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My Tsundere Tutor [18+] (CheputChan19 & sue werner)

sue werner

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Name: Shimada Ren

Age: 16 years old

Grade: 2nd year

Position: Uke

Hair color: Dye blond

Eye color: Gray

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Personality: Bright, cheerful, shameless and an idiot

Biography: He was a second year at a private high school for elite students. He was accepted into the school because of his outstanding sports record. Unfortunately, he was an idiot in academic and always failed his exams. He got the last place in the whole school when he was a first year and on the verge of getting his scholarship being taken down if he didn’t get a good grade. Because of this, his teacher assigned him a tutor so that he could get a better grade.

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Name : Kasuhiro Yugi

Age : 17 years old (soon to be 18 in a couple of month)

Grade : 3rd year

Position : Seme

Hair color : light silver

Eye color : blue sky

Height : 175 cm

Weight : 54 kg

Personality : cold, strict, hate lame-brained person, and actually tsundere

Bio : Yugi was a student council on his elite college. He was always busy with his task on the council but he never had a bad score even he got first rank on his class and make other student respect him. Well, he was shy person actually but he always covered it with his tsundere act that make other people take a step far from him and he ended up accept that and live peacefully with his own way. But someday his peace live being ruined by one boy from grade two who had bad score and he must give him tutor to make his grade good and he couldn't help but accept that task from his teacher.

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It was a normal school day for Shimada Ren, a second year high school boy, who accepted a scholarship to study in a private high school for his excellent sports record. Everything was normal for the second year student except one thing that was quite disturbing for him, the great Shimada Ren...


"What?! Sensei wants me to attend a tutoring?" he stood from his chair in the meeting room in disbelief and surprise. "No, Sensei. I can't accept this. I'm not stupid."


The homeroom teacher sighed. This idiot student of his, how dare he rejected his offer? "Listen here, Shimada-kun. You've got last place again for the previous exam and the school has decided to take back your scholarship if you failed your exam again. So, I don't care if you want it or not but starting from tomorrow, you'll have to attend a tutoring in this very room! Understand?"


Slumping, the boy nodded his head in defeat. "Okay, Sensei. I understand." At that time, he never knew that his life could be a disaster or perhaps... love would bloom between the tutor and an idiot.

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Today was a busy day that Kasuhiro Yugi been through for two years later. Yeah, he was one of the member of student council in his school. He was always make every person that hear his name shivered. Well, it was the rumors about him which is always he heard when crossed the hallway of school. Hey, don't misunderstood him! He just work on his duty as a student council that must be strict and in a good grade. But over the time he become cold person because of his work and actually he hate it because he just covered his true character that was shy. But now he ended up like tsundere, never told his true feeling and being cold.


He just finish his first class this morning while one weird student approach him. "umm, Kasuhiro-san you're being called by sensei to meeting room.." the tremble student told him and just run away after that. The silver haired male just shrugged then start to walk toward the meeting room. Generally, if he called to the meeting room he would be had a few task that really bothering him. Well, being a student council was totally busy and then the teacher always give him strange task.


He jumped out when he reach the front door of meeting room because in there already noisy student that yell out like a child. Sighed and fix his glasses, he walk inside the meeting room after knocked the door first.


"excuse me, sensei. Are you calling me?" he found the usual sensei that call him sit in front of one student with great shape but had a frown on his face, seems like he was who yelled before.

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Ren turned towards the door and saw the Student Council's President was there by himself. The man looked as cold and as strict as ever. He frowned a bit at the older teenager and looked as the teacher smiled brightly at the President. 'Guh, he's totally different when he's with me!' he thought for himself. He watched with pout on his face, still not feeling satisfied that someone was going to tutor him.


Hey, he was not that much of an idiot!


Well... not an idiot but he was kind of weak in an academic matter. He just unlucky to get the lowest score. Well, he couldn't help it. It was the test's fault! He groaned again and the teacher reprimanded him for being so rude. "Ne, Sensei..." he leaned back onto his chair, ignoring the President. "Who's going to tutor me? Is it you, Sensei?"


The homeroom teacher sighed at the idiot student of his. Not understanding the situation. "Kasuhiro-kun, come here." he called the President and looked at Ren. "Shimada-kun, Kasuhiro-kun will be the one to tutor you."


"EHH?! What?" Ren stood up from his chair and pointed at the student body president. "He will be my tutor?"

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Yugi sighed at the sight in front of him, the student was really noisy and somehow annoying with just a frown on his face. He wondered who's on the earth this boy male was! he mean, the other male doesn't look like a student in here that usually has minimal a good manner when talk to the teacher moreover what's with that pout on his face! it's really make his eyebrow twitch.


'oh well could you not yell out when you talk, oh shit!' he cursed on his mind as hear the blondy male protested about his tutor or something, yeah he doesn't care with it anyway with that male problem.


The silver male nodded while the homeroom teacher called him then approach the teacher with a respectful smile. "yes sensei, is there something that I can help?" he said with his usual tone which always be his charm though the teacher already dazzling a smile to him.


But then he stumbled as hear the next words that come out from the homeroom teacher. Fixed his glasses, he tried to calm his mind and process all the words that just he heard. "a-ano sensei.. are you sure I will be his tutor?" he look at the old teacher with another respectful smile and frown to the noisy student. 'And why that male pointing at me like that!' he though and his veins start to popped out from his forehead.

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Ren just watched as the president stumbled on his place and asked again for confirmation. He stared at the older boy and frowned. He didn’t like this President, he was so uptight and even now, he looked so cold. Also, that dazzling smile of him, it looked forced. He frowned and turned back to his teacher. “Sensei, I want someone else as my tutor!” he said, not caring about the president’s feeling.


Well, if he was going to a tutor, at least, he wanted his tutor to be a cheerful person, not this cold person. It was no fun being with a person like Kasuhiro-senpai. He pouted and begged again. “Please, Sensei.. I’ll do anything! Even cleaning the toilet for a month and anything you ask!” he turned towards the older boy. “Right, senpai? You don’t want to tutor me, right? I’ve got the worst grades ever and it’ll be a pain in the butt.”


The teacher sighed and looked at the two with stern eyes. “Kasuhiro-kun, yes, you’ll be Shimada-kun’s tutor and Shimada-kun,” he paused to glare at the lowest score student. “This is the decision I made. I don’t care whatever you say and you’ll start your tutoring from tomorrow onwards after the school ends.” He stood and walked to the door.


“But, Sensei! What about my soccer club activities?!” Ren asked panicked. He wouldn’t survive without his extra curricular.


“You’ll have to leave your club for the time being until you got a good enough result for your next test. I’ll leave the both of you and you’ll discuss this here.” He said and closed the door, leaving the two students.

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Yugi furrowed hie eyebrow more while notice that the younger male seems exploring his act and somehow he felt that this boy could see through his mind. He shivered at the though and tried to calm his nerve but failed as another yell out from the mouth of the noisy male, make his head had a hard migrain. 'hey! I don't want to be your tutor either, baka!' he cursed in his mind again not daring to speak that because he still in front of the homeroom teacher.


The silver haired male pinch the bridge of his nose, tried make his migrain go away because the other seems didn't want to stop yelled out his mind. He look up at the noisy male and fake a smile to him. "well, if that was the decision that sensei made, I can't arguing with that.." he just reasoned, actually he was agreed with the boy's words, he will be the pain in the butt!


Yugi's gaze go back to the the homeroom teacher when he explain the things up. The old teacher seems doesn't want to change his mind about him tutoring that noisy male and that make he gritted his teeth but stopped his act before the teacher notice him.


'oh! not at my only time resting.. please god just throw this male to somewhere!' he mumbled but it's really soft, he guess nobody listen his grumble words.


The glasses male watched the homeroom teacher make his way out of the room then hear a soft bam of door being closed. His anger really at his limit now then he glared at the male and start to speak up. "so Shimada-san, are you really want this finished in no time? if yes just come to my dorm room to take my tutor after the school end.." he exhale then added. "I'll try my best to teach you so you can pass on the next test.." he explain and sometimes highed his voice on some of his word, signaling the other that this was his last chance.

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"so Shimada-san, are you really want this finished in no time? if yes just come to my dorm room to take my tutor after the school end.." ... "I'll try my best to teach you so you can past on the next test.."


Ren stared at his senpai and sighed, running a hand through his dyed hair. Kasuhiro-senpai was really a no fun person and he was really strict. He sighed again, he was sure he wouldn't survive the Student Council’s President's tutoring. Oh, god! He looked at the ceiling of the room and mumbled quietly, "God, why don't you just send me to a hell rather than having this person to tutor me?" he was mumbling it lowly, he wouldn't want the older boy to hear him or he would be chewed out by his coldness and strictness.


Did the deity hate him?


He turned at his senpai and smiled forcefully. "Okay, okay! I also want this to be finished early..." he drawled out his words. "But, Kasuhiro-senpai, aren't you busy with the Student Council and your study?" he tilted his head and grinned. "Why don't we just ignore the teacher's order and let me study by myself? I promise I’ll study and don’t fail my next test!" he asked, hoping the senpai would just agree with him. Well, if he agreed then, he would have the time to himself and play soccer to his heart's content!


'Please... agree with me oh my cold-strict Mr. President...' he prayed on his mind as he waited for the older boy to answer him. He would spend the money in the temple if this one wish of him being granted by the gods out there. He gave off a puppy eyes at the older boy, hoping that would make his resolve crumble. 'Heh, heh, heh... no one ever been able to resist this charm of mine.'

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Yugi looked at the sighed male and crossed his arm, knowing that the younger male really didn't like him, well he was either he doesn't like noisy and stupid person like him! He raised his eyebrow when heard a slight mumble that the other made. "what was just you said before!" his voice pitch up, knowing the words was insulting him but he choose to let it be, he didn't want to have more problem with this blondy.


He want to jump out to his usually stack of paper and finish it now than must spend time with this annoying male!


The silver-haired male stunned at Shimada's act that try to be cute on his eyes. But some of his words got his attention and that offer was a great one actually. Yes, indeed. he had much paper work to do today and he want it clear fast so he could had a smallrest because the last week he didn't had enough sleep.


He just want to say yes then the realization hit his mind and make him fully awake. Exhale a deep breath he's gazing to his kōhai and shake his head then crossed his arm. "no! I can't do that! sensei will be mad at me and I'll had much trouble if I let you do what you want.." he fixed his glasses and speak again. "and please stop stare at me with that eyes. It's not cute at all.. and just call me Yugi.." he look away when said that well actually he didn't want to much feel seniority between them.


"so, are you come today to my dorm room after school end today?" he asked, no he want to hear the other's definite word.

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“Damn!” Ren punched his fist into his palm and pouted at the Student Council’s President. “I thought, I could persuade Kasuhiro-senpai!” he sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair. He had had that habit since he was in Middle School and it kind of relaxing him when he was nervous, tensed or just having a bad day.


Today indeed was a bad day for him.


He gave another puppy eyes at the older boy, even though, Kasuhiro already told him he was not cute and put his hands together like a prayer. “Well, senpai~” another beam of puppy eyes. “Since I can’t run away from you and this tutor…” he drawled out his words. “I would like you to start the tutoring tomorrow because I already promised my teammates that I’ll practice today. Can I?”


Please, make it work out this time!


He was hoping that at least the senpai would let him do whatever he wanted today. He prayed to the deity and even threatened them that he would not pay respect if his wish was not granted. “Also, I can’t call you Yugi. At least I should call you, Yugi-senpai and I’ll let you call me, Ren.”

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Yugi was astonished while seeing the boy punched his fist, well it's kinda new for him to see people do like that. He found that the blondy male's words funny because indeed nobody could persuade him if he already make his decision and that make he somehow proud.


The silver haired male shake his head as the cheerful male pleaded to him with his boring puppy eyes. 'that's not working to me in second try!' he though and found the boy was slightly cute when drawled out his words. What?! that though was really wrong! get a grip, Yugi!


“I would like you to start the tutoring tomorrow because I already promised my teammates that I’ll practice today. Can I?”


The glasses male sighed heavily and decided to let this happen but just for once. He glance at Ren and tapping his foot slightly, still doubt about his decision. Sighed again, he start to speak. "well, actually I had much paper work to do..." he cleared his throat and speak again, "...so you could do your soccer stuff. but just this time! next time I won't allow you.." he warned and fixed his glasses.


There's a little flustered feeling when the younger male let him call him by his first name. Yeah he never close to anyone before and that's because his student council's work.

"uh-hmm, okay I'll call you Ren then.."

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Ren was almost giving up when the older boy decided it was okay for him. He “Yes!” loudly and grinned at the student president. Well, Kasuhiro-senpai actually was a nice guy and now, when he looked at the older male, he didn’t look scary like when he saw him the first time but he still looked uptight. In fact, the older male was somehow looked… adorable? He shrugged his shoulders to remove such thoughts and grinned wider.


“Thank you, Yugi-senpai!” he suddenly hugged the older boy and pushed him away excitedly after a few minutes. “I’ll never ever forget your kindness! I shall remember it until I grow old and have gray hair and have twenty grandchildren!” he gave a thumbs-up and turned his back, starting to walk away from the slightly taller male.


So, Yugi-senpai was not that cold… he almost looked shy when he called him by his first name. He giggled at his own thoughts of Yugi-senpai being a shy person. That would be when the world was at its end.


He turned back to look at the student body president and smiled widely. “Thank you, again, Yugi-senpai! I shall remember your benevolence and humanity!” he waved idiotically and… “Ops!” he bummed into someone and laughed nervously. “Sorry, I didn’t look my way…” he apologized to the random student and turned back to look at the silver haired male. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Yugi-senpai~!”

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Yugi jumped back and covered his ear with his palm when Ren yelled out again. He just sighed and fixed his glass, though he hate this male but seeing he cheer up like that make he cheer up as well. Yeah, the first time he look at the other he immediately judge that male will be annoyed one but now he seems like him a little... just a little!


The glasses male widen his eyes and tried not to stumble back while his kohai gave him a sudden hug. 'His arm really hard.. Is it because he always work out for his soccer team? and it's kinda warm...' he though then a tint of blush creep on his face. He look away and fixed his glasses again. "Y-yeah, don't mention it.. but don't throw a hug with people that just you meet!" he yelled out then sighed heavily, didn't know why he had to angry like that. It just a hug, right?


The silver haired male already calm his nerve and look at the noisy male walk away from him. He crossed his arm then speak again. "Don't be late tomorrow! at my dorm after school." he warned the blondy again.


He just nod his head at Ren's words and couldn't help but let out a low chuckle when the other bumped to another student. Well, Yugi think he was a good male and he just hope tomorrow will be passed fast without any problem. But when he heard Ren called him with that silly tone make he want throw a trash can to him. It's too embarrassing if other student hear that! He take his words back, Ren was really annoyed male.

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Ren wiped his sleeve onto his sweaty forehead. They had just finished their practice and he was practically grinning with joy. However, his grin faltered a bit as he remembered that starting tomorrow, he would have to attend the tutor session by their famous Student Council’s President. He sighed and sat on the grassy field, pouting at his bad luck. He was alone on the field and he had already told his teammates that he would be absent starting tomorrow until he got better scores in the next test.


Standing up, he wiped the soil from his pants and walked back to the dorm. He had to share a room with a senior and luckily for him, the senior was quite a chatterbox and he wouldn’t be boring alone in the silent room. He opened the door to his room and went to grab his towel before he entered the bathroom. He was lucky being accepted into this school that had a personal bathroom for every room.


After cleaning his body, he walked out of the bathroom and wore a shirt and a shorts, heading to the dining hall. He lined up behind a student and just smiled and greeted whenever he met with his friends or anyone for that matter. He sat down in a table with two of his soccer teammates and chattered loudly. He wondered if he was going to meet with the president in the dining hall?


“Ah… I don’t want to go tutoring tomorrow~” he whined as he scooped a spoonful of rice and curry and began munching on his food. "This is hell! Give me back my soccer!"

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Yugi slump back on his seat of the next class that he attend today. The event in the meeting room before really make he lose some of his strength, well how did he not lose his strength if must take care of Ren, his new private students. That male couldn't stop chatter and yelling like 5 five years olds child. 'oh, my peace day will be ruined by that male..' he sighed then looked back to the front class where his teacher busy explain about some amphibians anatomy. He's really not in to any lesson today, his mood already gone just by think Ren will come to his dorm room and never hear he stop talking.


After an hour or so the class dismissed and the silver haired male got back to his dorm. He had told to the other member of student council that he can't attend any meeting after school because he had some 'task' from teacher. Luckily all the member of student council understand his condition.


He live alone on his room, there's no one that want to be his roommate and that really satisfied the glasses male. He didn't have to talk much to his roommate and could sleep peacefully. Yugi was finish with his shower and intend to get some sleep while his stomach grumble loudly. "oh, I don't want to go to dining hall now! maybe I would meet the noisy male again..." he mumbled but going to there at the end.


With his dark shirt and trousers, he walk toward the dining hall and his feeling was right! he spotted Ren with his friend had a dinner in one of the table. 'Ignore him, Yugi!' his mind told him. He take his dinner and passed Ren's seat when he heard the male chattering out loud that make him stop his step. "If you really want that so badly, don't come to my dorm room tomorrow!" he nagged then fixed his glasses with his free hand. All the attention was directed to him now and yeah, he doesn't care anymore. He glared to all the student that was successful make them back to their business and take a seat far away from Ren, start his dinner.

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“Ops!” Ren shut his mouth with his hand after the president walked by his table and got mad at him. He grinned at his friends and told them that the person that was going to tutor him was the Mr. Cold-Strict President. He waved his friends’ comment about him not surviving the tutoring and apologized to them that he would go to the President’s table to apologize.


He brought his unfinished curry rice with him as he walked toward the silver haired boy. He just gave a thumbs-up whenever a student trying to stop him from getting killed by the famous cold guy. He stopped near the table and grinned down at the moody older boy. “I’ll be eating here.” He said and without waiting for an ‘okay’ he just sat down.


He ignored the older boy for a while as he munched on his dinner. After a few scoops, he gulped down and drank his water. He looked up at Student Council’s President and grinned. “Sorry, Yugi-senpai. The words just blurted out of my mouth automatically.” He said and leaned his elbow on the table, as he rested his chin on his palm.


Tilting his head, he looked at the lonely guy. “Ne, Yugi-senpai…” he drawled his words ad he stared into those light blue eyes. “I’ve always seen you alone. Don’t you have at least a friend?”

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Yugi heard the noisy male blurt out an 'ops' then sighing softly and continue his dinner without paying more attention to the other again. He really want to finish his food and go back to his room, the mumbling sound on the dining hall really annoying him. After his yelling event with Ren everyone in there start mumbling about his cold character again. Though he never care with their judge but somehow it's make his head boiled because this all happen when he knew Ren.


He sighed heavily again then scoop his dinner again, chew it slowly, raised his eyebrow as the crowded on dining hall seems noisy now. The glasses almost choked when he saw Ren approach him. He glared at the blondy when he said that he will sit in front of him but that's not work because the other already have a seat now.


'why you sit in here! there's much free table out there!' he yelled out on his mind then faster his chew and drink his water after finish it. "yeah, whatever.. you already said it.. I don't care with it again.." he commented and fixed his glasses then watch the other that seems not felt intimidating when sat near him. Well, everyone always do that.


Cleared his throat, he glared again to the younger male. "I have but I'm too busy to talk to them..and It's not your business at all.." he give his kohai another sarcasm words. He know his tsundere character awake again, Ren's words was fully right but he didn't want to admit it.

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“Hm…” Ren just hummed to himself as he heard the older boy’s explanation. Somehow, he felt like Yugi-senpai was only acting even though he answered him with sarcasm. He tilted his head to one side, as he stared at the older boy in wonder. Well, from his face alone, Yugi-senpai could attract many girls but since they lived in boys’ dorms, he wasn’t sure if anyone had attracted to the president.


But, the Student Council’s President was beautiful not to attract attention of the boys.


Well, it wasn’t like it was unusual here. After all, this was all boys’ school and since they were living in the dorms, it couldn’t be helped that some of the students were dating their own gender. Ren didn’t have any comment to that. For him, everyone was free to love who they wanted. Even, he himself didn’t really care if he was going to fall in love with his same gender.


“So, Yugi-senpai…” he wanted to ask if there was anyone ever confess to the cold guy. “I was wondering about this…” he paused again, and grinned as he rested his head on the table after moving his tray away. “Have you ever been confessed by any student here?”

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The silver head somehow felt uncomfortable sat near Ren, the other give that observation eyes to him again. His mind told him that Ren could see through himself. He glance at the blondy male again and 'thud!' his heart flustered as seeing Ren titled his head and that sight really cute for him. 'argh! there's something wrong with me! wake up, Yugi! Ren just noisy and annoying male.. don't fall by that act..' his mind urged him again and again.


He fixed his glasses again then try to compose his chaostic mind and drink his water to calm his nerve.


Until now, Yugi never really think about love or having girlfriend moreover he had long lived in the dorm with much male on it. His duty on student council always shifting his mind from that though. But, today that all changed. The glasses male for the first time had an eye on noisy male that just he met last morning and for god sake! he was straight though he hadn't had a girlfriend before. Ren really make his live turn out to be disaster.


His though being distracted as the younger male speak up again, make his gaze fell on Ren's face again with frown on his head of course.


“Have you ever been confessed by any student here?”


When that words came out from Ren's mouth, Yugi face heat up in no time and gaped like an idiot. "Wha-what the hell are you talking about!" his anger already in limit and he blurt out his mind to the other. But the second later he regret it and make his way to his dorm right away he want to get out of there, not caring about Ren again because he already make ashamed himself.

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Ren was surprised when the other blushed and lashed out in anger. He just let an "Ops!" and just watched as his senior left the dining hall in anger and went to whenever he was. He moved his head from the table and stared at the entrance of the dining hall. After a minute or so, he let out a huge grin and laughed to himself. A few of his friends and concerned students asked him if he was okay since he just made the Mr. Cold-Strict President mad. He shook his head and smiled at them that he was fine.


Yes, he was fine indeed. He waved at his friends and took both the president and his trays to the place. He put the trays there and chuckled again. He couldn't believe it. The president was BLUSHING. The cold hearted person was blushing when he asked if he had been confessed to. He couldn't help the chuckles leaving his mouth. It was such a priceless picture! He grinned to himself and began to humming his favorite J-pop band as he walked to his dorm.


Well, he had found one of the President's hidden trait and he couldn't help but wanting to make the older boy blush again. It was such a cute face, like an angry cat indeed. He couldn't wait for tomorrow and walked faster to his room. He arrived at his room and began changing his clothes to his pajama. Tonight he would sleep and tomorrow would be his tutoring day. Also, he had found an entertainment that would help him countering the boring hours of his tutoring. Hopefully, tomorrow would be a great day!

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"Shit, shit, shit!" Yugi mumbled along his walk toward his dorm. He was really embarrassed, acted awkward, oh! everything ruined just the twice time he met Ren. And why he must blushed just by that silly question? 'Oh god! just kill me now' he thought while went inside his room and slam the door closed, doesn't really care about the other that will be disturbed by his noisy act. Actually there's nobody would try to angry or just nagged with Mr. cold-strict president anyway.


The silver head throw his body on the his couch, rested his back on it with a loud grunt. "ah! why did you act so flustered by that question, Yugi!" he groaned to himself like crazy male. Yeah, this is the true of Yugi besides his shy character. He never make his character out if nobody push his button, but well he do this while he alone on his room of course. He take off his glasses and closed his eyes for a while then exhale a breath, tried to calm his messy mind.


"okay, you can do this, Yugi! don't give up now, you must do your task after that you can free from that's rude male." Yugi said to himself like chanting a spell. Now his mind already clear, he glance toward his desk and found the ton of paper that must he finishes tonight that make the president's face full of frown. Make his way toward his desk after put on his glasses back, he finish it in no time. When he really want to had some sleep his speed while doing task turn out fast. Sighed heavily, he slump on his bed and prepared for sleep after praying to deity―hope he can faced his kohai without make any silly act again and finish his tutor fast―then closed his eyes and went to deep slumber.

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Tomorrow went fast for one Shimada Ren. As usual, he was asked by his teacher to stand outside of the class since he didn’t finish his homework. He just groaned as he stood there and took the opportunity to disturb the students that walked in front of him. No one could stop the idiot of Class 2-5. He was lucky that people adored him and some were annoyed with his boisterous voice. But, he paid no heed to that since for him being happy was all he needed.


It was finally the time for him to go tutoring and he was sure that Yugi-senpai had said something about asking him to come to his room for the session. He grinned as he grabbed his bag and bid goodbye to his friends. He even faked tears as they parted for tutoring and soccer practice. He sighed as he headed to the President’s room. He heard it before that the older boy lived alone in his room since no one was brave enough to live in a room with him. He scratched his head at the thought, “Well, I don’t think that President is that scary… not after what happened yesterday.”


He mumbled to himself and soon enough, arrived at the male senior’s room. He looked at the name plate and sure enough it spelled, ‘Kasuhiro Yugi’. He put his best grinning face and knocked on the door loudly, enough for everyone in the near vicinity to hear. “Yugi-senpai! I’ve come for tutoring! Open this door!” he knocked again. "Hello?! Are you in here, Yugi-senpai? Or should I go to soccer practice?!"

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The other busy day that always lived by the president council passed flawlessly. He follow all of his class without any much trouble though sometimes he couldn't focused on the lesson because his mind aways haunted by the shadow of the noisy male's―Shimada Ren. Somehow he felt uneasy while remembering his last act when Ren sat near him on the dining hall last night. Cleared his throat, he try to block any negative though and paid full attention to his lesson.


The silver head was finish with his last class today and gathering his stuff then get ready back to his dorm. When he walked, he met some member of student council and just nod with a simple smile―just want to give them some respect― then walk again. Luckily today he doesn't meet with his kohai while he move to next class or just to get rest on the break time. He glance at the library that just ha passed a second ago then decided to borrow some book for his tutoring today. He was fairly long on the library and notice that he must be late and make his way to his dorm.


His brow furrowed, because he heard noisy sounds from the far that he guess was Ren's voice. Huffed a heavy breath he approach the blondy male. "Hey, I heard you. I just come back from library and borrowing much book for your tutoring." he's showing the bag with much book on it to the younger male and unlock his dorm room, open the door and glared at Ren. "and don't try to run away from your tutor again!"

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Ren was still knocking and talking -shouting- to the silent room when Yugi-senpai’s voice could be heard from behind him. He jumped in surprise and turned around to face the older boy. He grinned sheepishly and waved his hand at the moody president. “Oh, hi, Yugi-senpai” he said and just brushed off the older boy’s glare. “I won’t run if you come early.” He laughed and went inside.


“Sorry, for intruding,” he said softly as he went to sit on the chair near the study table. He looked around the room in wonder. He grinned and leaned his back on the chair, he crossed his arms behind his head and hummed in appreciative. “Well, it must be nice to have a room to yourself, huh, Yugi-senpai? I heard that people scared of your coldness but I think that’s too far-fetched. You’re not that scary…” he mumbled the last part to himself and turned at the older boy, putting his bag on the table.


“So, Yugi-senpai… shall we start now? Also that amount of books you brought in is just too much! I’m sure I won’t be able to finish it…” he whined pitifully as he gave his puppy eyes to the silver head. He hoped the cold senior would not torture him today since he really hated studying! He wouldn’t live to see tomorrow if he was to finish all those books!

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