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Strait cut words of lies (18+) ~Nyuchanxx and Ayais


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Bri got up “well it’s not like I can go home.. And this hair I can’t change the color of it or cut it. It was a experimental drug. It’s not on the market it didn’t work. and the side effects well “ he pointed to his hair. . “it used to be blond ..” surly Yuki would want to know after all normal people didn’t have natural lavender hair. He smiled going over and making some tea putting a honey and mint in the tea . " here this should help." he poured two cups and took a sip of his.

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Yuki thanked the other as he was handed the warm honey tea. He sipped the warm liquid thankful for it. He felt better for it having only drunken alcohol that evening it felt good to get something warming and relaxing into his body. He listened quietly to the other taking in his words with intent wondering what sort of environment the two had grown up in to be human experimentation and then for one to become the leader of a massive group. He swallowed the scalding liquid not caring if it brnt his tongue. "If you don't mind my asking, why were you experimented upon?"

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We ran away form home and then lived with the leader of the a starshadow. There was a lot of kids and teens there . me and aki were picked for that drug a lot of the kids were killed working out the bugs. One of the higher up men took a liking to us and we were his slaves. That man was the 1st person aki killed the boss saw promise him . that’s when the deal was made to set me free and aki would do anything and everything for the old man. Once the old man past aki became leader the rest I do not know. Bri closed his eyes it was a childhood he would like to forgot but he though about it more and more now that his brother was gone. “I can’t help thinking what if I killed that man.. what if I was the one to save him… but I know I don’t have it in me…” Bri sighed.

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Yuki nodded quietly before saying "be thankful that you weren't. It's a harsh life this and you got the better deal. Be grateful." He finished his drink before putting the mug in the sink, he would wash it in the morning. "Come, I'll show you a room." He said gently leading the way to a small room two doors down from his own.

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Bri nodded I am but I can never repay him for what he did for me maybe there some way I can reply him through you…” Bri nodded and walked down “ I have work tomorrow are you going to let me go? He had left a email for his employees if he was missing for more than a week what to do. he knew it was dangerous out there.

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Yuki frowned "yes fine I don't want to force you to stay. Just try and come back, I feel indebted to make sure you live." He threw the other a small pen. "Just sign on that tablet over there before you leave and the signature will get you back in again as long as you use that pen." He said before turning to leave already feeling his eyelids dropping.


Entering his room he shut the door and removed his clothes for once not even bothering to fold them but just put them on a chair and fell asleep in his bed.

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Bri stayed the night at yuki still not sure if it was safe to go back to his place and he did not have money for a hotel in the morning he would ask him if he could stay for maybe a weak. Morning came Bri was still there he had made Yuki breakfast just some egg and toast the man clearly need to go shopping. He had made coffee as well setting it on the table waiting for Yuki to come eat.

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The alarm went off in Yuki's ear making in groan as his head pulsated as the noise penetrated his skull and the blood tried to push it's way outwards. He knew he had to get out of bed though, he had work to do. Pulling a dressing gown on he made his way to the kitchen running a hand through his hair to neaten it. Noticing the other he mumbled "morning." not wanting to aggravate his headache, noticing the coffee he picked it up nodding his thanks and taking a deep gulp hoping it might help a little, apparently last night had been a bad idea, but what had actually happened he couldn't remember. Suddenly he noticed that the male before him wasn't Aki, Aki was gone. Frowning he looked at the male he now recognised to be Brin "Sorry, what are you doing here?" He asked in confusion.

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Bri looked at Yuki “ umm your men found me last night and brought me to you.. you mistook me for my brother and .. you treated me like you treated him “ he blushed “ You said I could leave but I was welcome back here. “ He sat down and started to eat . there no way he could ask Yuki if he could stay no he would have to find a way to fight his ex. He felt bad that Yuki did not recall last night maybe it was for the best.

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Yuki frowned as he sat down and nursed his coffee "sorry, I had had a lot to drink last night can you forgive me, I guess you would despise me now but none the less if you ever need anything just ask." He paused and sighed before continuing "Technically I should keep you here because my men found you and by that you are our property now but none the less if you want anything just ask." He implied that the male could just ask for his freedom and walk out of this and never look back. His head still throbbed and he got up taking painkillers from a cupboard and swallowing three small pills dry wanting anything to release the pain.

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Bri nodded “I forgive you it was nice to get some insight in to what my brother liked.. but I am a virgin at lest I am trying to be… “ He sighed when Yuki said he should keep him “ If I stay here can I get my things at lest? .. and I need some flowers doing arrangements relaxes me " He knew it would not look good on Yuki if they some how found him and at lest this way there be no damage to his shop.

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Yuki frowned he certainly hadn't expected that but he was too tired and the pills had yet to kick in "if you stay I don't mind what you do as long as you don't disturb where I sleep or work." Finishing his coffee yuki poured himself another cup leaving it black hoping the caffine would help. This male was certainly going to be interessting of naught else but for now he didn't have the energy to care, his mind even sweeping over the comment about his and Aki's sexual encounters. Something he would never normally do.

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“ will you come with me to get my things.?" Bri asked as cleaned up breakfast washing the dish and putting them in the rack to dry . “ you should get some rest.. can I use your phone.. I need to tell my friends I won’t be coming back at least until your men forget what I look like..”He didn't want to make Yuki look bad his ,brother give his life for him so surely he could trust him.

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Yuki nodded "sure I can help, when would you like to go?" He asked trying to mile encouragingly but it failed miserably and he just gave up the effort. "I have things to do, I'll sleep when I die." He joked but with the current remourse of the circumstances he knew it had been a bad idea "sorry...." He mumbled knowing full well he shouldn't have said such an insensitive thing.

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Bri was happy that yuki would help him “ oh you also told me your real name yuki “ He smiled “if you don’t like me calling you that I can call you Elwen but I don’t belive it suites you..” He winced “ yah its okay ..” so what are you going to tell you men… about me?” he asked thinking yuki wasn’t the type to take what every he wanted.

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The painkillers were slowly starting to take effect and the ache in his head was beginning to numb a little now. "Never call me that around others." He said sharply but not unkindly, he had no idea why he was letting the other call him that at all but still he let the male do so. "I will just tell them your my new bitch." He smiled amused before standing and downing the drink "I am going to shower and clean up but help yourself to anything. If you want to go out..." He reached inside a pocket but only drew out his own pen. He frowned confused wondering where he had put the spare "err...sorry it appears I lost the spare..." He trailed off, it was unusual of him to lose things "well I will let you out and call me and I'll let you in...." He said his voice trailing of again trying to remmeber where he had put it.

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Bri smiled wondering if his brother every new the man real name he sighted . His eyes widen hearing what he was going to tell his men. “ and is that going to be true?” he asked softy . “if it is its going to take a lot to break me.” He said in a cold tone. Yuki was so cute looking for his pen .He giggled holding up the pen “ you already gave it to me” “I am just going to go to the nearest store “ can I use your phone your men destroyed mine.”

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Yuki shook his head "no don't worry I just list myself last night it won't happen again." He stood and went to wash up, as he ran the water he replied "ohh OK then I guess I did, sure go use the phone, I can get you a new one as compensation when I go out." He washed up all the mugs and plates before picking up a towel and starting to dry and put them all back.

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Bri smiled as he took the phone calling his friends . “ I am safe but I can’t come back home for awhile . yah hire him .. he great and going to get all the stuff you can sell the rest. “ He smiled “ I love you guys” he hung up “ It wont take long for me to get what I need. “ he smiled standing up “ here let me..” he picked up a towel and took over drying.

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Yuki thanked the other before saying "I am just going to shower and dress I shouldn't be more than ten minutes so amuse yourself asz you will then we can go." He said intending to help the male carry things. Leaving the other he went back up the short flight of stairs and showered rapidly washing the sweat from his body before dressing in a fitted grey suit with a light blue tie.

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Bri hummed and walked around the condo he shock his head “ no flowers .. “ He would have to bring some and he would make a nice centerpieces for Yuki empty table this place needed help it was far to cold and modern . He waited for Yuki he would take a shower at his place and change in to some new clothes maybe a dress.

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When yuki returned his hair was properly brushed and his clothes smart and not a soul would have thought that his head was trying to tear him apart from the inside. "Shall we go then?" He asked as he picked up an apple from the fruit bowel and bit into it figuring he should probably eat something.

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Bri smiled and saw Yuki grab apple “ did you not like the eggs I made we should get some food for the condo as well” He nodded and took his hand “ Yes I am ready.” He used his pen to get out of the condo and got in yuki car. Resting in the seat.

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Yuki shrugged "it never occored to me to eat before." Following the other put he heard the daint click as the door locked itself. He sat in the car and gestured for his driver to follow the others instructions as he leaned back and shut his eyes trying to block out the sunlight that hurt his head.

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Bri was back at his apartment. He walked to a bathroom tacking a short cold shower and changing in to a sundress that was the same color as his hair with a white flower print. He put a sliver cross necklace around his neck . “ Yuki there are two black suitcase in my closet they are full and ready to go. Bri was always ready to run if he needed to.

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