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What things are you scared of?

Awkward Otaku.

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basically any fears or phobias you have.




Im scared of the dark, clowns, drowning, and Paula Deen.

Yes, Paula Deen, that creepy chef lady.


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I'm petrified by clowns,spiders,crowds, drowning and I'm scared of the dark....


Diseases scare me, and diseases comes from bacteria, bacteria is developed from not cleaning,

So things has to be clean! XD

Also the deepest hidden fear, : losing my sight becoming blind....

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I'm afraid of needles (every time I see them, I feel sick and it's like I'm about to faint) and of seeing my own blood -_- It's not a problem if it just a bit but if it keeps flowing out of the wound, I'm really going to pass out. It's really annoying but there's nothing I can do about it *sighs* Oh and losing my family and friends.

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I'm afraid of being locked inside a cell with 100 tv screens, all playing this on repeat











I don't really know what I'm afraid of anymore. Probably a lot of stuff, but there's no use thinking about my fears unless I'm actually confronted with them. I mean, why think of the stuff that scares you when you can rather fill your mind with happy thoughts? Like sunshine, kittens...YAOI XD

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Lolz if something I don't like or am scared of are big spiders or sharks. rabbit9


Just the thought about those big spiders which can jump is OMG unthinkable.


And just to think I would be in a water with a shark swimming toward me I would faint.

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As far as phobias go, I have:

Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)

Claustrophobia (Fear of Confined Spaces)

Achluophobia (Fear of Darkness)

Batophobia (Fear of Being Close to High Buildings)


I also have a fear of murky water. If I can't see the bottom, I won't go in it.

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I see you are quite fearless. XD XD XD


Acrophobia is the onely one, but I'm not afraid if i have space and if it not 1000m heights. and sometimes I'm afraid of myself, do anyone have the same feeling?

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LOL, I actually love heights XD


But I hate trall buildings. Skyscapers can F*** off as far as I'm concerned. I'm afraid of being stuck in a big city.


Give me tall mountains and cliffs any day. There is nothing better than standing far up and look down over the world. XD

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  • 2 months later...

i am scared of the future... war... cockroaches... heights... and people >_

hahaha i used to be scared of clowns and anyone who wears costumes when i was little ^_^

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hm... let's see.. i'm afraid of bugs (mostly spiders), horror movies and i've discovered a new fear now.. people trying to read my thoughts XD my mind is mine and not for anyone else to know~ :p

Lol I forgot about failure XDD

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I'm always trying to say to myself "there's nothing to be scared of" but I'm sometimes really scared of the future...


And of whales. I don't know why but I think they are so scary O.O So big and mighty!


When I was little I was bloody scared of Santa. Christmas was horror for me :D

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I have claustrophobia, agoraphobia, ichthyophobia and ornithophobia, meaning fear of closed places and when I can't escape, places with no windows etc. I'm afraid of crowdy public spaces, it's not in that level that I can't step out of my house, but I can't go to the mall, packed buses etc. I'm really scared of fish (yeah they are creepy), I won't eat it unless the head, skin and everything is taken off and there's only the meat in my plate, I always have to trouble my mother for this :p. Last I'm afraid of bird and especially chicken, it creeps the hell out of me when I see them and I see them often cause my neighbor has chicken and I live in a city for crying out loud. Next time I see an evil chicken in my yard I'm so gonna report my neighbor.

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I have a kind of Claustrophobia, and a kind of Agoraphobia...and maybe Anthropophobia.


In small places its like I can't breathe, sometimes I might faint, and when I am outside I am too cautious of everyone. Lately I haven't got it too much since Music makes me calm and it makes me think of something else.

I also, don't trust people allot, thats why; Anthropophobia, but the cause is from another phobia.

I don't really have that phobia 100% but it is kinda a referring of those phobias.

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Being buried alive and scorpions... I'm not scared of much else but both those things have been in my nightmares since I was a kid... especially being buried alive in a box full of scorpions...


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I'm afraid of so many things,but these r the ones that scared me the most.1.- poverty(i wouldn't like someone pity me cuz I'm 2 poor),death by burning(it just seems way too painful), I' m also afraid of dogs, and pigs ( my granma used to have both. i was terrified. they almost got me in more than 1 occasion, I'm also very afraid of failure, being blind or not being able to walk. We sure have to be thankful 4 the things we do have.:hamtaro-005 (10):

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Ophidiophobia (Fear of Snakes) mostly, but I would probably fit Herpetophobia better, which is the fear of reptiles in general.

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