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Strait cut words of lies (18+) ~Nyuchanxx and Ayais


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Bri curled up on Yuki lap “mmm” he smiled when his hair was being stroked it really did feel nice . maybe little to nice he blushed happy his dress was hiding his excitement for the most part he didn’t say anything as Yuki talked business with the men. He was very grateful to yuki after all if he give the word he would have been sold to a club or worse.

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Yuki listened as his men described what had been found in the barns and told them exactly what to do with everything. Slowly the topics moved on to other matters and arguments spread throughout the table between the men. Yuki listened until he got bored of a certain topic and settled it with a few words. Normally everyone was happy with his verdict but there were a few who weren't as there always is. The babble went on for a long three hours until Yuki finally told them all to shut up and announced that all the main matters were closed and if anyone had any further pressing matters they were to state them rapidly or hold their peace. He waited for a response thoroughly bored by now but he didn't let that show.

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Bri noticed Yuki was getting board he kiss his neck “I am I doing okay..” he whispered nibbling on his ear . once but work seem to be over he wonder why the men did not leave . he still stayed on his lap looking at yuki not sure what was going on.

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Yuki made sure he didn't let the smile that wanted to invade upon his lips do so as the other gently nibbled his ear and whispered to him. Affectionately he moved his hand up to the others neck and stroked the soft skin with his thumb before his fingers started playing with the males soft purple hair. The table held their silence before his second in command spoke up, a tall man with strong arms and a sophisticated air about himself though he was much bulkierr than yuki and his hair was cropped short. "Sir pardon my asking but its been a long evening and more men than myself would like to..." He paused and with a slight smile continued "..inspect ....the goods that we brought back."

Yuki chastised himself for thinking for a minute he could walk out with both their dignity in tact. He knew exactly what this male wanted. Stroking the others hair he looked at Bri and played his role. "Well then my little one, I think your services are requested but I am loathed to let your services fall upon any other than myself..." He smirked and pulling the others hair so his chin rose and Bri was forced to look up at him said "how about you put on a show for them." This way Bri could go as far as he desired. He hoped it was okay.

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Bri wasn’t sure what the men wanted he closed his eyes as Yuki playied with his hair. He was surprised by his hair was pulled he hide a blushed and nodded “ of course master... what would you like me to do?” he started to unzip his dress like it was no big deal he would just have to pray that yuki would not take him all the way .

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Yuki tried to think quickly he was well aware that whatever he did he could not preserve the others dignity but there were ways he could hide his own fascinations. He knew it was selfish but he was scared to not be so instead he pulled the male close onto his lap feeling the warm skin of the naked man through his suit. He played with the others nipples at first, rolling them between his fingers as he breathed ever so softly into Bris ear so no one else would hear "exaggerate." Hoping that the other would understand.

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Bri wanted to close his eyes and pretend this wasn’t happening he had to trust Yukis he had no other choice . He couldn’t help but blush he had never done anything like this in front of anyone before . could he really do this ? Could he give him self to Yuki. He heard the man word he knew he had to do yes he would make what every Yuki did to him over the top. “Master My .. body.. is yours… to use…” He wouldn’t make a move with out Yuki lead he had to seem like he was a fully broken in bitch. He kind of liked that Yuki was seeing him and not his brother.

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Slowly he let his hands wannder over the smooth skin of the other as his fingers trailed slowly lower towards Bris length which was standing at attention from his ministrations. He wanted to end this quickly to make it easier on the other but he knew if his men didn't get enough of a show they would be unsatisfied. His thumb stroked the skin lightly around the others length teasing him by not touching that area before he finally let his fingers brush over the soft skin of the males length.

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Bri pulled his head back and moan as if Yuki very touch could make him cume “ ohh master please.. let me touch you..” he purred trying to hide his blush but he had to say this was some what exciting to him something about yuki have this much control over him . “ mmm”

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Yuki could feel himself getting hard at the moans of the other but he wouldn't let it show on his face. Swallowing down his arousal he growled back "Bitches don't get to say what they want." As he wrapped his hand around the others length and gave it a few quick pumps before his hand dropped down and fondled the males balls., He wanted this to be over quickly so he could get back and get himself off but that wasn't about to happen to his fraustration.

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Bri noddded as he keep moaning letting yuki touch him a part of him wanted yuki to just take him this was to much he felt him self so close to cumming already but he need to wait for yuki to order him to cum. He took a breath " I am sorry master..." he moved on his lap feeling how hard yuki was . ooh..."

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Yuki let the other shift but was slightly shocked when he felt the males hand suddenly palm that area of him that was so hard. He swallowed trying desperately to hide any arousal behind a mask of steal that kept his emotions hidden. Finally h whispered into the otehrs ear "You can come now." As his hand stroked the males length again and hiss free hand moved up the others thigh caressing the smooth skinn.

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Bri was so happy when Yuki told him he could cum he “Thank you master..” he groaned as he cum on Yuki suite. He got down on his keens and started to lick his own cum off the man suit . his tongue sometime lapping over Yuki cock still shielded in the pants. He keep doing so till there was no cum left on yuki pants. The men smirked they seemed happy.

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Yuki smirked in satisfaction as the other got down on his knees and started cleaning his suit but he had to fight to stop the smirk becoming a pleasured moan as he felt the tongue lap at his aching arousal. Inside he was cursing desperate to get himself some release. When his clothes were clean he pushed Bri off himself and stood throwing the clothes at the male and saying to the rest of his men "good wrk you are all dismissed to masterbare over my bitch." He smirked keeping up his pretenses before walking into the lift pushing the barely changed male in front of him just wanting to escape. As soon as the doors shut behind them yuki leaned against the walla and let out a long sigh his features relaxing although his length wouldn't seem to relax.

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Bri put back on his dress when no one was around and he fixed his hair. “I.. don’t think your men are going to forget what I look like anytime soon..” he was blushing . “are you okay?” he asked his voice was so sweet and soft . He waited for yuki to take him to the car all he wanted to do was leave this place. “How was that..?”

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Yuki smiled "you did great, well done." He said gently ruffling the others just sorted out hair. Getting back into the car was uncomfortable with his still persistent erection. He tried to think of things that would turn him off but he couldn't. Resigning himself to the fact he would be uncomfortable until he could be alone he leaned back and said "I'm sorry you had to go through that. It won't happen again."... I hope, he thought the last bit to himself.

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Bri blushed noticing Yuki was having a hard time he still wanted yuki more then he every wanted anyone. " Do you want me to care of that. " He touched Yuki zipper and blushed "I don't think i want to go back .. They may want more of a show.." He hummed he was still turned up by it . maybe if he sucked on yuki it would go away.

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Yuki drew in a sudden breath as he felt the others hand brush against his need. He wanted this desperately, needed it but he had to keep straight in his mind who this was and what he owed the deceased Aki. He swallowed trying to maintain control but then he heard the other speak again. He was practically handing himself to yuki on a guilded platter. He swallowed again, he shouldn't do this, it wasn't right. But...but he wanted this. Wanted it so badly.


Suddenly his resolve broke. Yuki slipped his hands down to his trousers and undid the button quickly followed by the zipper. He let out a soft aigh as the pressure released slightly before he pulled his hard length from his trousers releasing the pink top and the rock solid length. "Go as far as you're comfortable with." He said in a hisky desiring voice. It was the most restraint he could manage.

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Bri smiled and glared at Yuki “not to far…” He smiled as he leaned down and took Yuki in his mouth his mouth was nearly as skilled as aki but his touch was much softer his tongue smoother as he lap around his length . “mmm” he purred it had been far to long he wasn’t sure if he could really wait till he was in love . Yuki was growing on him .

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Yuki suddenly felt that mouth around him and as much as he tried he couldn't keep the moan from escaping his lips. He hadn't had sex since Aki had died, for some reason it had felt impure. But this, this was amazing. The soft tongue that lapped gently at him drove him crazy, he wasn't convinced he could hold out anywhere near as long as he normally could. He was so built up from the months without sex he desired it too much. The pleasure washing over like waves and when the male moaned he had to draw in breath afraid he was going to come. The vibrations that ran up his length were too good.

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Bri sweet soft green eyes looked up at Yuki as he took him all the way in his mouth massage him with his throat wondering what Yuki cum tasted like. He hummed so grateful to Yuki but a part of him felt wrong this was the man that loved his brother as far as he knew was he really just a replacement?

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Yuki let out a soft groan as his tip his the back of the males throat. It was unusual for him to be this vocal during oral or sex for that matter but he just put it down to his sexual deprivation recently. With a final groan he felt himself grow tight and then release as his orgasm flowed through his body and he came inside the others mouth. His breathing was heavy but it felt so good, he didn't even have the energy to be embaressed that he came so fast.

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Bri enjoyed the sounds that yuki was making but he to fight off the urge to go farther. He drink his cum down like it was a milk shake . “mmm” He sat back up and looked at yuki “ tell me.. Yuki am I someone important to you or am I a replacement?” He wiped his mouth he had to know were he stood before he got warp up in some fantasy.

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Yuki was still coming down from hiss high when he heard the other question him. "Replacement?" He asked utterly confused as to shy Bri would be a replacement. His brain was working slower with all the painkillers in his system tied with his exhaustion and his intense orgasm his brain was pretty much mush.

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Bri put his seat belt on and smiled “you can answered me when you’re ready..”Bri took a breath he was sure maybe Yuki wasn’t thinking clearly he smiled “let’s just go home..” He sighed and looked out the window ready to go home and take a nap he needed to sleep off these feeling.

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