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My Tsundere Tutor [18+] (CheputChan19 & sue werner)

sue werner

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The president council covers his precious ears after heard a high pitch sound of Ren. He sighed and listen to all the whining word of his lover, narrowing his eyes a couple of times when the blondy male protested about study for all hours. "I'm not that demon, Ren... I won't urge you to study all the times, I'm a human too and of course need rest..." he pouted and narrowing his blue orbs again.


"...Fine. I'll move to your room since a man doesn't take back his words."


As that words reached the silver head, he couldn't help but grinned and pounces a hug on Ren, keep like that for a while. "thank you...now my room won't be silent again.." he whispered to the gray eyes boy's ear softly.

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"Offs!" Ren winced a bit and blushed when he felt the Student Council President's body on him. He smiled when he heard the words being uttered by his boyfriend. The words were so soft against his ear and he couldn't help the shiver that ran down his spine.


"thank you...now my room won't be silent again.."


Well, perhaps he should be lenient to his tutor, after all, perhaps, all of this time Yugi-senpai was alone and lonely. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around the bigger built and rested his head on the silver haired boy's shoulder. "You won't be lonely again, Yugi-senpai. Since, I'm going to be your room mate, I'll make sure that your room is always full of sounds." he grinned and lifted his head. Yes, he would surely do it, Yugi-senpai's room would never ever be silent again. "Not if I am your room mate."

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Yugi smiled with a low chuckle as Ren winced by his sudden hug, nuzzled on his now-on-boyfriend's neck and felt a slight warm on there. Yeah, the student council was really grateful that the younger boy wanted to move to his big but silent dorm room though his days would filling by noisy sound of Ren. He smiled more wide when the small built arm slowly wrapped his body and couldn't help but exhale the new scent that he ever breathed.


"You won't be lonely again, Yugi-senpai. Since, I'm going to be your room mate, I'll make sure that your room is always full of sounds."


The silver head pulled back and blushed while hear that and huffed softly. "I'm not that lonely, Ren!.. It's just a bit quiet in here and since you wanted to move, my room will be noisy.." he yelled slightly then fixed his glasses and looked away. Well, his tsundere act take over Yugi character again, he really didn't want the blondy male know his weakness.

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Ren blinked his eyes for a few times when Yugi-senpai suddenly pulled away. Well, he kind of missed the warmth. He snorted and laughed when he heard the other boy's reply. He ginned widely and moved his face closer to his tutor aka boyfriend. He inspected the silver haired boy's red face and knew one thing, "Ne, Yugi-senpai..." he drawled his word and grinned even wider than before. "I think I've noticed this before but I think you're a tsundere under that cold act of yours."


He leaned away from the older male and laughed out loud. "This is so cute! I can't believe that Yugi-senpai is actually a tsun-tsun! Ne, should I call you tsun-tsun-senpai instead?" he teased the other, feeling better that he knew the other's personality.

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The silver haired male's face more heated up after heard Ren laughed by his act before and stared back at his boyfriend that seems enjoy this. He blinks as found the younger male's face already faced him followed by the observation eyes. 'geez, don't look at me with that eyes, Ren...' he yelled but only on his mind. A second later, puff! Yugi's face completely become red as an apple after hear that words.


"I think I've noticed this before but I think you're a tsundere under that cold act of yours."


"What!? I-I'm not tsundere, Ren.. I just.." his tone high at first and mumbled at the end. Yeah, Shimada Ren already revealed that, Yugi's hidden character that everybody didn't even know. He give the blondy male his best glare as his boyfriend suggested to call him tsun-tsun. "hell no, Ren! don't you dare to call me that... and I'm not cute!"

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"hell no, Ren! don't you dare to call me that... and I'm not cute!"


Ren just laughed more when he heard that. He laughed and laughed until his stomach hurt and he curled up to cough a bit. Wiping his teary eyes, he chuckled a bit before he looked at his tutor. "Yugi-senpai, that's so cute! I never knew that your real face is tsundere, if only I'd known since the beginning, I'm sure I'll like you and talk with you." he sighed and lay on the bed, exhausted after so much laughing done because of the tsundere tutor of his.


"But, don't worry, Yugi-senpai, I won't tell anyone about this. This is a privilege only me as your boyfriend to know," he said as he stared into Yugi-senpai's light blue eyes and looked away, blushing. Boyfriend, right. He coughed and turned around, didn't want to face the older boy.

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Yugi glared and glared at Ren but none of his glared could affected the blondy male, he's keeps laughed until coughed hard. 'oi oi you don't have to be like that..' he though the moment he saw his kohai curled and coughed hard. He looks at Ren and jump a little, blushed again and bit touched by his words before. "ooh really? But no one would dare to get close to the cold-strict-president council, you know.." he sighed and lay his body beside the smaller boy, turned his head to faced the other.


He smiled at Ren's sentence that seems firmly on his ear and lifted the younger boy's face to faced his. "you already said boyfriend things easily, huh? I'm glad.." he smiled and pressed his lips on Ren's then pulled back after felt the soft lips.

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"Eh?" Ren blinked his eyes when Yugi-senpai turned his face to face him. He closed his eyes as his tutor closed the distance between them and clamped his lips. He hesitantly opened one eye when he felt no more of those soft lips. Blushing deep red, the second year student quickly sat up from his boyfriend's bed and looked away in embarrassment. That was embarrassing! He already forgot about that but Yugi-senpai reminded him of it! He stuttered in embarrassment. "T-That's not true, Yugi-senpai! I... ugh... still the kissing is kind of embarrassing! I couldn't understand why senpai is not embarrassed at all?"


He hid his face in his hands and mumbled loud for the Student Council President to hear. "I thought Yugi-senpai is only a tsun-tsun but he's also perverted!"

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"I thought Yugi-senpai is only a tsun-tsun but he's also perverted!"


Yugi sat awkwardly on his bed and showed his mad face though it was full of red color. "I'm not perverted, Ren.. The kiss before was a punishment for calling me tsun-tsun.." he reasoned a thing and crossed his arm, narrowing his eyes at the younger male. The silver head actually wanted to enjoy his kohai's face that full of blush because it looked really cute on the president council's eyes.


The third grade student male laughed softly and looked at his lover. "I was embarrassed as well but when I saw you, my shy was gone..." he paused then added. "...and you're really cute when you were being teased," he grinned. The older male move closer and hugged his boyfriend from behind. "I love you, Ren.." he whispere softly to the blondy male.

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Ren was blushing deep red when he was being teased by the Student Council President. He mumbled a reply with both hands still covering his face. "I-I'm not cute and Yugi-senpai is being a teaser here!" he mumbled loud enough for the whole room to hear. He hadn't removed his hands when he felt he was being hugged from behind as Yugi-senpai's body flushed against him.


I love you, Ren...


He removed his hands and gasped softly. "Y-Yugi-senpai! I... uh.. This is embarrassing..." he shyly stuttered as he sat there awkwardly with his boyfriend. He could not beliee it that Yugi-senpai was the type to be affectionate and this embarrassed him a lot. "Um.. Yugi-senpai.. I lo-like you too.." he could not say love yet since he wasn't sure if this was love. But he knew he liked Yugi-senpai enough to accept him.

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The glasses male couldn't help but laughed while keep wrapped his arm around the younger male. He rested his head on the other shoulder as Ren whimpered with covered face. "yeah, yeah, I'm a teaser..." he nod his head and just agreed what was his kohai said. This is the first time he did tease other people and that make himself happy and felt cheer up because Ren acted awkward with face heated up.


"Um.. Yugi-senpai.. I lo-like you too.."


Yugi crossed his arm and pretend to mad with his boyfriend but ended up laughing loudly. "I know, Ren.. I don't mind if you just said 'Like me' you need some times to love me.." he smiled softly then glance at the clock. "ah! It's already this late.. You should go back to shower and had dinner.." he tilt his head to the watch on the wall, get off the bed. "or you want to shower with me?" he chuckled then grinned to his student.

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Ren was kind of nervous when Yugi-senpai looked like he was going to get angry at him for saying, "Like" instead of "Love". He however was surprised when he heard the loud laugh from the older boy. He blushed and crossed his arms instead. "It's enough, Yugi-senpai!" he pouted and trying to get mad but fail. "Thank you for understanding..." he said shyly as he stared at his watch and winced. Damn! It was this late already! If he wasn't ready and was late, the dinner would finish.


"or you want to shower with me?"


"Eh? Shower with Yugi-senpai?" he blinked his eyes in confusion before the realization kicked in. Flushing deep red, he quickly get up and took his school bag and books with him. "I-I'm sorry, I'll go back first! See you at the dining hall, tsun-tsun perverted Yugi-senpai!" he grinned, opened the door and slammed it close, running from his boyfriend's room.

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It look like Yugi changed just by near Ren for a couple of hours, he really like to tease the younger boy now. And when his boyfriend's face reddened more he just grinned, tired of laugh because he overdid it before. He nodded and waved his hands toward Ren with a soft smile but then a couple of veins popped out from his forehead.


"I-I'm sorry, I'll go back first! See you at the dining hall, tsun-tsun perverted Yugi-senpai!"


"hey, don't you dare to call that when we are in public!" he yelled with a soft blush though he know that his kohai already run away from his room. Sighed softly, he grab his towel and going to have a quick shower and smiled to himself because today he had fun with Ren. Dried himself after shower, the glasses male wear his usual outfit―dark shirt and short jeans. Then he went out his room and start to walk toward the dining hall that already crowded. But he didn't saw the sight of the cheerful male so he just take his dinner and sat at the corner of dining hall without anybody that want to be near him. Yeah, as always.

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Ren arrived at his room and threw his bag and books on the study table. He went to grab his towel to take a quick shower but found out that the bathroom was close. He sighed as he knew that his room mate was taking a shower. Sitting on his bed, the blond second year student blushed when he thought that now, he was a boyfriend to the most cold, strict Student Council President. He giggled when he remembered that the real Yugi-senpai was not like that at all. In fact, the oolder boy was tsundere and perverted.


He greeted his senpai when the older boy came out of the bathroom. He quickly took a shower and after that dried his body and donned a pair of shorts with light blue t-shirt. He grabbed his keys and went to the dining hall. It was quite late when he took his tray of food and it was crowded when he arrived there, looking around, he tried to find the silver head. He didn't find him at first but when he looked back, he noticed that Yugi-senpai was again sitting alone at the corner. He sighed and smiled as he strutted that way. "Yugi-senpai!" he called loudly, attracting attention of many students. Sitting in front of his boyfriend, he smiled. "Why are you here, Yugi-senpai? I almost couldn't find you."

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The silver head sighs deeply, it's felt kinda lonely when Ren wasn't near him. He shake his head slowly to pushes that negative thinking and take a spoon of rice when a loud and cheerful voice called his name, even the rice that he scooped fall from the spoon. 'Oh speak of devil, he already come when I think about him..' the glasses male though and notice that all the attention on the dining hall was to him and Ren and of course that make the president one hundred percent ashamed. But he somehow could manage his face to calm down and not reddened though the little pink color creep on it.



Massaging the bridge of his nose the well known cold-president watched his kohai walk toward him and take a seat in front of him. He's narrowing his eyes at two grade student's question and went back to his tray of foods. Once he manged to swallow his food, he glared at the younger male. "could you behave as usual? don't yelled out my name when you saw me.." he drinks his water then looked back at Ren. "or you want all people in this school know that we have a relationship, hmm?" this time he lower his voice almost whispered when said that.

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Ren just grinned and scooped some rice with chicken. He chewed the food before he swallowed it. "Why? It's fine and it'll help people to know that Yugi-senpai is not that scary as the rumors said." he tilted his head to one side as he scooped another spoonful of rice again. He however frowned when he heard the next question from the older boy.


"or you want all people in this school know that we have a relationship, hmm?"


He put his spoon on the plate and stared hard at his boyfriend. After a few seconds of staring he took back the spoon and scooped some more veggies and chicken. "I actually don't mind..." he mumbled out his answer. "I never care about about people's opinion and if I'm going out with Yugi-senpai then so be it. The ones who complain, I'll talk to them..." he said seriously. Indeed, Ren might be still new and quite shy in this 'relationship/love' department but he didn't care if the other students knew about the two of them dating. "...Or are you that ashamed of being with the idiot me, Yugi-senpai?"

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The president council went back to his foods and chewed some tempura on his mouth when Ren explain about the possibility about him that will be have a good friend because he's not as cold as everyone though all this time. "nah, It would be impossible, Ren... That won't happen, the title of cold-strict-president council already glued on me since I'm here.." he sighed and took a spoon of rice to his mouth. But his chew got slow when he heard a 'cling' sounds of spoon and caught the serious gaze from the younger male and it looked scary somehow. He stopped eat completely and listen to every words that the blondy male said, surprised by the words.


"...Or are you that ashamed of being with the idiot me, Yugi-senpai?"


Yugi choked the water that he drink while he heard that sharp words. He hit his chest and calm his breath, immediately looks down. "no, I never think about that, Ren... I just.." he paused and inhale some air, "...I just didn't want you to have trouble or hated by all the student because you had an annoyed president as your boyfriend," he explain slowly almost mumbled at te end of his words. Yeah, he didn't want that happen to his beloved one. He gazed at his tray foods, sighed and pushed aside that then just looked down and mumbled 'sorry'.

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Ren let out a loud sigh when he heard why would the President say those words. He smiled at the older boy and chuckled. "It's okay, senpai. I understand but you don't have to get that worry over me. I'll be fine by myself." He pointed his thumb to his chest and exclaimed proudly and loudly. "This Shimada Ren wouldn't lose to anyone!" he said and laughed loudly as he stood and shouted to the whole dining hall. "Hey, guys! From now on, I want you to be kind and nice to Yugi-senpai here! Believe me but he's my friend now and he's not that scary!"


After his loud announcement, the younger boy sat back into his seat and flashed an idiotic grin at his boyfriend. "See, Yugi-senpai? I've helped you gain the popularity! This Shimada is quite famous and you won't be lonely again, trust me!" he said as he ignored the loud chattering of the students. He hoped that Yugi-senpai would like his help though if he did think it properly, Ren should mind about how he had embarrassed the older boy. He said 'friend' instead of 'boyfriend' since he wasn't sure if the student president would be ready to expose their relationship.

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Yugi looked up again and gazing his boyfriend while listen to everything that he told to him. He felt a bit relief now after heard reassure words from Ren and sneered at him because his act was too silly―well, he never found person that had much confidence like his kohai before. But he was a bit worried because the student of his more and more increasing his sounds. Just like his negative feeling, Ren yelled loudly and more than that he yelled to whole people on the dining hall about himself such as a salesman that offer his stuff. His face now completely red after his kohai yelled out his true personalities to all people.


The silver head male glared at the younger boy with arm crossed and boiled face, caught a silly grin on Ren's face. Now the dining hall full of chatter about him and that's really make him annoyed. He raised from his seat and hit the grade two student's head a bit hard and glared at him. "baka!" he mumbled but then pulled the blondy male's hand and flash a small smile that just being seen by his boyfriend before start to run away from that loud place toward the hallway of the dorm.

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"Ouch! That hurts, Yugi-senpai!" Ren exclaimed but before he could utter anymore words, he was being dragged by the Student Council President out of the dining hall and toward the dorm hallways. He was confused why the hell would the older boy dragged him out? What? He tried to help him get company but why would his boyfriend run out of the place? He dug his heels into the floor and tugged the bigger male so they would stop. "Senpai, wait! Stop!" he cried and tugged the other's hand again. After a few times of tug, he finally managed it.


He faced his older boyfriend and stared confusedly. "Why did you bring me out here?" he asked, genuinely confused. He tilted his head to one side, letting a few hairs to cover his eyes and blinked. "Ne, senpai? Did I do something wrong? You should stay there a bit longer, I am sure that the other students would want to be your friend." he sighed and scratched his non-itchy head. "It was a waste of my effort. I would introduce you to my room mate and a few of my friends tomorrow."

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While the president council keep running with Ren behind him, he jolted back felt a hard tug from the smaller boy and he gave up at the end then stopped his run, turned to face his kohai. He found a pure curious looks on Ren face then heard his protested words about 'why he bring out the other' or 'you could be friended with my friend, senpai'. The glasses male frowned with a low sigh, faced the other again. "no, you didn't did any mistake and thank you about your effort but, it's not simple thing like you said," he paused and gripped the younger male shoulder gently.


"listen Ren, when I still grade one..I had much friend but one by one was stabbed me from behind.. they took advantage of my kindness and just wanted to friended to me because I'm smart.." he let go of the blondy male and leaned on the wall. "and I don't have any courage to be friended with anyone yet, Ren.. I'm still afraid about it.." he mumbled and closed his eyes for a while. He inhale slowly and tried to form a smile. "just forget about it now...sorry I'm too much talk before... you wanted to go back to the dining hall right? if yes, I'll back to my room.."

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Ren gasped lightly when he heard the reason behind his boyfriend's reluctant to have anyone close to him. He stared with wide gray eyes before he shook his head and went to give a comfort hug to the Student Council President. "No! I am the one that should apologize, Yugi-senpai! I didn't know anything and I forced you into that situation!" he paused as he bit his bottom lip in frustration and guilt. "I am really sorry..." he tightened his hug. He wanted the older boy to at least feel that he was not alone when he was with him.


After a few minutes hug, he finally let go of the silver haired boy. He smiled at the Student Council President and grabbed his hand into his. "Let's go, Yugi-senpai, to the your room. I am not hungry anymore so I'll go with you kay?" he asked and mumbled shyly as he looked down on the floor. "And um... I'm going to sleep in your room tonight, can I?" he asked hesitantly with pink decorated his cheeks as he stared into those light blue orbs.

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At the moment Yugi turned his back and wanted to went back to his room, he felt the tight and cozy hug from the smaller boy behind him. It made his blue orbs widen and almost teary that time but he blink his eyes and hold it. "eh? I-It's okay Ren.. You don't have to apologize because you didn't know it..." he explain and tried to break free the hug though he enjoy that because it make him peacefull somehow. "no problem, Ren.. I told you I'm okay.." he shake his head, still tried to break free but let the blondy male hugged him at the end.


Luckily the hallway was quiet so he just stand silent there with his student hugged him from behind with head looking down. He turned back as his kohai ended the hug and looked at Ren that grab both of his hands with a soft smile. "hmm? You're not hungry again?" he replied with confuse tone, still didn't know what's the meaning of the other words. He stunned for a few second when that words reach his ear then a slight blush creep his face. "a-are you sure?" he asked hesitantly but while his eyes caught the gray eyes that show no hesitated, he just nodded and pulled Ren to his side then walk toward his room.

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"a-are you sure?"


Ren nodded his head more and blushed. He felt his hand being pulled by the older boy as he followed him to his boyfriend's room. Their walk to the room was silent, filled only with their footsteps and the occasional sounds of crickets and bugs. Well, it wasn't like they were in the deep forest but still it was not like it was all concrete. Ren blushed and tightened his hold on the Student Council President's hand. That felt so good that they could be like this.


"Yugi-senpai..." he paused as he followed the other boy and added more, "I always think you're cool, I mean, I always saw you before this. I didn't like your cold features but I like how you look so cool and compose..." He didn't know where this comment came from and he felt like he just wanted the third year student to know. Perhaps, he just wanted Yugi-senpai to feel better.

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The president council walked toward his room in deep silent, he even could heard his heart beat which pounded so fast inside his chest and that caused his face warmed and blushed as well. Yeah, the glasses male still couldn't believe that his boyfriend begged him to stay at his room tonight, he never expect that the younger male would be like that moreover Ren's hands more tighten on his, make a slight warm and bring him to form another smile.


Yugi was take his key from his pocket while Ren called his name, glanced at him but keep walk. He listen to all the blondy boy said to him then his face more heated than before. "a-aah, really? Well, maybe I became like that because I was a student council.." he said while unlock the door. "come on, get inside.." he tilt his head to the room as held the door for Ren.

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