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Strait cut words of lies (18+) ~Nyuchanxx and Ayais


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Aki hummed he tried to clam down it did not help at that yuki was rubbing him . “ I think I need to go to the bathroom..” he give him a seductive look . “You might want to use the bathroom your self .he wonder if yuki would get that he was inviting him to have sex with him in the bathroom. He put his hands on his lap hiding his bulge before sneaking to the men room . in the handicap stall.

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Yuki smirked, there was no way he was going to let the other get away with having his orgasm so soon. He took a so of his wine before helping himself to another oyster and pouring Aki another glass of white and a glass of red for himself. Standing he headed leisurely towards the toilets. Entering he softly said "Aki" wondering where the other was.

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Aki open the large stall door “ come on..” he whispered glad that there was no one in the bathroom he had already pulled his dress up past his hips exposing his hard length and his ass. He was glad Yuki took the hint .

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Yuki quickly followed the other inside and locked the door behind him. walking over to the other he ran his fingers across the males cheeks before drawing them down his neck and his wasit towards his length. For a moment yuki allowed his fingers to linger just below the others cock, touching the heated skin of his crotch but not the actual thing. Finally he wrapped he hand around it and squeezed gently, giving it a couple of pumps feeling the arousal of his companion.

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Aki smiled seeing Yuki why was his hart beating so fast ? they have not even started having sex. He hummed as he was being teased “come on baby..” He purred as he was Finley being pumped it felt so good but he wanted more.

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Yuki continued to stroke the others arousal as he gently played with the males sac with his free hand. He didn't reply to Aki, he wasn't going to give the male false hope but he so was t going to tell him the truth either. After a little bit he gave his love a final pump before letting go of the still hard length. Leaning close so his body was pressed against the others he whispered "don't think you can get of yet, I want to see you suffer some more." His voice was silky smooth and sounded like honey. He pulled the males skirt down so it covered his length although by no means hid it and turning he smiled in a cruel almost sadistic way saying "shall we go back to eating, I am starving"

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Aki closed his eyes it felt so good he was so close to Cuming but when he stopped he gasp “no..” he wined “please baby… take me now..” Yuki voice just made it worse but if they were gone to long people might notice. “ Oh okay.. just give me a moment I need to take care of this..” he said . He was far to close to stop it . all he had to do was stoke him self a few times and it would come out.

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Yuki chuckled before taking the others hand "ohh no you don't, I believe you missed my point little one..." He leaned towards the others ear and whispered "I mean I am not letting you come." He lightly nipped the males ear before unlocking the bathroom and dragging Aki out with with him so the other couldn't lock him out and finish himself off.

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Aki hummed “it.. hurts…” Yuki gasp “ and its not going to go down till I do..” he hummed “ yu.. Elwyn…” he wined as he put his hands over it trying to hide it. There was no way he was going to be able to enjoy dinner like this. He signed and tried to clamed down . trying to think of unsexy though but noting was helping.

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Yuki was truly enjoying himself, leading the other back to the table he loved the little whimpers and the begs he received. Sitting down again he smiled and whispered to the other "if you don't come I shall fuck you so hard later that you might pass out from the sheer pleasure." He promised picking up an oyster and holding it to Akis mouth to feed him.

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Aki was trembling as he was lead back to the table trying to hide his excitement. The man promise didn’t help . but it sounded so good he had never past out after sex before. He took the offer and slid the Oyster in his mouth as there food came. He took a bit of his chicken and hummed “ Mmm so good.

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Yuki smiled glad that the other was enjoying it. Picking up his cutlery he cut into the tender fish, the meat slid easily off the bone and as he put it into his mouth the white meat practically melted. It tasted so good after days of horrible hotel food. Eating quietly he observed the people around the room, enjoying how they were oblivious that he had an extremely arpused male at his hip rather than a refined women of taste. The thought made his lips curve into a slight smile.

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Aki cut in to his chicken and took one more bite “mmm let me try yours..” he warp his arm around yuki shoulder to single to everyone that yuki was his date. He smiled and kisst him deeply . “ is your really that good..” he smirked

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Yuki let the other put his arm around him presuming that was as far as the affection would go but then suddenly he falt the males lips upon his own. He didn't mind them playing these sexual games but being caught was another thing entirely and being seem kissing this person so openly fell under being caught. He pulled away "save it for the bedroom." He said coldly but his fingers trailed up to feel the fabric covered erectiom upon his companion never the less.

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Aki sighed he was still getting used to the fact that Yuki hated kissing. He tried not to get upset at Yuki being so cold. “sorry..” he whispered before he hummed “ don’t … I don’t know if I can hold it in..” he took a big drink of wine and finished eat the rest of his Honey chicken.

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Yuki said nothing preceding not to acknowledge that the kiss had occurred. But he quickly regained his peviously amusement when the male told him he couldn't hold it. "Well I will be very disappointed if you can't, honestly can my bitch not even contain her need for a few hours?" He went back to calmly eating his fish, truth be told he was hard again and desperately wanted to fuck Aki senseless but he wasn't going to tell the other that and give him that satisfaction.

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Aki drink so much wine he was a littel buzzed. “ mmm don’t talk like that.. are you ready to go home?” he asked sofly. He wanted to go back to the hotel so badly and let Yuki do what every he wanted he was so happy to see the waiter with the check . all he had to do was wait a little longer.

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Yuki almost wanted to torment his companion further but then he was getting needy too now. Reaching into his pocket he pressed a small button on his phone while catching the waiters eye. The man returned with the bill a moment later. Handing him his card Yuki paid quickly before adjusting himself within his trousers so his arousal wouldn't show and stood thanking the waiter and telling him to add ten percent onto the bill as a tip. For anyone else that would have been an inordinate amount but yuki didn't give the money a second glance as he stood and offered his hand for Aki.

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Aki was over joyed as yuki paid for the meal . He had a lot of money him self so he didn’t really blink a eye at yuki tip , “ most rich guys are greedy with their money..” Aki smirked as he slowly got up the dress covering his excitement nicely. He smiled waiting to go back to the hotel to make sure Yuki keep his promise.

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Yuki looked at the other and smiled "yes but what the point in it if you don't use it." He wasn't going to explain his reasons to this male he barely knew, his past was private and he had a large cause to hate those who didn't share or use their money.


He found his driver outside the restruant and opened the door for Aki before stepping inside himself. To the driver he said "the condo please, I am bored to death of sleeping in hotel rooms!" The man drive off as yuki leaned back in the car shutting his eyes and enjoying the hum of the car engine, he refused to own a car that didn't sound simply irresistible to the ear.

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Aki moved to his lap and nuzzled his neck. “ are you really going to make me wait till the Condo..” he purred and rubbed yuki through his pants. “ you better keep your promise..” he hummed wanting him so bad he didn’t know why yuki had such power over him . it worried him a littel after all outside of the bed room there gangs were at war yuki could easily torture him in to signing over his right to the gang.

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Yuki chuckled "of course I am, it would be no fun otherwise." He smirked but none the less drew the other closer to him and bit his exposed neck gently. Before sitting upright again and resting his hand on the others leg. The car journey wasn't long, Within 15 minutes they reached Yuki's place. Getting out the car he lead the way, his place was on the top floor. Getting inside the lift he let the scanner take his eye print and the lift started to move smoothly upwards, outside the lights of the city glimmered softly.

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Aki sighed it was the longest 15 minutes of his whole life he was so happy when they got out of the car he sighed taping his foot on the way to the top. “so this is your real home?” he asked seeing the scanner what do you do for a gust.. ?” he asked surly the security would detect that aki was there.

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Yuki shrugged "any place is house as long as you have the money to pay for it, doesn't mean it is a home though." Looking out at the night sky he replied "It detects that it is a guest but you can't get out unless I show you how." He smirked, there were a number of easy ways to tell the system that there was a guest but the most amusing at the moment was just to pick his companion up. Bending he swung the male into his arms lifting him of the floor just as the lift chimed and the doors slid open to reveal a spacious living area with two sofas and an impressive flat screen tv. The lights came on as they entered but Yuki flicked the wrist of his marginally free hand and they instantly dimmed.

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Aki didn’t like that he wasn’t able to get out unless Yuki showed him but if yuki wanted him dead or wanted his terroir he would have already taken it. This was purely sex the leadership of the gang seem to be off limits . he sighed as he smiled it was almost as nice as his place. “not bad.. maybe I will take you to my home sometime..” he sat on one of the couch. “ I cant wait to get out of this dress.” He purred his voice still like honey it never changed it seem to be his real voice.

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