M/M Novels

Loving a Warrior Novel

Novel: Loving a Warrior

Author: Melanie Hansen

Genres: Romance, Military

Released: 2018

Part of Book Series: Loving a Warrior #1

Summary: BUD/S: six months of the most intense training there is. It’s survival of the toughest, and Matt Knytych is determined to come out the other side a navy SEAL. Distraction is life or death. And just the sight of former marine Shane Hovland is enough to shake Matt’s concentration.

Shane came to BUD/S training ready to prove himself—again. Semper Fi is forever, but he needs a new start. Not this dangerous heat with a man he barely knows. Everything they’ve ever wanted is riding on a thin, punishing line. And they’ll have to fight for more than just each other if they want to make it through intact.

After all, the only easy day was yesterday.

Post’s Author Opinion:
Note: This is a personal opinion, it does not reflect YaoiOtaku’s official position towards the novel.

Mild spoilers ahead

Finally a novel where I actually get to read what these guys go through. In Loving a Warrior we get the training, the emotions and then some more training. I loved reading about it, seeing how Matt and Shane deal with the mental aspect of the BUD/S training, how they learn from their mistakes (well, one more than the other) and how they would finally, finally, work out their feeling for each other and deal with them. Half of the book almost drove up the wall, at some point I was thinking this better be good, or else. And good it was.

Shane and Matt worked their way through everything. From earing the trident to earning each other. I loved how they grew more comfortable in each other’s company, how they became completely honest and transparent, opened up and blindly trusted the other. They both had some tales to tell and they both proved to be understanding and a rock for the other when needed. It took a while and a lot of work, but there’s no doubt they got this and it’s all going to work just fine.

All in all, great read. After a few fails in the military genre I am so glad to have found this novel.
Oh, and I liked the ‘three-foot-world’ concept so much.

Note: this is the first novel of a series, but seeing how the next books depict heterosexual relationships I will not read them and there is no review coming.

What’s your opinion on Loving a Warrior novel? Please let us know in the comments below.

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One fateful day I came across the anime 'Gravitation' and I've been hooked ever since.
¹most of my novel reviews can also be found on goodreads under the username nigma-tll
²most of my manga reviews can also be found on myanimelist under the username Nigmatillium