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Lattice (Rin and Zombie) [18+]


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Leo grinned, rather relieved that it didn't create any awkwardness. "Don't tell me you don't like it. I'd think you're one of those people who fight back against being dominated, but secretly want it... Isn't that right?" He asked, his grip tightening in his hair as he pushed Chiaki's head towards his cock again. It was a fun thing to play around with, after all. Twelve years was quite a lot, too. This kink could really become their thing, among many other things.


Leo let out a low moan, grunting softly as his balls were teased as well. "I could always just fuck your mouth if you take too long, love." He murmured, adding the sweet nickname purposely. "Or maybe that's exactly what you want? That's naughty, wouldn't you say?"

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"Prove it," was the only reply to that, while he ignored the threat with being fucked in the mouth if he took too long. He liked fighting back against someone who was way stronger. It was fun. Outside, especially in the underground scenery, he was an invincible, strong and valuable person. He hurt people, he caused murders, he stood in the middle of endless chaos. Therefore it was easy to take a liking to being dominated for once. Not that he would really admit it. That Leo kind of understood it half-way, was impressive, though.


"Now shut up," the raven commanded and moved the aroused penis into place, so that he could lean forward and lick several times over the tip, around it, adorning it with fresh saliva. Right after, he took it into his mouth and gently sucked on it.

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A wide smirk spread across Leo's face. So he was given the green light to actually fuck Chiaki's mouth? That was such a nice thing to know. "I'm afraid you'll be the one shutting up, baby boy." He grunted out, tightly gripping onto his hair before roughly shoving his cock down his throat. He kept Chiaki like that for a few seconds, watching him with an intense stare. "Will you be a good boy for Daddy now? Or do I really need to fuck that pretty mouth of yours?" He asked, hints of threatening clear in his low, husky voice. Fuck, he was really getting into this.


Leo let go of his hair, letting Chiaki pull back to breathe and speak, if he wanted to. His cock was fully hard by now, both from the dirty talk and the power he felt he had over his lover. It felt so good...

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As soon as his boyfriend forced his member into Chiaki's mouth, the raven gave a choking sound, but nothing too serious. He impacted one eye, enduring the sudden block of oxygen. After all, Leo was big, compared to Chiaki's mouth, at least. He returned the stare intensely until being released. Instantly, he took a deep breath and gulped, before the exhaling again and looking up towards Leo with both eyes. His lover was getting into this, huh? But God damn it, it somehow turned him on.


Still, he couldn't help but have a certain bit of arrogance in his voice when he answered, "No, Daddy, I'll be good." Leo knew exactly that Chiaki loved having some control. He would probably say other things to save himself from being moved like a tool.

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Leo's lips stretched out into a grin, his grip on his hair loosening slightly, though it remained rather firm. "That's a smart choice, love. Go ahead, show Daddy exactly how good you can be." He purred, while his cock throbbed, craving for attention. Leo really was getting into this act. Besides, it seemed like Chiaki was joining in as well, what could be better than that?


"Make sure to take in as much as you can... If you pull away, I'll count it as misbehaving. Understand?" Leo asked, his voice gaining a rougher edge to it. He was obviously going to set various rules for them, and it was more than likely that he already had plenty of punishments thought out in case Chiaki ended up disobeying his orders. This would be the most fun game to play, at least for him.

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Oh, this turned out as a strict concept. It looked like his lover was both trying out something new and testing Chiaki's patience. On the other side, the raven never pulled away from a deal and this was one. Leo had taken eleven steps so this was set. He couldn't just leave.


"Understood." The expression in his eyes sharpened, they were literally speaking against whatever word left his mouth. However, his gaze lowered back down to the other's arousal. He took it into his hands at the end of the shaft and took the glans in before adding more and more of the other's length. His hands lowered to the testes, almost as if accidentally, while he carefully pushed his boyfriend into deep-throat. Chiaki systematically breathed through his nose before he took the other into his throat to make sure he wouldn't choke. His eyes closed whilst he focussed so that his teeth wouldn't touch the other's penis.

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Leo grinned, adoring the fact that although Chiaki clearly didn't want to do this, he still did. Because Leo told him so. Because his Daddy told him so. The man bit down on his lip, his eyelids partialy hiding his eyes as he looked down at his lover. "You're acting like such a good boy now... Chiaki, I really do love seeing you like this. Sumbissive, with a mouthful of cock. This look suits you so well. Next time, though, it'd be even nicer to have a vibrator in your ass while you suck me off." He thought out loud, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He'd definitely get his boyfriend to do that. In fact... It would be best if Chiaki just walked around with a vibrator at all times, constantly aroused. The thought sent a pleasurable shiver down his spine.


Leo seemed to be provoking Chiaki, as if daring him to misbehave in some way. If the guy as much as pulled away or bit him at all, he was sure to get punished. Leo would be merciless.

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Chiaki coped with Leo's teasing attitude, he really did. He also did it with pleasure, actually. But this was getting on his nerves, obviously, but eh. Nothing to do there. So he decided to ignore the provocation and started moving his head on his lover's member. Making sure he breathed when the other's length was not pressing against his throat, he also kneaded the other's testes tenderly. His movements sped up, little by little. The quicker he would swallow the other's sperm, the quicker he would get away from all the rules and commands. The raven wouldn't just admit that it was an interesting game to see Leo this strict. It as even charming..

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Leo's eyes didn't leave Chiaki for a single moment throughout the blowjob. He was good, a whole lot better than the first time he sucked Leo off. The teasing to his balls helped a lot as well, as soon Leo had to force himself to keep his moans and grunts quieter - he didn't really want for anyone else to get to see Chiaki like this, especially not a doctor. "Fuck-... Get ready, sweetheart." He warned the other, gripping his hair tightly again before pulling his head close, pushing his nose into his pubes as he shot his cum out down his throat, a louder, husky moan leaving his mouth. "Swallow everything and lick Daddy clean now." He ordered quietly, letting him pull away. "Be sure not to spill anything, love." The man added with a light grin, his breathing a bit heavier, his bottom lip slightly redder from being bitten so much.

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Chiaki gave a whining sound when he was pushed more against the other, forced to take in the entire length. The sperm was shot into his throat and he couldn't do anything but swallow it in order to not choke on it. Though, since his mouth was still small compared to Leo's member, some of the sperm made its way out on the corners of his mouth. He pulled back, lifted his hand to his mouth and coughed, gulping a few times before he licked over his lips to get rid of the remaining sperm. "...it tastes different. Not bad, but also not good. The food here must be average," he complained. His glance wandered up to look up towards Leo, ere a sarcastic smile tugged on his lips. "You're quite the good wannabe command-giver. Never considered joining the army, Daddy?"

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Leo watched with a wide grin across his face as Chiaki choked and swallowed his cum. He was seriously adoring the power he had. The man looked at the other as he pulled back, one eyebrow raising up slightly. "The food could be better, honestly. You haven't finished cleaning up, though." He spoke, motioning to his cock. "Lick it clean." He ordered, his hand still tangled rather tightly in the younger's hair. A light laugh slipped past his lips at the question, the smile lingering on his face even as he answered, "Me? I can't imagine myself in that kind of a place." He grinned, his eyes hooding over as he watched Chiaki. "I will take this as a compliment, however. You like being ordered around, don't you, baby boy?" He asked with a purposely lower voice, adding certain huskiness and roughness to his voice.

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"Yeah, yeah..." He mumbled, leaning his head a little to the opposite side from where Leo's hand was in oder to... well, why? He was unsure. Maybe it was just his rebellious side, or rather a 'tsundere' side when it came to things like this.

However, he took the other's length by the shaft and cleaned it with his tongue. As soon as he thought it was enough, he let go and leaned back, his glance stubbornly towards the side with a pink shimmer on his cheeks.

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Leo hummed in satisfaction as his cock was taken and licked clean. So obedient... "Good boy." He praised the other with a softer voice before tucking his length back into his underwear. After pulling his pants back up all the way, he patted his lap. "Come here, cutie." He grinned, waiting for Chiaki to comply. "You look absolutely adorable when you blush." He added, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. His hand had been removed from his lover's hair entirely, now lightly stroking his cheek.

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Chiaki rose up to his feet and reached over to his top to put it back on. "I'm only cute to you because I'm smaller, not true?" He then replied before moving to sit on the other's lap. Like always the raven leaned with his head against Leo's chest and shoulder. With his hazel eyes, he looked up, still kind of sulking. He would get over it, though.


"How long do you still have to stay here?"

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Leo chuckled, shaking his head. "That may be true to some extent, but you're just cute." He replied, wrapping his arms around Chiaki's waist when he got on his lap. He loved this kind of intimacy between them. "Not sure. Maybe a couple of months? It depends on how soon I can walk properly again... Or, well, at least somewhat properly." He murmured, slowly kissing down the other's neck, as it was basically presented to him. "You miss me that much?" The man teased lightly, giving a harder nip at the base of his neck.

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He let the other do as he pleased. Chiaki had more or less accepted being marked, at least here and there. Right now, he was too lazy to resist.


"Who wouldn't miss their lover? What a ridiculous question," the raven answered, closing his eyes and breathing in the other's scent, which he had taken a liking to a very long while ago. Oh what they both gone through.. Too much. Mostly because of Chiaki himself. He appreciated Leo's more or less existing patience in this business.

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Leo had to admit - Chiaki's words surprised him a little bit. It wasn't that usual to hear such things from his boyfriend. "Oh, I'm touched." He chuckled, gently pressing his lips against his cheek. "I miss you too, babe." He muttered out after a while, hugging him just a little bit closer. He felt like he could live for moments like this alone. They were so... Pure. His life had lost its purity long ago. "Don't fall asleep on me." Leo murmured against Chiaki's ear, gently kissing the lobe.

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"You better be," Chiaki answered, even if there was no threatening tone in his voice. He shifted a little on the other's lap, exhaling. "Ah yeah, is that a threat? What will you do, if I do?" He already worked day and night behind Leo's to be free when the time came that Leo would be released from the hospital or was allowed to stay out a few nights. The dark circles under his eyes and the tired attitude his grin wore all the time might be witnesses of that; however, he didn't want to tell his lover directly. He rather wanted Leo to take care of himself, stay alive and get well soon.

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Leo smiled, shaking his head. "That's not a threat at all. I'm not the most comfortable place to fall asleep on." He spoke, moving one hand up slightly, stroking Chiaki's back. "If you do end up falling asleep on me, I'll just have to stay real still until you wake up again." He laughed quietly, pressing another soft, warm kiss to his cheek. "You do look tired." Leo commented, bits of worry making their way into his voice. "You should be sleeping properly. I'll understand if you don't come for a few days, you've definitely proven you intend to stick with me during this." Leo murmured, kissing his neck again. "It'd really suck if you're like this when I get back home. No fun at all." He scoffed playfully, gently running his hand over his hair. "Take care of yourself too, sunshine."

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"I can take care of myself better than you," Chiaki huffed, opening one eye to look up at his lover. "Also, I'm fine. Don't worry. Keep on training. Do what I say. Problems solved, less energy wasted." Lifting his arms, the raven carefully stretched his limbs and then dropped back against Leo's shoulder. "Inform me when you improve at anything. Me first. I mean I'll visit and all but you know what I mean." Leo was his one and only and he may show it in the very wrong way but he couldn't help it.

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Leo let a fond smile stretch out across his face. He was definitely in love. "I thought I was the one giving orders here." He hummed out, stealing a quick kiss from Chiaki while he was stretching. "Don't worry, love, I know how jealous you can get. You'll be the first one to know." He promised with a light, playful laugh as he kissed his forehead. "You're basically asleep right now, though. While I don't mind you sleeping on me at all, I'll need to have tests done and shit... At least let's lay down. If anything, I'll leave you sleep here and come back as quickly as I can." Leo suggested, gingerly tucking Chiaki's hair away behind his ear. "I want to rest up, too." He didn't, really, but this way Chiaki was probably more likely to agree.

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Moths passed like it was eternity. It wasn't like Chiaki was lonely or anything, but who wouldn't want his beloved one to get out of hospital? No matter how emotionless and ruthless this little bitch was, the raven had feelings for Leo and he had accepted that long ago. Though, in the end, the day of Leo's release came. Chiaki was just sitting at his computers like always, surrounded by paper work and looking almost bored while typing. Only when his private cell phone rang, there was a hint of life flashing up in his crimson eyes. His tiny hand grabbed the phone, answered and placed it in between his ear and shoulder.




His hand lowered back down to the keyboard. Behind his back, the sun was setting, drowning the sky into a mischievous red.

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Leo finally got out of the hospital. God knows he'd been waiting for that day like nothing more. He wanted to surprise Chiaki a bit, so instead of calling him before leaving the hospital, he called him when he was in front of the high rise building. "Hey, babe." He greeted the other on the phone, running a hand over his hair. "Wanna let me inside? I have a promise to keep for you." The man grinned against the speaker, curious to see what his lover's reaction would be. Would he even be surprised? Somehow, Leo thought that his "spies" could've informed him of Leo leaving the hospital by now. Who knew, though, maybe he would end up being lucky.

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"...eh? You are out of hospital?" His tired eyes moved over to the lower part of his desktop showing the time. "The door's open. Come in. Ice cream's in the fridge. Welcome home." With those words, he hung up and set the phone aside. His hands quickly typed along on the keyboard. He finished the e-mail, sent it, closed the windows and shut the computer down. Then he rolled over to the laptop with his fabulous office chair and made sure the settings would be finished soon, too. After all, he wanted to spend time with his lover. Not caring about this 'promise' though, since he had kind of suppressed it.

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Leo laughed, a smile lingering on his face. "I missed you, love." He murmured into the phone before making his way inside. The man soon found his lover, a big, goofy grin spreading out across his face. "I'm home." He laughed, making his way over to Chiaki without much effort. Pulling him into a tight hug, the man pressed their lips together, arms wrapping around his waist. It felt like he hadn't done this in ages. Finally he pulled back, immediately looking over Chiaki's face. "You're in no shape for a proper greeting, sweetheart. That's a shame." He muttered, kissing him once more, swiftly swooping him up into his arms. "How about I get that ice cream and we watch a movie?"

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