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Snake Eyes~ (mik3la & Sosuke0549)


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As Shin was staying hidden behind a wall, he was able to hear them talk and felt his heart smashed into pieces. He breath hard, trying to calm himself.

That moment could have cost him his discovery if Venom could had seen him or hear him better.

Once there was silence, Shin moved a little so that he can watch what is happening and he wished he hadn't done that. Seeing Venom on his stomach, waiting for that disgusting man to fuck him ... It was like a deja-vu. He remembered. When Venom was drugged and he had to do something so that he can release the presure. But since then, he didn't saw Venom with somebody else. It felt like .... like betray. Venom was betraying him with that guy.

It felt almost like he couldn't breath anymore. Touching his chest and holding the key from him, he took one of the bottles from Raven out and drank the substance, starting to feel much better. Putting the bottle back in the bag, he slipped it near the bag and the bottle felt on the dround smashing the glass and making a great sound.

Fuck! Why do I have to be this clumbsy? he was thinking while he was looking to see if the others heard him or were they continuing fucking, thinking of a plan on how to handle the situation further. Unfortunatly, the others were gone from the place they were sitting before and that made Shin feel his blood turn cold.

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Venom frowned hearing the sound of shattering glass and him and Grell quickly disappeared from the couch.


"Well what do we have here"

Venom stood behind Shin, He roughly grabbed his hair, Focing him to look up at Grell who stepped on Shin's hand, standing in front of him.

"So that's were His true self manifested, I'll be taking that"

Grell stole the glowing key from Shin grinning.

"Wouldn't want you ruining my plans before they even start."

Venom watched the situation, Frowning.

"What is that "

He asked. Curious.

"Nothing...How about you take care of our guest Venom.."

Venom hesitant for a moment before looking down at Shin.

"You'll retreat coming here"

He hissed. He began to drag the other away by his hair.

"Turning you into stone is much to ease...I'll make you suffer first~ "


This was not the venom Shin knew....

Could Shin save Venom? Before Its too late?

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"Nghaaa!" shouted Shin when he was pulled by the other, trying to move along with him. Why was he so unlucky. He paniked when that worm took the key from his neck.


"No!! Give it back!" he shouted wanting to grab it back but he was kept still. Seeing that Venom recognise the key for a moment he felt his heart beating fast. So he could remember a little. Oh damn it! If he would have been a little more careful.

"Arrrgh!" shouted again Shin, feeling tears coming out in the corner of his eyes, but tried to stay strong, moving on the grown along with the other.


"Venom.....please, come back to yourself. This isn't you. Please remember before is to late" plead the boy , hopping the other will snap out of that stupid trance he was before it was to late. To late meaning, killing him. He didn't had a problem. If that could rescue everyone, including Venom then he would have die. But what would happen to him? He would be devastated.


"Venom... remember the good times, please .... remember me, your friends, your family" he added grabbing the others hand in the place where Venom was holding his hair.




On the other side of the portal Shinobu was trying to help Raven with the other two, to make them return to theyr senses.


"You think Shin can handle? I'm afraid for him. I don't want to lose him." he said feeling a whole into his stomach. He never was apart from his brother, not to mention feared for his life in that way since he started to date Venom.

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"Nghaaa!" [/Quote]

Shin protested. Venom watched as the boy panicked when his periods key was taken away... why fuss over a stupid key? And why did Grell take it from him?

"No!! Give it back!" [/Quote]

He shouted, but Shin couldn't escape his hold.

Tears came from the corner of Shin's eyes.. Venom grinned. That key really ment a lot to the boy. Venom found it funny seeing the boy cry over such a dumb thing.

"Venom.....please, come back to yourself. This isn't you. Please remember before is to late"[/Quote]

The brat suddenly began pleading with him. But Venom had no idea what he was bitching about.

"This is me~ there's nothing to Remeber"

"Venom... remember the good times, please .... remember me, your friends, your family"[/Quote]

Venom frowned and threw Shin, making his body hit the hard concert wall, pinning him there.

"What the fuck are you talking about.."

He hissed chocking the other.

"There are no good times! I have no friend s or family! They only make you weak! Your pissing me off! Acting like you know me!!"


"You think Shin can handle? I'm afraid for him. I don't want to lose him."[/Quote]

Raven glanced at Shinoda and sighed. She gently touched his cheek and kissed him gently. "I don't know babe...I'm afraid to Shinoda... I don't want to lose him either...Venom just needs to be in drict contact with the object...and then...maybe... he'll return."

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Shin started to spit blood after he hit the wall trying to gain his strenght back. The time passes and he needed to take the substance Raven gave him to drink.


Being pinned on the wall wasnt helping him much. Seing Venom being so turned against him was making his hope fade away. But still, he had to try one more time. One more time before he will faint because of the venom that was in his blood. Irony hugh. The love of his life, Venom, poisened him with the snakes venom.


Holding the others hand while trying to breath he looked into Venoms eyes and started to speak.


"Thats the problem. I do know you to damn well. I know about your past.... I know about Rex, your pet that was killed by your master when you were a boy... I know abiut Umi and how you stand up for him and he sacrefice himself for you.... I know that you care more than wnybody knows for your little syster B..." he he paused feeling his tears coming out of his eyes and the slice of air that werent getting harder and harder.


"I know about Liv, damit!" He shouted keeping his hands on the boys arm. "You told me all of this. You shared with me all your past because you trusted me. And you have friends. You have Kie, Itchijo, Raven, even my brother Shinoda and....me. That he was mine tk keep Venom because is the key to your heart" he said the last part in a whisper because he didnt had the strenght to fight the venom in his body anymore.


"If you still think that i dont know you....then kill me. Either way....I will die" he said taking a few more breaths feeling his body like jelly. He let go the boys hand looking a him with sleepy eyes. He was about to be killed by his love. Thats a great ending, he was thinking trying to keep his eyes open but they were becoming to heavy.




Shinoda was starting to feel strange. As the bond between twins he was feeling his brother getting weaker and weaker. Punching the wall, he was keeping his head bend down, holding his eyes shut.


"Come on Shin..... You can do this.... Your stronger than anyone i know.....Lease fight....Fight for whats yours" he was saying in a whisper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shin started to spit blood after he hit the wall. Venom realized the poison inside him was taking effect. He frowned as the boy took his hand, holding it, and met his eyes. He glared at Shin with a unbelievable dark look.

"Thats the problem. I do know you to damn well. I know about your past.... I know about Rex, your pet that was killed by your master when you were a boy... I know about Umi and how you stand up for him and he sacrefice himself for you.... I know that you care more than anybody knows for your little syster B..."[/Quote]

Venom slightly turned his head to the side...He had forgotten all that...even so...this Venom even care...this Venom had no emotions other then negative ones. Tears came from the others eyes...

"I know about Liv, damit! You told me all of this. You shared with me all your past because you trusted me. And you have friends. You have Kie, Itchijo, Raven, even my brother Shinoda and....me. That he was mine to keep Venom because is the key to your heart"[/Quote]

Suddenly- a flash of light came out of Grell's pocket and hit Venom and shin. Devouring them.


The two were now standing in a empty place.. everything was white. Venom was on his knees looking down at himself...tears building up in his eyes..

"...I...I Remember...how could I...ever....Shin..."

He looked up at him..


Returning back to the now. Venom suddenly released Shin, freeing his love.


He turned his attention to Grell... Hate in his eyes.


"And~.. that's my cue to go, and I was so close!"

Grell smirked, disappearing in a black portal. DAMN IT! He had got away!


Now it was just Shin and him. Venom turned his attention to Shin, coming to his side.

"I'm sorry..."

He whispered. He took the others wrist.

"Its going to hurt...I'll have to suck out my venom..."

He looked at him with sad eyes as he slowly sank his fangs into the others flesh sending his body threw a burning Pain...


10 minutes pass before Venom finishes. He hadn't looked at his love since...and now that it was quiet...Venom couldn't hide the tears that slowly escaped his eyes.

"..What is...wrong with me...I almost...killed You...I... I did such..."

His voice broke as He bit his lip.


"Shinodu? "

Raven came up behind the other, slowly wrapping her frail arms around the others waist.

"Its gonna be ok..."

She whispered, kissing his neck softly.

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As the light from the neck-less devoured him and Venom, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, feeling relief that the boy was remembering. 'Thank God' , he thought breathing deep, looking at him between eyelashes as the other was apologizing.


"Aaaargh!" he screamed as the fangs got in the flash and started to suck the venom out. It was like his all body was on fire. Arching his back and shutting down his eyes, he was suffering because of the pain and in the end fainted. For a moment his heart stopped but after started beating up again but in slow rithm.


Shin was slowly getting back to his senses, feeling his body react again as he wanted. Opening his eyes slowly and taking a deep breath, he saw the boy crying near him. He reach out his hand touching the boys face.


"Why are you crying boy?" he asked looking at him with a little smile. It was really him. The old Venom. He was back, and that made him happy. "I'm glad your back" he added in a whisper.


Shinobu felt his heart empty as he couldn't sense his brother anymore. 'No....No Shin!' he widdened his eyes turning to Raven, holding her in his arms. Just when he wanted to speak he felt a jolt of beat in his heart. Shin was alright. He could sense him again. He was alive.

"Raven .... I think ...Shin made it" he said looking at her smiling slightly, touching her cheek.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Venom couldn't bare to look at Shin. It hurt. God it hurt so much! How could He....how could He have ever hurt him...He couldn't do this anymore...it was...too dangerous to be around him.. He kept making Shin suffer. When Shin began to wake up. Venom avoided looking at him. The tears that crawled down his face continued to come... hitting the floor.He closed his eyes as Shin reached out his hand to him, touching his face.

"Why are you crying boy?"[/Quote]

"...stop..don't smile at me..don't be so sweet to me.."

He whispered.

"I'm glad your back" [/Quote]

His love added in a whisper.

Venom shook his head, pulling the others hand away from him.

"I can't Shin...I can't"

His voice broke as he curled up in a ball, like a crying child would. Sobbs escaping his lips. He was ashamed of himself...He hated himself!


Raven stopped what she was doing when Shinobu turned to her-pulling her in his arms and holding her. Something must of been wrong.

"Shinobu? "

"Raven .... I think ...Shin made it" [/Quote]

Ravens eyes widened. His jaw opening slightly in shock. A smile slowly growing on her lips. Her love touched her cheek, making her even happier.

"S-so that means...Venom is..."

A tear slipped down her face as she pulled Shinobu into a happy and long passionate kiss.

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Shin tried to get up but was to painfull, but seeing his lover in that way made him indure the pain and sat up reaching out for him.


"Hey .... don't ...." he said bitting his lower lip because of the pain still in his body. Even if the venom was out of his system, he wasnt completly healed.


"I came here for you because i love you. I would do anything for you " he continued speaking getting near him.


"Look at me" he demanded but in a soft voice. "I'm not upset or anything. I am really happy that your back. For a second there i thought i lost you and..." he didnt continued about seeing him and that disgusting man together. It was even more painful than the pain from his body.


"Venom ... I told you before.... I am willing to die in order to save you jo matter what" he added keeping his hand on the others cheek.




Shinobu kissed her back then let her on her feet.


"We better get the others awake. At least to have something like a reunion?" He said thinking way to far, not realising how stupid that idea was sounding.

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"Hey .... don't ...." [/Quote]

Venom ignored Shin. He didn't deserve this...He didn't deserve Shin.

"I came here for you because i love you. I would do anything for you "[/Quote]

Venom said nothing. Continuing to hide his face as the other got closer.

"Look at me"[/Quote]

He demanded in a soft voice. Venom didn't budge.

"I'm not upset or anything. I am really happy that your back. For a second there i thought i lost you and.......Venom ... I told you before.... I am willing to die in order to save you no matter what" [/Quote]

He forced him to meet his eyes as he touched his cheeks.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Shin."

His voice trembled as he touched the others hand. Shaking his head.

"Please d-don't risk your life for me..I...I destroy everything I touch.. I have no right..to be happy."

He looked away from Shin.

"I thought...I could live in the darkness...and have some sort of sunlight..I thought I could stay with you...and love you...protect you..But..there is no grey Shin.. I can't do this anymore..I'd..I'd rather have you safe...then with me.."

He looked at Shin.. with serious eyes.

"I love you...I love you so much that it hurts..And I wish I was what you needed but...I'm not.."

He bit his lip.

"We have to..break up Shin..we have too..Otherwise... I'm going to end up hurting you again.. I'd...I'd rather kill myself then see you in pain..."

He slowly reached out to Shin. Touching his cheek.



Raven smiled at Shinobu .

"We can do that sure. You wake everyone up and I'll make dinner."

She kissed his cheek.

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"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Shin."


Shin narrowed his eyes hearing the boy speak. He wasn't about to say what he thought he would say, right? he was thinking feeling his heart almost stoping from beating.


"Please d-don't risk your life for me..I...I destroy everything I touch.. I have no right..to be happy."


Shin was starting to shake his head in desapproval, narrowing his eyes. 'Don't go there .... don't go there ...' he was thinking trying hard not to start crying.


"I thought...I could live in the darkness...and have some sort of sunlight..I thought I could stay with you...and love you...protect you..But..there is no grey Shin.. I can't do this anymore..I'd..I'd rather have you safe...then with me.."


"What do you want to say Venom?" he asked even if he already knew the answer at his question.


"I love you...I love you so much that it hurts..And I wish I was what you needed but...I'm not.."

He bit his lip.

"We have to..break up Shin..we have too..Otherwise... I'm going to end up hurting you again.. I'd...I'd rather kill myself then see you in pain..."


Hearing the state of what his heart was fearing he closed his eyes, bitting his lower lip stopping himself from not starting to cry like a crazy. Only a tear drop had fall on his cheek.




"Don't" he said moving away from the others touch, not wanting to be touch by him. "A few days ago you made me selfish because I wanted to sacrifice so that you and the rest be safe but you are the most selfish one. You don't think it is the same for me? Seeing you change? Seeing you with that devilish look in your eyes and the thirst of killing me? I saw it and yes, I was afraid. But I trusted you. I trusted you, trust in our love and came to take you back where you belong. And you belong with me. And if I see you hurt it hurts me to. So don't tell me that you wanna break up with me because that's not gonna happen" he said with narrowed eyes, starting to get up, ignoring the pain in his body.


"I'm tired and wanna go home" he said more for himself than to Venom.




Shinobu smiled starting to make the preparations and getting the other two up and fresh, even if they were a little bit injuried.

After he started to take some sheets and writing on them welcoming messages.

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Venom bit his lip as he listened to the other. He just wanted to protect Shin... but he knew the other was stubborn. Perhaps he never ment to say those words...but just had to try.

Venom whipped his face. No longer crying. He stood. Not saying anything else to Shin. He gently took his hand and pulled him close. He then sweeps his wounded lover off his feet. Carrying him like a princess.

"...how'd you get here"

He said. Not looking at him. Knowing he was upset with him. Venom wanted to go home too.


Venom loved Shin. He was so attached to the other that..if something happened to him.. He didn't think he could go on.. He couldn't have another repeat of what happened to Liz... and that's what he was scared of...

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"Wha..." hee was caught out of guard when the other had grabbed him into his arms. Not having to much strenght he didnt say anything. Just laying his head on Venoms shoulder.


"Through a portal that i managed to make but ... now i dont have to pmuch power to do that" he said closing his eyes. "I'm to tired" he added, holding Venom by his neck , feeling his eye lashes to heavy.

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"Through a portal that i managed to make but ... now i dont have to pmuch power to do that" [/Quote]

His love closed his eyes.

"I'm to tired" [/Quote]

Venom nodded, Watching Shin fall asleep in his arms. He began walking trying to see how far away they were from home . Luckily Venom found a pretty old car outside the abandon building. He broke the window open- and unlocked the car- laying Shin in the back seat as he hot wired the vehicle. It wouldn't take them long to get home now.

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In his dream, Shin was feeling cold. Really cold. He was in dark place trying to find a light or an exist door, anythng. it wasnt a good place. Something was wrong and he could feel it. Somebody was watching him and that made chills running all the way of his back.




Back home, Shinobu almost finished the banners and tide them up with a few strings so that they can look good. He eas really happy the his brother was alright and also that Venom was back in being the asshole he was till then.

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Venom sighed as he pulled over on the side of the road. Running out of gas. He swore under his breath and got out. Putting Shin on his back as he walked the rest of the way home.


Venom knocked on the door and gave a small smile to Raven as she greeted him.

"Venom! Shin! "

She hugged Venom tightly.

"Hey Rav..."

He walked inside. Kie and Ichijo were near the couch. Wounded but.. smiling at Venom.


He said sadly.

"Glad your back V."

"And don't worry.. we aren't mad Venom...you weren't you when you attacked us.."

Venom nodded slowly... looking back at his sleeping lover, He gently put Shin on the couch,sighing softly. He was lucky to have good friend s like Kie, Raven, Ichijo and Shinobu.

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"Hey man" started to say Shinoda wile he was entering tge room but shutted up when he saw his brother.


"What happened? Is he alright?" he asked looking at his brother than after to Venom not understanding why his brother was injured and sleeping or worst ... no... he wasnt dead.


"What the hell happened back there?" he asked with narrowing eyes sitting next to his brother.

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"He's fine...just tried. "

Venom muttered. Looking away from the others.

"Raven- I'm gonna borrow your guest room."

And he left quickly not giving Raven enough time to reply. She watched him go. Feeling a little sad.

"I...I guess he just..needs some space.."

She bit her lip,glancing at all the food She made to celebrate.

"Um..we should eat before the food gets cold. And Shinobu- I'll put a plate back for Shinoda. "

Kie and Ichijo headed into the kitchen with Raven.. feeling the awkward atmosphere as well.

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Shinobu narrowed his eyes looking at Venom and after at the rest not understanding what happened. They should have been thrilled, happy that it had finished but...something was wrong.


He headed in the kitchen with the rest starting to eat but it was like he wasnt hungry anymore. Stopping eating he looked atthe rest not saying a word, just thinking.



Shin was sleeping and it was seeming that he wasnt about to wake up to soon. All thous nightmares one after another were making him crazy, but no matter how hard he was trying and wanting to wake up he just couldnt.

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Venom laid down on the bed. Staring up at the ceiling. What was going on... He was.. scared. Worried. Lustful. Confused. And in pain. He wanted Shin... He wanted to be with Shin forever.. but.. he didn't want him getting hurt be cause of him...

He just wanted to feel safe for once... and make sure all of his friends and Shin were safe. He hated the fact that he couldn't protect Raven when Grell and those other demons assaulted her. What if...that was Shin? The thought made him sick.


He slowly closed his eyes...emotionally exhausted. His greatest fear...was losing Shin forever.


"Hey...what's wrong. "

She whispered to her love. Touching his hand.

"Is it Shin...? Venom? "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shinobu looked at Raven still trying to figure out what was going on. Something was wrong and he could feel it. The both boys came back different. It should had been a sort of happy day, that they manage to survive, but they were sad, well, one of them. The other was sleeping.


"Don't know for sure but ..... Something's wrong with both of them. It's just that .... I cannot figure it out" he answered sighing, getting a gulp of water.



Shin was sliding from one place to another. The one that he was now was on the bottom of a cliff and Venom was looking at him with sad eyes. Shin tried to speak but no words came out from his mouth. He was screaming to Venom as he was turning around, walking away from him, heading to the top of the cliff. His neck was hurting because of the shouts but no sound was ever out. What was going on? He started to run after Venom but when he wanted him to grab a hold of his hand, the boy just vanished from his sight. Turning around and around in search of the other, Shin saw that the surroundings were changing again and now he was in the middle of a forest and the rest, his brother, Raven, Kie, Ichijo and Venom, were standing around him in a circle. They were like puppets. His heart started beating faster and faster. When he wanted to make a step towards one of them, fire circles started burning around each other, making the pass impossible. The others started to scream in pain making Shins blood turn cold of fear. He wanted to run and jump through the flames but he was stopped by some chains that were on his hands. He was crying, screaming and pulling the chains hopping they will break but no use. They were to strong. Why was he seeing and feeling this? Why couldn't he help them? What was about to happened?

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Raven bit her lip.

"Your probably right but all we can do is give them some space. "

She smiled at him.

"It'll be ok."

She kissed his cheek and continued to eat.


Venom was asleep for a few hours before he woke up. He ran a hand threw his hair. Having a dreamless sleep. Which was rather rare for him. He yawned and stretched as he stood, heading down stairs. He needed to eat something and by now.. the others were probably asleep themselves or at least in there rooms and...he wanted to check on Shin.

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"I hope so" he said sighing turning to finish the food. After all of the have eaten, thet returned to theyr rooms, leaving Shin sleeping in the living room. Shinobu didnt want to wake him up. At least thats what they thought.

Everyone was sleeping in the house. Having relaxed dreams. Only one of them was having nightmare after nightmare. Shin was sweating because of the efort he was doing in the dreams. Running, jumping, screaming, even crying of dispeare. Why was he having all thous nightmares? Why him? Why now?

He was trying so hard to wake up but all was in vain. He just couldnt.

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Venom found the other still sleeping on the couch. He saw how uncountable he looked and how he was sweating. Was he having a bad dream?

Venom came beside him and touched his hand. The other running his fingers thew Shin's hair.


He gently began to shake the other a little bit. Trying to wake him up.

"Shin..Hey...shin wake up. "

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Shin heared something far away. It was like someone was calling him but couldnt understand clearly what was. After a few more sounds he manage to recognise the voice. It was Venom calling him. He started to run in his dream breathing harder and harder and that was happening with his body aswell. He was just a corps ther but in his dream, was a living hell.


"Venom! Venom where are you?" He was screaming in the dream feeling his mouth drying. "Venom! Please! Where are you?!... Get me out of here!!" he felt on his knees feeling that he was about to lose his minds in that place.

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