Yaoi Manga

All Night Long Manga

Manga: All Night Long, オールナイトロング

Author: Muno

Genres: Romance, School Life, Yaoi

Released: 2016

Status in Country of Origin: Complete

Scanlator: Hoshikuzuu Scans, Stay Gold

Summary: “Why don’t you try it out?” These were the words Akashi Noboru’s friends uttered to him when he found out that a school hottie, Yagi Tomohiro, was gay. Noboru who was already contemplating the fact that he himself might be gay, egged on by what his friends said, makes the move.

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All Night Long [EN]
All Night Long [JP]

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All Night Long

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the manga.

All Night Long is a cute, light manga. Noboru is just realizing he might be gay and decides to tell that to his two best friends who not only are okay about it, but they suggest he tries it out to see if he really is gay or not.

Obviously, that’s easier said than done, but when one of his friends suggests asking Yagi about it, Noboru decides to give it a shot. It sure helps that Noboru already had his eyes on Yagi, but his plan doesn’t really go accordingly. To anything because really, he doesn’t have a plan.

Surprisingly Yagi agrees to help Noboru into figuring it out, but on his terms. Noboru gets to learn more about himself, but about Yagi too. Their relationship gets complicated, feelings of love and jealousy arise and Noboru is uncertain if there’s going to be something more to it or not.

I liked both of them and it is clear to see they go through a confusing time. Noboru is faced with a completely new situation and all kinds of new feelings and he’s trying to reach for what he wants while keeping his heart safe. Yagi has things he’d rather keep hidden, he too tries to keep his heart safe, but in the end there’s nothing better than honesty.

The art is also so pretty. It’s somehow cleaner than some other mangas, if that makes any sense, and it adds to the cuteness of it. All Night Long is a perfect manga for a quick evening read.

What’s your opinion on All Night Long manga? Please let us know in the comments below.

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One fateful day I came across the anime 'Gravitation' and I've been hooked ever since.
¹most of my novel reviews can also be found on goodreads under the username nigma-tll
²most of my manga reviews can also be found on myanimelist under the username Nigmatillium