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My Tsundere Tutor [18+] (CheputChan19 & sue werner)

sue werner

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Yugi sighed heavily as Ren notice his arrival and rolled his eyes when the blondy male reasoned with a loud laugh. 'Oh what's wrong with this guy!' he cursed on his mind and closed the door after his kohai got inside his room. "I already told you I was borrowing this book. I do this for your study!" he answered with high voice and put his stuff on the desk. If he always near Ren, he would be losing his voice because he couldn't stop yelling at the noisy male.


"hmm," he just mumbling that when the other said ask an excuse to got in. He loosen his school tie and busy searching some clothes for his change. When he got it, he immediately take off his uniform and change into black shirt. The silver head froze on his spot, really forgot that Ren was in room now. He usually do that in his daily life but now he ashamed himself again, a second later he got distracted by the other question. Cleared his throat, he's facing the younger one. "eh, so you want to judge me by other's rumor huh? but whatever I don't care with them. I just want to live peace, Alone." he manage to answer the other with long explanation.


"Yes, we start it now. So what is your most bad subject?" he pull another desk and sit near Ren with the pile of book that he borrowed before. If the glasses male already serious, he won't care anything else except the task that he did. "don't protested, Ren. This book will help you on study, you know!"

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  • sue werner


  • CheputChan19


“My worst subject… um…” he thought for a while, realizing that everything was bad for him. He never got more than 20 and even if it was one digit – except zero – it too was good for him! He smiled and looked sheepishly at the student president. “Ugh, if you want to know my worst subject, then, everything is my worst subjects. I never once got more than 20,” he rubbed the back of his neck, grinning stupidly. “I wonder if the book could help me…”


He sighed and took out his test paper from before and all of them were in between 0-17. He contemplated if he should give it to the older student but if he gave him he might get madder than now. He looked at the President and hesitantly gave his test papers. “These are all my previous test papers. You can see the score there…”


He kept quiet as he waited for the reply or yell of an angry Mr. Cold-Strict President. Well, it wasn’t like he mind about his test score but for the number student to look at the number last student’s test scores, perhaps, wouldn’t be that good. "...So?" he asked hesitantly.

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Yugi was tapping his foot and waited for Ren to answer his question. If he know about his kohai's bad score, he could change his method of his tutor and this tutoring stuff will passed fast. The silver head snapped his head up after hearing Ren's words. "wh-what? You must be kidding, right? Even in japanese?" he pitch out his voice again and raise from his seat, widen his eyes in disbelief to the grinning male. "no, this book won't help you.." he mumbling then slump back to his desk.


He watched the other took some papers from his bag, it looked like the test paper. He wonder if the younger male just make fun of him, then show his real test paper that he hope the score was between 40-70. The older male looked at the paper that shoved to him and take it hesitantly. He take a look to the paper in silent then pinch the bridge of his nose. 'this is bad, no! This is disaster! Why was he could had really worse score like this..' he though then faced the blondy male.


The president council sighed heavily and suprisingly patted Ren's head gently. "I couldn't yell at you again, if your score like this... Maybe the teacher's way when he taught didn't compared with your brain.." he said, well it's a bit sarcasm but there's a worried tone in his words before. This wasn't the younger male's fault again because he always believe that everyone had a smart brain but the other just didn't found his skill on study yet. He smiled and took the math book. "come on, I think this subject was the first subject that you were found the most difficult, am I wrong?" he start open the book and take out his pen. "we'll start from the easier, okay?"

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Ren was surprised when the President patted his head in a gentle manner. He looked wide-eyed at the older boy and looked away to hide the blush that started to creep onto his face. He just nodded silently as he listened to Yugi-senpai’s words but jerked up when he heard that his brain just not good. The blush instantly cleared and he pouted at the older boy. “Senpai is a meanie…” he whined and sighed again.


Seeing the smile on the President’s face made him look so beautiful, that was the first time he saw the smile from Yugi-senpai and Ren wanted to see it again and again. He just nodded dumbly as the older boy opened the Math book. “Uh…o-okay!” he answered and loked at the book. He read the book and began to feel dizzy. “Yugi-senpai, my head hurts…” he whined again and rested his head on the table.


He looked up to meet with president’s beautiful blue eyes. “Ne, could you make it extra easier for me? Like super super easy so even I can understand?” he sighed and closed his eyes, defeated. “This is too hard. I just want to practice soccer and never study or read any book anymore.”

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Somehow Yugi got amused by the look of Ren while he patted the other head―he was really look surprised! what was with that male's face? he... blushed?― The older male blinked his eyes and try to push that silly though that he had a second ago. The silver head couldn't help but laughed in front of his kohai, the younger male face's really funny when he pouted like that! "Hey, I'm just joking...I think nobody had bad brain.. they just didn't want to study and thing about just fun stuff.." he smiled again. 'oh, why I coudln't stop smiling in front of him?' Yugi's mind seems confused again by his own act.


The glasses male just want to start write some formulas then heard the blondy male already complaining about the lesson. He sighed and take off his glasses, look at the younger one. "I just start it...and you already dizzy? do you really serious on this tutor or not, huh?" he crossed his arm, rolled his eyes slightly.


Yugi rested his chin on his palm and try to think something after Ren asked some way to help the other with study. Out of the blues, the blue eyes male glinted in excited way. "I think I had an idea for you, Ren...well this idea kinda crazy I think.." he grinned then added. "have you ever heard about studied by write the subject on girls nude body? I heard some of my old friend success after doing that method" he shrugged and what he told was right but of course he never tried it because he never had any much trouble when study. He glance at Ren, wait the response that the younger male give to him.

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“Uh, what’s it?” Ren said interested when his senpai said something about helping him in his study. He would do it no matter how crazy it would be. He instantly lifted his head from the table and looked expectantly at the Student Council’s President. “EHHH?!” Ren gaped in shock. What was Yugi-senpai suggested? He looked at the older male with different sight. He never knew that Yugi-senpai interested in something like that. He inched away from the older boy and narrowed his eyes.


“I can’t believe that Yugi-senpai would suggest something perverted like that…” he said carefully and eyed the older boy with a disbelief look. He shook his head. “Um… senpai, that’s perhaps, would be helping me but I um…” he said uneasily as he looked away, blushing. “I don’t have a girlfriend to do that, besides, it’s kinky… I would never think of doing that…”


That subject was very embarrassing and weird for the cheerful boy. He never had thought about sexual things before and the way Yugi-senpai brought it so easily, making him wonder if the Student Council’s President had already done ‘it’. It was not weird since many of teenagers his ages, even younger than him, had already done it but for Ren, things like sex or anything that close to sexual should be done with the person they loved not just anyone. “That’s embarrassing, Yugi-senpai…” he said, blushing; still not looking at the older boy’s face.

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''h-hey, I'm just suggesting Ren.. don't look very surprised like that.." Yugi couldn't help but laughed hard, he never know that the cheerful male like Ren would gaped like that! Well he know that his words was too much but he was honest abut his suggest before but never believe it slightest. He wiped his tears that leaked from the corner of his eyes after laughed hard before then furrowed his eyes as notice the younger male backed away from him.


Now this time Yugi was the one who blushed after heard Ren's comment. "I never done it! I-It's my friend who done it before..I just try to help you out.." he sighed moreover the noisy male stared him with disbelief look. But the next words that come out from Re's mouth make him interested again. "hmm, you didn't had a girlfriend? never?" he rubbed his chin and look at his kohai with curious look.


The silver head cleared his throat after seeing the blondy male really uneasy with the subject that he talked. "y-yeah, I know.. sorry I just let my though jump out to something weird stuff.." he looked away and didn't believe that he must apologize to the younger one. Yugi just silent, waiting the other make a response and somehow he felt uncomfortable, afraid Ren will babbling about this on school then make a revenge to him because he always cold and angry with him.

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Slowly, Ren looked up at his senpai as he asked him a question. He nodded his head and answered embarrassed, “Yeah, I never had a girlfriend before and…” he paused and stared at his tutor with new light. Yeah, from now on... he wouldn’t believe that Yugi-senpai was that stuck-up student body President only but he was also perverted. “I don’t believe you…” he whispered and inwardly winced as the senior trying to convince him.


Believe him or not but Ren was a virgin and an innocent one. He never had any talk or been exposed to anything sexual before and hearing it from his cold tutor – now didn’t seem that cold anymore – was weird and just plain bizarre. “I uh… don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody about your secret hobby,” he said as he saw the older boy was uneasy and looked worried for some reason. “It’s okay but I never imagine Yugi-senpai as a pervert,” he nodded his head and forced a smile. He took a book and tried to change a subject. Thinking that Yugi-senpai as a pervert really trying to boil his already idiot head.


“So, anything besides ‘that’ can help me in studying, Yugi-senpai?” he asked and looked at the older boy with an uneasy grin. He was glad that they managed to move away from the subject and he didn’t want to discuss something like that again. His virgin ears would bleed and his innocent mind would get dirty. Ren didn’t want that and he just wanted to think, say or do it once he found his true love.

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Yugi looked at the embarrassed male and nod in understanding though his words was unfinished, didn't want to tease the younger male or the kind. This kind of topic really make his mind going blank. 'ugh! stupid mouth, you shouldn't babbling your own tough, Yugi!' he cursed on his mind again while the other yell out that he didn't believe him. That words really pushed his anger again. "oh fine! whatever if you didn't want to believe me. I don't care." he said with furious tone.


Actually the silver head never think or bring up this kind of conversation even he never experience any of sexual thing. Though he had masturbate himself, hey! he just a normal male and it's usual thing you know. "don't say that as my hobby, Ren! ugh! why you always annoying with your mouth..." he blurt out his though, really couldn't stop himself and added some words to his kohai. "...and I'm not pervert!" he nailed every words that he said.


The president exhale a deep breath and glance, no―glared at the blondy male when he asked another way to help him out with the study. "no! I don't have any of it...I mean...please just read this book.." he shoved little note that was his own made summary for any subject from his one grade. He always write it then read it to remember the last lesson that he forgot. "it was my simple note for every lesson..maybe if you read it, you will understand the every subject a little." he explain and start to open some book to distrac his boiled mind. The glasses male didn't want to nagged his kohai again, it's kinda exhausting for him.

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“Okay, okay,” Ren said as the older boy tried to vehemently deny he was not a pervert. He ignored the glare that was sent to his way, and looked at the note that was given by his senpai. He read the notes carefully as he tried to understand the symbols, numbers and formulas. “Okay, and the notes are easy to understand…” he mumbled quietly as he read it, not paying attention to the older boy for once.


Ren was surprised that the notes quite easy and simple even for him. The number one failure in this private, prestige school. The was Yugi-senpai wrote and explained the notes was very very different from his teacher. He also tried to do some of the problems stated in the notes and grinned when he managed it. It was the first time he ever did a write answer! His eyes sparkled at the joy and looked up at his senior after his unseemly silence since he was a loud one not a silent one.


“Ne, Yugi-senpai! This notes of yours is very effective!” he showed a thumbs-up and grinned widely. “Even if I don’t ask you, I can understand the one by one step you wrote in here!” he said and added. “But, I don’t understand this one problem. This part of algebra… what formula should I use?” he said as he moved closer and showed the problem to his tutor.

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Yugi glance from the corner of his eyes and paid a little attention to Ren that seems happy with his little note. He felt relief that the other want to drop the issues and start to had a real study. "yeah, thank you. I consider it as a compliment.." he mumbling then go back to his book that was a biology book which he borrowed before. The silver head really like that subject, he always want to know more about anatomy all the organism.


The president form a small smile as caught his kohai's expression that really amusing. Well he never found any student that make his eyes sparkling like that just because could break one or a couple question from the book. But the cheerful act that the blondy made, bring up the older male to the cheerful felt as well. Yeah, sometimes Ren could make him better by his act.


"hmm?" he bring his gaze to his student and put one mark on his book then closed it, want to pay attention more to the younger male. "umm, you're welcome..It just a simple think.." he fixed his glasses that he wear again when he read his book. "huh, algebra? let me see it.." he pulled his chair near Ren and leaned closer to him and start to write down some formulas, not noticed that he was too close to the other.

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Ren ooh'ed and ahh'ed as his tutor wrote some formulas for him to use. He nodded his head happily and brimmed with joy as he finally understood what and how to to it. He mumbled the formula, his lips moving in a quiet whisper as he tried to remember the symbols and numbers. Nodding to himself the younger one didn't notice that he had got unbearably closer to the older boy as he leaned more closer to get the better look of the note from his tutor's hand. "Thank you, Yugi-senpai! I understand it now!" he chirped happily and turned his head to look at the older boy.


But, Ren didn't notice that Yugi-senpai was just an inch away from him.


Accidentally, yes, it was only an accident since Ren would never do that ever. Especially to the Student Council's President aka his tutor. Slowly as time was moved very slow, the blonde haired boy turned around and was about to look at the older boy, his head moved and before he could stop or prevent it, his lips met with a soft skin of his senpai's cheek. Time seemed to stop for a moment, as Ren tried to contemplate what had just happened to him. His eyes widened in surprise when the realization kicked in...


He had just kissed Yugi-senpai's cheek!


"Ekkk!" Ren shrieked and moved away from the silver haired boy. He blushed furiously as he covered his mouth with his hand and stared wide eyed at the President. He couldn't believe it that he had just kissed Yugi-senpai! He quickly bowed and stuttered. "I-I'm sorry, Yugi-senpai! I didn't mean it! I-It was an accident! I am truly sorry, forgive me!" he said as he bowed repeatedly. He was really ashamed of himself after saying that Yugi-senpai was a pervert. Now, Yugi-senpai would think of him as a pervert instead.

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Yugi nodded while he heard the other ooh and ahh, seems really got the point of his explain. Well, it's hard and new thing for him to teach the other people. He always studied alone so it's kinda weird when he got a partner while study now. "Yeah, you're welcome, Ren.. If you study more you will mastered this subject in no time.." he said with his usual manner and still busy write another note for the blondy boy.


The glasses male just want to move back and rested back on his seat but then he felt a warm and soft thing against his cheek. He widen his eyes with a soft gasps as notice that was the younger male's lips that kissed his-now-deep-red-cheek. The silver head slump back on his desk with heart beating fast, for god sake he never had a kiss on cheek and now he had it but with a boy! which is none other than his kohai. He bring his hand to touched the ex kiss that he just felt before and made his face blushed more and more.


The president stared at the bowing male and sighed deeply. "so, who's the one that perverted now, huh?" he crossed his arm, glared again to the younger male. Though he had a slight overwhelm feeling when the other kissed him, like something warm inside his chest. But of course he won't to admit that to Ren. "then what should I do to you, hmm?" he asked even though his words sound like anger. The older male enjoyed the awkward character of Ren, it really amusing that cold-male.

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"Uh..." the younger student was loss for a word. He didn't know what to say to the tutor of his. He was totally embarrassed at his accidental act and for someone who was always shameless like him, it was such an out-of-character for Shimada Ren. He looked away from the older boy with deep red blush on his ear down to his neck. "I-I'm sorry, senpai," he mumbled quietly. "I'm not a pervert! I assure you that was only an accident and that was my first kiss too!"


He said and stood near the table awkwardly. He really didn't know what to do and what his tutor would do to him. Fiddling with his fingers, he peeked a look at the Student Council's President and blushed, looking away again. "Y-You can boil, tie or cook me even if you want it! I know it's gross to be kissed by me of all people and it was not like I wanted to do it!" he said quickly and looked at the older boy with somewhat guilty and shy expression.


Ren didn't know what to do, so, he decided to lie on the floor and ready for his punishment.


He closed his eyes tightly and held his hands together, ready for his senpai to kick or even cut him off. "I'm ready senpai!" he said idiotically and that idea he got from watching some anime that asked them to cut when they did something wrong. He thought it was a good way to apologize and trust his idiotic way of thinking. "Please, senpai! I'm ready! You can just cut me off!"

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The president council stared at his kohai that seems lost of his word, voice and mind at the same time. This kind of Ren's expression was new for Yugi―he was really embarrassed one hundred percents. Well, the glasses male was embarrassed as well but seeing Ren like that make his own shy gone to nowhere. Soft smile was adorn Yugi's face, but just a second while he heard that accident kiss was the other first kiss. "hmm, so indirectly you want to tell me that I steal your first kiss, huh?" he raised his eyebrow to the younger one.


The silver head really losing his mind, he himself not knowing why he felt overwhelm after hear that his student still virgin or somehow. Well because he told that was his first kiss, there's no way Ren had did more than that, he even doubt that Ren had satisfied himself that was usual thing for the male in Ren's age. His dangerous mind being interrupted by the next words that the blondy male said. "haha, I'm not that evil, Ren.. there's no way I would boil or do something that psycho.." he laughed a bit loud, never expect his kohai will said that.


Yugi stopped laughed after seeing the sight that weird but somehow inviting for him. Ren lie down on the floor with eyes closed and hands being held. 'Is he losing his mind or what?' the glasses male though. But Yugi had urge from nowhere and he let his bad mind control himself―he want tease the other more!. He leaned down, almost lie on top of Ren's body. "you look like want to do anything to make me forgive you, hmm?" he whispered right on Ren's ear.

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Ren just closed his eyes, waiting for the older boy to punish him. He waited and frowned when it was so silent all of the sudden but he didn’t dare to open his eyes since this was his own punishment. Hands clasped tightly to his chest, he waited with baited breath. ‘When is he going to punish me?’ he thought, biting his bottom lip. He had the urge to open his eyes when he felt a faint heat from above his body before he heard a whisper from unmistakably Yugi-senpai.


"you look like want to do anything to make me forgive you, hmm?"


He shuddered at the warm puff of air into his sensitive shell. He closed his eyes tightly and nodded dumbly, feeling that what ever that Yugi-senpai going to do to him… he wouldn’t complain. Yes, he Shimada Ren, who was loud, boisterous and stupid would not file a complaint since he had made a big mistake before this and he wouldn’t want Yugi-senpai to call him a pervert for kissing him.


“Do whatever you want to me, Yugi-senpai…” he said hesitantly and gulped down in fear. He paled slightly at the various pictures the way the silver head senpai would torture him. His imaginations had always been overly active and today was extra-overly-active. “I-I… would do anything…” he whimpered, eyes still closed. ‘Please, senpai! Just do whatever you want to me! I don’t want to be tortured like this!’

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The president council was looking at the shuddered male with a slight smile on his lips. 'he's really naive...I think this was too much for him....' he think and sighed softly. He didn't want to make this boy freak out after walk out from his room and of course he didn't want his silly mind become more error than before. The older male just want to close to someone actually, he was lonely but his duty on council forced him with much task and more drowned in loneliness.


“I-I… would do anything…”


The glasses male tensed up heard that words and blinked his eyes while looked at the boy that still shut his eyes tightly. It wasn't like that the older male take this chance to tease the other but inside his mind there's an urge―a whisper that told him to pounce a hug to Ren. After hesitated for a couple of minutes, he give up. He take off his glasses and put it aside, gulped slowly he bring his arm around the younger male's shoulder, hugged his smaller body tightly.


"please let me stay like this for a while..." he whispered to the blondy male's ear. He know that this action was really weird and oh god this is indeed make the silver head ashamed. But there's something warm inside his heart after hugged the boy. He hugged in silent though his heart pounded so fast, maybe Ren could fell it too and he didn't care about it.

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Ren winced a bit when he felt the an arm wrapping around his shoulder. He tensed for a while when he heard his tutor to let him stay like that for a while. He frowned and froze, feeling the heat from the student president’s own body. He could feel the fast and loud beating of the other’s heart and felt weird with this sudden out-of-character from the normally cold older boy. Not knowing what to say or do, the blond younger boy just lay there, eyes still closed together.


A minute of silence fell over them and Ren started to feel his body become numb since he didn’t dare to move his body after the president hugged him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw how close the other student was to him. He blushed at the close proximity and also couldn’t help but admire, how beautiful the other boy was. Silver hair with light blue eyes, it was such a perfect combination. The way his silver tresses being swept by the wind from an opened window, making Ren’s heart to beat a little faster. He moved his hand on his chest and tentatively touched the other tresses and relished in the softness of those locks.


“So soft and beautiful…” he whispered mostly to himself, not realizing that he was doing it to his tutor that was still hugging him tightly. When he realized what he had done, Ren quickly took his hand back and apologized profusely. “I-I’m sorry, Yugi-senpai! M-My hand just moved on its own!” he said while looking away from the president, face flushed with blood.

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Yugi blinked his eyes as felt the other body seems tensed by his weird action but he didn't heard any protest from the male that always noisy near him. The older male pushed all his doubt on his mind and continue hugged his kohai tight like there's no other day to do that. Breezing air that come from his opening window start to blow his hair, make his bangs covered all his face.


The silver head widen his eyes in surprised way right after the younger boy caress his hair in gentle way. He never expect that Ren would did this to him, his heart pounding hard again and it resonance with Ren heartbeat that somehow pounded fast as well. He pulled back from Ren and looked in his gray eyes that sparkling in beautiful way. His face immediately turn out to be red as an apple after heard Ren's comment about his hair.


“I-I’m sorry, Yugi-senpai! M-My hand just moved on its own!”


The president council burst out his chuckle after saw the smaller male acted awkwardly after touch and compliment his hair. He bring his hands to Ren's face and cupped it, "hey, I'm not going to mad at you because you just touched my hair." he smiled and somewhat happy that the other not angry with his bad manner that hugged other people so sudden. Actually Yugi didn't certain with his feeling, why he always like Ren's face or why his heart beating fast just because hugged the other. "what are you feeling now?" he asked straightaway when he found Ren's face flushed so red.

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Ren’s eyes widened the moment he felt warm hands cupping his face, he stared wide-eyed as the other told him that he was not going to get mad. All blood seemed to rush towards his face the moment he saw the beautiful smile and happy expression on the older boy’s face. He didn’t know how to react so he just stared with his wide gray eyes and face flushed red.


"what are you feeling now?"


He blinked his eyes and broke the eye contact for a moment. ‘What are you feeling now?’ he thought in his head, not understanding the meaning behind the question. Furrowing his eyebrows, he bit his bottom lip and stared at the older boy with the utmost confusion in his face. He tilted his head to the side while being held by his tutor. “What do you mean, Yugi-senpai?” he asked, bewilderment filled his voice and expression.


“If you’re asking me,” he paused and thought for a while but it seemed his head was not made for thinking. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t understand why did you ask me and what. But, right now, I feel… I don’t know. It’s just weird but not uncomfortable.” He said and closed his eyes. This position with his senpai was weird, out-of-place, yes, but it didn’t feel unpleasant. In fact, deep inside his unconscious mind and heart, he liked them like this. However, with Ren’s level of intelligence, he would never discover it… not in this near future.

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The president council couldn't help but smiled to the wide-eyes male and keep his hands on the other face, felt that face warm because all blood rushed to it. "cute," he muttered softly more to himself when looking at his kohai's face. Yugi's mind start to working little by little, tried to interpret his strange feeling. His brain seems being jolted by some electric power when he realize all of this―maybe, yeah just maybe he, the cold-president that everyone scared of was fall in love with Ren, male with low grade and noisy.


“What do you mean, Yugi-senpai?”


That words of Ren bring Yugi back to reality and followed by his face deep red. Yugi's blue eyes stared at Ren's gray eyes and couldn't free from that eyes. He bit his lips and sighed softly. "you didn't have any idea why were you touched my hair and just let me hug you?" he said, with high pitch tone and his hands dropped from the blondy male's face.


“I don’t understand why did you ask me and what. But, right now, I feel… I don’t know. It’s just weird but not uncomfortable.”


The-now-not glasses male form a smile after listen that words from his student. He open his mouth, closed it then speak up at the end. "you know, I felt the same thing like you..." he blushed by his own words then notice his position still in weird way but that wasn't make the older male uncomfortable because all his attention was just on Ren. He grow impatient over the time and with brave that come from nowhere he got closer to Ren again then pressed his lips against the younger male. "still didn't get what are you feeling now?" he said after break the fast kiss.

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Ren’s red face became even redder as he heard what the other boy said. He curiously looked at the boy who was on top of him when suddenly, Yugi-senpai kissed him on his lips. Eyes grew wide, the younger boy’s mind was blanked for a few seconds before he broke from his trance and blushed even redder. “Y-Yugi-senpai??” he stuttered, suddenly aware of how close and intimate their position was. “W-What was that?” He covered his red face with his hands as he tried to hide himself from the student president.


“still didn't get what are you feeling now?"


He peeked from in between his fingers and blushed at the close proximity. He didn’t know that Yugi-senpai was that bold! He could feel his skin burn with embarrassment. Also, he didn’t understand… what did Yugi-senpai mean by that? What feeling? This was just an embarrassment. He put his hands on the older boy’s chest, trying to push him away from him. “S-Senpai!” he whimpered pathetically, not really understanding this new situation, this weird, bizarre scene.


“I didn’t know what you mean!” he replied as he pushed the other’s slightly bigger frame. “L-Let me go! This… T-This is becoming weirder! I don’t understand anything! Besides, I’m a boy, why did you even kiss me?” at this point, Ren didn’t know what did he say or do, he just felt overwhelmed that he could feel the frustration building inside him. His simple brain couldn't understand this rare scene.

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Yugi's face was full of red color straightaway after he did something crazy and out of mind. Well, he just kissed the boy, Shimada Ren! Oh he must be crazy now. But there's a relief feeling inside his heart, like told him just this time was a good chance for him let his feeling flow and revealed. And... he really like that blushed face of Ren, that pink color that creep on his face make him more cute than before. He still could felt the soft and warm Ren's lips on his own lips and that brought another blush on the president council's face.


The silver head notice the younger boy immediately covered his face with his palm right after he broke the kiss. He just waited the other though with a patient look though his heart was pounded like hell. However the older male seems puzzled when Ren pushed his chest, like scared of something. And that action make he felt uneasy and a bit guilty moreover after he heard his kohai whimpered like a feared child.


“L-Let me go! This… T-This is becoming weirder! I don’t understand anything! Besides, I’m a boy, why did you even kiss me?”


That long and annoyed words make Yugi fully awake and gritted his teeth. He backed off of the blondy male with his bangs covered all his face. 'I never expect that your brain really working so slow although with problem of your own feeling, Ren!' Yugi cursed on his mind. He exhaled harshly and fully silent after that and still sat in front of the younger one, didn't know what should he acted to Ren.

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Ren stood up from his place on the floor. He looked at his tutor weirdly. Yugi-senpai was acting stranger. He bit his bottom lip in frustration… did he make the older boy mad? Perhaps, it was because he pushed him? Or because he didn’t answer him? Or because of something else? Anyway, Ren didn’t know. He didn’t know the exact reason. He stared at the bangs covering the other’s expression and bit his bottom lip harder until he could taste blood. He quickly released his bruised lip and fisted his hands.


“…I’m sorry, Yugi-senpai,” he said unsure. “What did you do or say… I really don’t understand any of it.”


He replied and looked away, tears prickled at the corner of his eyes. Sometimes, Ren could be a cry baby too and being overly confused and frustrated, was the reason that he felt like crying now. “Senpai, I’m sorry, okay? I-I didn’t mean to push you… I was just didn’t know what to do.” He sniffed a bit and cleared his throat of the lump that stuck in his throat. He wouldn’t cry. He was a man and he wouldn’t cry because of this frustration. He sniffed again and fisted his hands harder, until his knuckles turned white.


“I-I’ll go back to my room,” he said after a while and stood from the floor, not looking at the silver haired boy. He grabbed all his books and stuffed it into his bag. He quickly walked to the door and stopped to say his thanks. “Thank you for tutoring me, Yugi-senpai. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He tried to make his voice sound as normal as he could with the bitter, pain in his chest .

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The silver head notice the other got up from his sit and felt an observant eyes on him, it like people gazing at you from far but you couldn't see it. He ignored that gaze for a while an rubbed his temple gently, his mind was full of any emotion and those was struggled on his head make his head hurt so badly. There's an anger, disappointed, guilt, sad feeling inside his chest and because of that his chest tensed up and hurt as well like his head.


“…I’m sorry, Yugi-senpai,” “What did you do or say… I really don’t understand any of it.”


Ren's voice and his words snapped back Yugi thought, he jumped on his the floor and surprised because the younger male apologize to him instead. He start to faced his kohai and widen his blue orbs after seeing Ren's appearance that really make the older male more and more guilty by his silly act. He regret all of this, he didn't want to make his student that always cheerful and bright become frustrated and crying like this. The president council just could listen to the other words but didn't dare to look at the younger male and more washed by his guilt.


'I'm sorry, Ren.. no you didn't make any fault, sorry for making you scared, sorry for making you cried..' that was what The older male want to tell th his kohai but he couldn't found his voice and the lump on his throat make it more worse.


“I-I’ll go back to my room,”


Yugi gasped when heard that word, afraid that Ren won't come again to his room and hate him. The last thing he saw was Ren's back and sound of his door being slammed. "Ren! I'm sorry" he manage to let out his sound but that's too late maybe the other already gone from his front door. He groaned and punched the wall near him. "Shit! I'm a really bad male!" he cursed on his silent room.

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