeing him and their father flirting with eachother like this.

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“Love you too~” Yukie replied as he smirked and kissed Julius’s nose lovingly. “So how does it feel me dating Julius for you two?” Yukie asked the twins out of curiosity. “I mean it must be weird to an extent.” Yukie added as he ate another bite of food.

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Julius blushed. Although he had tried to careful and quiet anout it, Yukie apparently didn't get the massage... and though.

He looked back at the twins when Yukie asked them. Because even he was curious about what they would answer.

"I didn't mind" Hunter said as the first one. "But umm, it feels a bit weird too"

"Well we knew from the start that the two of you Would surely get together. But yeah the actually thing is abit awkward. Please don't ever tell os about what the two of you do privatly!" Rose said abit awkwardly.

"We like your both very much. But there are things we would like to not know about."

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“I’m not exactly eager to discuss our life with you two when it comes to that.” Yukie replied with a frown as he looked at Julius worried he had overstepped I mean Julius had turned 18 and well Yukie was forever frozen at 21. Looking at his twins he sighed a little. “Does it make you uncomfortable I’m dating him?” Yukie asked wanting them to be honest. “I do care about how you feel...but I realized I never asked you two if it was okay for me to be with julius” Yukie added looking at the two.

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Both twins smiled softly back at them.

"We like seeing you both this happy. Dad has been sad for so long and we know Julius enough to know he has too." Rosa said as she played with her fork between her fingers.

"Hunter and I are both backing you two up 100%.

Julius smiled as he looked at his friends.

"I was kind worried about that to be honest." Julius said before smiling back at Yukie. 

"But at the same time I thought. 'Well they tried match making us up in the first place, so if they got a problem with that too bad!"

Julius and the twins chuckled at that.

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“You have a point they should have to deal with us at. This point” Yukie replied as he laughed and made kissy faces at Julius teasing him a little. Stopping his kissed Yukie looked down at the small doll at his feet pulling his pant leg. “Why hello~ you traveled far to find me” Yukie added picking up the small doll that was covered in dirt and was carrying a tiny box on its back wrapped up carefully to protect it.

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With that weird kissy face Yukie made, Julius laughed even harder. But he still leaned in to kiss his lover just because they could.

The twins went "Ew dad!" Like two teens seeing their parents acting embarrassing in front of other's.


When Yukie pulled back Julius followed his eyes down and saw the little paper doll.

"Is it yours?" He asked as yukie picked it up.


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“Yeah, but from the looks of the tags it’s from one of the father out villages.” Yukie added having designed all the little fabric dolls to have certain ones for each society  of demons. “This one is from the centaurs. They live up higher in the mountain plains.” Yukie explained as he double checked the sewn on tag. Carefully removing the box he opened it to find it full of different types of tree seeds. “My. Seems one of the children caught you to bring me a gift” Yukie replied with a small laugh. “Usually they aren’t so easily caught but by the looks of this guy he’s a little worn down” Yukie added talking to himself a little as he carefully put the tree seeds back. “Seems we should visit them when we have time I need to tend to all of my dolls eventually they need repairs” Yukie explained to Julius.

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"How sweet" Julius  smiled at the little gift.

"Yeah yeah sweet my back side" Rosa mumbled low to hersens as she went back to digging in her food.

Aside from Haru and his kid. She didn't really care for centaurs. Since she was fairly sure someone of them had something to do with Ren's death. There had been signs and after Ren was killed the centaurs had been awfully quiet.

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(Does Yukie know any of what rose knows?)

”it’s sweet and I know they miss us.” Yukie replied as he carefully tucked the doll in his pocket with the box and pulled out his phone. Looking through it he added a note to make a formal visit to the centaurs so he could check on them and repair his dolls.

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(Rose wouldn't talk to yukie about it. Worried for how he would act. But if Yukie knows it o  his own of not is up to you. Basically the centaurs from last time Ren and Yukie visted was jealous and angry with Yukie for mating with him. So they teamed and hirreda snipper to shut Ren when the timing was right. They most likely wouldn't care for Julius either since he is human and not worthy of their king.)


"But you can't go now. Julius got classes again tomorrow and he is already two weeks behind" Rose said as Yukie wrote down a note on his phone.

"And besides I bet you still haven't showed him where he will be living, right dad. Maybe you two should just take time off today and get Julius settled before school tomorrow" she tried to sound reasonable.

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(Ah well for now he knows nothing!)

“I’ll have him settled and ready for school tomorrow. It’s not like I’m going to be running off on him in the middle of the night” Yukie replied with a small chuckle as he rested his head on juliuss shoulder. “Trust me I’m not going to just leave we have things we need to do first before I go visit my main goal is Julius” Yukie replied with a happy smile.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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