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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Did you choose your name? Or did the other shadows?” Haru asked as he held the Nannie’s hand. “Also, are the other shadows nice? And do you sleep and eat?” Haru asked curiously wanting to know more about his new friend since he hadn’t had one in such a long time.


“all the people that work for me including Raven where androids. They helped me stay grounded and take care of you guys as best as I could while also making sure no one was allowed from the outside into our safe home.” Yukie admitted as he frowned a little. Now that his kids where basically all grown up it wouldn’t hurt to tell them the truth about the housing staff. “After Ren died I couldn’t trust anyone around us it felt like there was a target on our back. It was so hard….caring for you four and trying to figure out how to be a parent. Creating them helped give me a sense of security.” Yukie admitted with a sigh as he looked at Yumro. “It was done out of love.” Yukie finished before chuckling a touch feeling better about letting the others know.

”now then it’s only fair…you tell me why you smell so off.” Yukie replied not able to place why or what his son was doing to make his body smell so weird.

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On 2/25/2022 at 1:57 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Did you choose your name? Or did the other shadows?”

~ ..mnh..~ the shadow bent his head as he tried to remember how he had gotten his name.

On 2/25/2022 at 1:57 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Also, are the other shadows nice? And do you sleep and eat?”

~ah! I eat and sleep~ Shan nodded to the last bit. ~ the others do too but not all are nice. The older once are really bad and nasty. I hate them because they are mean to me, so I do my best to avoid them. They can't come here without master say so..  you shouldn't try to get close to other shadows though.. some can suck on your life power and hurt you really bad.~

~Me I'm save to be with because I'm not crazy and master Yumro took me in early on after my creation. That makes me more unik because I'm more 'human' according to master.~ the shadow added.

~... But I don't remember how I got my name. It had just been there for as long as I know.. but shadows don't usally have names so I mostly go by 'shadow'~



Yumro listened yo his father's words as the other told him another secret. Only this one wasn't as big of an suprise to Yumro as Yukie might have thought.

"I always knew the servants were off and not exactly 'real people'. I mean, even demons would haft to breath at least once an houre.. it explains alot now but I was suprised about Raven. He never acted  mindlessly like the rest and his love for us felt genuine... it is a little weird to think me and my siblings were brought up by robots. But then again this family was weird from the begining." Yumro said as he found him selv come to terms with it.

On 2/25/2022 at 1:57 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

”now then it’s only fair…you tell me why you smell so off.” 

Yumro suddenly tensed up in his seat. Deep down he knew it would come to it at skme point. But it was a whole other thing from telling Haruhi to tell his father.

The male sighed as he leaned over, placing his elbows on his knees.

"You know wolf mate for life right.. I guess I inherit enough of Ren's genes to make me one. And something in me chose Haruhi as 'mine'... when he left me everything around hurted and I was constant angry. I tried to find him hundred of times but because you hid him so well I couldn't even catch his scent... I don’t remember much at that time. I was restless and hurt and angry at the world. I even tried to k... 'hurt' myself,  just to feel a bite of relife..." Yumro wasn't proud of telling any of this to his father. No parent wanted to hear their child had tried to kill himself.

"I didn't wanna go to you because of so many things from the past. I imagined you wouldn't even care if I did and my pride didn't allow me too. I thought it would show just how weak I was if I did.

Somehow alonge the way I meet someone. Fariy he goes by.. he is the one whom got me started on.. drugs." Yumro turned his head away from Yukie as he did wanna see Yukie disappointment.

"I got addicted to it after that because it numbs the pain. But it also numbs all other feelings I may have.. I belive that may be why I smell driffrent."

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“Shan is a pretty name” Haru replied as he smiled at the shadow who followed close behind. “Which do you prefer?” Haru asked as he held the Nannie’s hand a little tighter as they continued walking out to the nearby centaur village. Looking around at the bustling market Haru was glad they had came to this market full of many sweets and exotic fruits and wares.


Raising a brow at Yumro knowing about the servants Yukie chuckled at his own foolishness.  “I should have guessed, you always where overly observant and so quick to figure out things.” Yukie replied with a small amused sigh. Looking at Yumro tense up Yukie frowned and gently took his hand. “Yumro….I wish I would have known….I’m sorry for causing such pain for you if I would have known you had a mate connection I would have told you where he was.” Yukie replied his voice laced in a deep sadness. “I’m sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me or go to me for help.” Yukie added as he gently petted Yumros hand. Hearing Yumro talk about getting into drugs and getting addicted caused Yukie to frown and worry showed deep on his face. “I want you to quit, whatever you need to get better just ask and I’ll do it.” Yukie offered with a smile just glad Yumro was willing to let him in and know.

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Shan became quiet and as he hear Haru call his name pretty. The shadow smiled happy with a warm tingling in his chest. ~... You can call me Shan.. if you want" Shan replied embarressed because he felt so funny inside. He would have been blushing if he had the ability to, but he didn't.


~are we going shopping?~ Shan asked as he looked around the market. He had jumped into Haru's shadow so it he wouldn't freak other people out.

It was still interesting to watch and see things around he'd never seen before.


19 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“I want you to quit, whatever you need to get better just ask and I’ll do it.”

"... I know and I will come clean.. but I need a couple of days to lower my doze. If I simply completly stop right away it would most likely kill me.. but I wanna stay here till Haruhi recovers.. after that could you take care of them until I get back? I would feel better knowing Haruhi and Haru is save and waiting for me."

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“Yeah I want to get some fruit for mom he likes the fruit from back home.” Haru replied as he held the Nannie’s hand closer. Looking at some of the mangos haruhi carefully picked out nice and ripe ones. Wandering around he picked out pears, melons, and a mix of berries. “Want to look at books?” Haru asked shen carting the big basket in his arms with a smile.


“Of course, as long as you promise they live a happy life with you if they move in with you” Yukie replied promising to take care of the two.

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The shadow looked at Haru's hand squeezing the Nanny tightly. To him Haru looked fine from his facial expression. But his body told another story, and Shan knew alot about body language from watching people in their shadows.

Was Haru uncomfortable here? Or nervous or scared?...

On 3/2/2022 at 10:37 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

 “Want to look at books?”

Shan peeked his head out of Haru's shadow as he asked him.

~Mn... do they have anything good?~ He asked not sure if he wanted to stay in a place that made Haru feel uneasy. ~I don't think they'll have anything here like those back home~

Instead shadow reached a hand forward and an small beautiful uncut rock jewl hung the air before the young centaur. It had similar color to Haru's eyes.

~look Haru, isn't it pretty~ Shan had nicked it from a stand they had passed from a huge pile of other stones like it. He didn't know a thing about traid or value. He just wanted Haru to have it. 


Yumro nodded although he felt hesitant to do it at first. "Even if Haruhi figures out that he dosen't wanted me with them, I still want them to be safe and happy" that was the  truth that he really hoped wouldn't become reality. Yumro's chest tightened as he thought of Haruhi rejecting him.. again. He still could feel that even while drugged up.

His gaze fell back to Haruhi's bed. "I wouldn't let anything happen to them.. I want my mate to always smile. And Haru has become just as important to me too. He isn't mine but it feels like he is to me."

Yumro looked back at his father. "I don't blame you father for your involvement. I'm the only one to blame because I made Haruhi feel like he couldn't talk to me before we ended as we did. I just hope he still carries a bit of love still for me and give us a change again.. but that is something that is between us. And I don't want you involved or influencing Haruhi in any way. And if he dosen't chose me i want you to do the same. We are both your kids in someway and nothing changes that."

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“Yes it is. Where did you get it?” Haru asked confused where the shadow could have gotten such an item.

”stay here in the shade I’m going inside for some items.” The nanny told Haru who nodded obediently and stood to the side in the shadow of the shops awning watching the other centaurs walk by nervously. 

“Did you make it?” Haru asked not knowing if Shan knew how to do that kind of stuff.


“I promise to respect your wishes.” Yukie replied with a small smile as he gently patted Yumros hand. “He will choose you so don’t worry. He talks about you a lot in his sleep” Yukie admitted with a small chuckle as he looked over at Haruhi who only grumbled and mumbled a half Yumro in his sleep. “He dreams about you.” Yukie whispered as he got up and gently checked that Haruhi was actually asleep.

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~I picked it up from one of those tables over there~ Shan answered honest with a innocent expression as he pointed out the jewl stand quite a bit away from where they were.

~I saw it and thought it was very pretty, because it is the same colour as your eyes~ Shan really liked Haru's eyes. They were they were his most favorit color. And he also felt a bit envious because he didn't have any color himself. He was simply black or gray. But higher ranked shadow did have red eyes. Though Shan didn't like those.

~I think,  I could find another one to match and we can each have one~ The shadow and was already starting to moved through people's shadows to get over to the stand.

Two guys ran the stand and was being careful and watched their merchandise from thieving hands. That said they didn't expect the thiev to be in the shadow of the bowl of the very same where they kept their less expensive uncute jewls. The uncut jewl rocks were mostly just put there to display the rough product before it had been worked.

Shan made himself small enough to fit in between the small rocks in the bowl to quickly match their color.



Yumro was afraid to get his hops up but he still smiled as he father patted his shoulder.

On 3/7/2022 at 5:36 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“He dreams about you.”

The demon rose and walked over to Haruhi to. He gently stroke the centaurs beautiful pale face and sad down on the bed beside him.

~"Thanks dad"~ Yumro whispered so he wouldn't walk Haruhi. ~"I appreciate it"~

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“Shan! No you can’t just take things it’s wrong.” Haru hissed after the shadow as he tried to calm his panic at the thought of getting any attention back here or in trouble. Holding his shirt tightly in his hand Haru tried to calm himself his breathing quick as he began to feel rather dizzy.

”thank you for waiting we can leave now.” The nanny replied as she looked at Haru before sending off a signal something was wrong.


“no problem.” Yukie replied as he smiled softly before sitting back down and going over Haruhis medical information again to make sure he was giving the right doses. Hearing his phone go off Yukie frowned as he noticed the alert. “Seems I’m needed elsewhere. One of the servants is letting out distress warnings.” Yukie explained as he quickly drew on the table runes to leave. “My guess is Haru wandered off in the store.” Yukie joked not knowing that it was actually more serious.

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On 3/10/2022 at 3:04 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Shan! No!”

Although the shadow wasn't close to Haru, he could still hear him. A couple of heads turned Haru's way.

Shan eased out of the bowl and formed back in the shadow of someone close by. He looked at Haru confused for a second before he noticed the pale look on the boy's face.

Shan jumped through shadows over to Haru, quicker than normal eyes could follow. 

~Haru what's wrong~ the shadow asked worried. It looked like something like a panic-attack to Shan. ~Haru.. ~ Shan wanted to help. The Nanny wasn't doing anything. Just takling in that bloody phone.

Shan tried to touch Haru but his hands Just went right through. "Breath Haru. Take a deep breath and hold it. It always helps me" shan explained as he tried yo help Haru out.

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“Easy.” Yukie whispered as he gently covered Haru with his wings the poor boy hiding away from everything and clinging to Yukie. “Breathe slowly, just like I taught you.” Yukie whispered as the centaurs walked along not even noticing the pair who stood invisible. “Steady yourself let your feet feel connected to the earth and slowly breathe in and out” Yukie repeated as he looked at Haru who was calming down as he did as instructed his body shaking softly. Looking down at the shadow Yukies eyes narrowed as he stared Shan down already finding the root of Haru’s problem. Gently petting Haru’s head Yukie sighed as the centaur calmed down fully but looked exhausted and sick. “I think it’s best we head home for the day.” Yukie whispered as he picked up Haru and started walking back home planning to carry Haru all the way back to keep from stressing him anymore. The nanny following close behind carried their bags in silence as Yukie looked back. “I’d you want to live in our house and be Haru’s friend your going to have to obey all of our rules.” Yukie grumbled not liking how Haru had almost caught to many eyes in such a dangerous place. While Yukie had taught basic beginner spells to Haru, he knew when panicked or distracted Haru had a hard time keeping them going. When he had panicked he had appeared to the whole village and well, as you would guess he was terrified and unable to do anything but break down in fear leaving Yukie no choice but to later clean up any memory of the lad to keep him hidden from the village. While he didn’t mind Haru getting to know that side of himself his rule was to never ever be seen in the village due to the danger it could cause him and for the last while he had been perfectly safe until today.

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Shan was pushed back from haru by an invisible gust of power. When he looked back up he his eyes widened in fear. Yukie looked at him like a small annoying insect he could squeeze at any time.

The shadow stood absolutly still and kept quiet.

On 3/15/2022 at 7:31 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“I’d you want to live in our house and be Haru’s friend your going to have to obey all of our rules.” 

Shan lowered his head in fear. "Yes my king" the shadow faited into the maids shadow and hung on tightly as he tried to figur out what he had done.

Would he be killed once they got back..  or would Yumro sended back after this? Both scenarios was equally frightening.

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Looking down at Haru Yukie sighed as he gently touched the boys head instantly putting him into a calm sleep. Opening up a portal back home Yukie popped through back in Haruhi’s room where the centaur was sleeping. Looking at Yumro Yukie set down Haru in a chair letting him fall asleep as he was sitting. “Your shadow friend caused some trouble. How much of our world does he understand?” Yukie asked with a frown worried Haru had been spotted or had let his shield down around the adults. “Haru….and Haruhi, they need to move out of the house. Haru might have been seen in the centaur village. If he was he might have people trying to find him.” Yukie explained as he checked Haru over for any trackers or even the smallest cut. “Haruhi went into hiding because Haru’s father was high up mafia…they have just as many connections he’s the law with the centaurs and I haven’t been able to make peace with him. All I can do is keep them hidden so he doesn’t take them back home.” Yukie explained his hands a touch tied at his inability to solve such an issue peacefully.

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Yumro wait for them on the other side of the portal. He wasn't sure what was going on but he wasn't really worried because no matter what Yukie could handle it. It was just the kind of guy he was.

On 3/21/2022 at 9:39 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Your shadow friend caused some trouble. How much of our world does he understand?” 

Yumro snapped his head upon hearing that his servants caused trouble for Haru. The male drew the shadow out by using his powers to pulled him out of his hidding place.

"Not enough apparently" Yumro replied as the small shadow trembled to his voice. 

"Go back" Yumro order the Shan, with a icecold attitude.

Shan looked up as he dropped to his knees. ~N-No master! Please I'll learn... Please don't sent me back..~

Yumro's eyes started to glow red as a mere shadow spoke back to him.

"Go! I'll deal with you after" Yumro's words was not to be taken lightly. And shan knew that, yet he he still tried. He didn't want to go back because he want to be next to Haru.

Yumro had to send him back by himself. Calling for another shadow much bigger than Shan who pulled the kid along with it.


Yumro looked at his father once that was dealed with. Getting to know that Haruhi's past mate was still alive and hunting them down made his skin feel funny to be in after he couldn't feel his rage. "Want me to deal with him?" Yumro offered, like he was offering to go pick up groceries.

Eventuelt Haruhi and Haru would move to his apartment an be safe there. Yumro didn't want Haruhi to ever feel threatened by anything. And it was also an exuse to get back at the bastard whom had hurt the best part of his soul. If anything Yumro didn't want the guy breathing and each second he was felt like an insult. "I can keep you out of speculations easily, and it wouldn't be traced back to the family either"

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“Give me a chance to plan a week away with Julius so I can even be in the same country. After I’m away you can be as messy as you want until it feels right again. I’ll have it investigated like we do so you’ll have to be very very careful to hide all traces I can’t pay off his investigators. Make it a feral demon attack…I can go with that a lot father then just an attack” Yukie added as he sat down with Haru gently rubbing the boys back as he cuddled him. “On that note the shadow…don’t get rid of it. I haven’t seen Haru so happy to have a playmate and so energetic.” Yukie admitted as he looked at Haru who was still sleeping. “I don’t think the panic attack was over a fight or him getting hurt it might have been a social aspect that Haru understood but the shadow didn’t and he panicked. I think the shadow should be evaluated and taught about the world if he’s a good pick for friendship…Haru needs a friend.” Yukie finished not wanting to take away the only friend Haru had shown interest in.

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Yumro nodded in agreement. He was an expert in this field of work. He could make any guy disappear from the face of the earth with out any trace.

But with this one.. he was planing a more creativ solution.

"I'll wait till then" he replied. Although he wanted the bastard done with right away, Yumro couldn't affort to be hasty. Anyway, he would just place some shadows around the guy for the mean time. Learning about the guy's movements.


"I'v return the shadow for now. The fact that he dosen't know cultur is a wonder to me. Most of them knows. But I guss, if Haru want him around I better get some brain into the thing. I can't leave it with Haru if it’s of harm to him. Kids around his own age would be better, but Haru might be to smart for those and find them bothersome." Yumro scratched his neck and stretched his back.

"I'll summon the shadow again later do Haru doesn’t get upset. In the mean time... how long do you think Haruhi will be out? Its been  2 days." The demon's eyes flickered with worry.

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“Trust me he’s to smart for kids his age…he’s quite the bully when it comes to insults on disagreements” Yukie admitted with a small amused smirk as his eyes looked over to Haruhi. “He should be waking up. But it might be hard. Having placed his soul in a safe place….it might be to hard for him to find his way back to his body.” Yukie replied as he frowned a little. Getting up Yukie walked over to Haruhi and checked his pulse and vitals. Poking at him a little more Yukie gently covered him with a blanket. “I’ll check on him and help him wake up. In the meantime just keep an eye on Haru…he’s able to wake himself out of my deep sleep stuff.” Yukie explained as he opened up his portal and stepped back to where Julius was to take him along for the trip.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I'll be here.. I promised Haruhi I wouldn't leave" Yumro replied as he frowned at the way Yukie poke him. "But I could jump into his dreams and help guide him back to his body.." But that would mean he couldn't watch Haru. Yumro didn't want to leave the boy after he had just been thought a panic attack and lost crontrole of his powers. He could understand why Yukie was worried. His father had to keep face for the world outside their house walls. People would get nervous if any of Yukie's kin went out of crontrole. Yumro wasn't worried for either his or Haruhi's safty. Haru's powers was like a sparkling firecracker, burning hot and wild underneath. It was the kind of power he would learn to crontrole as he grew. Just like he had..


Julius was sitting at his desk with towers of books around him. The snake sat onto of one and looked around as it sensed the shift from Yukie's portal. If a snake could have moaned out a sigh it properly would have as 8t crawled back down to it's master and manifested itself into a solid bracelet around Julius's left hand.

"Yukie" Julius looked up with a smile. He took off a pair of round reading glasses an stood.

He went over to the other and kissed him gently in greeting. "How was it?" He asked consciened .

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Looking at Yumro suddenly Haru just suddenly sat up not even registering he had fallen asleep. “Your still here?” Haru asked Yumro confused but deeply happily Yumro was still home when he came back with the nanny. “We got some fruit for mom.” Haru added as he looked for the bag sitting beside him on the floor.


“mmh it was fine.” Yukie mumbled enjoying the kiss and warm greeting. “Course I have an errand to run…I stopped back here to check in and see if you wanted to join.” Yukie offered as he walked to a chair and sat down looking through his phone at different kimonos trying to pick which one to dress in for his trip.

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Yumro smiled at the boy as ge suddenly sat up and started talking, like nothing had happened. "Yeah, I'm still here, else your mom would get lonely" Yumro replied as he gently ran his fingers over Haruhi's forhead. He wanted to kiss it, but He wouldn't do that without Haruhi consense.

Indstead all he could do was to be there for the person's son. He stood and went over to Haru. He took the basket and sat in the chair  across from the other. "You say Haru like these?" Yumro asked as he looked into the basket. He recognised most of them. He remembered he used to cut the fruit up in pieces for Haru as a kid. Haru had liked it back then. Yumro couldn't remember what they had tasted like. He hadn't eaten them since back then. But they did bring him back past memories.

Yumro leaned over a shuffled Haru's hair with his big hand. "You are such a good boy" luckily Haru had only taken after Haruhi, and not the other part involved. "I'm sure he will like them"


On 4/18/2022 at 8:34 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Course I have an errand to run…I stopped back here to check in and see if you wanted to join.”

Julius looked at him and tilted his head a bit. "Huh? Sure I can go but... can I ask what we'll be doing there?"

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“Can you help me peel them?” Haru asked as he smiled happily at Yumro. “The Nannie’s say I’m not to be trusted with knives outside of the kitchen.” Haru admitted clearly a little spitfire when the adults where busy. Pulling out some peaches and apples from the bag Haru set them on the table before heading over to the bed as if searching for something. Removing from under the bed a decent sized knife Haru set it on the table. “Teach me please.” Haru asked wanting to learn how the adults always cut the fruit.


“Haruhi is stuck asleep. He might not know it’s time to wake up so we are going to bring him home. I should warn you you’ll be meeting my mother.” Yukie admitted awkwardly as he set down two light kimonos down on the table. “She might want us to stay for tea…” Yukie added with a blush.

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"Well your Nanny is right, you shouldn’t be trusted with knives. Its your Nanny's job to keep you away from those things. Maybe when you are old enough to drive, I might let you use a very small one" Yumro said half teasing but mostly he was being serious. Haru didn't need to use them ever. His family was rich. A chef could make his every meal. Aside form tje knife used at the table beside a plate he didn't haft to pick anything sharp up.. 

".." Yumro stopped himself. Fu##ing hell, he sounded controling, just like his father.

Nop that he would not be like. A short knif and a peeler appeared on the table besides Yumro. He took the peeler and held it out towards Haru. It should be save enough to let him use that. "Use this to peel it then handle then over to me and I'll cut them into boats.. Just don't do them all. Will can save half for later."


Julius looked at Yukie.  "That dosen't sound good" he meant the part about Haruhi being stuck. The other thing... well Yukie hadn't meantioned anything about a mother before, so he hadn't expected to hear about her now.

"Uhm will it be safe to go there or will I need some protection?" He asked as he wonder what kind of person she was. Was she a friend or fow? Would he haft to prove himself to his mother-in-law?

It wa hard to guess but from the way Yukie said he had warned him, he sensed something were to be there between them.

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“Why the sudden change?” Haru asked curiously as he looked at Yumro amused at his rule breaking. “Normally Yukies rule is law yet you suddenly changed your mind….” Haru explained as he picked up the peeler and an apple. “Does this mean I’ve gotten you to like me enough that you’ll let me break more rules?” Haru asked being careful to peel the apples. “I won’t tell anyone if you let me play with grandpas books~” Haru added with a smirk lightly teasing as he was trying to see how far and just what he could get away with with Yumro.


“well it’s completely safe going to visit her as long as you visit with me. Personally I enjoy visiting her for tea and to chat. She’s completely different from my father and I’d rather motherly and nurturing. Father said I took after her in looks but I don’t see it if I’m honest.” Yukie admitted with a small chuckle amused by Julius’s caution but well it was a strange ordeal. “You shouldn’t worry to much she knows about you, I’ve told her about us. She seems to approve though she scolded me harshly for having such a drastic first meeting where we you know fucked.” Yukie mumbled as he started to dress in his kimono for the trip. “She’s worried I ensnared you with my seductive demon ways and you didn’t choose to be with me until it was to late and you might secretly feel trapped. She worries….I…was forceful. And well…I have to ask…was I? I mean you are younger by three years and I worry I took advantage.” Yukie admitted feeling like he had forced their relationship for his own gains since they hooked up on his mates birthday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"No reason" Yumro shook his head.

On 4/24/2022 at 3:44 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Does this mean I’ve gotten you to like me enough that you’ll let me break more rules?” ... “I won’t tell anyone if you let me play with grandpas books~”

Yumro stopped cutting and looked at Haruhi with a amused smirk. "I like you very much Haruhi. But even Haru wouldn't let you 'play' along with those books, so no. I can break a few simply once if I need to but your cuteness can't trick me" Yumro replied amused.


On 4/24/2022 at 3:44 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“You shouldn’t worry to much she knows about you, I’ve told her about us. She seems to approve though she scolded me harshly for having such a drastic first meeting where we you know fucked.” 

Julius looked at Yukie with a blank face.  He hadn't expected Yukie to tell his mother in such details.

"Oh.. I see" the witch said as the color broke into his cheeks.

On 4/24/2022 at 3:44 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“She’s worried I ensnared you with my seductive demon ways and you didn’t choose to be with me until it was to late and you might secretly feel trapped. She worries….I…was forceful. And well…I have to ask…was I? I mean you are younger by three years and I worry I took advantage.”

Julius's bite his lip as his eyes swayed abit around at first befor they settled back on Yukie "you didn't okay, and I don't feel trapped by you. If I didn't want to be with you I could go at any time I wanted." Julius tilted his head as he smiled and touched Yukie's cheek.

"So don't feel that way either.. yes you are very handsome and a flirt, with lots of troubles hanging over your head. But I came to fall for you even through that part" the witch leaned over and gently kissed Yukie.

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“Give me a week and I’ll wear either you, mum, or grandpa down.” Haruhi promised with a devilish smirk. “Mums going to break first though. He always does.” Haruhi admitted as he looked at Yumro sneakily stealing a bite of apple. “Can I ask you something?” Haruhi asked a little more serious as he pondered how to word his question.


“mmh I was expecting being scolded.” Yukie mumbled into the kiss as he kissed Julius back softly. Breaking away Yukie sighed as he just hugged Julius. “I’m sorry…demon relationships are easy when it comes to courting. I’m hopeless when it comes to humans and well, I couldn’t help but ask advice from the only sane human in my life.” Yukie explained as he just held Julius. “Also…I should warn you…she’s going to ask to throw a ceremony in her world. She’s happy I’m happy again.” Yukie admitted with a blush glad she was excited for them even if she was hesitant about Yukie and Julius since she had never met them.

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