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Say whatever you want IV


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Well...I can...but it is really strange, and supernatural-ish XD


I can think about a person, and I will then feel what they are feeling. I can basically know how a person is doing by thinking about their name and/or face.


I am both freaked out and excited by this revelation XD

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hehe...thanks ^^



Hmmm...I wonder if I can do the same with animals...must try that out as well XD

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Tell me when you're going into my brain,I'll have to order the living room. ;P

But sure, it'd be interesting to see my current activities? ;D

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Haha, I don't think I will see your current activities, I usually just get some sort of feeling about how you are, but who knows...maybe I'll have a 'vision' XD

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Lol, this will be interesting~



And I should buy myself a scanner... when I can afford one.

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So sad Freddie Mercury died, I really like his voice and his stage performances. I wish I could have seen it live.

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Alright then Saga...I have attempted to enter your brain LOL


So this is what I got...





So I went to your profile to look at your picture so I had a face to think about. Your real life name would proabably have helped, but hey, I'll work with whatever I can. It's an experiment, right? XD


I felt a few things.


Amusement at first (but that could have been my emtions) then I smirked. However, that feeling faded after a short while.


Then I felt calm. Not entirely relaxed, but calm.


Then I felt a sort of heavyness in my heart. It's wasn't exactly nice, it was like a burden. I felt a bit weighed down. And also a bit tired.


There was also a like feeling of anticipation. But to be fair, that could have been me being a bit nervous about doing this experiment.


My left hand felt a bit twitchy.


And I also felt this tightness in my head. Like maybe a headache (I don't have headaches often myself so I don't know for sure). Maybe like a ghost of a headache XD

I also felt slightly tense at times.


I have to be honest, it was strange doing this with you since I only know you from the forum. I have done this with people i've only met online before, but I had their real name as well, so they felt more personal. So since I only know you by your username, the whole process was a bit...impersonal to me XD


But I do know the heavyness in the heart were definitely not part of me, because I have absolutely no reason to harbour that kind of feeling these days. If course the feeling might not be yours either, but it's what I recieved.



So yeah...take from that what you want. Did anything sound familiar at all?


Oh god, if this is all wrong now...XD

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All is right. (:


Guess,I have to tell you what you exactly felt.


I am indeed amused. XD Since I am in love,and so it's pleasure to spend time with the one I love.

About the calmness. Indeed, most of the time,I am a calm and relaxed person. Say it,a bright personality.

Heavyness, not a burden. I am in a chaotic moment in my life,so I get tired very quickly by the daily things I have to do since they aren't three-four,but imagine,fifteen minimum.


Nervousness,not exactly,but yes. Dude,I am experimenting in the kitchen,LMAO.

That could be also about your hand. I cut with left hand though I am a right-handed person.


The headache part,no idea. I don't have a headache,but could be you trying to break into the personal area of mine. Once a woman told me I have more than two layers of protective shits around me. No idea what she meant,just recalled it now.


(: Supernatural girl. ;P

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Wow, I knew I could do it but I didn't know how well it would work XD Thanks for letting me try it out on you. ;D


Oh yes, I forgot to say I had a feeling like there was a lot I had to do. Now that makes sense too since you have much going on in life right now.


Ah yes, the protection thing would make sense, because I feel so tired now after trying to reach you XD Seriously, my hands and arms feel like jelly. It seems you have strong energy protecting you there :)

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Well, xD If you want to take the chat on private,I have nothing against it,since I can tell you a few other things too. ;D

But your 'power' is strong. (:

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Friend: Hey, I expected your voice really different?

me: Like?

Friend: Mm, very cute!

Me: Oh LMAO, allot of people also misunderstood me for a guy...

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@nicicia wow!! that was really cool!! *__*

i like yur "power" ^^


@Jin. lmao that was funny! ahah

i was once told my voice sounded like a doll!! O_o i have no idea where that idea came from... >.

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ahaha guy? you must have a.. "strong" voice.. lmao xD

but no!! it's not cute!! what a hell!! dolls don't even talk!! >.

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ahah i was talking about real life!! :p

but well...i guarantee i have nothing like a cute voice!! >.



maybe i'll check that anime... it's about what?

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