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The Stay At Home Lamb w/ Coffee-Tastic and Beatlechan


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Nao smiled as his heart skipped a beat. He looked down at Mochiri and ran his fingers through his light colored hair. Wow it was really soft. He never noticed. Well it was the first time he really touched it. He looked down and continued to smile. "I love you too chi-chi. I'm glad you enjoy the kisses. Its not scary is it? Believe it or not I think could make you feel a lot more but I think its too soon for that. Before we go that far I would like your brother to know about us first". He hugged chi-chi tight burying his face in his chest. "I have no intentions on losing you. I love so much. Even if I have to steal you away but I hope I don't have to. I hope your brother understands and gives me a chance". Nao sighed and closed his eyes still holding the younger male. "I'm gonna have to go soon. Its late. I have to work in the morning and you are not sure when your brother is coming home right? I wish I could stay but if he comes home early it wouldnt be good". Nao pulled Chi Chi up so he could stand up and gather his things. "Are you going to stay up or go to bed"?

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Mochiri picked up his feet onto the sofa and grabbed the closed bear he could, hugging it on his lap, "I think I'll go to bed, but only because if I do, it'll be like going to sleep with you even though you aren't there." He held up the plush arms of the bear idly, "And maybe I'll wake up and you'd wake up at the same time! That would be so cool... Hm..." He closed his eyes and grabbed the blanket that was over the sofa, wrapping himself in it to give him the warmth he lost when Nao got up. He was feeling a tad bit upset that Nao wouldn't do anything else with him until his big brother said it was okay, but he did see that the older male just wanted to be safe... Its just that Mochi was impatient, he wanted to do a lot of fun, new things with Nao before Yoshi got back, because he thought that maybe... if his older brother found out what he did, he'd never be allowed to leave the house again.

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Nao looked at him as he wrapped himself up in the blanket. He could tell he was a bit upset but he meant it. As much as his hormones were starting to rage. He wouldn't touch chi chi with out full disclosure to his brother. He didn't want to seem like he was a bad influence on him. And he didn't want to sneak around like they were doing something wrong. They snuck around enough knowing it could cause problems. He walked over to the couch and squatted in front of chichi. He brushed the hair that had fallen in his face away and smiled. "Good night baby. I'll try to see you after work tomorrow. Hopefully i won't be too tired. Oh here, I got a new cell phone when i was out earlier". Nao pulled out a small sheet of paper that had his cell number written down before hand. "Its my cell number. Save it in your phone. Maybe you can text me hen i'm at work ok? Have a good night's sleep baby. I love you". Nao leaned forward and kissed his head. Once he finished he stood up and arranged the blanket on chi chi better and tucked him in. He looked back not wanting to leave but he knew if he didn't leave he's end up taking the boy and he didn't want to just yet. Not without things being ok first. He waved and continued to walk towards the door and locked it behind him. Standing outside he sighed and walked home. This was starting to get hard leaving him behind knowing he wanted to spend every minute with the younger male. Once he got home he changed into his pjs and went straight to bed.

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Mochiri's eyes didn't leave Nao until he left, being alone there, he really wanted to get up and do something, but he was thankful to have the blanket around him placed better around him by the other man, so he didn't want to move and mess it up. He was so happy to have someone else love him, he didn't realise that until now. Yoshi's love was unmatched of course, but for Mochi, this new kind of love was unmatched as well in a different way. Signing, he smiled, being ready to sleep and only waiting a little bit just so Nao had time to get into bed as well. Visualising Nao being in bed and kissing him goodnight, then he was able to close his eyes and go to sleep right there.


Nothing disturbed Mochiri from sleep unless his cat jumped on him or he heard the sound of the front door opening. At around four in the morning, that's what happened. The lamb asleep on the couch moved around and opened up his eyes, turning his head to the door to see a familiar figure. Even though he was afraid of what was going to happen, nothing stopped him from the pure excitement he received from seeing his brother come home. "Yoshi!" He cheered sleepily, yawning and getting up to give him a proper hug, "You're back!"


His brother was tall, and his features were not at all close to his younger brother. Dark brown hair with strict, amber eyes, Mochiri's older brother hugged him but afterwards gave him a stern look, "You should back to sleep, Mochi... It's too early for you. When you wake up, we're having a talk." He say that Mochiri didn't look so happy at that, but as an obedient brother, the boy nodded. "Okay. Go up to your room now. Love you." Mochiri did as he was told, the sleepiness around him putting him back to bed.


Yoshi stayed around in the living room, trying to bury back his anger. The door was not locked... That meant Mochi really had left the house, just like he thought. But for the reason why, he didn't know. He wanted some fucking good answers for this.

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At 5 am his clock went off. He groaned as his morning started way too early but he couldn't miss his morning work out. Not after his binge o sweets this weekend. He reached over and shut the alarm off and sat up. After a few minutes he was up and headed to the living room to start exercising. After a solid hour he was finished. Out of breath and sweaty. He made his way to his room to grab his towel and went to take a shower. 20 mins later he popped out shutting the water off and stepped out. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist as he proceeded to his room to pick out some work clothes. After 10 mins he was dressed and grabbed his briefcase and set out to work, While he drove thought about chichi wondering if he could get to see him today. He had an annoying gut feeling that he wouldnt. For some reason he couldn't shake the feeling. He wondered if hi brother came back. That must be it, why else would he have this feeling. In that moment he knew his day was gonna be a bad one. He inwardly sighed and grabbed his phone. He was about to text chichi hen he realized he didn't have the number. Shoving the phone back in his pocket he realized he had to wait til he got a text to save the number.

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When Mochi woke up a few hours later, he stayed in bed to pretend he was still asleep so he could avoid talking with his brother... but it didn't work for that long, Yoshi had a great intuition and this was nothing short of that sharp ability. The older brother knew what did and didn't work when trying to get Mochi to say something, so he came to his room with a bed tray of banana pancakes with strawberry syrup drizzled on top, cold milk on the side. On a regular day, he'd have breakfast already made for Mochi when he woke up, but he wouldn't be there in order to get to work. And because of a very understanding boss, Yoshi was able to stay home from work for the time he would have been on that trip. The entire rest of the month.


Yoshi pulled up a small chair from the side of the room, sitting in it made him look like a giant. "Here's what's going to happen. You'll eat breakfast and you're going to tell me how you've been while I was gone... You'll tell me what you've done outside and also why you decided to do that. Don't leave out any details please... And just so you know, you are punished. You know the drill for that, so there's no point in hiding anything from me, alright, little bro?"


"...Y-Yeah..." the younger brother looked down and nodded ashamedly, "I'm sorry. I really am. If I tell you all of everything, can my punishment be smaller? I missed you so much and I'd want to do things with you again now that you're back."


Yoshi sighed, "Maybe. I missed you too, little brother, so I might make exceptions," smiling, he gave his sibling the voice that he knew would get him to feel comfortable, "Please start talking."


Mochiri was so weak to his brother, the orders given to him were always done through as long as it was spoken to him sweetly. He ate and talked about what happened. How he had to leave the house because he needed help making the cake, meeting Nao... how they made a fort. That they hugged. That they kissed... He said everything and when he was done, Yoshi just nodded. "Can I please be able to see Nao again? He can come over and you can be there to watch! You'll like him, he's so nice to me, Yoshi."


"We'll see." The man got up and put the chair back, "You're not allowed to leave this room today. If you need anything, just open the door and call for me... I'll give you your DS to play so you have something to do, but I mean it. You are not allowed to leave this room. Thats your punishment for today, for the rest of the week, you can only watch a few hours of television a day, you can't play in the backyard and concerning Nao, you're not going to see him for some time. This is final." Yoshi left the room, leaving his younger brother alone to finish his breakfast and to think about what he's done... Alone as well, Yoshi was so pissed off. Mochiri probably worded things differently to make Nao seem like an angel, but he wouldn't know the difference between an angel and a poisonous snake. He can't judge anything or anyone for himself. Mochiri isn't allowed to do that.


Back in the living room, he sat down on the couch and moved some of the toys to the side, letting out a long, heavy sigh. At least this person didn't take advantage of Mochi while he was gone. Yoshi ran his hand down the features of his face in exhaustion, thinking he might just take a nap right there, but he didn't want to do that, needing to make sure he was awake just in case Mochi needed him for something. Winding down, he looked around lazily, but came across some kind of paper with writing on it. Upon taking it and seeing a phone number, he felt instantly awake and he pulled out his cell phone to text this number, writing, "This is Mochiri's older brother. I'm not going to discuss anything with you over texting or by calling. You will be at my doorstep when you come back from your work, if I don't get a knock at my door before 10:30pm, you'll be getting one at yours. And it's best you don't manage to piss me off more than you already have, so I expect to see you later. Good day. --- Yoshino Kita"

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Nao was in the car when his text went off. He hoped it was chichi. Before he pulled off he grabbed the phone and unlocked it. There was a text from a number he didn't recognize. He sighed figuring who it was and opened it to read. After a few minutes he sat back and ighed. So he wants to meet tonight? He was expecting it but he was still nervous. He was gonna go home and sleep but Oh well. No use in changing. Wearing his work clothes may score him some points since he cleaned up well. Well might as ell work some over time to pass the time. He got out of the car and clocked back in working g for an extra hour. He left the office at 9:30 an was home by 9:45. No point in dragging his out. May as well go early and bite the bullet. With that he hopped out of the car and walked across the street. He inhaled deeply and rang the bell.

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Moshiri stayed in his room like he was told to, sulking deeply in sadness. He expected he'd get in trouble, but he wanted everything to go well with himself and Nao.maybe he shouldn't have told Yoshi that they kissed each other. When he heard the door bell, he knew it was Nao and he scuddled out of bed to his door, sitting there on the floor with the door open a little, "Nao..." He mumbled and hoped his brother would understand.


Yoshi came at the door in just regular pants and a black shirt from recently going out to the store, as normal as the outfit was, he didn't look any less intimidating. For this visitor especially, his amber eyes actually seemed filled with fire and ashes. He opened the door and stared at Nao, his dressing included. "Not very impressive." He commented, but stepped out of the doorway to allow the man inside, "Come in. Sit on the couch. You can start explaining to me how you justify getting so friendly with my brother. Who I might let you know has the mental age of a six year old." Nao put Mochi into his lap and they had kissed more than once based off of what he heard. His baby brother doing those things with a man. The suit Nao was wearing only made him feel more sickening, because it reminded him this was an adult that was preying on his innocent brother.

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Nao walked in and bowed. He saw the door ajar and knew it was chichi. He waved a small wave and continued to walk into the living room. He gulped as he sat on the couch. "I am sorry if I caused you distress. Forgive me. I only intended on helping your brother. He had a cake explosion and looked around for help. I'm not sure if he knocked on other houses but whatever the case was I answered first and helped him clean the big mess and ended up baking a cake from scratch for him. I understand your concern and I apologize again but that endearing quality of your brother is what made me notice him. I did not intend for it to happen but we did spend more time together. And in that little time I grew to care for him deeply. I told him more than once that I would feel better if you knew about it. But he seemed nervous and was afraid you'd be upset. So I didn't push anymore. But yes we did kiss more than once and I had no intention on taking it any further than that. I apologize that I could not keep myself from kissing him. But your brother is very kind and sweet. I understand he can be a child but he is capable of thinking of and he is very honest . A quality I truly admire". Nao turned beet red as he rambled and finally shut his mouth.

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It made Mochiri so happy to hear Nao talk about him like that, he smiled and came a little bit more outside of the door. He was very close to bursting out to go sit on the other man's lap again and hug him, but the only thing keeping him back was his brother's order and the fear he might make things worse by disobeying him.


Yoshino stared at Nao, staring wasn't only a trait that his younger brother had it seemed, after a long few moments of his eyes targeting the man, he crossed his arms, his tone rather mean "Guess what? I can be honest myself as well... I don't trust you. There's a lot of things I take into consideration here, one big thing being my brother isn't fit to be in a relationship like this. He doesn't know what it means. And he doesn't need to. He's perfectly fine the way he is and nothing would have been a problem if he just stayed home like he was supposed to instead of hooking up with a creep that likes to taint things that are perfect the way they are. You're not going to see him again, he's not going to see you again. Do you understand?"


Hearing his brother talk like that, Mochiri felt tense and hurt. He was always lonely whenever his brother wasn't around, he felt like he understood what it meant to be a boy friend and he was even starting to crave being around Nao. The light haired brunet stood up from the floor and came towards his brother, "I don't..." he answered Nao's question, "I'm twenty now, you said I'm bigger now. I want Nao. I won't love you any less, I promise!"


"Get back in your room," he sighed, his anger slipping up and being given to his baby brother a bit, "I didn't tell you to come out. It'll be another day in your room if you don't go back now." Mochiri stayed in place, but didn't move. He looked like he wanted to say something, but his mouth remained shut. "Fine. If you're going to stay there, you can hear me say it again. You're staying in my house," he looked at Nao again, pointing at him, "And you're not coming back in my house. That's how it is. I want you to also know that if I see you with him again there are going to be problems you don't want to get in."

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Nao clenched his fist. Trying to calm down. How dare he keep his chichi away from him. Yes on some level he understood what he was saying but if he would stop babying him he would see chichi can actually function in a relationship. As long as you tell him up front so he can decide for himself it works out fine. But Yoshino was too blind to see that because he refuses to let his brother grow up. Nao cleared his throat. "With all due respect. If you stopped treating him as if he was an injured animal you would see that he is capable if you tell him right away. I'll take my leave now". He turned around and looked at chichi. He felt like his heart has been stomped on. He looked up with tears running down his face and mouthed sorry to Mochiri . He walked out and inhaled deeply. He started laughing hysterically as tears ran down his face. What was he gonna do now? After awhile he calmed down and walked to the other side of the house. He saw chichi's room and tapped on the window lightly. He knew he was upset too and he wanted to make are he was OK.

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After Nao left, Yoshino walked Mochi to his room to let him think again. Since this was the only thing happening, the man had started to make dinner now. He'd make something that Mochiri liked, which was Mac and cheese and a small bit of tomato soup on the side... It might help his little brothers mood out.


Mochiri wasn't sure how to handle the things he was feeling all alone in his room. He grabbed a large bear and squeeze it hard, apologising to it even, "I'm sorry... I don't mean to hurt you too." He put his face into it's head, feeling his heart shaking in his chest, but it also jumped when he heard the window, flinching to sit upward. "Nao..." He frowned, getting off his bed to hurry to the window, opening it up all the way, "Nao. I don't want this... He made you cry. I'm mad at him for making you cry. I'm really... Angry at him..." He wasn't an injured animal. Mochiri was fine and he knew what he wanted, and that was Nao.

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Nao hugged him and kissed his cheek. He whispered in his ear. "Chichi you have to keep quiet for me. Shh I'm here. I love you. I know you're upset baby. But do me a favor. Be good for now OK? I know you are mad at him. Its OK to be mad". Nao hugged him again. "I miss you so much chichi. I really wanted to cuddle with you today. Make sure you put your phone on silent and text my phone tonight. I don't have your number". Nao didn't want to push his luck so he hugged him one last time. "I have to go baby. I'm sorry. Im sure he's gonna check on you soon. Please be good OK? I love". Nao squeezed his hand and let him go running across the street. He really didn't want to sneak but he has no choice. He can't imagine not seeing Mochiri. Even if it's for a second. He'd gladly take it. Maybe he should steal him but if he did they would have to move.Maybe it's something to consider. He sighed when he walked in and plopped on the couch being too emotionally drained for anything else.

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Mochiri had almost forgot about the number he was given and after saying goodbye to Nao. He went to go find the phone, grabbing that bear again to keep hugging it and pretending it was him, "I'll be good. I'll be good..." Mochi was feeling better after getting hugged and kiss, it was a push for him to not make the situation worse. He wanted to disobey his brother, nothing drastic, but he wanted to keep begging and try to convince to change his decision. Always just using the house phone, he forgot that he had an actual cell phone that was used to get messages from his brother whenever he wasn't able to talk. Just as he was going into his dresser, Yoshi came inside. Mochi looked at him and then turned his head away, holding his stuffed animal tighter as he suddenly sat on the ground, "... Yes?"


"I just wanted to let you know that I'm making your favourite dinner tonight," he said and paused to see if Mochiri gave a positive reaction, but there wasn't one, "And also... If you are so lonely, I should have given you something that helped that out. Do you know what the pound is?" He smiled, croutching next to his younger brother, who finally looked at him again, "Do you?"


"Yoshi? You mean... Where they have the dogs at?" He's always wanted a dog. The boy couldn't help but give his brother attention again, "You'll get me a puppy?"


Yoshino smiled at rubbed his hand on the other's head, "Not a baby dog, but maybe something a bit bigger so it knows how to play with you nicely." He never expected this situation to turn out like this... As in Mochiri becoming so different. Yoshi wasn't the one to regret decisions, he always worked to come up with solutions. For this, Mochi needed to be distracted, a puppy would do just the trick. "I'll pick it out, I know just the kind of one you'd love. All you have to do is make sure you put all your toys in your room to be safe."


"Y-Yeah, okay!" Mochi smiled, "I can't believe I'm finally getting a puppy! Thank you, big brother!" Letting go of the bear, he hugged Yoshi tight, "Thank you, thank you!"


Yoshi kissed his head and patted his back, "You're welcome. I love you and I just want you to be the happiest. Now go play your game, Mochi, dinner will be ready soon." He said, getting up and going back out to check on what he set on the stove.


"Mac and cheese?" He asked with a cute smile.


"With tomato soup too." Yoshi chuckled with a wink and closed the door.


"Yaay..." He felt so happy! He just wanted to tell Nao about it... Nao... "Oh." With the good news of a puppy, he forgot he was angry and sad. Mochiri ruffled out his hair and got back up to find his phone, frowning when the image of Nao crying came up again. The brunet typed in the number given from the older man, having a surprising gift of great memory when it came to numbers and math, "Nao! It's Chi Chi," he started texting, "Im hugging my bear wishing it was you... Um. Guess what? Big brother said he's going to get me a dog from the pound tomorrow. Maybe he feels a little sorry for what he did after all. I'm going to name it after you because I know it'll be cute!" He felt bad that Nao wasn't getting a pyppy to make him feel better, so after sending that message, he quickly sent something else. A quick picture of himself smiling at the camera, his chin on a bears head and the ears of it showing on the sides. Hopefully it would make him feel better...

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Nao groaned when he heard the phone. Not realizing he passed out from emotion when he got home. He grabbed the phone and saw that chichi texted him. He saved the number and saw the picture. He closed his eyes cause it tugged at his heart. He knew what his brother was doing but he didn't have the heart to tell him that he was buying the dog to shut him up. Sooner rather than later he would forget about Nao and that hurt. He would be wrapped up in his puppy. He wouldn't be alone. He almost laughed it was so easy. Seems he won. He got what he wanted. While all Nao got was pain in his heart. Every time he tries to be happy something ruins it. He has a had enough he can't take anymore. He sat up and grabbed the phone. And wrote back. 'Chichi that's great. You won't be lonely anymore right? So the puppy is the only other friend besides your stuffed animals and your brother that you need OK?. Chichi behave for your brother. But maybe he's right we shouldn't be together. I still love you but I'm gonna go on a trip chichi. I don't know if I'm coming back.". He read the text drawing in a shaky breath and pressed send. He instantly got up grabbing a small bag and just started throwing things in. Once he finished he grabbed his bag and made it to his car. He looked back at chichi's house and sighed thinking. "It will be easier. Once he gets the dog he'll forget". He hopped in the car and sped away.

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Mochiri was hoping to get a picture back, of his face, of a small smile, or anything, but reading the message right after it was sent, he just dropped the phone as if it shocked him with energy. A trip? And he might not come back? Mochiri felt frantic, but how was he supposed to react first? Cry? Crying never did anything for him, it got some sympathy out of his brother, but that wouldn't help. "N-Nao! Nao!" He rubbed his head and picked up his phone, a new crack spread across his phone thanks to the drop, rendering the screen pitch black across the crack. Like a terrified animal stuck in a small cage, Mochi kept coming to the door wanting to open it and run out, but years of obedience kept him from doing that. He went to the window and kept looking outside of it, hoping to see Nao coming back again. None of it happened.


After another ten minutes, Yoshi came to get his brother, opening it up with a smile, "Mochi, it's rea-- Mochiri?" He was shoved to the side as he ran out with his eyes wide. The sight shocked him and he stood there for a moment before running after him, "Hey, brother, what are you doing?"


This was the second time leaving the house in his pajamas, but going over to Nao's house wasn't a fun time, especially when he didn't see a car in the drive way. "N-Nhh... Nao..." whimpering, he stopped at the door and rang the bell over and over again, hitting the door as well.


Was this what happens when you take someone away from people so much that the first person they see is like a diamond? Yoshino was at fault in that case, but again, he wasn't one to regret. He was one to take actions towards a solution. "Hey! Mochiri, listen to me!" right behind the younger male, he grabbed him to try and pull him back inside but he was squirming too much, just like a fish. He's never even seen him act like this, it was so abnormal to watch it. It disturbed him... "I told you already. No more Nao!"


"He said he's gone! He's going on a trip and he might not come back! It's all your fault! Your fault!" He yelled, the constant softness and childish tone of his voice was not there and it sounded like an actual, angry twenty-year old. Yoshino stopped and flinched back, only to have Mochiri come at him more, "I want to be happy with somebody else, why can't you let me do that? I'm not a pet, I'm allowed to go outside! Do you understand what I'm saying? What If I was the one who left you home everyday by yourself and I never let you out? You'd say you're an adult and you can do whatever you wanted to do! I want to do something I want to do! He thinks I'd be better off with a dog and stuffed animals!" He started to cry, beginning to realize how pathetic it was, "How dare you make him run away! I'm so a-angry! I'm so angry at you! At you big brother!" Wiping his eyes, he ran past his brother to go back home and go back to his room.


Yoshino turned around at watched him go back towards home, shell shocked by what this came to. Not saying anything, he looked at the neighbor's door and very hesitantly took out his phone so he could take actions towards a solution... he needed to call that guy, even if he didn't want to. He forgot how that number was for Mochiri and they could have communicated that way... he'd have to be more careful next time. Hands in his pockets and his head tilted down, he dialed up that number, hoping he'd pick up and make terms with his brother.

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Nao was at the end of the block about to turn on the main road when his phone rang. He picked up the phone and stared at the number. He sighed as he thought about declining it but instead he answered in a voice barely above a whisper. "What do you want? You got what you wanted. S-so please just leave me alone. Why are you torturing me. You're no different from him. The only difference is you don't beat me. You've won, I backed off now stop please". Nao was driving but getting so upset he pulled over as he couldn't see with his eyes filled with tears. He hung up the phone and started to sob. His shoulders shook as he squeezes the steering wheel like life line. Maybe he should have taken Mochiri. But he really wanted to do it right. He understands he needs his brother too and would never put him in a position to choose. So he left to make it easier on them all but it isn't. Nao is in so much pain. If this is love he never wants to experience it again. He continued to sob on the side of the road and starts to get light headed. He let one last sob and passed out.

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Yoshino looked at his phone to really make sure the man had hung up, "... What." He had no idea who Nao was talking about when he said 'he', but it didn't matter because he still got hung up on without telling him anything. Since he was sure Nao wouldn't pick up the phone again, he sent a text instead, "Nice job ending the call before I told you that you should go talk to my brother right now. I've never seen him so upset before and I don't think there's anything I do for him like this. When you read this," Pausing and rubbing his forehead, Yoshino never thought there'd be a day where he was asking somebody to do this, "Please return. I'll make an exception for you and him. Thank you. -- Yoshino Kita" He wasn't sure on what else to mention besides that. He could have said that Mochi actually yelled at him and cried, but the older brother didn't want to think that actually happened.


When he got home, Mochiri was already in his room, eating up dinner by himself. He was afraid that if he saw Yoshino again or heard him trying to calm him down, he'd lash out again. Not even he liked what he did... even if it felt good. He didn't have to worry though. Yoshino only came by the door to say goodnight after a while, with that, the boy saw how the lights on the other side of the door turned off as well. There weren't any clocks or any kind of way to tell time in his room, so he assumed that it was late. His eyes were feeling weary as well, the crying helped with that. He felt so restless knowing that Nao was gone, he couldn't even fall asleep even if he wanted to!


With a glance at the window, he bit his cheek, thinking even though Nao said he wouldn't be back for a long time, he might come back soon. He could have forgotten his toothbrush or maybe he forgot something important. Taking one of his thick blankets and a stuffed animal, he opened the window quietly and climbed out of it slowly until his socks felt the ground. Mochiri held everything tight and wandered across the street in the dark night, stopping at Nao's front door. Ringing it a few times more just in case, he sat down there and hugged his toy under his blanket, keeping his eyes open like a guard dog with a furrow in his brow.

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A lady getting off the bus with her child in hand walked down the block so they could get home. While she was walking she noticed a parked car running. She was hesitant of course but someone could be hurt. When she got up close she peeked in the window and saw the man passed out. She gasped "oh dear". She held the baby on he hip and fumbled around her purse til she pulled her cell out and dialed 911 telling the she was walking by when she saw the man passed out. She gave the location and waited til the emts came. When they took she left and went home praying for the man.


It took them 10 mins to get him to the hospital. The emts were rummaging around trying to find I.d or phone. Oddly this is the one night he forgot to bring his wallet with all of his identification. The young emt found his cell and looked At the call log. He sees a number that isn't saved in the contacts but this person was the last one he spoke to so he dialed. Once they get his information they can admit him and get to work. The young man dialed the number and let it ring.

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Being off of work, he didn't think the sound of his phone would wake him, up but it did. At least it wasn't the alarm, but picking up the phone by his bed, he read the name that was on the screen, it being Nao's name in quotations. Sitting up, the older brother picked it up, his eyes still closed from having been sleeping, "It sure took you a long time to call back, huh? But. Anyways... Did you read my text message? Will you be coming back? I honestly don't want you two to ever see each other again, but it seems I can't get my way this time." He chuckled for a little, but then frowned, being serious about what he was talking about. He wasn't sure how Mochiri would behave after this, he surely wouldn't bounce back to being normal no matter what now.

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The young emt heard the man talking. He was trying to find a way to interrupt politely but he couldn't. So when the man seemed to finish his conversation. He spoke up. "Um.. hello. This is Lincoln general hospital. I'm an emt calling from the patient's phone. It seems he didn't have his Id on him. Do you know this person? He was found in his running car passed out by a passer by. Your number was the last known call so we had authorization to call you. Can you please id him? What is your relation to him? We need someone to come down to the hospital. I'm not sure if he has any family or friends. From the contacts in the phone i would say no but if you know him or knows who does. Please come down here. I think he'll be ok but something must of happened. The phone was next to his hand when he was found. Please hurry. But before that. Can you tell me his name?"

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Someone from the hospital? Yoshino didn't feel like he was responsible for Nao, but he had to start with something, "His name is Nao, not sure about his late name since we just met." He got up from bed and went to his closet to get dressed, "My name is Yoshino Kita and I'll be coming in with my brother. Make sure we can get in... Were on our way." He hung up the phone and shook his head. How did this happen exactly? He'd find out soon hopefully... After dressing, he went to wake up Mochi, only seeing an empty room. Although he got a cold chill and some horror from his brother not being in his bed, Yoshi was a hundred percent sure where he might have been.


He left the house in his car and stopped by Nao's house, seeing Mochi right there, sleeping. "Mochiri!" He called out of the open window, making the boy wake up, "We're going to go see your friend. Get inside." He felt like he shouldn't mention where Nao ended up at, it would scare Mochiri.


The younger brother got up qui kly and took his things into his arms as he hurried to get in the car. He hasn't been anywhere besides home in a long time, which was a bit daunting, but if he was going to see Nao, it'll be okay! Unaware of where they were going, he hugged himself with a smile, "We're going to see Nao... Thank you Yoshi..."


"Youre welcome, little brother..." He mumbled, driving to that hospital. Getting to there soon enough, all he had to tell the nurse at the front about Nao and his own name before being taken to see him. Mochi seemed to know where they were and he wasn't so excited anymore...

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Nao was still passed out but doctors surrounded him. He was fine otherwise but his stress level was high and seem to triggered him passing out. They seemed to find his file with the single name "Nao" given. There we're only two more in the system with that name. So it was easy to find when they got to the description. They saw he had a similar episode 4 years ago and the details that caused it. The doctor sighed. "Physical abuse eh"? The doctor hated those type of cases. Not the patient themselves. The person who caused the situation. The doctor decided to do an examination to see of there was any recent abuse. There wasn't which made him sigh in relief. So what caused it. Maybe that last phone call... he wondered what happened. Maybe an argument? Well he'd wait I'll the people got here to question.

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"Yoshi... Why are we going here? Nao shouldn't be here," Mochiri put aside his anger for his brother, happy that he'd be seeing Nao, but he was unsettled by where they were, and he held his hand and walled closeby. "Unless if he works here.... Then I'd be okay."


Yoshino sighed, "He's okay, don't worry... He just fell asleep. Nothing to worry about."


The nurse taking them to the room, she couldn't help but notice Mochiri's behaviour. He was so child-like, but he certainly want the age of a child... At least it was a good thing she worked with kid patients a lot to know how to talk to him and explain, "Someone saw him sleeping in his car and a worried woman called us. He really is okay, dear, what he will need to get better are people that make him happy. Then he'd feel better."


"Oh..." Mochiri looked up at his taller brother and mumbled, some of that anger coming back, "You don't make him happy, so you shouldn't see him."


"Yes, Mochiri, okay." He said, getting a flashback to having Mochi yell at him last night. Giving them alone time might really go far in making him ease down. He thought of that as the nurse took them to the room, seeing one of the doctors.


The nurse smiled a bit, "These are the one from the call, I'll leave them in your care." Bowing her head, she had to go back, needing to tend to other people too.

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The doctor looked up. "Ah.. so who was the one that spoke to him before all this happened"? The doctor had time to think while he was waiting for them to show up. Whatever happen or what was discussed sent him in tail spin raising his stress level. So the doctor wanted to get to the bottom of this. Another part of him wanted to know if he was the one that caused him past abuse. The doctor stopped them both. "He can come in for a bit. I want to ask some questions." Looking To Mochiri the man assumed he was he one acquainted with the patient but he wanted t know anyway. "So I assume you both know him or at least one does"?

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