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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Even after Gin had walked away Ren still stood starring at the spot. What!.. Would Raven leave... Yukie wouldn't be happy about that at all, not when he properly wanted to have that relationship with his kid, he didn't have with Yumro from the start.


Yumro got impatient way his daddy and pulled in Ren's shirt.

Ren took the hint and picked out the dropped toy and baby blanked before he went over to the twins work office. He had changed his mind about doing Yukie's room first, if Yukie would be using it...

Ren shook his head to get those thoughtes out of his head and layed out the blanket for Yumro to play on with his toys while Ren packed everything down in boxes.

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"Having fun snooping?" Yukie asked looking at Ren as he stood confused why Ren was in his office the place a little cluttered.

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Ren turned his head forward Yukie with a teasing smile. "Oh, do you have more secrets? That is not very healthy for any relationship you know"

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"No I just don't let people into my office" Yukie replied straightening up and setting some files on some big wooden boxes in the corner.

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"Sorry.. but don't worrie I'm not looking at anything more than the headline so I know which box to pack the papers in" Ren explained as he closed a full box and opened a new one.

"You would like to have this things with you to the new house right? I can promise that I then will stay out of your office and not touch any of your things"

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"Please...just don't break or touch things" Yukie replied before leaving. He went out to go with Ayme to see the house.

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Ren couldn't help but to roll his eyes, he needed to actually touch in order to pack it. "I'll be super careful" Ren replied as he continued packing.

It was like Yumro confirmed it by starting to make his usally baby noises and smiled up at Ren.

"I know right, your other dad is such a party pooper" Ren smiled eventhough his son couldn't hear him.

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"Want lunch?" Sana asked popping his head in as he smiled Raven hiding behind him wearing the clothes Yukie had given him instead of his uniform.

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When Sana poped his head in Ren was pretty much done packing every dokument, file and book in the room, in totaly everything filled up around 15 boxes.


"Mnh, I'm not all that hungry to be honest, but I could use a break and something to drink" Ren returned the smiled with his reply knowing fully well that Raven was there too by smelling his scent besides Sana's.

Well at least now he could aske Sana about the dna thing.

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"No! He is not eating that" Ren said quite strict but it was for Yumro own good. "I'll just make him some vegetables sticks though, if you don't mind" Ren asked but he wasn't mad at Sana for asking.

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"...whatever!" Sana snapped a little hurt by the comment as he went off to check on Raven a he offer him something to eat.

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Ren sighed, he wasn't making any progress today with anyone, so instead Ren just took Yumro up and went out to the kitching to get both of them something to drink and make a few snacks.


Most of the kitching things was already packed but Ren found that there had been left a baby bottle as well as some glass and such still unpacked for use. The frige also still contained food so there was no problem with finding carrots and cucumber.


Ren filled the bottle with some milk and took a glass water for himself before he found a big sharp knife and cutting board, but just as he stood with the knife at hand and about to make the cut, he froze and slowly his hand started to shake.

Nasty pictures from his last time in this room appeared in his mind, he saw flash of blood covering his hand and how the blood slid alone the end of the knifs and drip down on the carrot.

Startled he dropped it and stepped away, he tried to look away but now the wall was spayed with the dark-red liquid and the strong smell of ion burned in his nose, his feets felt wet and sticky from the pool laying on the stone floor.

Ren was so fearful and rusted over to lift up his son so Yumro wouldn't drown in the pool of blood that seemed to only grow by the second. Ren hugged Yumro tight to his chest as he tried to crontrol his trembling body and keep himself up right.

"Daddy?" Yumro's small voice felt like it was shoking though he wasn’t, and with a small smile he tried to assured the baby that dad was okay, only to have his mind screamed out the rest of his consciouseness.

The vision of Yumro covered in blood and limbs twisted looking almost dead was too much for Ren fragile brain to handle, no air entered his lungs and soon Ren found himself falling, fainting just after taking the fall for Yumro's small misshaped body, hitting his head against the counter.


Yumro wasn't hurt in the fall, but the shock of suddenly falling made him cry out as he lay on top of Ren and held tightly into his shirt. He only cried even louder when daddy wasn't moving.

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"Shit!" Yukie yelled in as he picked up yumro and held him close carefully rocking him as he yelled for sana who ran in and helped get Ren into a hospital bed as Yukie just held yumro lovingly

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Yumro eased his crying a bit but he was still a shocked at it took a while before it was off him completely.


Ren didn't respond to anything happening, he was totaly out cold as his lips slowly turned light blue. He had hid his head hard enough so the skin at the back of his head had broke leaving a nasty wound. It was healing but for some kind of reason it was abnormally slow for a wolf and every minut Ren turned more pale.

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Sana quickly started working on the wound as he also gave yumro more blood and wrapped him in a blanket.


Yukie took yumro away and with him to the house finding the accident to close and Ren unsafe for his baby.

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(now it's my turn to be evil ^^)


Ren didn't wake up that day or the next, the only time he almost did his body didn’t allowed him to, like he was locked up in his own nightmare.

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Yukie just eventually had Ren kept in a hospital the man taking care of his baby and becoming at the time the only legal guardian Raven of course helping him while Ayme went out dating afew cutenguys in this time.

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Ren's condition only became worse and on the three day he went into coma for two weeks. Then one day Ren opened his eyes, unsure where he was, Ren pulled all the weird needles and wires out, causing a loud alarm to ring.

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"Hey sweetheart lets leave those in your arm" sana replied wearing a normal doctors coat and outfit as he checked Rens chart.

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Ren watched the doctor nervously, he wanted to run, but the way the guy tone had sounded he guessed that he probely shouldn't. It didn't mean though that he would stay in that way too soft bed.

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"Do you remember who you are and how you got here?" Sana asked gently toching and checking Rens reflexes,

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Ren nodded to the first question, but shook his head at the second one, he didn't know why he got here or how, had he been beaten up that badly?

Ren didn't want the man to touch him and tried to avoid it by getting up, but his legs gave away under his own weight. Shit he almost hadn't got any strenght in his entire body! Awkwardly he crawled back up to sit at the beds egde.

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"Your body took a nasty fall knocked you unconscious and thenput you in a coma for awhile" sana replied as he finished writing and looked at Ren..."hungry?" He asked.


Meanwhile Yukie was caring for yumro the bandages long gone as he set his baby outside and made lunch serving him a damn grilled cheese.

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Oh.. Coma huh.. Ren hadn't seen that one coming and hearing it sounded quite unreal to him.

His stomach growle just when there was mentioned food and with a small embarrassed blush he nodded.


Yumro kicked his legs and bit his fingers, he hadn't felt at ease the last couple of days and the fact that he hadn't seen his daddy didn't help either. He eat less and had lost a bit of weight the first week. Though he was starting to use his legs nothing really seemed to make him laugh and he kept asking for Daddy.

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