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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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“It’s just a cold” yukie replied his face red from the sudden contact with Leroy as he pulled away.“There’s no reason we can’t keep our plans, beside I told Harold his punishment would cause a cold...my body is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures” he admitted as he was taken to the living room and was sat on the couch.“...I’m not staying inside all day so you can either go with me and help me run errands or stay home” yukie added being quite stubborn with his plans as he texted his friends and confirmed the time of pickup for his medicine.“I won’t see a doctor...if I’m badly sick I’ll let the fever run it’s course and I’ll be fine after that” yukie mumbled not wanting Harold’s doctor to see him for obvious reasons being that Yukie well he didn’t exactly trust doctors and having some strange man poke him would set him off in an episode and well he didn’t want Leroy to deal with that.He also didn’t want to be poked and prodded and reminded that he was weird and the last thing he needed was what most doctors ordered with constantly sick patients was a blood test the boy knowing all to well how that would play out since he wasn’t one time of blood and could give any type needed...hence why his grandfather did have to fight a little to get him released sometimes.


“...and don’t tell Harold about it...he doesn’t need to know every time there’s something wrong with me if he did he would assume I’m always sickly and want to get rid of me” the boy explained as he looked at Leroy and grabbed his small bag he had packed he night before from under the table.

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"Alright, no doctor for now then." Leroy said as he went to get Yukie's outdoor clothes and shoes for him and said: "But keep whatever you want to do to the bare minimum, and I'll take you back here as soon as possible. But know that if I think you really need medical attention, then I'll take you to the hospital no matter how you complain. To be honest, the boss would probably want to take you for a full examination sooner or latter. I mean even though we're trying to make the facility you stayed in before cough up all the data they have on you, it still doesn't beat fresh test results."


Leroy went to get his jacket and said: "As for not telling the boss about this, sorry but I have to report everything to him cause he is my boss not you. And the boss is not gonna throw you away just because you get sick a lot. If anything I think he's gonna want to keep you around more because of it. Trust me on this."


Leroy got back to Yukie with his car keys in hand: "Alright let's try to finish our business asap. Where to?"

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“Small fishing village three hours away” Yukie replied with a slight frown as he lead the way to the car and got in holding a map in hand.Eventually after the three hour drive they arrived at a small village that or course smelled of fish.“Welcome to my humble home” Yukie replied sarcastically as he grabbed his bag and walked down the street following his oh so familiar path as he enjoyed the cool salty air.“I ask you don’t throw a fit by my friends excessive touching and poking at me...” Yukie mumbled the boy continuing to walk down a smaller street as he stopped at a nice looking house that looked creepily clean and pristine.The two where both suddenly met with a door opening a middle aged man poking his head out as he snickered and tried not to laugh clearly amused by something making yukie blush.


“Goodness...you weren’t kidding about being followed” Lucas replied with a devious grin as he poked Yukie’s cheek playfully. The man clearly happy to see his little patient once again.


“Ha ha... laugh it up asshole” Yukie mumbled as he let himself in squeezing past the doctor who opened the door for Leroy and followed Yukie back down the hallway to a surgical room the man clearly a small town doctor.


“Mmh quite moody you must have been out of medicine for about a week possibly a week and a half judging by your mood...that or your master has been playing too rough with you” Lucas added being quite blunt as he mentioned for yukie to sit on the table and started taking some blood checking the color of it and finding it quite healthy.


“...Leroy wants to make the medicine or study it he would need some before we leave” Yukie added clearly ignoring what Lucas had said about him and Harold as he blushed a cute shade of pink.


“Mmh I’ll send him a batch to study and your current medical files...though don’t see why he would want it seems Harold’s been good to you your blood looks healthy and you look like you’ve put on weight and have been sleeping.” Lucas replied as he looked through his cupboard and pulled out a bottle of medicine as he also began searching for a needle. “Don’t see any fading scars so I can assume you haven’t removed any organs to sell or to get rid of so the medicine is doing well breaking the decaying stuff down...though you feel a little warm” Lucas added gently touching his forehead to yukies being uncomfortable\y close with him.

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Leroy reluctantly took Yukie out as the boy wished, and after hours of driving they arrived at their destination. Even though the fishing village looked peaceful enough, his professional habit kept him on a reasonable level of alertness. Quietly he talked to the earpiece he was wearing and ordered the few men who he ordered to follow them stealthily to spread out and secure the parameter. Although some may call their behavior ridiculous, but from past experience Leroy knew that he can never be too careful.


Soon they arrived at the clinic, and Leroy was surprised by how at ease Yukie seemed to be with this doctor, given how the boy explained his distrust of doctors in general. He observed carefully at the two interact, and it became clear that this "Lucas" was not just an ordinary small town doctor. "Apparently one of the kid's pranks went too far, and his big brother responded coldly. Quite literally." Leroy commented as he approached the middle aged man: "So Doctor Lucas, is it? I must say you seems to know the kid pretty well. May I ask just how exactly you two get to know each other?"

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“I was his caretaker at the facility I trained under the doctor who liked to dissect him” Lucas explained as he continued his routine checkup and gently took yukies arm taking his time finding a nice healthy vein.


“He was the one who was guilty by association and got some jail time and a nice little fine but since I wouldn’t tell them what part he played and there was no evidence against him they let him keep his license” yukie explained wincing as the doctor found a vein and injected the medicine in slowly the hits vein going a nice shade of purple and then a dark black.


“Normally this medicine isn’t suppose to be used but it’s the only thing I’ve found effective against him” Lucas explained as he watched Leroy a little suspiciously. “Course this took at least five years to discover and countless testing on your owners dear pet” Lucas added as he gently held the injection spot until it stopped bleeding in afew seconds and let yukies arm go. “Thing is as much as you or Harold might grow to hate me for everything I’ve done to Yukie just like him you can’t banish me from your life...I’m the only one who knows his case inside and out.”

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"I can see that..." Leroy said with his hands crossed, and a visible frown on his face. It's one thing to read the reports on what his men have found about the boy's past, and totally another hearing someone who was there, who was personally involved talking about it. If Harold was here Leroy was sure his boss would have given the doctor a punch in the face, and perhaps a few kicks in the groin as well. But Leroy was level-headed enough to know what Lucas said was right. He looked around this rather modest clinic and then out of the window to this peaceful fishing village, then he turned back to Lucas and asked: "Say.. Doc, you're not too attached to this village right? I mean you used to work at some big-shot research facility on real shady but definitely high tech shit. Ending up here must be a pretty hard down-grade for you. How about you come work for my boss? We'll get you a clinic close to the boss's house so you could take care of the kid better. Obviously you gonna have better facilities, better paycheck, and even a few cute nurses if you like."


Leroy walked up to the doctor and stared at him right in the eye with a friendly, yet intimidating smile: "You know I'm actually a Feng-Shui expert, and I must say the Chi of this place is really really bad. And you know bad Feng-Shui can lead to bad luck! One moment you're just minding your own business doing your thing, and the next, oops, someone dropped a piano on your head, or maybe a plane crashed on your house, or maybe something less dramatic, like a mysterious heart attack took you in your dreams. Such things could happen! But if you move to a place with better Feng-Shui, like somewhere near the kid lives, then you could avoid all those thing. Of course you don't have to believe me, it's just superstition after all."

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“Please...if you want to hire me just say so, there’s no need to threaten to kill me” the doctor replied as he chuckled and looked at yukie.His hands gently roamed up yukies body removing his patients shirt as he ran his hands over his once known toy and continued looking him over.“If I go you would have to give me full control when it comes to my patients health, my methods are horrid but I created him to what he is I know how to best care for him despite your...masters rough play eventually he will go to far and cause some damage that if at the wrong time will cause his body to fail.” The doctor explained as he motioned for yukie to lay on his stomach so he could feel his spine.“Over my years of discovery...I’ve found out that despite how fast his healing is if you compleatly tear him apart and continue without a nice break in between his healing gets much slower...a removal of an arm that once took five minutes to repair now may take ten hours if he’s not healthy enough.” Lucas added as he gently ran his hand down yukies back checking to make sure no bones had healed out of place.“He’s lucky to have just caused a cold...freezing his internal temperatures could have caused his heart to stop if he got cold enough and after that he would feel the pain of suffocating and his organs shutting down until they could figure out how to adapt and overcome such a cold environment...” the doctor added as he finished his exam and handed yukie back his shirt before sitting on a chair and facing the bodyguard.


“Keep in mind what your exposing him to...he was kept in a controlled environment most of his life so I can’t guarantee his regeneration if his punishments are to extreme...there was a lot that was untested”


“Lucas...I’m fine how I am I doubt my body will break down so easily” yukie replied as he put his shirt on his face a little red from being seen without one.

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"Good. My men will contact you and arrange for your move." Leroy said as he took a step back and allowed Lucas to continue the examination. He added; "And just to be absolutely clear, just because I trust you with treating the kid, doesn't mean you're gonna have free reign over him. If you do anything funny you'd find that those 'threats' I made would pale in comparison to what the boss is gonna do to you."


Leroy stood by watching Lucas getting his hands all over Yukie's body. Even though he knew it was all for medical reason he still found it uncomfortable, since he knew Harold would be pissed off if he knew someone had his hands on the boy without his permission in advance, but there was more. After their interactions Leroy had grown to like the boy. Yukie was smart, strong, playful, a bit mischievous but not in a troublesome way, and to think that a kid like him grew up from such a horrid past filled Leroy with sadness, and also amazement of how sane the boy was given the circumstances. And having the depend on one of the perpetrator for the kid's past torment just leave a bad taste in his mouth.

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“Mmh mind if I take a guest I have the other one that was part of the experiment...police couldn’t put him in a home due to him being quite violent” Lucas added as he smirked and finished his checkup.“He should be upstairs if you want to go get him” Lucas teased as he looked at yukie with a smirk knowing all to well the younger would go upstairs to find his brother.“You see twins have always fascinated scientists and the number of experiments one can do to a pair is endless...” Lucas whispered as he smirked and set down two identical files but with different names, one belonging to yukie and the other to ayme his identical twin.“I decided when they hit seven to separate them using one as a control in this case the control twin being ayme...” Lucas added as he sat down on his chair listening to yukies footsteps upstairs as he searched for his twin. “I personally wanted to test an old wives tale to see if one twin could feel the other twins pain, so I kept ayme out of sight and at a separate section of the facility all the time making both believe the other didn’t exist and they where going insane and needed hard medication and testing” the doctor explained as he watched Leroy wanting to see what this information would do to the man the doctor in some sick way getting a little thrill out of his secret.



(If this is to sudden of a twist or to fast I’ll change it)

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(I was expecting the Twin to come latter. But I suppose it might as well be now. I'm good with it)


"You... what? The kid has a... twin?! And you've been keeping him here?!" Leroy said astonished as he tried to process what Lucas has just told him. He knew all of the information on Yukie was rather fragmented and chaotic, but not in a thousand years could he imagine who essentially was another brother of his boss was hidden even after all the background check they've done. He looked at Lucas and noticed his expression, clearly finding some twisted joy from the power he wielded, not only to the twins, but consequently to him and Harold since the doctor knew very well they needed him around, alive, and well.


Leroy took a deep breath, trying his best to calm down. He'd love to punch the doctor in his face and there'd be a time for that. Right now however his priorities are on Yukie, and this unknown twin of his. He said coldly: "Lead the way then, doctor. Take us to the other kid."

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(Okay :3)


“He’s in the basement...to be fair I didn’t want yukie to hear our little chat because since he wasn’t claimed by Harold...he’s been my personal little testing tube” Lucas admitted with a smirk as he moved a big bookcase in the hallway.Behind it stood a heavy metal door clearly having been put in by Lucas to keep things in as he unlocked it and opened the door leading Leroy down the stairs.The basement was quite dark but nice and warm resembling the environment the twins knew so well and as he turned on a light the other twin was suddenly shown looking identical to yukie.Ayme was asleep, sleeping off his medication and covered in bandages from his previous operations the older twin slowly waking up due to the bright light.Ayme looked around confused seeing his doctor and sat up a little groggily his blanket falling down revealing the bandages covered his whole torso.


“Seems you will be going home with Leroy” the doctor explained gently as he moved and sat down on a spinning chair the room quite like the medical office upstairs. “I will follow later of course now with a nice little escort since I believe Leroy doesn’t trust me fully not to run from what I’ve done with you”

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Leroy followed the doctor to his secret dungeon, and as expected there was a kid looking just like the one he had gotten familiar with from the past days. While he looked almost identical with Yukie, Leroy somehow felt the boy looked even more pale in comparison. He frown deepened when he saw all the bandages around the kid's torso, and let out a long, frustrated sign.


He walked to the new kid and knelt down in front of him, trying his best to put up the most freindly smile he could and said: "Hello Kid. I'm Leroy Wallace, What's your name? I work for your older brother, and also baby-sit your twin brother. I'm taking you to your brother's home." He reached out his hand cautiously since he was not certain of his mental state, and wondered how would the twin react.

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“Heh...Wallace...you don’t look like a Wallace” Ayme mumbled as he sat up and reacted his head on his knees. “I thought my twin never existed” he admitted slightly confused and wondering what sort of test Lucas was trying to pull as he looked at Leroy suspiciously.


“...is he really leaving with us?” Yukie asked Leroy the younger twin wondering if Leroy would really allow something so sudden as he stood in the small doorway looking around the room yukie also showing a look of confusion as he walked over hesitantly and looked at Ayme. “Is it alright with Harold?” He added not sure how his brother would take having a second person living with him as he watched his twin.

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Seeing his extended hand was left hanging in the air Leroy took his hand back. He wasn't upset about it since he knew after all the kid has been through he was not going to trust a complete stranger easily. He smiled to the twin's comment on his name and said: "Oh really? Sorry I'm no knight in shining armor. In fact I'm more of a nameless lackey than a hero. A nameless lackey who does his job superbly though."


He turned to look at Yukie and reached for the boy, ruffling his hair slightly and smiled: "Oh yes he is leaving with us. Sure the boss is not gonna be happy about it, for various reasons. But at the end he's gonna take care of your twin brother, if even just for your sake. I mean.... you can't be a good playmate while constantly worrying about your twin brother locked up in some dungeon right?"


Leroy turned back to look at the other twin and said: "I know it's hard but I need you to trust me. I am taking you out of this place and you'll be... well, not free. I'm not gonna lie to you cause your brother, not this one, but the rich one who's not in the country at the moment, is kind of a control freak, and wouldn't want you fooling around and causing trouble. But besides that you'll be able to do whatever you want, see the world, learn new things, enjoy the benefits of your brother's riches and so on." He pointed at Lucas and continued: "Unfortunately that bastard is not going to disappear from your life, cause you two twins are not exactly normal, and we need someone who understand your physique to take care of you in case you get sick or something. But he will never get to run any weird tests on you ever again. I'll see to that personally. And just to prove to you that I can keep that promise..."


Leroy stood up and walked up to Lucas. Before the doctor could say anything he landed a powerful right hook punch on the doctor's face, knocking him to the ground and made a few teeth fly out. He walked back to the twin sitting there and picked him up bridal style and asked: "Can I get your name now?“ He then turned to Yukie and said: "Come on let's go. Where's your next stop?"

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“More like obsessively does his job” Yukie mumbled clearly amused by Leroy’s last name as he snickered a little bug relaxed under Leroy’s soft touch. “...am I going to get in trouble because of this?” Yukie asked not knowing if this new info would cause Harold to punish him.


“Mmh he sounds like their father...often yukie and Ayme unknowingly took turns when he visited since they are identical no one knew the difference and it gave us a cover if we went to crazy with testing...though...we agreed never to meet him it’s not like we couldn’t look up who he was” Lucas admitted as he moved over and gently touched Ayme’s head in a slight possessive way.


“...I don’t want riches...I’d like to go outside though” Ayme mumbled as he looked down a little not caring for the touching and both twins deep down inside knew Lucas would never leave their life. He listened to Leroy talk and explained his future only showing some surprise and reaction as he jumped at the sudden violence his knight showed as Yukie jumped the twin also surprised and moved away closer to Ayme. Yukie watched as his twin was picked up and held close by Leroy.


“Your hand is going to bruise and hurt like hell” Yukie told Leroy as he held onto Leroy’s shirt slightly wanting to leave as he looked at Lucas who laid on the floor compleatly out cold. Ayme his a little in Leroy’s arms feeling a little safer as he heard Leroy ask for his name the boy thinking for a minute.


“It’s Ayme...” he whispered his voice quite soft as if he was suddenly shy around Leroy. Yukie snickering as he gathered the files and the medicine from upstairs and put them in his bag before heading out to the car.


“I think lunch would be good then heading home...Ayme isn’t in any condition to do more traveling...plus he needs a bath and some more sleep” Yukie replied looking at his twin and Leroy before opening the door for Leroy to put Ayme in the backseat with him.

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"Don't worry about my hand, I'm used to punching things. It's part of my job." Leroy said lightly as he carried Ayme out of the dungeon, the weight in his arms seemed too light for comfort. He waited for Yukie to find what he needed and got out of the clinic, setting the twin in the back seat of the car right beside Yukie. "I don't think going to a restaurant would be a good idea, I mean even places without dress codes may have second thoughts with his current fashion choice." Leroy said as he pointed to the bandages all over Ayme's body, and continued: "But we can order take out or buy at drive through. I'm gonna make a few phone calls so you two go ahead discuss what you want to eat."


Leroy closed the car door. He let out a heavy sigh before taking out his phone, dialing the number Harold gave him in case of any emergencies. After a few seconds of ringing Harold picked up the phone, and immediately the almost deafening roar came out of the speaker:




"Come down boss, come down!" Leroy said into the phone with his ear still hurting. He then said: "The kid is alright. He's got a little cold which I'm sure you expected it. I'm calling you cause I just made a major discovery... He's got a twin."


The voice from the other end of the phone fell silent, and this time Leroy was smart enough to hold his phone at a distance, bracing for the inevitable storm which came shortly after:




"Calm down boss! CALM DOWN!" Leroy asserted. He then proceeded to explain the events that have just transpired. After the explanation was finished Harold asked: "So... how is the other kid... Ayme is it?"


"........Pretty good given the circumstances. I am taking him back to your house. That's okay with you?" Leroy replied.


"Of course! Where else are you gonna put him?" Harold replied: "And the doctor?'


"Under control, and I'm going to move him somewhere near your house so he could be called on short notice."


"Good....." Harold fell silent, likely trying to process all the new information, and the rage burning in his chest. He asked: "Tell me Leroy, in your professional opinion, how can you make that bastard suffer the most while still remain useful to us?"


"Well first thing first, I'm your head of security not torture master, so I can't really give you a really 'professional opinion' on that." Leroy replied as he turned his gaze to the clinic and thought about that detestable creature lying inside: "But I've just knocked a few teeth out of his mouth, and I think missing a few more won't affect his abilities as a doctor. That seems like a good place to start?"


"Then pull all of his teeth off, one by one." Harold said: "He can certainly afford dentures."


"I'll make arrangement right away." Leroy replied.


"Good. Take care of the twins while I'm gone. I'm counting on you."


"Of course, boss."


Harold hanged up the phone, and Leroy turned on his head piece to talk to his subordinates. A few moments latter several men in black suits showed up out of no where and entered Lucas' clinic, both to collect anything and everything regarding their research on the twins, as well as securing the doctor himself, who'd soon find himself in a dungeon not so different from his own and suffer at the hands of Leroy's men. He then got around the car and sat on the driver's seat, turning around to look at the twins and asked: "So, have you decided what to get?"

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“...I want a hamburger but Ayme doesn’t want to eat anything right now” Yukie explained the two snuggled up next to each other as they relaxed.


“...I don’t want anything.. eating makes me sick” ayme whispered not wanting Leroy to be mad but he had forgotten how to eat a lot of food and since he couldn’t die or really suffer more then he already was he had just learned to ignore the pain.


“We can get him something to try and eat though” Yukie added not wanting Leroy to take Aymes word on not being hungry as he gently held his brothers hand the two at the moment able to be told apart due to health reasons. Ayme just blushed a little at the hand holding as he looked away clearly quite shy around people as he laid down a little to rest his head staying on Yukie lap. “We need to get him some clothes, though for the moment we can share we are the same size”

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"Burger it is then. I think I saw a burger joint on our way here." Leroy said as he started the car. He looked through the rear-view mirror and smiled seeing the two twins snuggled against each other. It would seem that even a life-time of separation and being kept from knowing each other's existence, they were able to connect relatively easily. Perhaps there were some invisible links between the twins after all.


Hearing Yukie's suggestion on sharing clothes Leroy replied: "Yeah I doubt there's gonna be much trouble for Ayme to fit in your clothes cause you two are pretty much the same in terms of size.... I can also let my men pick up something for him too cause I knw your measurements."


Soon they arrived at the drive-through of the burger joint. Leroy ordered for Yukie and himself. He looked over the menu and ordered a bowl of corn soup for Ayme, as he figured the warm and sweet soup would probably have a better chance to be accepted by Ayme instead of oily burgers or fries, and shouldn't be too hard on the stomach. He passed the twins' share of food back and said: "Be careful not to spill on yourself!"


Afterwards they got back on the road. Throughout the drive Leroy kept an eye on the rear-side window, constantly checking how the twins were doing. Obviously he was worried about the new kid Ayme, who he didn't know what to expect, and also for Yukie since he was still recovering from his cold.

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“We will” Yukie replied as he settled back down with Ayme and handed him his soup to sip.He of course happily ate his burger the boy quite hungry as he sipped his drink letting ayme eat as his own pace and time.Ayme smiled a little as he sipped his soup the taste nice and sweet but also warm and gentle on his stomach as he watched out the window wondering how far they where going.


“How far away do you live?” Ayme asked speaking up a little as he looked forward towards Leroy curious about where he was going and who this Harold was that was older then him. “Also...what does Harold look like?” Ayme added as he looked over at his twin who had finished half of his food and was settled into his seat to take a nap the cold making him exhausted and in need of some rest. “Am I really going to stay with Yukie?” Ayme asked having so many questions but not sure if he wanted to hear the sender fearing them all to be bad.

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"Your brother's place is a few hours of driving from that clinic. Just wait a little while." Leroy responded to Ayme's question. He was relieved that Ayme seemed to have enjoyed the soup, and the fact that he was actively approaching him asking questions was a good sign. At least the kid was comfortable enough to do so.


With more questions coming Leroy continued, while keeping most of his attention on the road he tried his best to "What does the boss look like? Well he doesn't look like you at all if that's what you're asking.... Tall, muscular, brown hair, ember eyes. All in all a pretty handsome guy I guess? Oh and I'm not just saying that cause he's my boss. You should ask Yukie to search as name on the web and I'm sure his picture would show up, since he's kind of a big deal."


Leroy took a glimpse at the rear-window and observed Ayme's expressions. Understandably the kid looked puzzled and uneasy. He slowed down the car and stopped at the side of the road, and turned around to look at Ayme directly, looking as sincere as possible and said: "Yes, you are going to stay with Yukie, at least until the boss comes back from his business trip abroad and maybe, just maybe, decide to settle you somewhere else. Cause the boss and Yukie kind of have a..... thing.... going on between them, and maybe he wouldn't want you around to get in the way of that. But even in that scenario he wouldn't lock you up in some dungeon like that doctor and would certainly let you see Yukie quite often. You'll be well taken care of and everything I said back in the clinic still stands. I promise."


Leroy reached out his hand slowly and caressed Ayme's hair, he then turned back facing forward and started the car again. Some times latter they arrived at Harold's house, and Leroy got off the car opening the door on Yukie's side, touching his shoulder slightly to wake him up. He asked: "You okay kid? Need me to carry you inside?"

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“...yukie told me about his thing with Harold...while you where talking on the phone...he said I’d have to stay in the guest room when he came back but for tonight I could stay with him for a bit” Ayme explained as he looked away from Leroy and felt the soft touch on his head. He instinctively pulled away from it not use to such gestures and now a little afraid where he would end up. He knew Leroy would be kind but deep down inside he couldn’t get rid of his gut feeling telling him not to trust anyone, he trusted the wrong people once and that’s how he had gotten taken away from yukie and ended living in the basement. He watched as the car slowed and pulled up to the house as he unbuckled and looked over to Yukie who was asleep and noticed Leroy was trying to wake him.


“...you might have to...my body is tiered...can’t move to much” Yukie mumbled his eyes opening a little and his body extremely hot to the touch as he sighed. “I want to go to bed...it’s cold” he added before curling back up using Ayme’s lap as a pillow as he tried to go back to sleep.

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"Understood." Leroy nodded as he turned to look at Ayme. After thinking for a moment he said to the twin : "Wait on the car for a moment."


With that said he reached for Yukie and carried the boy off the car, quickly rushed inside the house and laid him on the bed. Afterwards he got back out and carried Ayme inside as well. "Welcome to your new home." Leroy said as he closed the door behind him with his foot, and took Ayme to the living room, setting him down the couch. "I'll go and get some more decent clothing for you to wear. You just settle down and relax."


Leroy got inside the bedroom, took a look at how Yukie was doing and tugged the sheets a bit tighter around the kid. He then opened the wardrobe and picked up some of the boy's clothes. He returned to the living room and handed them to Ayme and said: "Here put these on. Do you need anything else? Food? Drinks? How about I make you a cup of hot chocolate or something?" He then handed Ayme the remote for the massive flat-screen TV on the wall and said: "Oh and feel free to turn on the TV. With the boss always working, and Yukie always stuck to his computer, nobody ever watches that thing. It's about time someone give it a little love."

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Ayme sat quietly waiting in the car and obeying Leroy as he looked outside the window admiring how pretty the landscaping was. He was surprised how fast Leroy came out to get him and blushed as he was gently picked up his face going a cute shade of pink.“..the house looks lovely” Ayme admitted the twin quite surprised by how nicely it was decorated and kept himself still on the couch once put down not wanting to break anything. He nodded as he watched Leroy rush off yet again to go find clothes the twin looking around before relaxing just a little.Yukie mumbled as he curled back up under the sheets hiding himself in the warmth as he just let his body sweat out the cold and trusted that his body would take care of everything.


Ayme frowned a little as he looked at the clothes not wanting to change in front of Leroy as he looked down to shy to tell his knight that he didn’t want to change in front of his as he held the clothes a little close to his chest. “I don’t really need anything...you’ve done a lot for me already” Ayme admitted as he suddenly was handed a remote and looked at it not really knowing how to work a tv since he had never really used one as much.

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Leroy stood there watching Ayme, seeing the confusion in the boy's expression but not understanding why. Eventually he realized what was going on and scratched his head and laughed awkwardly: "Ah... right... probably shouldn't stare at you while you changes. I'll go to check on Yukie while you put the clothes on."


Leroy went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, he then went back into the bedroom and saw the other twin had pretty much curled into a ball under the sheets. At this point there was really nothing much Leroy could do to help with the situation. The good news was the kid seemed to be sweating, which indicated that the boy's body was trying to cool itself. That being said the heat must be causing a lot of havoc in Yukie's body and probably causing a bad headache. With that thought he set the glass of water on the bedside table and left for the washroom. He returned with a cold towel and put it on Yukie's forehead, hoping that it would alleviate some discomfort for the kid.


After a while he returned to the living room, finding Ayme changed in his new clothes and still on the couch looking rather confused. Leroy smiled as he approached and said: "Nothing good on TV? Or..... wait...... ah I see..." He took the remote he gave Ayme earlier and sat on the other end of the couch, pointing the remote towards the TV and pushed the on button. Immediately the TV lit up on the news channel, with reporters talking about the newest smart phone making record sells world wide. Leroy turned to look at Ayme and asked: "There's a channel for pretty much everything these days. Science, history, cooking, travelling, cartoons, movies, you name it! What are you interested in?"

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“I studied surgery and medical back home” Ayme admitted as he curled up on the couch the clothes warm and comfortable.“But I’m not picky I’d like to know what you want to watch” he added as he looked back at the room where Yukie was.“Is he sleeping?” He asked softly not liking that his twin had been taken away again as he squirmed a little on the couch wanting to go see where Yukie was, but not wanting to get scolded for doing to much.He just huffed a little looking quite cute while doing it and settled back down on the couch trying very hard to focus on the tv and do what Leroy wanted.Of course after a few seconds it was clear he was bored out of his mind finding the tv not very amusing since he had grown up reading many books.


“...how old are you?” Ayme asked as he finally spoke again after what seemed like hours of silence, which truthfully had only been at most ten to twenty minutes.

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