M/M Novels

Fall for You (Law of the Pack) Novel

Novel: Fall for You

Author: Keira Marcos

Genres: Romance, Shapeshifters

Released: 2015

Part of Book Series: Series (Law of the Pack #1)

Summary: Dr. Riley Blake left New York and moved to a small town in Maine after inheriting his uncle’s house. Unfortunately, a disturbing part of his past follows him.

The last thing Sheriff Marcus Cameron really had time for was a new relationship. As the son of the alpha of the largest werewolf pack in the area, he had a duty to his family. But Riley Blake is a gorgeous temptation, and he’s always been rather fond of giving into his baser instincts.

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the novel.

I really love the different tone the author gave to this shapeshifter-themed book. Instead of having the clichés alpha-omega dynamics like most stories with werewolf characters have, the explanation on the pack hierarchy is more believable and it has no “I’m an unworthy omega” sh*t. The story doesn’t start with a boring, lengthy description about werewolf history, or even how the main characters came to know each other. It just happens and the information comes organically throughout the events.

I adore the characters. Riley is full of wit and sass and although a little naïve on his safety, he is a strong and independent character and I do believe if the threat is human, he could handle his own fort. Sheriff Marcus Cameron also has a special spot in my heart because despite being the macho alpha type, he is not overbearing. A little protective, yes, but not too much of a Neanderthal. The supporting characters are lovely and their existence in the story just adds to the charm of this book.

Another thing that is worth mentioning is that the problem or the “issue” that will be the height of this story was mentioned right from the beginning. In some books, the trouble comes as a surprise when the story is halfway through, as if it was totally unplanned. However, in this novel, the readers is informed of the conflict the MCs may be facing right from the start, but the anticipation of how or when it will take place builds the suspense further.

I also enjoy the dialogues which are lovely and funny. I could conjure the scenes in my head how the conversations go between the characters. However, I could do without the misspellings, absent prepositions and some minor errors. They are not so bad, but quite noticeable.

All in all, this is one of my favorite shapeshifter-themed novels. There is no news on the second installment, but this doesn’t end in a cliffhanger and can absolutely be read as a standalone.

What’s your opinion on Fall for You (Law of Pack #1) novel? Please let us know in the comments below.

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About the author


A former otaku, I have retired from manga and anime and found my love in M/M novels. I have a soft spot for angst with happily ever after, but a little critical on cliches. I like uncomplicated stories, a little hint of mystery and crime as well as something that is not too heavy on the drama.

I read and write mostly in English. Unfortunately, since I started late with my English studies, I am still working on it. I'm pretty much well versed in context, but don't count too much on my grammar.