Boy Love Movies

Coming Home Movie

Movie: リスタートはただいまのあとで

Alt. Names: Coming Home

Genres: Romance, Drama

Released: 2020

Status: Complete

Country of Origin: Japan

Summary: Mitsuomi Kozuka quits his job due to his boss. He decides to return to his hometown for the first time in 10 years. The town is located in the countryside. There, Mitsuomi Kozuka meets Yamato Kumai. Yamato Kumai is the stepson of old man Kumai. The old man runs a farm near the home of Mitsuomi Kozuka’s parents.

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the novel.

I knew this was going to be a good watch, but I somehow still managed to underestimate it. The film was so cute, but serious at the same time. I liked the two main characters a lot, Yamato was an actual ray of sunshine while Mitsuomi was this lost kid. So very happy they found each other.

The film is very nice, there’s nothing unnecessarily complicated, there are good vibes all around, and it’s funny too. What else could you want? Mitsuomi and Yamato gravitate towards each other naturally and it comes as no surprise when they become close and care about one another.

Coming Home is such a nice, warm feels film.

What’s your opinion on Coming Home movie? Please let us know in the comments below.

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2.75 (4 votes)

About the author


One fateful day I came across the anime 'Gravitation' and I've been hooked ever since.
¹most of my novel reviews can also be found on goodreads under the username nigma-tll
²most of my manga reviews can also be found on myanimelist under the username Nigmatillium