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Strait cut words of lies (18+) ~Nyuchanxx and Ayais


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Yuki called back is acknowledgement before he went and found the suitcases, he was impressed by the others preparedness although he guess that came with always being on the lookout for danger. He took the two bags out into the main entrance wondering what it was that made the male so prepared, surely it couldn't be that his past, all that was gone now that his brother was dead surely. He frowned but decided not to think on it for now.

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Bri came out with a smile he looked like a vison of all that was pure and good in the world. “ thanks I can get a suitcase.. “ he took the smaller the small one looked old and dusty like it had been around for years. “ I am ready to go..” He looked around his apartment . he was going to miss this place but it was only a place.

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Yuki looked up as the other walked out of the room and felt the blood rise to his cheeks as he begeld the beautiful male in a floaty dress that he would love to slip his hand up. He had to make himself remember that this was Bri and not Aki whom he would have in a second slipped his hand up and teased the male into submission. Swallowing he tried to calm himself feeling his length come alive none the less. Turning away he asked "shall we go then?" As he picked up the other suitcase well aware of the fact that he shouldn't be toying with Aki's brother out of respect for the dead - had this male been any one else he would be upon him already.

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Bri looked at Yuki “ umm I can change if you don’t like it..” He blushed going down and putting his suitcase in the car. I normally wear dresses when I don’t have to work . but un like aki bri was wearing flat sandals . he put his suitcase in the trunk he had packed aki dress the night before he wasn’t going to leave that behind. He got back in the car and smiled “ we need to go get some fresh flowers or you can have some sent to the condo later. Your home needs some life in it.

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Yuki looked at the other "no no sorry, you just....surprised me that's all." He put the suitcases in the boot as well and got back into the car before telling the driver to go to a florist "we may as well but flowers now." He sat in the back beside the other with his hands in his lap cursing his own manhood for being so wanton.

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he found a pen and paper in the glove box he smiled “this is my store. “ He wort down what flowers to get . “ say I walk in the garden and you get a discount.” He though it was best to wait in the car . they didn’t know Yuki so it was safe for him to go in. “Ill be here..” Bri smiled he didn’t know what he was doing to the other man.

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Yuki ground his teeth together but didn't say anything as he got out of the car making sure to adjust himself a little as he did so I'm order to at least attempt to try and hide the bulge in his pants. Walking into the shop he rapidly brought as many flowers as his hands could carry and waved his card at them giving them the money in seconds before going back to the car just wanting to be away from prying eyes that might notice his arousal and know him for the pervert that he really was.

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Bri saw him come out with the flowers and smiled flowers . it was the one thing that made him happy. they were beautiful but only latest a short while. He blushed finally noticing the bulge in yuki pants . “ umm did I have anything to do with that..?” he held the flowers “ I am going to make you such lovely arrangements with these. He couldn’t wait to get to work

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Yuki bit his lip as the other finally noticed his predicament. He laughed nervously. He wasn't sure what to say, if he said that it was because the other looked like Aki that would be very insulting but if he said that it was very arousing to look at the other that would give away his kinks. He swallowed and settled with just a soft "yer, pay it no mind." Before passing the flowers over.

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“Thank you oh these are going to look great when I get done with them” He was exited “you know your very nice for a mob boss..” Bri smiled as they reached the condo he left the suitcase out for yuki and got to work on the flower he looked around till he found a glass blow. “Prefect!” he found some scissors and started to cut the flower to where he needed them. when he was done he set them on the table.

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Yuki didn't know what go say to that so he just smiled and picked up the others things to take them into a spare room. He put them down before returning to the main living room. "They look lovely." He said although truth be told he knew nothing about flower arrangements. Looking at the other he said nonchalantly "I have a meeting later about the things found by the docks." He shifted uncomfortably, feeling awkward about what he was about to say "unfortunately you were found so...ermm...sorry but you should accompany me."

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Bri smiled “it brings little life.. to the place doesn’t it?” he admired his work . And walked in to the living room . “oh.. okay… should I change?” he asked not sure what to expect but he would do his best to do whatever yuki asked he blushed not knowing what to expect.

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Yuki looked the other up and down before replying "I don't mind, whatever you feel comfortable in will do just fine." He walked over to the table and opened his laptop "we still have a couple of hours for you to decide anyway." Typing in multiple passwords he fi ally logged in and started typing.

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“I guess this is fine…” he looked down at his dress. Before going to make lunch for them he just made a fresh garden salad and some creamy sea food soup for the two of them he placed it on yuki desk. “ here ..” he hummed siting down at the table to eat . “ when your ready we can go.”

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Yuki looked up from his work as the bowel was placed in front of him "thank you, smells delicious." He said politely, he was eternally grateful his was surprisingly hungry and his head still hurt some as the painkillers were starting to wear off. Finishing what he was typing yuki picked up a spoon and dug in. It really was very good and certainly as good as it smelt. He wolfed the soup down, surprising eveen himself at the speed at which he ate. Putting down his spoon he said "thank you that was great." He offered the male a smile before getting back to work, he felt bvd about not talking to the other but he had things to do and fdigured his presence was good enough since he could very easily just be working in his study.

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Bri was surpised at how fast he eat . “ thank you for stocking your kitchen .” he took the bolws and started to wash them there was no need for the dish washer. He walked around the condo making his way to the spare room as he started to unpack in his old small suitcase were a few pictures already in cheap frames ,of him and his brother. Along with one when he was a baby with his mother and real dad. He set them on the dresser.

“were has the time gone..” he sat on the bed waiting for yuki.

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An hour and a half passed before yuki finally shut his computer down and stretched his arms, groaning as the sore muscles relaxed some. He found a glass and downed two glasses of water before looking around and wondering where bvri had gone, he had been so intent upon his work he hadn't even noticed the other leave the room.


Sighing yuki wandered upstairs and gently knowcked on the males room before entering.

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Bri smiled was siting on the bed when he saw yuki “ oh is time to go ?” he stood up and took his hand walking to the car “ so were is this meting at?” he asked not sure what he would have to do but he would not fight yuki he would play what every part he had to .

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Yuki nodded "yes, we are heading to our headquarters so it's a good hours drive unfortunately since we have to get into the main city." He lead the way out of the building picking up his laptop as he walked through the living room. When they got into the car Yuki leaned back and asked casually "So are you okay staying with me? I will have to find some excuse that might slightly effect you if you want to leave but I do not mind." He said his voice flat showing no emotion. This was how he usually was, he didn't know why recently he was showing a little more emotions around Bri but he had to keep that in check now, after all he was about to talk to his underlings and any emotion was a weakness in his trade, a weakness that would not be tolerated.

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Bri nodded as he got in the car looking over at Yuki he wasn’t his type but some how he felt drawn to this man. “ I will be okay staying with you after all as far as your men know I am just a item they found and I don’t want to make you look bad in font of your men.

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Yuki nodded "Okay then, as long as you are sure." He sat the rest of the journey in silence debating what would be said in the meeting and what would be the best thing to tell his men about Bri, normally men found like this were used in the clubs as prostitutes and the such but as it stood that would be unfair on Bri and he felt bad about doing that.


He still hadn't decided what to do by the time they reached the city. As his driver park the car Yuki made sure his tie was straight and his hair was combed neatly before he got out the car and lead the way to a tall skyscraper with glass lining most of the floor and fashionable metal weaved throughout the structure to both hold it up and look aesthetic. "Top floor." He told Bri as he showed the man at the door his card and the entered the lift.

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Bri saw the building and took Yuki arms Staying close to him . he had not been to a place like this in years he was hiding the fear in his eyes . “let me stay with you…” he walked n the lift “ so this meeting not going to be in a warehouse.. is it..?” he tighten the grip on yuki. Heading to the top with him. “do what you must but don’t leave me alone." he whispered in his ear in case this place was bugged.

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Yuki let the other hold him and gently reached up and squeezed the males arm reassuringly "Don't worry I wont leave you and I wont let them do anything to you." His voice was soft and warm. Suddenly realising that his tone was too warm he coughed to clear his throat and blinked a couple of times before finally the lift gave a small 'ping' and the door slid open on silent runners. Yuki stepped confidently into a large well lit room with a long table in the middle. They may be a gang but he still prefered to keep things upmarket and well run. This was a business meeting and was best done under business conditions. Sat at the table were a number of his subordinates including the men in charge of carrying out the raid. All the seats were taken but one at the head: his chair. Internally Yuki fought for a way to keep Bri beside him but the solution wasn't the best. "Evening." he said, his voice flat but not unkind as he untucked the chair and sat down tugging gently on the others sleeve to try and get the male to sit upon his lap as if it were natural. He hoped the other would play along. He couldn't think of another solution.

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Bri walked in with the yuki seeing the table he had never been to a room like this before . He saw all the men glared at them as they walked to the head chair Bri felt the tug and sat on his lap . “master..” he said so everyone could hear him he then purred on yuki lap like a kitten . even bri eyes were convicting he looked at Yuki with such submissive eyes.

the men smirked “ you got yourself a good bitch sure are you happy with the find?” the men watched expecting a show form thire leader either during or after the meeting.

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Yuki inwardly sighed with relief as the other male played along with his act. He let his lips twitch into a self satisfied smirk in order to please his men before saying "Yes it appears I did, this one looked too good to give to the local clubs like a common wore." Carefully he moved his arm up and stroked the males hair making it appear to all the others as a possessive and demeaning move towards the man on his lap but he put comfort and confidence into the touch, gently stroking the soft hair his fingers lightly rubbing Bri's scalp as he did in order to try and calm the male and thank him for doing this. He knew what his subordinates wanted of him but as of the moment he wasn't going to give it so he just said "work first I think." His voice authoritative and letting them all know that they should prioritise their jobs. He just hoped they might forget by the end of the evening but it was a slim hope.

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