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Hate Me.... But I Love You (closed to MasterSeme) 18+


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Adrian laughs a little and rubs Cody's head, "I won't have no problem putting a little more meat on those bones of yours," he smiles and nudges Cody, walking to the door and unlocks it, walking inside and takes off his shoes.

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Cody blushes and pouts a little as he looks to the side, "well... uh, I guess a little wouldn't hurt. I did lose quite a bit of weight when I was in the coma." He follows Adrian inside the house and takes off his shoes, "your dad... still isn't back?"

Edited by KawaiiNekomimiBoy
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Adrian looks at Cody and rubs the back of his head, ~damn.... I can't believe I made someone go into a coma, I'm such a dumb ass,~ he thought with a sigh. Adrian then looks at Cody as he closes the door, "hm.. he is probably visiting his wife to be," he smiles, "which gives us more alone time to play our new games."

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Cody tilts his head, wondering what Adrian was thinking about since he was silent for a few moments. He blinks and nods his head, "oh... I suppose that makes sense." He tilts his head as he looks at the games and then looks at Adrian while blushing with a pout, "we... are just playing games right?"

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Adrian nods his head, "yeah he wants to spend as much time with her as possible until the day of their wedding." He looks at Cody and smiles, "are you going to be my cute little wife when we are done with the campus? I mean we will be living together, just like a married couple." He chuckles and nods his head, "yeah yeah, just playing games don't worry. For having a possible high sex drive, even I need a break," he nudges Cody and then heads to his room, "looks like the games you liked are both handheld. The one I got is not so looks like we will be able to play them at the same time no problem. I am guessing you have your handheld system?"

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"Yeah, must be nice huh? When are they getting married," Cody tilts his head to the side. Cody blinks and looks to the side while blushing, "uh... well, as long as you don't make me wear girly stuff... I suppose it will be fine," he rubs the back of his head. Cody looks at Adrian and pouts a little as he follows Adrian to his room. Cody looks and nods his head, "yeah I have it in my bag for when I have breaks from school type stuff."

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"Hm? Oh, in a couple of months," Adrian smiles a little. He chuckles slightly, "well... no promises, as long as I get to see you naked in an apron will be enough for me," Adrian chuckles a little.  Adrian nods his head slowly, "ah, I didn't know you were a gamer actually. You look more like the nerd type to me," he stretches and takes the plastic off the game.

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"Oh, I'm sure they are looking forward to it," Cody smiles a little. He looks at Adrian and pouts a little, slowly nodding his head, "I suppose.. that is okay, but are you going to actually have me cook," he tilts his head. Cody nods his head, "yeah I usually play games with my friend Cory." Cody tilts his head, "um... is that a compliment," he looks at Adrian and then takes off the wrapping on the games.

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"Oh I'm pretty sure they are since they are pretty much hanging out with each other everyday," Adrian smiles. He chuckles and nods his head, "well good, I will try to behave myself, we can always you know, practice and see how I can continue myself." He looks at Cody and smile, "well I heard your a good cook so I do want to find out myself." Adrian nods his head, "ah, that's cool. Cory probably hates me for what I did to you huh," he rubs the back of his head. Adrian chuckles and nods his head, "I believe so yeah. I didn't mean it in a bad way," he smiles as he puts the game into the system.

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Cody nods his head, "yeah sounds like they are looking forward to it to me," he laughs a little. He looks at Adrian and pouts a little, "uh... I'm okay for now, I will believe you when the time comes," he blushes slightly. Cody tilts his head, "you... heard I was a good cook? From who exactly," he rubs the back of his head confusingly. Cody looks at Adrian, "uh... I can't lie, he probably does." Cody pouts a little and laughs slightly, "well... good," he puts the game into the handheld and then turns on his system, starting up the game.


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Adrian nods his head and smiles, "and I know I am looking forward to when we can live together, especially after when we don't have to worry about going to the campus. We can just stay home... minus needing to go to work, fuck," he chuckles. Adrian smiles and nods his head, "alright, I know I can't wait." He tilts his head and rubs his chin, "oh, when I transferred, I saw you coming out of the home economics room with some other people. So I stopped them in their tracks and they said you were good at cooking," he laughs a little. "Yeah... I don't blame him," he rubs the back of his neck. Adrian smiles as he starts playing his game.

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Cody blushes a little and slowly nods his head. He laughs a little, "hey and don't think your the only one getting a job... I want to get a job as well," he pouts. He blushes and nudges Adrian a little and tilts his head to the side, "oh so that's the whole story huh," he laughs a little as he rubs the back of his head. Cody looks at Adrian, "well Cory is easy to make friends with if you want to try," he starts playing one of the games.

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Adrian looks at Cody and laughs a little, "as long as it's not some weird ass job... then sure, you can have a job as well. But I am saying this right now, none that involve your body being used by others. Your body only belongs to two people, you and myself," he chuckles. Adrian nods his head, "I didn't know what class it was at the time... well until I could smell the food," he rubs the back of his head. "Hm... maybe. Your my main focus though," he mentions while playing the game.

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Cody blinks and pouts, "I would never do a job like that. I don't care how much it pays, I wouldn't do it." He looks at Adrian and then blushes since Adrian at least mention his body belong to himself before Adrian claiming him as well. He laughs a little, "well culinary class is pretty easy to detect." Cody blushes a little as he rests against Adrian while playing the game more.

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"Well good, I am glad to hear that answer," Adrian looks at Cody with a smile. "I would have to punish you if you didn't choose the right option," he mentions in a slightly teasing voice and smirks a little.  He nods his head, "yeah... I suppose that's true." he rubs the back of his head, "still can't wait to try your cooking though." Adrian looks at Cody and smiles as he continues playing his game, "are you enjoying your game?"

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Cody blushes and nudges Adrian with a pout, "your such a perv, thinking I would do something like that just for money." He blinks and looks at Adrian while blushing. He could only imagine what Adrian meant by punishment. "Well if you really want to try my cooking that badly, that's what I will do when we move into a new house." He looks at Adrian and nods his head, "yeah it's good, are you enjoying yours?"

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Adrian chuckles and shakes his head, "I didn't think you would do something like that, I was just telling you to not do something like that." He smiles a little, "well good, something to look forward too." Adrian nods his head, "yeah it's a good game. That's why I needed to get it so bad. I heard it was good so I wanted to try it out, Plus I saw a trailer of it so I knew that I wanted it."

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Cody looks at Adrian and blinks while blushing, "oh ... okay, I get you," he rubs the back of his head and sighs, glad that Adrian seem to be protective over whatever job he was going to get. He nods his head slowly, "yeah seems like your pretty happy about that huh?" Cody nods his head, "yeah that makes sense. Seeing the trailer is always a good way to hype yourself up to getting a game."

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Adrian nudges Cody and then smiles, "the only way you will be able to work like that... is from me. I have no problem paying you if you want. I do make extra money." He nods his head, "oh yeah, can't wait to try your cooking for a change," he smiles. "Yeah very true, so how did you learn about the games that you got? Watched their trailers?"

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Cody blinks as he looks at Adrian. He nudges a little and pouts, "are... you trying to make me your own personal prostitute?" He laughs a little, "I am guessing your use to your cooking more then others? And I am probably imaging you took the role of cooking from your dad when you were old enough to cook?" Cody looks up at Adrian, "that, and Cory told me they were fun games since he played them as well."

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Adrian blinks and laughs a little, "I didn't... mean it like that," he rubs the back of his head. He nods his head, "yeah exactly right. My dad use to cook all the meals but then one time he was running late so I just made dinner for us and he seem to really like it. So been making dinner ever since."  He nods his head, "makes sense, maybe I will give the games a try as well. Be sure to tell me how much you like them when your done playing or even when your in the middle of it works too."

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Cody looks at Adrian and pouts, "you better have not have meant by that," he grumbles softly. He tilts his head and nods his head, "I guess he got addicted to your cooking," he laughs a little. Cody slowly looks at Adrian and nods his head, "sure, so far I can tell you this one is pretty good. I still need to play the other one."

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"What you don't want to make money having sex with me," Adrian teases slightly and laughs a little, nudging Cody a little. He nods his head and laughs a little, "yeah seems like it," he rubs the back of his head. "Well that's good, I'm glad your enjoying one of your games. Hopefully you like the other one as well."

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Cody blushes and nudges Adrian with a pout, "p-perv," he looks to the side and crosses his arms. He looks at Adrian and twiddles his fingers a little, "uh.... I will think about it." He laughs a little and nods his head, "well... hopefully you will like my cooking." Cody nods his head, "yeah I was thinking about playing it once I get to a certain point in this game."

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Adrian laughs a little, "I will pay you a good amount just to be able to play with you, even if we are in a relationship. Will even pay you extra for certain things if you want, like when you cook naked in an apron," he kisses Cody's cheek. He nods his head, "oh I am sure I will. I bet it is really good and I can't wait to try it." Adrian chuckles, "no need to rush, play it when you want cutie," he smiles as he continues playing his game.

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