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(Private RP) Fairy Dreams <<mik3la & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest mik3la
That how we playing it?”

Winston smile kind of faded when he saw Cass gaze on him piercing through his soul. He shuddered a little but than he came back to his senses when the other two getting ready to joined the water. Seeing Cass and Fae full naked his stomach flinched. they sure are beautiful....i'm the only one with some clothes on me, he blushed at that thought, diving quickly to cool his head.


Seeing them coming towards him and sending waves he tried to keep it up splashing them back. He dive a few times down in the water only to get back out behind them and duck them under the water then run away.

He had to admit that he was starting to enjoy it. Both of them. Maybe they could be friends, someday.


Taking a break he swam back to the edge of the fountain leaving those two have fun. maybe i should leave, he thought when something pulled him under the water. That took him by surprise, not preparing himself, but was even more surprised to see who it was.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy grabbed Winston around the waist and pulled him back out of the water. “Where are you going, Winnie?” He winked.


Fai swam over and smiled at the pair, only... he had to wonder if this was Cassidy trying to pull Winston first? Take him away from Fai? He wasn’t sure that was the case.... but why else?


“Wanting to go, Winnie? You looked like you where trying to go....” Fai asked kindly.


Cassidy ruffled the guys hair. “Let’s go get you two dried and fed. Let me guess? You’re a fan of hot chocolate too?” Why was he suddenly drawn to these two?Thank

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Guest mik3la

Winston cough a little when he reached the surface taking big breaths.

"My name is not Winnie...My name is Winston for you" he said to Cass catching his breath swimming slowly keeping his distance from Cass.


"I was just taking a break...leaving you guys have some...fun" he said blushing because he was caught in his distancing tactic. maybe i am just a help and not a match for Fae


He blushed again when Cass guessed his favorite drink. damn it, stop acting so nice...i hate you, he turned and swam back to the edge and hot out of the water, shaking his wings to dry.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy quirked a brow, he’d thought Winston was starting to warm up to him.... maybe not. “I seem to have upset your friend.” He looked to Fai apologetically. That wasn’t his intention.


“Sorry. Maybe it’s my fault....” Fai admits, worried.


“How so?” Cass asked curiously.


“I told him yesterday that.... I liked you and Kaido was trying to help me get over you. So he’s probably thinking you’re suddenly interested when we both know your not. You’re just.... being the Cassidy you always are.” He shrugged and swam towards the shore and Winston. He was a little shy about being nude out in the open so pulled on his underwear. “That was fun. Thanks for inviting me.”

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Guest mik3la

He dried his underwear by taking out all the water that was in them, leaving them completely dry. As he was dressing his pants he looked at Fae and smile. sorry if i did something to make you uncomfortable


"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he said turning to his dressing, taking his shirt on, as he was now drying his hair.

His stomach growled in need of food, which made him blush.


damn you... couldn't you wait a little longer? he thought blushing again knowing that the others heard that. He tried to make some throat noises to misguide them.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Did you?” Fai asked carefully. Not wanting to push him but wanting to know.


Cassidy came up behind them, hearing Winston’s stomach but smirking as he tried to cover it. He shook off. Unashamed. Before getting dressed. “I’ll get dressed then take you two out for food. Want to sit in somewhere? Or grab takeout?”


Fai smiled and bumped Winston. “Fish and chips and walking on the beach could be good?” He offered, asking Winston. “We could sit on the wall and eat watching the ocean?” Winston liked water....


Cassidy gave them a moment. Now dressed he stood near them. “Come on my pretties. Let’s go grab some grub.”

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Guest mik3la

Winston blushed even harder hearing Fae asking. "S-Sorry" he said laughing. i got caught again, he thought keeping the smile on his face.


Seeing Cass walking naked to his clothes made Winston to feel even more embarrassed. put some damn clothes on you already....we know you're hot....damn it, he turned his face at Fae as he was speaking to him.


"That sounds good. I'd like that" he added happy that Fae knew what he would like.


Again. Hearing Cass calling them pretty made his stomach twitch this time. Just like when he grabbed his chin erlier. no...he's just a player....there's no meaning in that


"Lead the way to the ....food" he mumbled to Cass keeping his eyes away from him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“You haven’t told me what fun you want yet.” Cass winked at Winston


“Fish and chips by the beach.” Fai offered instead, standing up. He fluttered his wings to dry them a little then held them open to the sun as they started to walk.


“Fish and chips it is.” Cassidy smiled. Heading that way. “Fai, will you go to the coffee house and get our order? You know what everyone likes. Winston, you can help me carry the food?” He smiled at him. “That okay?”

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Guest mik3la

Winston was thankful that Fae responded for him. He hated that smile on Cass face. He should stop thinking about that and not giving him any more credit for anything.


Hearing the request of the other his heart raced. He didn't wanted to be alone with Cass. But aparently he didn't had a choice since Fae already agreed with him.

damn it

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai hadn’t agreed, but he didn’t see an issue or a reason to object. It couldn’t be too bad? Right?


They walked towards the store, Fai paused at the coffee house. “Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, Winston? Or extra sauce?”


Cassidy wrapped an arm around both their necks. “Or! Go full hog and get the lot. It’s on me.” He winked to Winston and took out a note for Fai, who accepted it.


Cassidy likes Winston? I won’t stand a chance if he really decides to take him from me. But Fai just smiled, “full hog for me then. Since you’re being so generous.” He laughed. I’ll support my friends. No matter what.

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Guest mik3la

"That sounds..." but Cass broke his reply by giving something to Fae so that he could by. The arm on his neck made him blush again and looked at Fae for help but Faes face was...sad. Even if the other tried to hide it quickly he got a glimpse of that sad look. no .... Fae....dont.... this is not...he looked at Cass upset, pushing the hand away, wavting to escape him.

Winston looked at Fae and back at Cass and back at Fae. this is not going well

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai looked to Winston, still waiting for a reply about the drink. He smiled a little stronger. “Well? Shall I just surprise you Winston?”


Cassidy let them both go and stepped in front of them so he could see the pair. “Hey, what’s with the long faces?” He asked confused.


Fai glanced over at him, shrugging lightly. “Nothing. Just in my head.” He laughed.


Cassidy reached and stroked Fai’s cheek. “None of that today. Yeah? We’re just having a little fun together? Yeah? The three of us?”


Fai leaned into the touch. “Three of us....” he frowned, “but why? You... you....” always reject me!


“Yeah, I know...” Cass let his hand dropped and frowned. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you. And yes. The three of us. You. Me. And Winnie.”


Fai just blinked at him in confusion. “You like Winnie?”


“I happen to think you’re both adorable.” Cass admits. “And the idea of you on a date was eating me up. I only never said yes because.... you really can do better than me Fai....”

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Guest mik3la
“Well? Shall I just surprise you Winston?”

"Yes....Whatever you get is fine with me" he said smiling taking deep breath to ignore the other. fuck it...he's just a guy...i'm a guy too...man up, he thought as his brothers always used to say.


"Wait...what?" he looked even more confused than Fae. what is he playing? he looked at the guy not believing what he was saying. Was he for real? The three of them?


"Stop calling me Winnie" he said grumpy not liking when he was saying it. "That's only for Fae to say it" he said acting like a child folding his arms to his chest.


so he did liked him....then what am i doing here?...guess the idea of being on a date made him jealous...., he looked at them two and seeing them that close it was bugging him really hard even if he didn't want to admit it. He really liked Fae and hoped for the best, but now, seeing and hearing Cass, he never stood a chance.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Don’t be like that, Winnie suits you better than Winston.” Cassidy smiled softly. Liking it much better. “Why is it only for Fai? You’ve only known each other a day, right?”


Cassidy could tell this wasn’t going well. What could he do to fix things? Clearly he’d messed up and misjudged things!


Fai pulled back sharply. “Stop messing around. It’s just cruel.”


“I’m not messing around. I’m serious.” Cassidy offered honestly.


Fai felt wetness in his eyes and wiped them. He reached for Winston. “You get the food. Winnie and I need to talk without you.” And he started to pull him away to the coffee shop. “Sorry.” He offered when they were alone. “I don’t know what he’s playing at!”

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Guest mik3la

Winston wasn't paying any attention to the other two lovebirds. His gaze was dropped on the ground when Fae took his hand, pulling him out of his mind.


He looked confused at Cass and back at Fae fallowing him as he didn't had another choice till he stopped in front of the coffeeshop.


"You don't have to be sorry" he said gently turning him around so that he could see him.


"I guess i know" he sigh sighing. "He is jealous" he said simply lifting the others chin, placing his hand on his cheek. "He got jealous because you want to get over him and try .... something with me" he said looking him in his eyes. "And i get it.... i got pretty jealous too on this date" he smiled sadly.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai frowned at him, Cassidy was jealous? So maybe it had worked....? Except.... I like Winston too. “he crashed our date and that’s my fault.” I struggle to say no to him.


He looked down. “I didn’t mean to make you jealous. I shouldn’t have let him come... even if it was a little fun?” Fai had liked playing with them both on the water! It had been fun for a while there....


“Let’s... just get a drink and have food? Then maybe.... maybe... would you like me to leave you alone with Cassidy? It’s clear he likes you.” He offered softly. Shyly.

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Guest mik3la

"No its not...I accept it" he said placing his both arms on his shoulders.

He didn't liked that the other was feeling guilty for wanting the person he liked with them on the date. He liked the guy for 10 years now. Even he could understand that it would be hard to say no when the opportunity to spend time with that person comes to you.


"That i have to admit. It was fun" he said smiling remembering their moments together. But that wasn't all that mattered.


"Woahw.... What? ME?" he asked shocked and surprised holding Fae on the spot. "What are you talking about. He just said that he did liked you? What makes you think he likes me in that way when all i wanted was to punch him in the face or drown him by the waterfall" he said honestly feeling bad for saying it out loud. "Sorry for that but .... He clearly likes you" he said touching his cheeks. "So you should be happy. You're finally going to get him" he said smiling.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai knew that Winston was being too nice! He couldn’t help but feel bad. He looked at him a moment and shrugged lightly.


He chuckled, the noise not entirely happy. “Yeah....” Cass was always fun. “I told you he was nice...”


Fai blinked at his reaction but smiled. “Yes.” He shrugged. “He clearly likes you, Winnie. He hasn’t hidden that.”


He scratched the back of his neck. “He keeps saying three.... and I’m more than aware he’s been in lots of threesome. But I’d never do that to do and.... let’s be honest.... he’d make you feel better than me. Two virgins will just go really awkwardly....” his wings fluttered a little....

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Guest mik3la

"Ok .... lets get you that chocolate because you're starting to sound crazy" he said laughing not believing what the other was implying. "I think your sugar level is to low and it doesn't allow you to think clearly" he said dragging the other in the coffee shop sitting at the line.


"He meant three as in the three of us. For me possible not to feel like becoming the third wheel" he said as they waited in line till their turn came up. He order for him and Fae but didn't know what the other wanted.


"What does Cass want?"

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai chuckled at that. “Hey! I’m not talking crazy.” Still he went with him to the queue.


“You wouldn’t be a third wheel...” Fai frowned... what was he saying? Was he actually imagining a threesome... he couldn’t deny it appealed....


He swallowed and shook his head. “I have no idea. He usually speaks rather bluntly and gets to the point. So I’m not sure....” he frowned.


Fai looked at the money Cassidy had given them to buy the drinks. Cassidy was trying....

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Guest mik3la

"Well maybe he is not good with expressing himself. Is not that i look for excuses now but still...." he thought quickly but then focusing on the matter as the line was getting bigger.


"Earth to Fae ... what does Cass drink?" he asked quickly wanting to get over with this drinking ordering.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Doesn’t sound like the Cassidy I know...” he frowned a moment and shrugged, letting it go.


“Oh!” He blushed. “Sorry. I misunderstood the question.” He’d thought he meant what did Cassidy want with them... but maybe that’s not what he meant! He blushed. “He likes a cafe mocha with extra froff and a hazelnut drizzle.” Fai shrugged, “Sorry. I wasn’t focusing... I... I might have been... too busy imagining.... the three of us in bed...” he admits and cleared his throat, face bright red. It was a stupid thought!!! Cassidy was only messing with him!

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Guest mik3la

Finishing giving their order they move pass the counter at the other end waiting for the drinks to be done.

"What?" he blinked a few times thinking he heard wrong. "Us...three?" he blushed too at the mere thought of them three having sex together. He would lie if that thought didn't made his stomach twirl a little. He never had sex before with one person, not to mention other two.


But on one side he felt happy at the thought of Fae wanting him in bed. That was supposed to be a good thing right? But Cass too? Image of him lifting his chin at the waterfall and being that close to him made him shutter. That was too much. Cass was into Fae. Not him. He was just a spare.


"Look, i think you're mistaking about Cass. I don't think he sees me in that...sexual way. And i would love to be with you sexually, even if i'm not good" he blushed taking their drinks heading outside.


"But all three of us together together like that....i....i don't know" he was still confused. There was an attraction for Cass, he couldn't deny it. The guy was hot, but he liked Fae more. And he couldn't do that to him.


"Let's just forget this thoughts and enjoy the coffee and food my the sea. We need to freshen up our head. We think to much" he said laughing holding Faes hand in his.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Sorry...” Fai wasn’t sure what the other thought, but he didn’t think he was pleased with the idea...


He snorted, “then you’re being blind.... you’re cute and sexy, of course Cassidy would like you that way.” He held the two drinks he’d collected close as they headed outside. “But thank you. For being sweet and saying you’d want to be with me that way...” it meant a lot after everything that had happened!


Cassidy was coming closer, food clearly in his hands. “Yeah we’re definitely thinking too much.” He huffed softly but held his hand.


“You two doing okay?” Cassidy winked at them and hummed softly. “Let’s go find a great spot and enjoy some greasy food, right?” He laughed.

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Guest mik3la
“then you’re being blind.... you’re cute and sexy, of course Cassidy would like you that way.” He held the two drinks he’d collected close as they headed outside. “But thank you. For being sweet and saying you’d want to be with me that way...”


He blushed even hard at those compliments never expecting him to act so sweet. He didn't expect that but it made his heart race again. Maybe he still had a chance with him. But not with Cass. It was still feeling strange to having him around on their second date. its more like a first date in three, he blushed at that thought.


He smiled at Fae and looked at Cass trying to understand him. But it was hard. And what Fae was thinking of them three being together together. That thought made his body shake and blush. damn it...why did i had to think about that?


"L-Let's go" he said feeling a little strange after that conversation with Fae at the caffee. this guy cannot like me...he likes Fae...not me...

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