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Strait cut words of lies (18+) ~Nyuchanxx and Ayais


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Yuki swallowed, so this was his brother. That explained why they looked so similar. He guessed that this male deserved to know why his brother died. Swallowing he tried to mentally prepare himself for what was to come as he took a sip of the coffee. It wasn't bad though a little sweet for his liking.


Slolwy he started talking. "I the leader of the group in competition with his. We were both tricked for a drug but Aki found it first. His group found me, not that I was hiding, and somehow overpowered me when k was unaware." He sipped at the coffee again disliking to talk about his own incompetence. "Well, one of us had to die when they brought me before him. He was going to kill me, he had the upper hand. Actually he had every hand, I was drugged and immobile. But here couldn't do it and shot himself instead so I was left to have to claim I killed him." Yuki sipped the coffee again not wanting to look the other in the eye knowing he would be hurting. He felt bad. But he had just done what he had to, he never asked Aki to take his own life. It wasn't his fault.

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Bri looked at Yuki he didn’t get it “one of you had to die… why couldn’t he kill you?” He asked

“oh my god… he loved you.!.” that was the only thing he could think of . “I am sorry you lost him I am sure he was a great boyfriend just like aki to pick his rival for a lover. He took Elwen hugged Yuki “ I am so sorry Elwen you must miss him as much as I do..” he held his hand on leaned on his shoulder crying on his suite.

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Yuki frowned amazed at how intuitive this man was. How had he managed to guess that from the small pieces of information he had given him. As the other pulled him into his embrace Yuki felt sick. Aki had died for him and he hadn't even known of his feelings until the last second and even now he felt no more remorse than one would hearing about the misfortune of a distant friend that hadn't been seen in years. And yet here was that mans brother trying to consul him. He wanted to throw up he was so disgusted with himself. Taking a deep breath he wrapped his arms around the other as he felt the tears on his shoulder and the gentle sobs in his ear. The least he could do was console this man. He didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say, he was loathed to tell the truth, he couldn't do that to someone who had just lost a sibling.

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Bri crawled on his lap he heard Yuki hart beat and keep crying “ I am sorry…” he stooped crying. “your suite is all wet…” He didn’t move to form his lap “I can see why Aki liked you.. I hope your taking good care of his men.. “ Bri blushed and got off his lap “sorry… I haven’t been held in so long it was nice.” He sat next to him and drunk his coffee. “I am glad he found someone even it was for a short time. “ he set the cup down. “You can stay as long as you like if you have to go I understand..”

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Yuki let the male cry onto him. It was the least he could do. When the other finally got off his lap Yuki said gently "No don't worry, it can be cleaned after all." Yuki picked up his coffee and finished it a swift gulp. He felt awkward and out of place now, not knowing what to do nor say. Standing he said "I should probably go, I'm sorry for your loss." He inclined his head politely as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

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“I am at peace ..now.. he was happy in the end that’s all I can ask.He knew a long life wasn't in the cards for his brother .

.”Bri smiled “ thank you so much” he stood up “ let me walk you out..” He smiled he didn’t plane on staying at his apartment uncase he ex came back. He new a great place to sleep by the dock it was a war house that had been empty for year he went there a lot to hide form his ex. “So next time we met maybe you will tell me your real name” he tried to smile but his smile always looked like he was hiding sadness.

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Yuki let the other lead him out, he could hear the sadness in the males voice despite him trying to hide it. With a sympathetic smile he said "Sure...If we meet again." He knew the odds of them ever meeting again were very slim and he wanted to give his male something to hang onto for the moment until his life got better for him so he guessed saying he would reveal his true name wasn't a big deal. As they exited the apartment block Yuki turned to the other and offered his hand to shake "It was nice meeting you, I hope the stars smile unto you." He smiled gently, he wasn't sure why he said that, it was just something he remembered but from who he did not know.

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Bri smiled and kisst Yuki cheek and give him a flower “ here.. as my thank you ..your not like most men in the mob.. I offered you what every you wanted to find out about my brother and you took noting.. thank you..” Bri knew the man could have taken his shop ,his life ,his body . He walked away from yuki heading to the docks while it was still day light.

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Yuki took the flower, he may have taken nothing but still he had held the most important thing back and that was worse. He swallowed and slowly made his way back to his condo. When he got there he slumped onto the sofa and for the first time in his life he light up a cigarette. He thought it was a foul habit and hated both the smell and the taste but he needed something and this seemed more rhythmic and relaxing than just drinking.


It didn't help though he still felt sick to his stomach. With a heavy sigh he finished the cigarette and left again wandering towards the nearest bar to drink himself out of one sickness and into another.

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Bri walked far out to the dock there was a dusty old freight box it was small so it was overlooked by mobs and gangs . He open the door and walked to a small bed he had placed there . he would stay here till he had to go to work in the morning. He feel asleep at night fall unaware that there would be a raid tonight it was time Yuki had every last warehouse every last box.

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Yuki drank himself into oblivion that night in a bar where he knew no one. Women hit on him and as the night progressed they started touching him through his trousers though by morning he wouldn't remember any of that. Eventually the clock struck 2 am and everyone was kicked out of every bar in the town. Yuki stumbled home and fell unconscious onto the sofa.

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a handful of men raied the docks takeing everything they found to the trunk . A man smirked seeing the boy sleeping "isnt he a pretty one.. to clean to be homeless."

One of aki men knew who he was " leave him he useless"

the other men shock there head and put him in the trunk tying him up with out waking him. the leader of the group called yuki " Boss we got all the warehouse empty and found many useful thing do you want to take or look? i can bring it over to you" he said with a smirk touching the boy hair . He was one of Yuki men so he didnt even know what aki looked like he had no clue that the boy looked liked the starshadow old leader.

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Yuki heard the phone ring and woke from his sleep. his body was still intoxicated so his hangover had yet to set in when he picked up the phone. "Hello" He said somewhat groggily before replying "Yes bring anything of interest to my place, everything else I will see in the morning." He hung up before standing and swaying slightly walked to the bathroom and brushed his hair although the mirror still swam in front of him. Going back to the kitchen he poured himself a quick whisky; the best thing to do when one was drunk to avoid a hangover was to drink more....until you had to sleep of course, but Yuki would concern himself with that in the morning. Going back to his sofa he sat down drinking the whisky.

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Once the car started moving bri eyes open only to a chloroform cloth over his mouth passing back out . he was carried over a man shoulder as . men brought some rare equipment and gems to Yuki condo . opening the door placing the boy on the floor showing him the other stuff first . “so what should we do with him sell him? Whore him out? The man study Bri or can I keep him as a reward?” he smirked

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Yuki saw the male and in his drunken state mistook him to be Aki. "Just leave him with me for now." He smirked at the male "Sorry I am sure we can find you another reward!" He showed the male out the door before picking the man he believed to be Aki up and laying him on the sofa. His eyes wandered over the male remembering their time together and that night at the restaurant, already he could feel himself becoming aroused and he wanted something a satisfy that hunger. Slowly he undid the males trousers and slowly coaxed his length into hardness before running his tongue up it and taking it all in his mouth. Feeling the warmth of the skin through his lips. The girth was a little wider than he remembered but he just put it down to time. He moaned lightly as he thought of the arousing look that would be on Aki's face when he awoke.

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Bri was abit out of it form the gas for a moment he though he was having a sex dream but it felt so real he let out a soft moan “ Elwen?” he gaps “ what are you is this real?” He gaspt not sure what was happening if this was a dream there was no harm but if it wasn’t he would have to stop he took a pledge to be a born again virgin he had never given him self to anyone not even his ex it was always rape. But he vowed that he would fight to his last breath next time someone

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Yuki let the others length pop out of his mouth as he said in a husky voice "shh Aki, it's me." He brought his hand down and massaged the males entrance with his finger before pushing it in slowly "Did you miss me my little bitch. Was it hard without me." He still held no love for Aki, that would never change but he loved the pleasure he had gotten from the other and thee sounds that fell from his mouth like diamonds. He moved up and removed the others shirt as his tongue lathered the males nipple in wet kisses and encircled it in small soft motions while his hand played a different game with the males length.

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Bri gaspt this wasn’t a dream he couldn’t get away Yuki still did not untie him he didn’t know what he should do should he let Yuki relive the memory or stop it . he sighed he couldn’t give in not like this “ Stop its me Bri! Look at my eyes…” You… “ but it sounded more like “ Yu” he moved around trying to keep his eyes open “ Stop I don’t want this I am no aki!” he let out one more moan. “Please stop!…” He had never been touched liked this it felt so good . No he could not give in so easily.

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Yuki bit the others nipple slighter harder than was meant to be pleasurable when he heard the other call him yuki...or what he though was yuki. "I told you not to call me that." He growled and pushed his finger in deeper swirling it around before adding another. Ignoring the males pleas he moved up further and lightly nibbled the others neck "like this everyone will know you are my bitch." He whispered before he bit a little harder but only to be pleasurable.

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Bri started to cry “ stop… oh god.. plese Elwen!” he moved around in the ropses feeling the figher in his very tight hole even tighter then aki. “Yu…” He guessed was the man name since “ stop ahhh that hurts…!” he moved around starting to kick and willged “ is this how you treated him did he like this?” he asked with a blush unsure of him self if he liked it or not he was trying his best not to lose it . “ Stop!” he gasp “ I am not Aki!”

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Yuki winced as pain lanced up his leg where the other had managasd to kick him. But the blow brought him back to his senses and although still drunk he suddenly recognised the voice as that of another male that was not Aki. He leapt of the man swearing as he did but only stumbled in his drunkenness and fell back onto the floor. Standing Yuki looked at the swimming image before him before suddenly feeling bile rise to his throat. He tried to swallow it down but couldn't and rushed to the bathroom knowing he shouldn't have drunk so much. Normally he wouldn't leave anyone alone in his condo but all the existsa were locked automatically so it didn't matter.

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Bri was so close to giving in he was relived when yuki stopped . he was stilled tied up so he could not leave the couch. “ are you okay so your name is Yu?” he asked sofly . he curled up on the couch still not having any pants . he was blushing . “ when you can will you untie me..”

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After drinking some water to get rid of the taste of such yuki returned and nodded "my name is yuki. And if you ever trek a soul very bad things will happen!" He threatened but it was empty, he was never going to kill this innocent man fit slipping a name to someone. Sighing he untied the other and sat down saying "sorry, I've had a lot to drink.... Please forgive me."

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“Yuki now that suits you much better “ Bri smiled he knew the threat was empty he stood up getting dress once he was untie .He stood up and put his clothes back on he blushed “ so did he like things like that…” He wasn’t going to say either or not if he enjoyed himself or not. “so what happen now ?” He looked down “ who every your put in charge of the raid was good that box has been over looked for years.. I though it was safe…”

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Yuki was still incredibly hard but he shifted h his trousers to try and hide it although the bulge was still obvious. He looked at the other saying gently "I would rather not discuss such things please forgive and forget my momentary lapse." He didn't want to talk about those things, doing so would reveal his own kinks and those he preferred to be hidden. He remained standing awkwardly not sure what to do as he said "well those men were my best so I hope they did a good job." He shifted uncomfortably and turned to get a drink from the tap: anything to try and calm his raging erection.

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