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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Sana smiled and brought back some delicious food for Ren.


"I know baby daddy isn't feeling good but mums here" Yukie replied trying to comfort the child as he made him a healthy side dish for the boy trying his damn hardest.

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He ate surprisingly everything brought before him and even though Ren was suspicious about why he was giving all of this, his stomach screamed to loud and the food tasted too good for him not to eat it. When done Ren looked wary around the room and saw a pen and a writing block not to far out of reach. Ren took it and wrote down a question for the doctor. "When can I leave?"


Yumro knew something was wrong and lifted his arms up forward Yukie to signal that he wanted to sit with him, not alone in a hard baby chair, it didn't matter just how many pillows there was added, Yumro wanted contact and dad seemed just at stressed out as him.

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"Well we need to run some more tests so after you get a clean bill of health I will take you home" sana explained.


"I'm sorry, I'm new to parenting" Yukie replied picking up yumro as he held him close and just gently rocked his baby.

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Home?..."How long will that take?" Ren asked before writing. "You don’t need to take me, I can walk."


Yumro talked in his baby mumblering, loving the close contact and attention he was given.

He had more of an appetit now that weather had been willing to eat before and eat half of the grilled cheese and most of his vegeis. Afterwards he lay hugging Yukie's big figure until sleep over came him.


- - - Updated - - -


Home?..."How long will that take?" Ren asked before writing. "You don’t need to take me, I can walk."


Yumro talked in his baby mumblering, loving the close contact and attention he was given.

He had more of an appetit now that weather had been willing to eat before and eat half of the grilled cheese and most of his vegeis. Afterwards he lay hugging Yukie's big figure until sleep over came him.

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"I'm not going to just let you walk besides you don't even know where we moved to" sana explained.


Yukie just carried his baby to his room tucking him in the bed as he activated the camera and went to go check on Raven who was our cold and a lot bigger the boy needing some sleep as he happily video chatted with Yukie from Russia.

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Ren's mouth dropped open in s second, he didn't get it.. why couldn't he not just leave him alone, he didn't know which hospital he was at but surely that didn't mattered for him. But why did the doctor speak like he knew him. Ren hadn't ever met the person before and the guy was talking about them living together!

Ren quickly tasted his legs before he tried to get out of bed again. This time his legs didn't give out beneath him and in a blink of an eye Ren shifted and jumped out the open window. Funny enought he had made sure to check just how high up from the ground he had been, but luckely it was only 2nd floor and grass at his feets.

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(Oh that is what he thinks ^v^)


okay escaping from the hospital in wolf form without any clothes properly wasn't one of his best ideas, but hey that doctor was giving him the creeps, shit and what about the bill... Okay no he was just plan stupid, they wouldn’t be able to give him any since Ren didn't exist in society nor did he have any id.


First Ren needed to find some clothes, he knew just the place but getting there in wolf form without being smelt or seen by any other humans or shifters would be triggy.

It took him until nightfall before he could get though traffic and finally found a dollar store. Out back some old stuff would always be lay out to someone in the need, and in Ren's case he needed those clothes if he didn't wanted his ass kicked back into another hospital.


There wasn't much to choose from besides from som tight thin jeans and a shirt big enough for three his size in the most punk green he had ever seen, Ren changed back to human and took on the clothes, there were lots of shoes, ladies and a few men, only after digging for half an hour he found a quite nice par just his size.


When Ren walk out on the street an saw himself mirrored in the store window, he felt more like wanting to just go back and find something else, since thise clothes made him look like one of those boy sluts he had seen leaving clubs late at night. But just then he smelt wolves and knew he needed to get the hell away.

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Yumro looked up at Yukie half asleep and yawned big showing all of his teeths before he reached out to the man.


Ren was in very deep shit by now, he was in unfamiliar territory and wolves scent all around him no matter which way he walked.

When he saw a small gathering of maybe five shifters walking forwards him, Ren snuck his way past some guards into a night club that didn't smell to much of wolf. Hopefully this many people would confuse whom ever would be chasing him.

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Yukie smiled and picked up yumro coddling him a little before setting him down wanting him to walk a bit to the kitchen.


Ayme of course was partying in said nightclub and making out with a dancer.

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Yumro smiled a little tired smile which widened as he became more awake. When sat down Yumro held onto Yukie for support, but even with such a big helper Yumro still fell a couple of times before giving up. What would he ever be needing them for anyway? Crawling was so much faster, he thought and quietly crawling away from Yukie, trying to make him chase him.


There were a look bodies jumping up and down eachother and the smell of strong liquid and vomit alone made he felt kind of seasick just to be near.


Then someone grabbed his ass, making Ren growl out loud as he slapped the hands away and tried to disappear into the crowed, hating every part of close contact with dancing bodies rubbing against his.

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"Ah! No we are going to walk don't you want to run around with mom when we play outside" Yukie asked carefully grabbing him and having him stand again. "Come now darling lets try it again" he replied holding yumro up.

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Yumro chuckled when he was caught in a high pitch sound, he didn't really want to walk or run right now but holding on to mom Yumro did so anyway to please Yukie.




Suddenly a strange smell caught Ren's attention, some where in the crowed came a strange scent, it wasn't wolf but he couldn't figure out what it was either. Insted of investigat the source, Ren pulled himself away and off the dancing floor to a corner with little people. He was disgusted with the bodyfluid he had been rubbed all over in, the only good part was that now no one would smell lone wolf on him.

Ren took a seat in a small emty couch away from the bar and dancefloor, he figured that he could hid out In here since it was warmer and a lot safer than walking around outside.


"Hey gorgeous, why you sitting all alone?" A dark hair guy with big tattoos down his arms and neck asked as he slide in besides Ren tougether with a small blond boy under one arm and a beer in his other hand.

"Shit!!" Ren had been to tired to noticed the alfa before the guy made himself comfortable, trapping him in a corner.

"Ha! You meanie, I thought you said that you only had your eyes on me tonight" the blond boy said with a small annoyed purred as he rubbed himself against the man’s sid, the view making Ren wanting to puke, at least that would had been a good way to make the piss off.

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Yukie chuckled and smiled adoring his baby as he took him outside to play changing into a wolf as he allowed him to ride him around like a horse.


"No he's taken tonight" Ayme replied as he giggled and went over setting a drink down for Ren like he had planned to bring it back to him as he snuggled up against Ren.

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That enticement scent was there again and that voice that suddenly followed sent a weird warm tremble though him, the guy it belonged to was absolutely breathtaking. Ren couldn't help himself from starring though he was confused about how the hell he had ended up like this.

But when the man started to snuggle him Ren pushed away uncomfortable with any touches form another person.

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Normally Ren would had ran by now, but something about this man didn't make him flee right awa, but that didn't mean he wouldn't sit at a safe distance, which was a lot easier now that tattoo and blond boy had taken the hint and walked on.


Ren focused on the man’s face but nothing came to mind, he shook his head. 'How dose he know my name'

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Ren starred blanked at him, thinking that he must be somewhat crazy. 'Just what did this guy take? something strong surely'

Ren shook his head again and tried to get up and leave, this was getting to weird and Ren wanted no part in Mr handsome's scheme.

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'Yumro? What a weird name...'

Ren yet again shook his head and tried the little hand-signales he couldn't, but all he could say was: "Sorry, don't know what you speak of, please leave me alone" Ren signaled and walked away forward the clubs exit only looking back just before he got swallowed up in the crowed.

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Ayme sighed and went back to dancing.


Yukie just snuggled and loved on yumro taking care of him.

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While Ren went back to his old habits of living off the streets, sleeping with half an eye open and fleeing everytime a wolf's scent caught his nose.



Yumro liked spenting time with his new mom, but he still missed the first person whom he had first seen from the first time he opened his eyes, but Yumro was just a baby, and as such he couldn't fake his emotions from facing that he was very uhappy.


The smallste things would make him cry, the way mom would comfort him wasn't the same way daddy held him and in the end it mess up his sleeps too

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"I'm sorry...I'm sorry" Yukie replied as he snuggled yumro and adored him trying to give him everything's could and somewhat he tried to replace Ren for the child...but he was suddenly sent a surprise gin bringing his baby...and just his baby with the sad message Raven had died in childbirth due to an old heart problem so Yukie was left with yumro and the child he had named sin after what his mom had decided. "Yumro..want to meet your baby brother?" Yukie asked showing yumro his baby brother sin looking up tiredly the newborn yawning.

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