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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“ I know but...I put you in danger for my own desires. What if they had hurt you or killed you?” Yukie asked with a deepening frown. “I have to be so much more careful” Yukie added with a small sigh.

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"Like wise. They could have hurt you too. And I was the one who agreed to it. Now I don't like how it happened. But I'm glad it ended well and no one got hurt." Julius said, although it was clear Yukie's pried might have been hurt just a little.

He also understood why Yukie was beating himself up about this, since his late mate was kissed.

"We'll both be more careful from now on" Julius nuzzled his nose in Yukie's hair.

"But first.. I firmly suggest you get some rest. It isn't healthy walking around like a zombie" he pointen out those bags under Yukie's eyes before stealing a bite of the eggs on Yukie's plate.

"I can study from home anyway so it's no big deal with a few days off"

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“Your only missing one day. I’ll take you back tomorrow” Yukie mumbled as he sighed and slinked off to the giant tub circle bed and climbed on snuggling down as a small fox enjoying the warmth. Ten seconds in he was out cold only for a Raven to stand in front of the door knocking with his beak as he stood wearing an adorable leather jacket with one of the dolls in it.

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Julius followed his lover to the bed and sat down beside him as he transformer.

He gently stroke his hand down the little fokus furry back, neck and head.

He almost thoughts he heard the gox starting to snore when a knock came from the front door.

Julius rose off the bed careful not to wake Yukie. He closed the door to the bedroom befor he went to open the front door.

"Hello there" Julius greeted the bird almost unfaced but the weirdness of the situation.

Why was the bird wearing a jacket??

"Yukie is sleeping, but do come in" Julius held the door up for the raven.

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The Raven nodded and happily stepped in rather cutely before settling down on a chair. Wiggling out of the small backpack the Raven set it down and carefully opened the flap. Pulling out a tightly wound scroll he handed it to Julius the scroll being the birds collected deaths he was doing for Yukie in his place.

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Julius watched the bird. It var fairly cute the way the tiny thing actually and behaved.

The snake crawled out from it's hidding place. Having caught a new scent the serpent got intersted. Although it was still angry at it's master's mate from taking Julius away.

It adores Julius like as in really puppy-dog love. And chose there for to blame the foult on Yukie.


Julius took the scroll as the ravende held it forward in it's beak.

He opened just a few lines to view it contents. Not that he would know much about it. But seeing a few names on the bit he had unrolled. He was sure it was one of Yukie's other jobs.

Julius closed the scroll again and looked back at the raven.

"Thank you for bringing this, I'll giv this to him once he is awake. In the mean time, do you want some breakfast?" Julius asked because he thought it would be the right thing to offer since the little guy must had use alot of energy flying all this way.

"Yukie made a lot but I couldn't eat all of this myself" he explained as he signaled for the raven to just pick off the dishes on the table.


The snake crawled up at Julius's leg. Which still gave the witch a bit of creeps couse of the cold skin temperatur. But he was getting more use to these sneak attacks.

The snake continue till it was seating around Julius's shoulder like a scarf. The white snake's yellow eyes were looking from the food to the bird.

It didn't eat food like the other creaturs did. But it was still entertaining to watch.

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The bird squeaked happily as he hopped over and helped himself to some fruit and eggs enjoying the fancy feast spread out before him. Settling down on the table he looked at Julius. “Name?” The bird asked tilting his head wanting to know who Julius was.

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Oh it could talk! Julius looked at the bird a tiny bit suprised.

"Sorry I didn't think you could speak so it suprised me a little. Un my name is Julius, what is yours?" He asked the raven as they both sat at thr table.

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“Pretty bird!” The Raven replied the bird still learning to speak. Tilting its head he fluffed up his feathers and looked at Julius. “Julius. Is mate?” The bird asked softly curious to know if Julius was Yukies mate hence why they where at the house.

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Julius  scratched his cheek as his cheeks got warmer. "Yes, I'm Yukie's mate" he answered honestly though it was a bite strange to say.

He was still getting use to the thought that Yukie had actually propose to him. But he also felt poud for that same reason.

"We just started living together as of yesterday, so it's still pretty new for us." He admitted.

"Have you worked with Yukie for long Pretty?"

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“Yes! Very very long! Yukie was small when we met!” The bird replied happily as he hopped over to a cup of tea and took a sip. Looking at Julius curiously he noticed the snake wrapped around Julius.”is it a baby? Your baby?” The bird asked having never seen Yukie keep a snake around or in any of the houses he lived in over his lifespan.

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"That sounds like you two have a close partnership" Julius nodded with a kind smile.

The snake looked up exited when the raven looked at it. And wagged it's tail.

"Well it is a baby and mine, but it is not the normal kind of baby." Julius scratched the snake's chine and it leaned into his touch.

"It's a witch's familiar born from my magic.. he is just a few weeks old but It's thinks as a 10 year old and grows fast." 

He was still unsure how Yukie felt about Julius's familiar. A part of Julius's hoved the snake soon would grow independent of him. But he also cared for the creatur since it was a part of himself.

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“Ah....mates baby not dads” the Raven added as he fluffed up his feathers and helped himself to more tea understanding better.

”glad to see you’ve met Pretty bird or just Raven” Yukie added having finished his nap as he walked into the room amused by the site before him.

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"Yukie" Julius stood up and greeted his mate with a worried frown. Yukie couldn't possiblely have slept for more than a few hours.

"Yes he came with this to you" Julius held out the scroll to yukie. Just as the other reached out for it Julius pulled the scroll back. Keeping it out of his reach for a second more to ask. "Are you okay? Should I make you a strong brew to help?"

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“I’m fine.” Yukie replied with a deepened blush as he tried to reach the papers not letting his mate get away with such a thing. “And those are important there collected souls that got lost” Yukie replied with a huff before stopping and holding out his hand wanting the small scroll. “Please. It won’t take long to release them back to safety” Yukie added with a small devilish smile.

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Julius sighed as he lay the scroll in Yukie's open hand. "I'm still gonna make you a brew and you'll drink it even if I have to force down your throat. Got it!" Julius wasn't letting Yukie's run any corners with the state of his health over anything else.

He went up to yukie a placed a gently kiss on the man's cheek. "I'll leave you to it in the mean time" he said and moved towards the open kitchin a bit off from the table.

He casted he herb gathering spell and quickly the things started to pop up out of thin air.

This brew Julius made weren't exactly tasty. The herbs were bitter and sour, only sweetened by the energy he poured into the mix.

It was like a homemade witchs energydrink only a lot healthier.

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“I doubt you could force it down my throat” Yukie replied not liking the smell of the brew already. Watching curiously Yukie peeked at what Julius was doing every few minutes putting off his work out of curiosity for what his mate was doing. “That smells awful” Yukie complained as his nose wrinkled a little.

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"Yes, yes it does. Its not plesant to drink either but you only need to take one shot of it. You know like a gingershot they sell at the supermarket." He looked over his shoulder and send his lover a confident teasing smirk."I can take one too if you are too big of an baby to drink it"

He poured the dark green liquid up into two small glass and took one in each hand.

Julius held one out to yukie. "Cheers" he smiled and tapped Yukie's glass with his own. Then he brought the glass up to his lips and tilted his head back. He emtied the glass in two swigs and put the glass back down like it was no big deal. But then again he was use to drink witchs brews from early age.

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“....oh hell no. I’m not drinking that I don’t care if you drink it it smells gross and is made with a bunch of weird crap” Yukie replied with a frown standing his ground a touch childishly at the request to take medicine something he didn’t do easily it didn’t matter who offered it. “Like I said you’ll have to figure out something else” Yukie added before laying on the couch and turning on the tv.

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Oh poor baby. Julius rolled his eyes as he went over to the couch. He sat the glass on the coffetable and jumped ontop of Yukie.

"You ard such a baby" he said as he caught Yukie's hands hands held the down over Yukie's head.

He lay down on him and kissed Yukie.

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“Mmh got you to top me though...can’t be all bad” Yukie teased into the kiss as he snuggled into Julius as best as he could while being restrained.

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"I don't haft to be all bad" Julius said as he pulled back again and sat above Yukie.

"If you drink my brew I promise to make it up to you" he tried to lure Yukie with a flirty smile.

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Julius's nippled on his lips as he saw the interest in Yukie's eyes. He couldn't help but remember a thing he had heard from a move as a kid.

~put some suger in the spoon if your medicin is soure~

"What reward would my sweet mate want?" Julius asked back slowly as he gently thrusted his crotch into the other's below him.

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“Mmh obviously not more of that~” Yukie teased with a small blush pulling his hand away to gently set the snake on the floor. “Go play.” He told the snake more focused on Julius and well he didn’t want those extra little eyes on them.

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