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Stranger Than Fiction (Shisu-Chan00+BunBun)


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The soft sound of the wind whistling through the shattered windows was what woke Luke. His eyes blinked open and he gently felt around for Jude but when he couldn't find him he groaned and rolled over. His body was naked, and sweaty, and bloody. He peered down at his body and lightly ran a hand through the blood on his torso, shaking his head a little. His body was weak, sore, everything hurt. He slowly stood and found his way to a pile of clothes that were ripped and ruined. He was confused, and he was scared, "Jude...?" He called out his eyes looking over the abandoned building.


After what seemed like hours he heard a loud click making him jump. He turned to the direction of the sound and was shocked to see a bleeding, crying Jude. He shook his head softly, "Jude are you okay?" He moved to go to him but was stopped when a gun was pointed his way. Jude was shaking, crying even and he looked frightened.


"Stay where you are Luke...p-please don't make me do this..." he said softly tears streaking down his cheeks as Luke peered over to the man he was pretty sure he had feelings for. He didn't understand but that apparently didn't matter, "You killed them all Luke...Y-you killed them all...Every person in that town is dead because of you." Jude's voice was quivering as he spoke taking a step to Luke and into the light. His body dirty and his clothes torn up from what seemed to be an attack.


"What...what do you mean?" He asked his head shaking as he looked down to himself. "I...I killed?" he looked up to Jude, his eyebrows tightening together.


"Yes. We couldn't make it to the safe house fast enough, you shifted and murdered over 50 people Luke! I...I can't let you stay...you attacked me!" Jude was shaking his head as tears streaked down his face. "I love you...please just...Don't look at me..."


Jude cocked the gun and put his finger on the trigger, his eyes shown with desperation. He couldn't look at Luke as he was going to shoot him so he turned his head away and pulled the trigger. The bullet sliding from the gun with a loud bang and colliding with Luke's shoulder. He took a step back from the fire as tears started to slide down his cheeks, "J-jude...?" He asked confused about it all and he found himself on his knees holding his shoulder. That didn't end there, Jude had walked to him and placed the gun between his eyebrows before leaning down and kissing him softly.


"I'm sorry Luke...I love you. You're a danger to yourself and everyone around you...you'll be happier where you're going." And that was it. He pulled the trigger again and Luke felt a split moment where it entered his skull and punctured his brain.


Then it was black. Silent, nothingness and all he could hear was the betrayal of a gunshot ringing through his mind.




He sat up with a huff his eyes looking around frantically as he touched his body making sure he was there. In that moment he realized Jude was touching him and he flinched lightly before he let out a shakey sigh looking up to him. "Jude..." He smiled softly as if everything was fine but the bags under his eyes said otherwise. He knew all too well that Jude could see right through him and would ask him about it. "Where are we?" he asked softly his eyes looking around Jude a moment to see the house behind him. It was nice, and pretty, but he felt there was a sinister vibe to it too.


He knew exactly why they were there. This must be the safehouse that Jude had been talking about, otherwise they wouldn't be there. HE felt that there was something behind that white picket fence that was more threatening than normal. He dind't feel welcome here and this feeling shown in his eyes when he looked up at Jude, "I...have a bad feeling Jude..." he said softly. Werewolves had a very keen sense of smell and right now all he could smell, even over Jude's tantalizing scent, was the smell of rotting flesh. He figured either there was a cemetary or there were vampires around. He instantly grew uncomfortable with the area and no longer wanted to be there. He was one werewolf in a clan of vampires and he felt outnumbered.

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Jude quickly lifted his hand when Luke woke up with a huff. He had a bad dream, he knew he did. When Luke said his name with a smile, Jude couldn't help but smile back. "We're at a friends house... I think he has something here that might help us out." Jude looked back at the house for a second, before he looked back at Luke. He noticed the anxious look in Luke's eyes, and sighed softly. He ran his hand through in hopes that it might calm the other. "Everything will be fine. I've known the leader for years... hell, I knew him when he was human - though don't mention that to anyone else. No one knows about who he was before all of this, and he wants to keep it that way." Jude gave an encouraging smile to Luke and kissed his hand, "It will all be fine. I promised you that I would keep you safe, and I make sure to keep that promise... just... trust me."


Jude could understand why Luke was so anxious, so he wasn't upset at all. If he was in his position, he would have the same anxieties. There's so much fiction that paints vampires and werewolves as enemies, and while it was true most of the time it was only because they were in fear of the other stealing their prey, or they lived entirely different lives. "You're not going to be a threat to them at all. The guy who runs this joint can be a hard ass, but he's a big fucking teddy bear as far as I'm concerned." He knew how to be a leader, but he also knew how to be kind and helpful. Besides, he owed Jude a lot of favors.

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Luke looked away from Jude and leaned into the others touch with a light sigh. “Okay...I trust you...let’s just...get it over with...” he said softly and sat up stretching a little hearing a soft pop as his back straightened out. “Long as I’m not locked away in a cellar and forgotten about I’ll be fine.” He tried to let the anxious feeling slide off his shoulders. He leaned across the seat and kissed Jude’s lips softly. “Just in case they eat me.” He winked playfully before hopping out of the truck. He stretched again and let out a loud sigh peering up at the large plantation style home. It was beautiful...he would give them that much.


As much as Jude seemed to believe this vampire clan would house him during his first shift he wasn’t so sure. Jude may have been friends with the vampire but Luke was not and he may decide to kick them out because he was a werewolf. He just wanted to be safe and he didn’t want Jude to be anywhere near him when he shifted. His eyes peered up at the sky catching a glimpse of the moon behind a few clouds. It was almost nearly full, they had only a day tops before he would need to be restrained for the night. Even before the moon hits its apex on his first shift Luke will already begin the shift. His body fighting the virus in his veins. After one successful shift his body will morph back to a human and then a wolf again. Until the moon lowers out of the sky leaving him human again till the next full moon arrives. Being able to control his wolf during the moon was the killer. If he got that down he wouldn’t have to be scared. He could just go about his evening as a wolf and come back home the next day, a human again without any fear of hurting anyone. It was an understatement to say he was sad they didn’t make it to Jude’s normal destination. He would much rather have a werewolf talk him through the shift than be alone. Then again he figured most were alone when it happened and he would get through it.

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Jude smiled and rolled his eyes at the kiss, his eyes following Luke as he climbed out of the truck. Jude climbed out shortly after, stretching almost immediately after getting out. While there was that part that was still nervous for the full moon, Jude was happy he found somewhere safe for Luke. Jude looked over at Luke and patted him on the shoulder, "come on, Puppy." Jude said with a smile, his hand moving off if Luke's arm before he stuffed them into his jean pockets and walked towards the house. He opened the white fence, and walked in without fear. Jude made it towards the front door and knocked on it softly. A few minutes later someone opened the door and peeked out. He closed his eyes as he tried to adjust to the sunlight, "what?" The man said harshly.

"I'm Jude. I'm a friend of Sebastian's and I need to talk to him... it's pretty urgent." Jude said as he crossed his arms. The vampire looked between Jude and Luke, his eyes squinting at Luke before he rolled them. "Fine. Come on in... just be careful not to touch anything." The vampire was seemingly young, though it was impossible to tell how old he really was. He had a thick head of blonde hair, and his eyes were a deep blue. He looked like an angel, though his rude demeanor said otherwise.


Jude walked through the door, the entire floor seemingly empty. The rest of them were probably down below to avoid the sun, but why was this guy here? "So where's Sebastian?" Jude asked, keeping a careful eye on the other vampire. "Downstairs... duh? We were all downstairs, but like always they send me out. Assholes." Maybe Jude was just on his toes because of Roman, but he liked to think anyone would. Jude looked over at Luke and gave him a half smile, before grabbing into the bottom of his shirt. Jude wasn't completely over his encounter with Roman, and this was making him nervous.


Sebastian lead them downstairs to a beautiful den, full of about forty other vampires doing various things. The den was dimly lit and spacious, even though there were so many people already. There were leather couches, and the wallpaper was red and gold. Jude's eyes scanned the room until they landed on a devilishly handsome man with naturally red and green eyes. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and had been enjoying them. The man looked over at Jude and grinned, almost flying off the couch to meet his old friend. "Hey Jude!" Sebastian sang in the tune of the Beatles song, his long fingers wrapping around his arm. "It's been way too long. What have you been up to?" His green eyes flashed over towards Luke, a soft smirk crossing his face. "Hey. Are you a werewolf?" Sebastian asked with a soft tone.

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Luke still was uneasy as Jude put his hands in his pockets and started to walk up to the door. He followed obediently despite his want to get in the car and just drive off and take the full moon with full force. Of course no amount of begging would tell Jude that he really didn't want to be here. The hunter just wanted to make sure he was safe and wasn't going to hurt anyone. It made perfect sense to him. As they stood on the front pourch waiting for an answer Luke slid his hands into his own pockets looking around the property. It was a beautiful home, old money from a long time ago that had had its fair share of renovations as the years went on. It was a perfect place for a vampire coven to be hanging out at.


When the door creaked open his eyes leveled on the man who was looking through. His pale complextion screaming against the morning light. Jude did all the talking apparently being old friends with a "Sebastian" who was a leader in the clan. Luke had no interest wondering if the two had slept together like Jude apparently did with some of his "friends" including himself. He pushed the thought aside as the vampire pulled the door open the rest of the way and let them inside. The home, althought it was huge was relatively empty. A light frown formed on his face and he looked over to Jude who seemed uneasy as well. This small motioned made Luke feel protective and he moved in closer to Jude, their arms brushing against one another as they walked down the stairs to the basement.


He felt uneasy but for Jude he knew he was even more worried. After their most recent encounter with a vampire it wouldn't shock him. Once they were in the basement his uneasiness got even higher as more than 40 vampires surrounded them. He shifted a little on his feet looking across the way to the man Jude seemed to be staring at. He was a handsome man with beautiful eyes. He had a great build and Luke could very much enjoy his attractivness without feeling ashamed. He looked like a type of guy who had a multitude of partners and didn't care that he sometimes looked like a douche.


The sing-song voice calling out to Jude was like a punch in his face. Of course they were old friends but it was just weird how close others were to Jude. His eyes flicked to the vampire who seemed to be taking him in before putting on a devilish smirk. Luke tilted his head at the others words and smiled a little with a nod. He didn't think he needed to say much other than to acknowledge what he was. It didn't shock him that vampires were just as good at sniffing him out as he was to them. If he had been awake he would have been able to tell where they were going from miles away. This vampire probably knew he was coming before he sat foot on the property. "My name is Luke. Nice to meet you." He said holding out a hand to shake the vampires in a more than polite way.

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Jude noticed the more than polite tone in Luke's voice, which made him look over at his partner with an arched eyebrow. He looked back over to Sebastian who looked more than amused as he moved to shake his hand with a smile, "no no, the pleasure is mine." Jude moved inbetween them as he crossed his arms, "hey Sebastian... we... actually need your help." Jude said out of the blue, in hopes to distract the two. Sebastian looked taken back a little, though that smirk never left his lips. "What do you need Blackbird?" Sebastian said, the smirk growing a little kinder. Sebastian loved the Beatles, which resulted in a polethera of themed nicknamed for Jude. This particular nickname was a favorite of theirs. Jude leaned in close to Sebastian and whispered softly, "is there any place the three of us can be alone?" Sebastian sighed softly and nodded, signalling the two of them to follow him.


Sebastian lead them into a small side room, that was covered wall to wall in books and nothing else; no desks, no chairs, just books. Sebastian closed the door behind them and locked it, just in case someone wanted his immediate attention. "So what's wrong? Is it about your new boyfriend?" Sebastian asked with a playful smirk which only growed when he saw his friends cheeks turn bright red. "N-no... I mean yes... I mean, he's not my boyfriend!" Jude raised his voice, getting a little densive. He sighed and crossed his arms, "look... this is Luke's first shift, and I figured if any place can keep him safe it would be your prison cells. Is there any way we can stay here for a two nights? We'll be out of here after his shift... I promise."


The question made Sebastian laugh lightly, which caused Jude's stomach to ache. "You're a dumb ass Jude. You're like family... besides, I bed Felix would be happy to see you and your friend." Sebastian winked when he said friend and slapped Jude's shoulder, his eyes turning towards Luke. "Look you're safe here. Anyone that my Blackbird is friends with, is pretty okay in my book." Sebastian turned towards the door and opened it, "pick a room on the third floor. The only people there are me and Felix, so most of those rooms are up for grabs. I need to go back to my clan, or they'll worry."

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Luke had no ill will to the vampire but it was more of standing his ground against Jude that he was worried about. it was weird to see someone so casual with him and it put the wolf in Luke in a fit. He felt like he had to fight for Jude and it wasn't up to him even if he wanted to. When it came to the smaller man he had to bulk up to other guys and he couldn't help but feel a little bad about it. The movement of his partner between the two of them pulled his attention from those hypnotizing eyes and onto Jude who was whispering to the vampire that they needed to talk to him somwhere more private. As they were guided from the large room and into a much smaller one Luke couldn't hold back the chuckle that left his lips when the question passed Sebastions lips. The reaction from Jude was just too cute and he couldn't help but enjoy it, even if he was being quiet otherwise.


Jude seemed to be a little confused about the boyfriend title between the two of them and that alone seemed to be a good sign for Luke. He raised a brow to his partner a moment as they passed one another as they left the small room. They would have to have a conversation about it later or he was going to explode. "Thanks." He said with genuine feelings to the vampire as he opened his doors to the two of them. Sebastian left first leaving the two of them to go up and find a room. He looked back to Jude and lightly grabbed his arm guiding him out of the basement. Once they were out of the imidiate area of all of them he let out a sigh of relief. "Ugh...I felt like I was going to throw up..." he shook his head and chuckled a little before leaning close to Jude. "Boyfriend huh?" he bumped his shoulder with his own and chuckled in a teasing matter.

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Jude smiled as he watched Sebastian walk away, his eyes flickering over towards Luke. He could feel his face immediately turn bright red, the word 'boyfriend' ringing through his head. Jude's thoughts were cut short when Adrian started to lead him out of the basement. He could feel all of the vampire's eyes on them, though he wasnt worried. Sebastian wouldn't let anything happen to either of them, and they typically only drank animals blood anyways. When they were out of the basement, there was a wave of relief beings out if the crowd. How tget managed to all stay down there was beyond him. His eyes flickered up towards Luke when he closed the gap between them, that dreadful 'boyfriend' word appearing again. He looked down, his cheeks bright red. "We should look for bedroom... o-or I guess because there's a bunch of rooms we don't really need to share one." Jude rubbed the back of his neck, looking back up at Luke.


Jude looked at the staircase, and started to walk away. "I'm going to find a room..." Jude said, feeling his heart beating viciously against his chest. Where would he even put Luke? It wasn't like they confessed their undying love fir each other, and even now Jude wasn't sure how he even felt about Luke. Maybe he was just scared to fall back into love? God, but Luke was just... Perfect in every sense of the word. He was selfless, amazing in bed, he had a way of calming ecer nerve in his body when he was around. Why were feelings so confusing?

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Luke chuckled softly at the apparent unrest that the word brought to Jude's face. "Hey I'm just teasing you Jude. Don't be like that." he chuckled softly running a hand through his hair as jude started to ascend the stairs. He followed close behind him, their feet causing creaks from the old home. "So...do you want to share a room? I'm not against it. We've been sleeping with one another since we met basically." His eyes roamed the second floor looking at the rather old and dusty rooms there. He touched the banister as they moved up the second flight of stairs heading to the third floor of the home where Sebastian had told them to look for a room.


His eyes trailed the hallwways and he smiled a little, "Where would you like to stay Jude? Maybe away from the other rooms? Vampires have super hearing like me so I mean...no matter how quiet we are they will hear." He raised a brow back to Jude refferring to the others want to sleep with him again the next time they stopped somewhere for the night. It was interesting how Luke could change Jude in just a matter of minutes if he wanted to. Their chemistery was undeniable and it would be hard to tell if they weren't together because of how much they seemed to care about one another. Hell, Jude was all Luke had at the moment so of course he meant alot to him. he dind't want to lose him...not even if that meant getting rid of the beast he was to keep Jude safe.

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Jude's cheeks turned bright red when the question was brought back up. Sharing a room was such a normal thing for them now, that if he was honest sleeping alone sounded terrifying anyways. However, was Luke okay as being labled as Jude's 'boyfriend.' "I mean... if you don't have a problem with it..." Jude shyly mumbled as he stuffed his hands into his jacket pocket. He quickly glanced at Luke, before he looked back ahead of them. Jude still had so many confusing feelings for Roman, so maybe he wasn't so ready to jump into another relationship. But at that same time whenever something happens, Jude only wants Luke to be okay. The mention of finding a room further away pulled a soft smile across Jude's lips, as his hands softly intertwined with Luke's. The thought of sex was appetizing... "We really can't share a bed without doing something dirty can we?"


Jude stopped midway up the stairs, his hands moving towards Luke's lips to kiss him softly. It wasn't like they were dating... they were like really close sex buddies, that were emotinally dependent on each other was all. Nothing romantic about it at all! "Mm..." Jude hummed as he pulled away, slowly opening his eyes. Even if the kisses made his heart beat faster than a hummingbirds wing, there was nothing romantic about their relationship. Jude smirked and pulled away, his hands moving to hold Luke's again as he led him to the furthest room he could find. Sebastian and Felix had their room over by thd staircasd, so he made sure to walk all the way to the other end.


Jude opened the door to a very plain and simple room that had a queen size bed with lavender bedding, a night stand with a lamp, and a dresser. The only thing that made ut stand out was a beautiful doorway with purple silk curtains, that led to a balcony. The room seemed to have been cleaned fairly recently, which made sense because both Sebastian and Felix were pretty hospitable, so it seemed like them to keep up on rooms. Jude sighed softly and let go of Luke's hand to fall down against the bed, his body bouncing once upon impact. Now that they found a room, they just had to bring things inside. Jude always kept a gun and a knife on him just in case, but he needed to put up a few wards to make sure Roman couldn't get into the room.

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Luke felt a hand slide into his own and it was like it was a puzzle piece sliding into place. He peered down at their hands a moment and lightly squeezed Jude's hands with a chuckle. "Hm maybe not? Then again it would wear me out and thats just what I need right now. I'm a little anxious about this shift." He spoke softly seeming to have his mind read as he pulled Jude into him. The smaller male leaned up into him as Luke leaned down, their lips gently touching in a rather soft kiss. He smiled lightly against his lips sliding a hand to the side of his face lightly tracing his cheekbone. They weren't dating, but Jude was everything Luke had been looking for. It felt right, he felt right, their relationship felt right. He would love to have made it serious but Jude wasn't ready and he was in no rush to push their lives together.


Luke felt like he was more emotionally invested than Jude and that was fine. He didn't mind being used at the moment, he knew Roman was still new. As Jude pulled away and lightly lead him down the hall he couldn't help but chuckle as he had really picked the furthest room. When they got there he gently let go of the others hand setting his things down on the bedside table. "Why don't you take a minute. I'll go get outr things...you were driving for awhile to get here." he leaned down on the bed and gently kissed Jude's cheek a hand roaming down Jude's chest and over his hips, sliding a hand into his pocket. He lightly nipped his jaw as he grabbed the truck keys from the others pocket. "I'll only be a moment." He winked and then kissed him once more before hopping off of him and heading back to the door.


He jogged down the two flights of stairs and to the truck grabbing their very minimal luggage. It was an easy trip and he could have done it with one hand but the real reason was he was worried. He was terrified of the night and yet being in it felt like he could relax. The moon that was slowly rising in the sky was a sign of another night closer to his first shift. His body getting sore by the minute. His bones graning under the weight of his body and their empending breaking and restructuring to make room for the wolf inside of him. Once he got the luggage he walked back up all the stairs and back into the room setting them down next to the bed.

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Jude smiled when Luke towered over him, his hands holding his hips out of reflex. Luke's roaming hands gave Jude a sense of hope that he would stay with him. A light chuckle escaped his lips when Luke nipped his neck, his eyes watching his hands while they grabbed his keys from his pocket. Jude kissed him back even if it was only for a second, his hands sliding off his hips as he walked away. "Here I was hoping your hands would go a little lower," Jude purred as he moved onto his stomach, his head facing the door. He watched as Luke walked out and softly sighed when Luke made his exit. Jude laid his head against his arm, and turned his gaze towards the wall and zoned out for a second before he heard the all too familiar voice. "Hello Jude..." Said a deep sweet voice from the doorway, which caused his eyes to flicker and smile to cross his lips. "Sebs told me you were here, so I though I'd say hello." Said Felix, his green eyes looking back at Jude happily.


Felix was sheet white and had a thick head of red curly hair. His eyes were emerald green and even from the untrained eye they looked as if they were ancient. Felix had gone through many names over the many centuries he had been alive, though when he was an actual living human he had lived under the name Fearghus - which he had never liked, so with close friends settled on the name Felix. "Hey sorry. I didn't see you down there, so I thought you were gone on business." Jude said as he lifted himself up off the bed to give his friend a hug. Felix was 5-11, which was tall when he was living. "I was down there, but I was doing bills and such. Living is so expensive." Felix said as he pulled away to look at Jude affectionately.


Heavy footsteps came up the stairs, and before Jude could even think about it Sebastian was standing next to Felix with a worried expression. "The sun is setting Felix, it isn't down." Sebastian was over protective when it came to Felix, even though he was one of the most fearsome vampires around. He had been around when Christianity was starting to make waves, and when the Holy Roman Empire was still around and kicking. However, despite this Sebastian felt a deep need to protect Felix - much like Jude felt with Luke. Felix looked up at Sebastian adoringly before he kissed him softly, "I'm fine. I'm not ash you worry wart." Sebastian smiled through the kiss, almost completely forgetting that Jude was there. "Go back into our room... It will be night in a few minuets, and at least I know you'll be safe there." Felix rolled his eyes at his husband, his fingers finding their way towards his face. "Fine... but the second it comes down, I want to meet this famous werewolf boyfriend." Felix said giving Jude a wink as he made his way down the hallway, disappearing behind a corner.


Sebastian watched as Felix walked away with a smile, his hands on his hips. "The best thing I ever did was becoming a vampire for that man." Sebastian said as he turned his attention back to Jude. "Look I'll catch you later. I just wanted to check on Felix... I'll see you and Luke downstairs for break-- dinner... dinner." Sebastian shot Jude finger guns while he was walking away, leaving Jude alone once again. Jude sighed happily and sat down on the bed and rubbed his face, the sound of footsteps coming back into the room making him look up. A smile crossed his lips when he saw Luke, "here I thought you were going to steal my keys and wonder off." Jude teased as he leaned back on the bed, propping himself up with his elbows.


Jude took a good long look at Luke, the look of anxiety hurting his heart. Felix was going to have to wait. "Come here... lay with me." Jude said softly as he patted the spot next to him. "We've both had a long day, and if anyone deserves some down time, it's you."

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Luke tilted his head lightly to the man that moved on the bed as he sat on the bed. Luke couldn't help but feel a little flutter in his heart as he watched Jude sit up. He tilted his head and sat the last of the bags down as he lightly chuckled, "Run away from you? Now why would I do that?" he asked as he sighed lightly the smile not lasting on his face. Jude seemed to know him all too well already and he was able to pick up on the uneasiness that was roaming through his body. He gently sighed and smiled a little, walking to the bed. He laid down next to Jude and sighed lightly closing his eyes, "Damn...I wish you couldn't see right through me sometimes. You've only known me for a week tops and you're already able to tell when something is bothering me."


He chuckled lightly and closed his eyes an arm going behind his head to hold it up. He peered over to Jude and smiled a little, "So I'm apparently a famous werewolf boyfriend now? What am I your first supernatural boyfriend since ya know?" He poked the others nose playfully tyring to keep his mind off the full moon. Of course no one was going to take his mind off of the moon, not even Jude. As much as he wanted to forget about it he couldn't, it was coming closer and closer to the day. He could feel his muscles aching and he could feel his body growing more and more alien to him. It was like something was waiting to slide out of him, waiting to reach out and stretch its legs.


It was harder and harder to keep the animal inside of him. It was harder and harder to be able to control the jealousy, anger, and lust that slid through his body when it came to Jude. it became harder and harder to be himself and he had to groan lightly as his eyes closed at the thought. He had to hide the headache that was growing in his head and the feeling of want that was sliding through his body. It was a strange feeling not feeling alive in their own body, he felt like he needed just a good long rest before his shift and yet he wanted Jude before the shift too.

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When Luke mentioned how long they had known each other, it almost surprised him. Jude felt like they had known each other their whole lives, which was weird. But some people just click like that. The chuckle brought a smile to his face. "Oh god," Jude laughed as he rolled his eyes, leaning his head into Luke's arm with a blush. Were they considered boyfriends? Jude didn't want to ask. For now he was classifying them as fuck buddies with a really intimate emotional bond. Jude poked his head out before he softly kissed Luke on the lips, his hands gripping his waist. He knew it wouldn't take his mind off completely, but it was a start. The room was almost dark, the only light coming from a tiny crack in the curtains. "Speaking of famous werewolf boyfriends, my friend Felix is just dying to meet you." The small dim light bounced off of Luke and Jude's faces, making it easier for Jude to read his facial expressions.


"Though if you're not up for that, we can lock the door and stay in. I'm sure Felix and Sebastian will understand..." Jude gave Luke a kiss on the tip of his nose, before laying his head against his chest. Their relationship did seem much more than just friends with benefits, but maybe that's just how they were? They've been through a lot in their short time, that Jude couldn't even go to imagine how he would react if Luke wasn't there. If he ran into Roman again and Luke wasn't there to keep him grounded, he would do something reckless for sure. Jude was still very much in love with Roman, and and felt so pathetic about it. What alluded him though was if he was just in love with Roman because he was so messed up mentally, or if Roman still had a grip on his emotion and was fucking with him. He hated himself for feeling any sort of compashion or feeling for Roman, when there was a perfect man in front of him.


There was a soft knock at the door, that made Jude sit up. "Coming in!" Blurted Sebastian as he walked through and leaned against the door frame. "Let's get some food. I bet you guys are hungry for a lot more than dick." Sebastian said with a smirk, quite proud of himself. "Felix is making you guys some food. He's a hell of a cook, though being ancient as fuck helps with that."

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Luke sighed lightly against the others lips sliding a hand to the side of his face and tilting him up into him more. He lightly smiled against those lips and sighed again as if everything was just alright for now. "Listen...I think we should you know address that at some point Jude.." he spoke softly his eyes shifting to Jude's face as he laid his head back down on his chest. "We can't just keep pretending like there isn't anything here...less I'm reading too much into things in which case thats my fault-" he was cut off by the sound of a knock and he shifted a little sitting up on his elbows as Sebastian glided into the room. Luke looked more than exhausted but his little joke made him laugh lightly and he sighed, "Fine. Just because your vampire boyfriend decided to make us dinner." He ruffled Jude's hair and rolled out of the bed stretching with a groan. His bones cracking relatively loudly in the room.


"How old is he anyway? How old are you?" he asked tilting his head as he closed the gap between him and sebastian. They were relatively the same height and he was more than happy about that. "I hope his dinner is better than the dinner I was about to have." he winked playfully keeping on with the joke sliding past sebastian and into the hallway. The room getting a little too hot for him to stay in there. He did indeed want to discuss the feelings blossoming toward Jude and the fact that his little hunter didn't feel the same way at all. It was heartbreaking and yet he had to pretend everything was okay. He smiled although it wasn't real, he laughed although it wasn't full of the heartiness it had earlier. He was too nervous, too anxious, and now he was worried about Jude.


He knew that he couldn't ask much from the other so soon and yet here he was wanting to put a label on their relationship. It would only make things worse but isn't there something there? They cuddle against one another, pass soft kisses back and forth, have insane sex sessions and yet Jude makes it out like they are just partners. As much as he would love to have the title of boyfriend with Jude he knew it was far from being placed next to his name. He would be Luke, the werewolf until Jude decided to make him Luke the boyfriend. Something was keeping him from fully being with Luke and the werewolf would just have to deal with it for now.

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Jude would be lying if he said he wasn't thankful that Sebastian came in when he did. He just wasn't ready. He knew there was something there between them, and Jude hated that he was still hing up on Roman. The man used him, took a year away from his life, and threatened to take the only good thing that's happened to him. If that wasn't enough Roman left him with the constant question of what he did during that year, and even night terrors. No matter what though Jude just couldn't let go of the Roman he thought he knew, when they were young and wild. The Roman that would kiss his tears away, or the Roman that would hold his hand during a scary movie. God... Jude was pathetic.


Jude looked over at Luke with a short smile when he ruffled his hair, before he got off the bed abd followed Sebastian and Luke out. "Oh Felix is... oh shit, he's basically... he was alive around the iron age, so eight hundred years old... around there... I could be wrong though. Felix doesn't even know his age." Sebastian sighed as he crossed his arms, his eyes meeting with Luke's in a sideways glance. "He has a thing for young thirty year olds though." Jude sprinted a little to catch up to them, their long legs becoming a problem for the short male. When Jude met Sebastian he was twenty eight and human, though that was something he would tell Luke when they were away from here. No one knew Sebastian's identity prior to being a leader of a vampire clan, and for good reason; if word broke out about being a hunter there coukd be a mutiny, and either Sebastian or Felix would be harmed. Hell, Sebastian went as far to change his name when he turned. When Jude met him his name was Bert.


Jude looked over at Luke and saw through all pf the fake smiles. He looked down at his hand, and held it so he coukd catch up. "Jesus Blackbird, grow a few inches." Teased Sebastian as they walked into the large kitchen occupied by Felix. By the time they walked in Felix was stuffing something into the oven with his bare hands. He looked over his shoulder at them while he tried to set the timer, "ovens are such useful things. I wish we had these for... well... ever. Beats cooking bland stew over a fire, that's for sure." Felix joked, his eyes shifting over to Luke. He looked him dead in the eye, his ancient gaze studying him. "You must be Luke," Felix said with a welcoming smile, as he moved to shake his hand. "I'm Fearghus... but please, just call me Felix."


Sebastian slapped Jude's shoulder, "hey! Let's get some drinks in ye. It's been a long while since we've just talked." Jude jumped his eyes flashing over to Sebastian questioningly, before succumbing. Jude let go of Luke's hand, before leaning over to whisper in his ear. "I'm sure I won't be too far away. I trust Felix more than anyone, so you'll be fine..." Jude pulled away and looked at Luke, the sound of his bones cracking from earlier replaying in his mind. "We'll talk later, okay." Jude ran his fingers through his hair before exiting the room, leaving Felix and Luke on their own. Felix watched Jude leave, a large grin on his face. "You must be special. Usually Jude is... well, he isn't too friendly. Anyone else and he would just walk out."

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Luke heard Jude trying to follow them but he didn't slow down really. Sebastian was walking at a quick pace and talking to luke no less so he found it rude to hang back for Jude. He chuckled lightly, "Damn. I mean he probably looks like the younger out of the two of you." He joked with a chuckle as Sebastian seemed to be a little happy that Felix was into younger men, like way younger men. After a moment he felt a hand in his own and he looked down seeing Jude holding his hand and trying to catch up. He almost wanted to let go of him but something inside of him wouldn't let him do it. Wouldn't let him drop those warm fingers in his hands and instead his pace slowed a little to let Jude catch up to him.


As they walked into the kitchen Luke noticed a rather beautiful man putting something into the oven and turning around to them with a bright smile. He was young looking probably no older than 25 and yet those eyes told a story all in their own. They had years and years of experience and as he walked over to them and stared at Luke for what seemed like hours. Those eyes peering into his soul only for a welcoming smile to form on his face as he reached out a hand and greeted Luke. Luke smiled a little and reached out shaking Felix's hand, "Nice to meet you." He had no reason to say his name for he had already been talked about by everyone here.


Luke heard the offer of some drinks and he peered over to the two and looked a little confused. He didn't want to be left alone with people he dind't know. Jude leaned up and talked in his ear and Luke sighed nodding, lightly squeezing his fingers. "I'll see you soon." he called and let go of Jude watching him leave. Felix's words pulled him out of his little bubble of Jude and he watched him leave the room before sighing. "I like to think I am...but you know...I just don't think I am." He ran a hand through his hair shaking his head. "Jude is a little stuck on how he feels about me. I'm sure its just us being partners." he chuckled lightly and leaned against the counter. "So? What are you making? I didn't think vampires ate..." he tilted his head not wanting to be rude but was worried he had.

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Felix smiled when Luke mentioned the question so many have asked before. "No... I can't eat food. Actually I get pretty sick eating normal food, though I've heard I'm a brilliant cook." Felix leaned against the counter and looked at Luke. "I miss it sometimes though. My mom used to cook this stew, and... it was kind of bland, but it was comforting." He sigher softly and peeled himself off of the counter, "come sit with me. You must be in a bit of pain right now, so there's no point in forcing yourself to hurt even more." Felix had befriended a few werewolves in his time, so he had a understanding of just how painful the day before the shift could get. Of course he didn't have a first hand account, but ne had friends explain the shift in great detail more than once.


Felix sat down at a small round table, his legs stretching off to the side. He looked over at Luke, almost like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. His gaze fell down to the table, and his fingers tapped against the wood rhythmically. "So Luke... tell me about yourself? You have to be an interesting guy if Jude still has you around." Felix knew Jude better than anyone. He knew him well enough to know when he took a liking to somone, and that was apparent in just the way he looked at him. "Where did you grow up? What's your favorite color? Any childhood pets?" Felix liked getting to know peoole. If he learned anything in life, it was that people were diverse even through time. It was one of the reasons he wasn't bored out of his mind.


Felix looked over at Luke and leaned forward so he knew he had his full attention. In the background the muffled screams of Sebastian telling Jude to chug could be heard, which made a smile cross his lips. Sebastian wasn't able to get drunk anymore, but that was something the two enjoyed doing together.

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Luke was a little exhausted already but Felix seemed to be a little less intense for him so he didn't mind the distraction. He was a little sad the vampire couldn't eat and he lightly chuckled as he leaned against the counter peering over to him. So vampires could remember their humanity? How strange. He wondered how long it would take for things like that to grow fuzzy for him. When Felix mentioned him hurting he was a little shocked, he looked away a moment before he sighed and nodded. He moved to the small table and pulled out the chair sitting down into it with a light groan. It was hard to pretend like everything was okay, then again he didn't want to stress Jude out with something so trivial as aching bones. He hadn't really noticed the others gaze until he heard his fingers and he peered over at him a little confused. He was about to say something when Flelix spoke.


He smiled a little and sighed lightly looking over at Felix. "It's a little boring but alright I guess I don't mind telling you a little bit about me." he paused a moment hearing the others in the other room and he lightly smiled a little. "Well I grew up in the city with my mom. My dad ran out when I was younger. I don't really have any family other than my mom but I got news just recently that she met this guy and they want to get married or something." He shrugged a little and leaned forward onto the table. "Before...all of this happened I was working at the race track while going to college for business. I wanted to be a racer.." he laughed softly and shook his head. "There was nothing as exciting as getting on my bike and racing down the streets. It was my call in life and it was everything I wanted and more. I had friends, a boyfriend, a close relationship with my mom and everything. Then one night I was taking a friend to their girlfriends house when I met Jude." He ran a hand through his hair tilting his head a little. "I guess that night my boring life turned not so boring. Brett and I, my boyfriend, broke up after I realized I was changed for good and Jude couldn't save me this time around. I left my life behind and am with him. He's kind of...everything I have right now. I don't have anywhere else to go so I stick with him till he decides he doesn't want to lug me around anymore."


He leaned back in his chair, "To be honest I'm terrified. Something is wrong with me when it comes to Jude and I don't understand it. It's like...he's..." He sighed a little and looked away unable to explain it. "I'm probably just imagining things. Not like werewolves can have mates right? Let alone a mate that would be their monster hunting partner right?" he smiled a little but it was empty. He looked over to Felix, "I got a little deep there...let me say my favorite color is green like the trees. My mom gave me a puppy when I was like 6 but he got ran over when I was 10 so I didn't have him for long." He shifted his gaze a little knowing he had mabe talked too much but he quickly fell silent as if he didn't know what else to say. It was probably apparent in how he spoke about Jude that he didn't think the other was just a fuck buddy with a little bit of emotion added on. He felt...attached to him in a competely different way and he was terrified of the outcome.

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Felix leaned forward and smiled as Adrian talked, soaking in every word he said like he was listening to some world famous person. A knowing smile crossed his lips as Luke talked about Jude, his eyes flashing down onto the table. The comment about mates made the smile grow and his eyes to flash back up at Luke as he finished talking about his life. During the silence Felix reached over and grabbed his hand, "the soul wants what the soul wants, Luke. It doesn't take into account if someone is a hunter or not. I am not sure if this will soothe you, or cause you more anxiety, but being mates can be completely possible." Felix looked deep into his eyes, almost like he was reading a novel. "Tell me, does you body crave him right now? Do you feel this sort of lustful hunger you never got before; a feeling like you might just die if you don't sleep with him?" Felix asked almost too casually. Though to be fair, he probably said worst in his day. The two men came back before Luke could answer, which caused Felix to give him a tiny wink and move to the stove. "Dinner is almost ready for you two. Sebastian, can you get our dinner preped?" Felix asked as he wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, making Sebastian smile ear to ear. "I can't do much with you holding onto me." Felix let go, sending Sebastian on his way.


Jude, who was clearly drunk, sat down in the chair next to Luke and laid his head down on the table. Felix looked over at him and rolled his eyes. The timer went off, sending Felix to fetch it from the oven and sat it on the counter next to the oven. "Well, food's ready." He said as he crossed his arms. "It looks good. Eat for both of us, okay Luke?" Felix joked. A large thud was heard in the room over, which made a worried expression cross over jis features. "Excuse me. I need to check on Sebastian... it's probably nothing. He just wasn't blessed with grace is all." Felix hurried out of the room, leaving Jude and Luke alone. Jude peeled his head off the table, and out of the chair. He was a little wobbly, but he really didn't care. "I'm so hungry, oh my god." Jude said, his speech slurring just a tad. He made it to the stove and grabbed two plates from the cupboard above his head. He looked over at Luke and smiled at him just a bit, "what did you two talk about? Was it about how cool I am?"

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Luke felt more than embarrassed. He was watching Felix's reaction the entire time and he felt like he wanted to die. Of course when the mention of mates came out he felt even more stupid. Sadly, felix was just one of those guys that were easy to talk to. You could tell him anything without worry of his judgement. He felt the cold hand against his own and his eyes quickly flashed to Felix, for the most of the time after he felt stupid his eyes had shifted to his lap where he would prefer to not look stupid. Some sort of...hope fluttered in his chest as he heard that the idea of mates may be entirely possible. He moved a little closer and looked away some before turning his attention back to Felix, he was about to answer his questions when Jude came back. The vampire and werewolf sitting back in their chairs as if they hadn't just been disgussing Jude and the thought that they could be bound for life as mates.


Luke watched the age old vampires and he thought they were more than adorable together. His attention was quickly brought to Jude who fell into the chair next to him pulling a chuckle from him. "Damn...someone's hammered." Felix had started getting the dinner out and when he spoke to Luke he nodded with a smile, "Alright sounds good." he knew that Sebastian was more than important to him so he waved before turning his attention to Jude. He had gotten up and was wobbily heading to the stove. Luke stood and moved behind him qhickly grabbing the two plates from him and sighing a little, "How about you go sit down and I'll get you a plate okay?" he kissed Jude's cheek and winked at him. "I'm not going to tell you what we talked about. Now go sit down." His jaw jerked to the table where Jude had just gotten up motioning for him to go sit down.


He took the two plates closed the cabinet and moved to the food that was waiting for him. He put some on Jude's plate and some on his own before walking back to the table setting them down. He moved back looking for cups before he finally found some and filled them with water and sat them down on the table. "How much did you drink Jude? You look...almost just as wasted as the first night we were on the road." He chuckled softly and sat down shifting in the seat so he could look at Jude who looked more than pitiful. Poor thing would have a huge hangover the next morning and wouldn't want to bother with the shift at all.

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Jude looked over at Luke when he kissed his cheek, pouting just a little. "I can do it..." He weakly argued, too tired and drunk to really put up much of a fight. He let out a soft groan when Luke didn't tell him the inside scoop of what he missed, and wobbly walked back to the table like a new born horse. He laid his head against his arms again, and watched Luke as he fixed their plates. There was no ignoring that warm fuzzy feeling, but even while he was intoxicated he was just too hesitant. Roman was still running through his mind, and the more he thought about the encounter the more he wanted to crawl out of his skin in hopes he might be someone new. But there was no denying that feeling he got watching Luke do something like fixing food, or even when he would kiss his cheek. He felt a sense of happiness that had been dormant for years. Then there was that deep need to protect him from anything and everything that had to do with Roman and all the other supernaturals.


When Luke came back to the table, Jude looked up at Luke and smiled when he heard him chuckle. "At least I'm not jumping on your dick this time, though I won't complain if you want to." Jude said as he scooted his chair closer to Luke so he could lay his head on his shoulder. "I drank... a lot... Mainly rum... like the good shit... The shit that just makes you forget about your worries... though that isn't working out too well..." Jude said his speech slurring, almost as if his words were on ice. "I'm still worried about you, and Roman... and everything he has planned for you..." Jude looked up at Luke, his cheek still resting on his shoulder. "I don't know what I would do without you Luke... you're my puppy." Jude said, that large drunken grin spreading on his lips as he ruffled his hair.

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As Luke sat the plates down and sat down next to Jude he watched him move his chair a little closer. "Hm you know I wouldn't mind if you did. Not all of us can get so drunk." He looked down at Jude with a smile as he started to talk again. He couldgen't get over how cute he was. Tho the mention of Roman brought the smile to an end and he looked away from him looking down at his food. If only this vampire would just get out of his head things wouldn't be so hard. Like Felix said...mates are possible and the way he described it is everything Luke feels for Jude. It was scary, and horrifying, but he wanted to make it a reality. He wanted to be Judes forever, well...for as long as Jude was alive.


When the other ruffled his hair he laughed softly and looked over to him, "How about I'm your wolf. I don't follow you around Jude and I'm more of a wild animal you play with when you like yet don't want to own me." He leaned down and gently kissed Jude's lips. "Listen, we will get through this and the Roman stuff will resolve itself. Tonight...we have enough to worry about and we should take tonight to just...have fun. Tomorrow is my first shift and I can't do it without you." He gently ran a thumb over his cheek. "I need you with me tomorrow...and tonight. I can't drink booze to forget about my worries anymore but...being with you helps an awful lot if you wanted to.." He trailed off and looked down not wanting to force Jude into sex but it really was a good way for him to forget.

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Jude snickered when Luke said he was more his wolf than anything and shook his head. "Nope. I might just call you a puppy to be a dick." Jude grinned, all of his pearly whites in plain veiw before he kissed his neck. The mention of Roman made him sit in his chair straight, his brown eyes still looking up at Luke like he was the only man in the world. He closed his eyes when Luke ran his thumb over his cheek, his body visibly relaxing at the small gesture. There was no denying that Jude felt something for Luke. Jude didn't hide it well, and his body always betrayed him when he wanted to hide it. The mention of sex brought that smile back to his lips, his fingertips caressing his upper arm adoringly. "If I ever say no to sex, then I'm a changling and you should kill me." Jude whispered loudly, before he kissed Luke on the lips. He pulled away and looked up at him, which was around the same time the two vampires walked in.


Jude looked back over at them and smiled, "dinner is great... I'm just feeling a little sick... see you tomorrow?" Jude said to the two vampires who just smiled. Felix looked over at Luke before he turned his attention back to Jude. "Feel better... I guess... I'll see you... later." Felix looked back at Luke, "make yourself at home." Jude nodded and grabbed Luke's hand to pull him away. Jude was clearly impatient, which wasn't anything new. "Hurry... hurry..." Jude said as he rushed up the stairs, or as fast as one can intoxicated. Thankfully, Jude was quite the experience drinker. When they got to the room door, Jude wrapped his arms around his neck and brought Luke into a hungry kiss. He reached behind him and opened the door, and slowly walked backwards. When they got close to the bed he fell backwards, chuckling a little at the impact.

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Luke smiled gently as the small gesture from him seemed to send Jude to a new state. He let the thumb roam down his neck as Jude seemed to relax just for him. Roman was obviously a sore spot and he knew that this wasn't going to be easy to get over. Thankfully the two of them were a good team and could figure it out together if anything. What Jude said next made him chuckle softly into the kiss before Jude pulled away. Luke had been too interested in their conversation to really deal with the sound of footsteps coming their way. When Felix and Sebasian opened the door he smiled a little and turned to them. Jude seemed to explain enough for the both of them and before he knew it his hand was grabbed and he was heading out of the room. "Thanks for dinner Felix!" he called out, his plate however not really touched due to him feeling like shit with the impending shift.


Jude took his mind off it almost immediatly however as he whisked him through the huge mansion. Luke couldn't keep back the chuckling from Jude's impatience as they stumbled up the stairs. Luke helping the drunken Jude as he made his way up the stair case and to the front of their door. Luke didn't mind the hungry kiss as he pulled Jude's hips to him, kissing him back almost just as hard. He was the one to push the door shut behind them with his foot before following Jude to the bed. He sort of pushed him down onto the bed and let him fall before chuckling and crawling ontop of him pulling his lips into another kiss. This time however, his hands were already roaming under his shirt and pushing it up, letting his fingers roam over every inch of Jude's body. He let the kiss end and instead let his lips roam down Jude's jawline and neck. He bit softly where he seemed to always bite, a light trace of his teeth starting to show on the others neck.


An animal like groan left his lips as his hands roamed lower sliding over Jude's hips and pants before undoing them and sliding a hand inside. He ran a thumb over Jude's hidden length with a light groan wanting to just be inside of him already but also wanting to see this man panting and crying under him. He wanted Jude to be his...and he wanted no one else to see this side of him. He wanted to snuff out the remaining memories of Roman, he wanted to take that pain away. He wanted Jude to only think of him, to remember what he felt like and what he sounded like. Maybe it was selfish and maybe it was love he didn't know but he just wanted Jude fully to see only him.

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