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Really? Sounds like Taki is powerful? HAAHAHAH I knew he never left Takumi-kun since the first one came out. That's some serious devotion.


Well, he does seem powerfully talented. :D Makes me spazz even more that Taiki has him for a bestfriend. *happy sighs*


I'm... I'm SHOCKED! THEY ARE IDENTICAL!! WHOA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! That's hair-standing creepy! I mean if I suddenly see a picture of Yuusuke wearing the same shirt that I wear, I'd freak out. REST IN PEACE! How could you be so cool and collected typing that!! HAHAHAH


Ehehehehe....because Taki and I are both so cool and collected? The shirt does wonders. LOL


LMFAO. SRSLY. It's weird! I wasn't going to post that picture because I thought it was a 'blah' picture- it's not like a nice quality or official photo and all cropped up smaller, anything like that. But decided screw it. I tell myself, Just post it, you postwhore! LMFAO. Lucky You. You got a special picture that may seem insignificant to some people. THE CONNNNNECCCCTIIIONNN.




And thank you so much for posting it anyway. This is a very VERY pleasant surprise indeed and I am quite touched that I actually own a shirt like he does. What were the odds of that happening? and it was totally unintentional too. :D And I own that shirt LONG BEFORE the 1st Takumi-kun movie was released. :)


I agree... I think Yuusuke and Yuuta have a very creative and different wardrobe I've ever seen and they dont seem to be trying hard at all Hmm, in photobook for Niji-iro no Garasu. Nope I dont have that one. I better look into it. I'm awfully curious now.




Yuta really does look great in his wardrobe choices. He carries them very well. :) I'm just tickled that in the photobook, he poses together with Taki more than his "Morita" co-star. LOL

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Whoo! I may have 2 more fans of Yaoi recruited to the Takumi-kun series! I got their attention when I was talking aloud about my next one-shot. They sounded interested so I told them the summary and well... I'm good.

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next one-shot. I'm looking forward to read it Tat-chan.


I'm almost done with it. I just haven't had too much oomph to do much writing in this heat. By the way how is the weather for everyone? You know I wonder how the Takumi-kun boys would handle a heatwave....(gears start turning)

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In my country is very hot. How would handle a heatwave our boys? Maybe they would go to sea or pool. Anyway I want to see a photo with them on a beach.

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On the topic of Bishin and Bibou...

This particular Shingyouji scene gave me the classic "WHAT THE?!" moment for me when I watched it the first time.

I was thoroughly confused...like how the heck did he just come out and say something like that at Hayama.

Did anyone feel the same way?

I mean Shingyouji was spazzing over Misu and out of the blue...

He says THIS????








and then fast forward...of course we all know why Misu did this...but yeah Hayama again is targeted.






Which brings me to the idea of fanfiction...yoyo7


Misu x Hayama x Shingyouji love triangle.


ISN'T THAT WILD? :cuteonion45:

I'd be curious how someone can write about that.

Unless someone already did.

I wouldn't write about it though..

I prefer to be the reader. :)


Anyhooo, special day July 7 is Tanabata Day! rabbit4


Make your wishes, minna~san. :hamtaro-005 (44):

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I'd be curious how someone can write about that.

Unless someone already did.

I wouldn't write about it though..

I prefer to be the reader.


Yoji look at this:



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I dont get it roby... yoji? What? WHAT?

'hayama' x shingyouji stories?





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Oh I've mentioned Arata possibly having some feelings for Takumi deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep...(yeah that's enough) down. Guess no one else thinks so.

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Oh I've mentioned Arata possibly having some feelings for Takumi deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep...(yeah that's enough) down. Guess no one else thinks so.



I disagree. Sure he was a bit interested in him. But the real love lies between him and Shingyouji. If you count THAT as DEEP, what about two or three others that chased him earlier in the series?

Takumi was too much for Arata-san to handle, emotionally-wise.... I'm sure he's thinking at end, 'Thank god, I didnt HIM."


Takumi in my opinion is way too emotional and sensitive and only GIIcould understand him.

Remember, curing Takumi's fear is more for an accomplishment. But Gii, of course, wants more than just that. And that's DEEP.



No offense but Arata and Takumi is so incompatible like water and oil, I can't imagine their conversation being comforting at all. It's always so tense because they are so different. I mean, when I watch them talk, my muscles get so tensed up because of Misu's personality might overwhelm Takumi. He's on borderline tears all the time. And Takumi is ALWAYS ALWAYS talks about and thinks about Gii. No special exchanged looks that specifically focused on these two.


Takumi always talks about his own problems. If they really did have something, he wouldn't talk so much about Gii. And Misu would have helped him a lot more than what he did, I think. If DEEP. I see him as getting irritated easily.


My opinion.


[To be honest, I think it can be very confusing to remember what Arata said what/when because above YOJI’S SCREENSHOT POST happened in 3rd. But Pure is supposed to be like half flashback and half/present. Hard to remember which scenes appeared in all three parts of the timeline.


And I can only accomplish above stated analysis of my own through the actors' playing of their roles, rather trying to mathematically figure out what happens first. 3rd is too confusing for me, especially if you watched Pure first. I am going to pretend that the 3rd never happened. In fact, I know a lot of people loved that the best out of the 4... thought it was the weakest one of all. I think Pure gained its composure back by explaining Arata x Shingyouji situations much clearer. It explains Arata-san's frustration with Shingyouji in the 3rd one... which eventually leads him to say such silly things SEE YOJI SCREENSHOT. That's why 3rd was just too confusing. ]

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Hi everyone ^^


Happy Tanabata Day ^^


Let's CELEBRATE for Misu & Shingyouji ^^


Yeah ^^


:hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23):

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Yoji look at this:



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Awesome! I like this author. I've read stuff written by this author. Thank you, Roby! I will read this. The first page already grabbed my attention. :D


I mean, when I watch them talk, my muscles get so tensed up because of Misu's personality might overwhelm Takumi. He's on borderline tears all the time. And Takumi is ALWAYS ALWAYS talks about and thinks about Gii. No special exchanged looks that specifically focused on these two.


Takumi always talks about his own problems. If they really did have something, he wouldn't talk so much about Gii. And Misu would have helped him a lot more than what he did, I think. If DEEP. I see him as getting irritated easily.


Yes, yes, yes, oh yes. I have noticed that quite a lot too. Hayama does LOVE to talk about Gii A LOT. I think Misu is more of the kind of guy who likes to engage someone who will share stuff about themselves. Which of course has been exemplified when he was talking to the other couple Takabayashi and Yoshizawa. That way he is able to gauge what the problem is or whether there is any problem that needs to be handled. If Hayama is not talking about Gii he veers the attention towards Shingyouji which of course, Misu being Misu that he is....would rather not discuss.


My opinion.


[To be honest, I think it can be very confusing to remember what Arata said what/when because above YOJI’S SCREENSHOT POST happened in 3rd. But Pure is supposed to be like half flashback and half/present. Hard to remember which scenes appeared in all three parts of the timeline.


Oh the reason I posted that screenshot of Misu is just for the fanfiction's sake. Not to delve into the timeline. I mean we KNOW why Misu did what he did at the time, I was merely insinuating a fanfic plot there where Misu is targeting Hayama by quoting what he said to Gii. Not to prove that he ACTUALLY has the hots for Hayama. :D


But since we're on the topic of the timeline, I figured out a way not to get confused because that has been a personal issue of mine as well. When we try to integrate the manga timeline with the movie, it will get really super confusing. But if I paid attention ONLY to the movie timeline than it doesn't get confusing anymore.


Bibou takes place when they were entering into their 3rd year for Misu, Hayama, Akaike.

Shingyouji was only a second year at that time. :)


Aozora's almost ENTIRE plot is about Hayama's past issue with his brother and parents culminating into visiting his grave on his anniversary which is in JUNE.

He is already roommates with Misu so this all takes place when they are STILL in 3rd year.


Pure touches a very small flashback of Misu and Shingyouji at the very beginning and everything else takes place with present time being that Misu is already in his 3rd year as evidenced by the fact that he and Hayama are already roommates. Also the culimination is towards Tanabata Day which is in JULY.


And I can only accomplish above stated analysis of my own through the actors' playing of their roles, rather trying to mathematically figure out what happens first. 3rd is too confusing for me, especially if you watched Pure first. I am going to pretend that the 3rd never happened. In fact, I know a lot of people loved that the best out of the 4... thought it was the weakest one of all. I think Pure gained its composure back by explaining Arata x Shingyouji situations much clearer. It explains Arata-san's frustration with Shingyouji in the 3rd one... which eventually leads him to say such silly things SEE YOJI SCREENSHOT. That's why 3rd was just too confusing. ]


For me I think one of the best Takumi parts had been Bibou. Sadly, it's the producers are the ones who seem to be pretending that the first movie NEVER happened since the length of inconsistencies and remakes they when they released the second movie all the way to the fifth particularly concerning TakuGii.


Sloan, I can feel you RAWR about me going about this wild love triangle. hehehe!

I feel you, my love. no worries, it was just a fanfic idea nothing more. :)

I actually have my own analyses as to why MisuShin do the the things they do and say the things they say that may seem out of the blue.

And the deeper I delve into that, it only makes me love them even more.

I will always be a MisuShin fangirl.

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For me I think one of the best Takumi parts had been Bibou.



what parts




I'm gonna say it...

People will bash me for it but...






Aozora's almost ENTIRE plot is about Hayama's past issue with his brother and parents culminating into visiting his grave on his anniversary which is in JUNE.

He is already roommates with Misu so this all takes place when they are STILL in 3rd year.


Pure touches a very small flashback of Misu and Shingyouji at the very beginning and everything else takes place with present time being that Misu is already in his 3rd year as evidenced by the fact that he and Hayama are already roommates. Also the culimination is towards Tanabata Day which is in JULY.


But you didnt mention what Bibou is all about.


┗ | 'O' | ┛I went WTF IS DIS SH[bleep]?

It was so bad. SO BAD. Especially the end, I just wanna bawl because I didn't want to see this bs! No offense but Mao's naiveness in that movie just royally PISSED ME OFF. How stupid of him to make such rash decisions about GII and judging him! and GII BEING AN [bleep] to him and then EXPECT HIM to understand his ass[bleep]ish ways. WAITWHATWUTWUT what's going on here now man, they going enemies in secret now? I felt this movie was kind of like slapping in YO FACE! and...


Sadly, it's the producers are the ones who seem to be pretending that the first movie NEVER happened since the length of inconsistencies and remakes they when they released the second movie all the way to the fifth particularly concerning TakuGii.


it's their first movie, that's all i got to say. LOLOLOL. I'll forgive them. at least it is as justice- corny as heck as the rest of other movies released at that time. i applaud them for stepping so much through the series, ESPECIALLY 4th and 5th. Matured so much since then. CLAP CLAP CLAP BRAVO!


I better watch Bibou again since I was so dissatisfied, I only saw it twice. I better sort my feelings out.


There! I SAID IT. IT IRRITATED ME how they went all [bleep] and then sweet [bleep] at the endーー Some SOAP OPERA RIGHT THERE! But thanks for Baba. that's all to it, babe, HEY HEY!


I love you, baby.

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what parts




I'm gonna say it...

People will bash me for it but...





Well, this is your opinion and like all other opinions everyone is entitled to one. :)

When I said part, I meant Takumi-kun movie PART 1, Takumi-kun PART 2 and so on and so forth...I should have used the word 'sequel' instead to be clear. :)

Bibou was actually one of the best (NOT the best for me) because the storyline was very focused on TakuGii, there were no side stories to deal with that got in the way of veering away from the main story.


But you didnt mention what Bibou is all about.


Well, I thought I was only talking about the timeline difference of the 3 movies.

I wasn't talking about the plot of Bibou.


┗ | 'O' | ┛I went WTF IS DIS SH[bleep]?


Oh gosh, Sloan I surely hope that the SH[bleep] wasn't directed at me.


It was so bad. SO BAD. Especially the end, I just wanna bawl because I didn't want to see this bs! No offense but Mao's naiveness in that movie just royally PISSED ME OFF. How stupid of him to make such rash decisions about GII and judging him! and GII BEING AN [bleep] to him and then EXPECT HIM to understand his ass[bleep]ish ways. WAITWHATWUTWUT what's going on here now man, they going enemies in secret now? I felt this movie was kind of like slapping in YO FACE! and...


Well, like all couples, communication is usually one of the biggest problems and Hayama and Gii experienced that too.


From my POV, it's Gii who wasn't listening to Takumi in Bibou.

In Aozora, it's Takumi who wasn't listening to Gii.


it's their first movie, that's all i got to say. LOLOLOL. I'll forgive them. at least it is as justice- corny as heck as the rest of other movies released at that time. i applaud them for stepping so much through the series, ESPECIALLY 4th and 5th. Matured so much since then. CLAP CLAP CLAP BRAVO!


I was quite severe on the first movie too when I watched it the first time. But after watching it the second time and really focusing on it, I developed a respect for the storyline and some of the actors' performance. I just feel a little sad that the sequels tend to change up on the scenes which came off as a deviation from the way they were portrayed in the first movie. I wish the sequels kept some faith when they do flashbacks instead of changing them so much.


I better watch Bibou again since I was so dissatisfied, I only saw it twice. I better sort my feelings out.


There! I SAID IT. IT IRRITATED ME how they went all [bleep] and then sweet [bleep] at the endーー Some SOAP OPERA RIGHT THERE! But thanks for Baba. that's all to it, babe, HEY HEY!


I love you, baby.


Perhaps you should. I watched Bibou so many times myself and I still enjoyed it. :)

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Hi everyone ^^


Happy Tanabata Day ^^


Let's CELEBRATE for Misu & Shingyouji ^^


Yeah ^^


:hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23)::hamtaro-005 (23):





I wish we have a great year. The Takumi-kun Fanclub keep shining and being so popular.

Happy thoughts to everyone.

Lots of love for BabaTaiki and MisuShin and the entire series. :)


Best of all,





I wish I can find choco almond BIT

I wish I can visit British Hills one day

I wish I can get the new Takumi-kun novel focusing on MisuShin.

I wish I can watch An Assassin in English sub.

I wish Taiki tell us already what happened with his meeting with Baba-chan.

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Happy Tanabata DAY!!!! IT'S OFFICIALLY KNOWS AS PURE DAY TOO!!! HAHAHA *bunny dancing*


I've been very VERY VERY f***ing nowadays. My mom reprimanded me from turning on my laptop PLUS I myself have 90 pages of Physics note to finish.


There's been LOTS of discussion here and I wont get a hand on it becoz im totally out of nowhere. BUT I noticed that our Bunny Taiki seems quite down nowadays. I read his status on Tanabata and he's not feeling happy.




p/s I made so many wishes and I could not write it here becoz im using my phone.


BUT I WANT TK6 TOO!!! I want BabaTaiki to take a risk by posing like a lover even for ONCE and NOT for TK movie but themselves. I wanna meet Taiki and hug him!!!! I wanna have my own Boukensha Tachi and Kurostubaki DVD!!!


thtz only FEW of my wishes. xD


Jaaaa~~~ I gotta go now. I LOVE ALL OF MY BUNNY SISTERS!!!!!


Be nice to each other. Kiss each other and hug each other. Roll on the floor each other and laughing with each other. Love BabaTaiki forever and being loyal to MisuShin forever. Our hearts connected to each other and fate connects us together. ^^

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My wish for this year for Tanabatta is for everyone else in the world who made wishes today have it come true.


I've finally finished with the one-shot but I'm hesitant to post it since well there's a hint of TakumixMisu... That seems to be a very VERY NEGATIVE subject so I don't want to upset anyone.

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i didn't know :( well HAPPY TANABATA DAY! :hamtaro-005 (23): my ultimate wish is to be takumi to my Gii (although i'm a girl :hamtaro-005 (15): ) *weird*


@ueda_angel TakumixMisu , definitely a must read. i hope you could post it :) Thanks in advance :hamtaro-005 (19)::hamtaro-005 (6):

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I've finally finished with the one-shot but I'm hesitant to post it since well there's a hint of TakumixMisu... That seems to be a very VERY NEGATIVE subject so I don't want to upset SOMEONE.


Fixed! JK. Please. Do post your work. I'll pretend I didn't see it.


HAHAHAH, Sorry about my outburst, everyone.





When I said part, I meant Takumi-kun movie PART 1, Takumi-kun PART 2 and so on and so forth...I should have used the word 'sequel' instead to be clear.~~~~~~~~~~Oh gosh, Sloan I surely hope that the SH[bleep] wasn't directed at me.


oOHhhhh I understand now, I use 'series' for some reason but I meant the same thing. ~~~~~No No NO DEAR! I said that at the movie when I was watching it. HAHAHAH.



I've been very VERY VERY f***ing nowadays.

Really??? I hope you used a lot of protection >_

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You need some ice.. I mean Im fucking busy nowadays.. phone typo problem.. hey if u wanna burst then i can lend u my boyfie.. he's being a twerp junky jerk nowadays.. wanna make him as ur punch bag?? LOL


btw.. i recommend u to view Taiki's new post. He looks like candy. Colourful and merrily dressed. I wanna lick him right now. Dreadfully going to molest him with my tongue. *head to desk*

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btw.. i recommend u to view Taiki's new post. He looks like candy. Colourful and merrily dressed. I wanna lick him right now. Dreadfully going to molest him with my tongue. *head to desk*


I wanna take off his pants and wear it myself. LOL xD

Hmmmm....I noticed Taiki did look like he dropped some weight. Poor thing.

In one picture, his arms look thin too. Where are the sexy muscular biceps now, baby? *pokes arm*

waaaaaah! is that the uncle who loves carrying him around bridal style? they look like they're in some trip together.

mmmmmm....I see him holding cake. I wonder what's in it. Love the candles. The cake looks lovely and delish.

and for some strange reason, I wanna see Taiki with a moustache.

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yojichan.. you saw the 'moustache' too?? i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.. in the photo which he's holding a cake i could see that he really in rush. He said that he rushed to buy the cake for a friend and in the end the friend was late or absent. *i dunno*


Taiki did lost some weight. Is he planning for something?? Is there something new about to happen?? Hehehehe the candy pants!!!! He's so cute in that pic. Look at his innocent hair!!! haha i am totally blushing rite now. I love his cardigans (?) too.. the color suits him very well.. but his face looks different. His eyes are not shining like alwys, Is he too tired or feeling gloomy?? I wanna hug him and cuddle him in my arms. >.

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JUNIE. I was just joking...!! I thought it was funny cuz you used the f word in this instance and missing the word after it.


And no I dont want to punch your boyfriend. People tell me all that time cuz they mock my toughness in real life or something. "Hey punch me in the face!. Kill my boyfriend, plz." like I'm some ninja. Hope you didnt mean that to your boyfriend. OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!




Anywa... Taiki。。。 are you talking about one with candy cane pants?... caption said he looked like an fool or 2-1 funny duo. but it looks like really old picture, really OLD?? TO be honest, reading his blog sounds like he's not really himself or something...


WARNING:NEGATIVITY DETECTED in both forums and blogs!




It's probably my fault.

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yojichan.. you saw the 'moustache' too?? i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.. in the photo which he's holding a cake i could see that he really in rush. He said that he rushed to buy the cake for a friend and in the end the friend was late or absent. *i dunno*


waah!! YOU SAW IT TOO! oh thank goodness, i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me too. whew!

he RUSHED to buy a cake for his friend and this friend was later or absent??

ah mou.....what kind of friend is that that?


Taiki did lost some weight. Is he planning for something?? Is there something new about to happen??


I sincerely hope it's stress related and not some underlying illness or something. I wanna give him some of my fat.

Here you go, Taiki. My fat of love. :)


Hehehehe the candy pants!!!! He's so cute in that pic. Look at his innocent hair!!! haha i am totally blushing rite now. I love his cardigans (?) too.. the color suits him very well.. but his face looks different. His eyes are not shining like alwys, Is he too tired or feeling gloomy?? I wanna hug him and cuddle him in my arms. >.


The candy pants are cute. I want those. I wanna hug his legs. LOL

But yeah his face does look different. He REALLY looks tired and fatigued and stressed. Is he getting enough sleep? He SERIOUSLY needs to take a break. It's taking a toll on him.



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Nah.. i dun mean to torture him then kill him and cut his body with a sharp knife and then throw his body into the deep sea. *holding a knife*

Hmm maybe a broken nose will do. Are you capable of doing that? xD


That pic was taken today. Itz Onoda birthday and he went to visit his party. Maybe the light cause the effect on the pic.


I KNOW RIGHT?!!! HE SOUNDED SO DOWN!!! I feel like crying here. What happened? Baba chan left u? or ur mommy and daddy wont bless two of u? Dun be like this my baby Bunny. DONT BE LIKE THIS!!!! Q.Q

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