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My Tsundere Tutor [18+] (CheputChan19 & sue werner)

sue werner

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After he went out of his tutor’s room, the blond haired second year walked briskly to his room. His room was at the opposite of the Yugi-senpai’s room. He clutched the bag tightly to his chest and bit his bottom lip, and winced when he felt the skin there was broke. Licking his bleeding lip, the younger boy walked faster and ran when he felt the emotion was suffocating him. It created a mess in his mind and he wanted nothing but to cut this strange thoughts and feelings.


He panted when he arrived at the door to his room and stuck his hand into his pocket, grabbing the key, he hastily opened his door but failed when the key fell on the floor since his hand was shaking. He took a deep breathe trying to calm himself and opened the door. Entering his room, he was all but calmed. He threw his bag with books on top of his study table and threw himself on the bed.


Closing his eyes, he tried to understand what had just happened.


Him kissed Yugi-senpai.


Yugi-senpai hugged him.


Yugi-senpai kissed him.


He pushed Yugi-senpai.


Yugi-senpai mad at him.

Those were the only events he could remember. It was all started with him accidentally kissed Yugi-senpai. After that, everything escalating very quickly and he didn’t know how it turned out that the president kissed him and he pushed the older boy. At first, he was fine with Yugi-senpai being with him and then, when he started to kiss him and demand what his feeling was… Ren had been confused and panic and scared. It was the first time and he never had any experience in that matter.


Groaning, he opened his eyes and rubbed his eyes. Damn it! It was all his fault! If he didn’t surprise or just plain accept it, then, he wouldn’t be this upset. Though, Ren wasn’t sure what he should accept or what those things were. The hard and deep thinking managed to make the second year exhaust himself and felt asleep on the bed.

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  • sue werner


  • CheputChan19


Yugi stand still on his last spot for one hour or so, he was angry and sad at the same time and that make the older male dazed. He more look like zombie than human now, his brain really hollow and eyes stared at nothing.


“I didn’t know what you mean!”


“L-Let me go! This… T-This is becoming weirder! I don’t understand anything! Besides, I’m a boy, why did you even kiss me?”


“What did you do or say… I really don’t understand any of it.”


Those words always spin around on his head, his chest tight and hurt. Oh, after whole this time he life... This is the first time the high pride male experience the feeling of being rejected. Moreover this the first time he fall in love and broken-hearted at the right time even his smart brain couldn't hold the wave of this feeling.


The president council let out a deep breath and glance at clock that showed 11.57 pm. He didn't even realize that now was already this late. Dragged his step, the blue eyes male walked toward his bathroom for washing his face, maybe cold water could help calm his chaostic mind but he ended up with soaked his head with cold water. Yugi stared at his shadow on the mirror, confused by what he had just seen. His silver hair glistening from the water before but his eyes was blank like insane male. He hat being like this, involuntarily he punch the mirror in front of him. He hissed because blood start to dripped from his hand but it did not hurt as much as what's in the chest.


After satisfied let out his anger, he wrapped his hand with bandage carelessly then throw his body on the bed and had a deep slumber a minutes later. The next morning, Yugi wake up with stinging head and hand, his eyes almost went out from it place after saw his clock. He's late! his class will begin in just ten minutes again.

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Ren had slept for thirteen hours straight. He woke up at 6 AM and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Groggily, he looked at the other bed and saw there was no his roommates. He shrugged his shoulders and sat up in his bed, thinking about what had happened yesterday. He shook his head, not wanting the memory to disturb his day. Yes, he would meet up with Yugi-senpai today after school but for now, he should be his normal self, the loud, cheerful, idiotic Shimada Ren. Slapping both of his cheeks, he winced in pain and went to get a shower and did all his morning routines.


After getting ready, he grabbed his books and bag and walked out of his bedroom after locking it. He went to the dining hall to get breakfast, on the way, he met with his friends and chattered loudly as usual. He grinned at the others and talked about the practice they had yesterday and he winced when his friends asked him about his tutoring. So, he lied and just told half of the story. he told them that Yugi-senpai was really nice and he was a good tutor. His friends not believed him but Ren just laughed it out.


After breakfast, he went to his class and all classes begin very fast for the blond's like. He dreaded the time the clock would show 2 PM and he would have to see Yugi-senpai again. Packing his books in the bag, he slowly dragged his feet towards where his tutor's room was. It took him fifteen minutes to arrive there when it should be faster than that. Standing in front of the room with name plate, 'Kasuhiro Yugi', Ren fidgeted, not knowing if he should knock on it. He raised his fist to knock only to put it down. He done that for a few times and just stayed there, unmoving and undeciding.

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The president council made his way to his first class after get ready and prepared his book with rushed way. He skipped his breakfast and run to his class and somehow he managed to make it on time. But on his period of class, he always being nagged by teacher two times because he had daydream. Some of student that the same class with him really amused by the mess that he made even some of them laughed. But just with cold stare to around the class, they went silent straightaway.


When all the silver head's class was over, he got out from his class with dragged step. He know that he must give tutor to Ren but he didn't had a good mood at all. Sting of pain com back again, make the cold-male glance at his right hand that injured from last night incident. He decided to go to infirmary to take care of his hands, on the top of that the doctor that keep the infirmary surprised by the wound on his right hand. His right hand was completely wrapped by the bandage and it kinda annoyed the president council because he must be in trouble when have a class tomorrow.


The glasses male was already in way toward his dorm room and stopped his step as seeing the student of his already came and waited in front of his room. His chest somehow tighten again just by seeing his kohai then start to walked again, approach the younger boy. "you're earlier today..I though you didn't come today.." he let out his best-cold-voice when near Ren and fixed his glasses but become awkward because his hand was bandaged.

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"you come earlier today..I think you don't come today.."


Ren jumped in surprise when he heard the coldest voice of Yugi-senpai. He visibly froze as he turned around and met with Yugi-senpai's glare. He winced at the cold voice and cold attitude his tutor gave him. "I need to get a good grade..." he said softly and gasped when he saw the bandaged hand of the student president. He quickly forgot that he was in an awkward moment with the person that had kissed him. "Y-Yugi-senpai! What had happened to your hand?" he asked as he took that bigger hand into his and began to inspect it.


He frowned worriedly and looked up at the older boy. He could see the awkwardness inside those blue eyes and felt guilty as well. He forced his feeling deep inside his conscious and took the key from the male. He opened the door and pulled the silver haired older boy inside, after that he closed the door and put the key back on the table, before he pulled Yugi -senpai to sit in his bed. Awkwardly, he sat beside the president and thought of what should he say. If it was possible, he didn't want to have a dispute with his tutor again.


Taking a deep breathe, he forced a smile and turned to look into those blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Yugi-senpai for acting like that yesterday," he said and added. "I was confused and you already know that my brain is not that good." he joked, trying to remove the tensed atmosphere.

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The glasses male stared at Ren with cold look though deep in his heart he didn't want to do it. He almost burst out his laugh after heard his kohai reason with innocence look but he manage to hold it. 'you never change, always noisy and cheerful as usual..' Yugi though for a moment. Then his mind snapped to reality after the younger male yelled in panicked after seeing his injured hands and widen his eyes because the other take his hand out and stared at it.


He sighed and looked at the noisy male, "I'm okay, Ren..Don't too be over with something like th―" his sentence unfinish when the blondy male stared worriedly at him and took his key that on his other hand. "h-hey, I told you, I'm okay.." he gasped right after the other open the door for him and pulled his hand. He couldn't stop the other so he just let himself being dragged inside his room and sit on the bed, faced the younger male's face that full of worried but uneasy at the same time.


"I'm sorry, Yugi-senpai for acting like that yesterday,"


The silver haired male rubbed his temple when listen to that words. 'you don't have to apologize, baka..' he protested but only on his mind, didn't dare to let that though revealed. He rolled his eyes as Ren throw one joke that not funny anymore. "why were you like this? if you don't like me just tell it out loud don't make me expect too much, Ren!" finally he let his though out but then he blushed and look away from the younger male.

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"why were you like this? if you don't like me just tell it out loud don't make me expect too much, Ren!"


Ren jumped in surprise at the raised voice of his tutor. He stared at the older male in disbelief; he would never think that Yugi-senpai could get that angry with him. He was always cold and seeing him lose control like that, kind of scared him. He looked down his laps, his fingers fiddling with each other. He... what should he answer? He really didn't know what to reply to that question. Also, Yugi-senpai was wrong... he never disliked him nor made him expecting from him. He bit his bottom lip in frustration.


Just when he tried to mend with his tutor.


He fist his hands together into a tight ball, as he looked down even more. Taking a deep breath, he shakily gave his honest answer, "W-What do you mean like t-this, Yugi-senpai? I really don't u-understand it and I-I never said I dislike you nor I hate you. A-Also, what do you expect from me?" he paused and took a deep breath. "What do you want from me, senpai? You never exactly said what did you want from me?" he stared at his lap and slowly looked up to look at the older male's face.


"H-How can I understand you?"


He finished his questions with that last question. That what he been thinking since yesterday. Yugi-senpai suddenly kissed him and suddenly hugged him and then asking his feeling. "What do you want from me, Yugi-senpai?" he stared into those light blue orbs, feeling confused and anxious.

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Yugi could feel that his bed shake when Ren jumped on his spot and he knew that he make another mistake to the other again. He tried to cleared his throat and make his sound out but he couldn't! This make the glasses male sighed harshly and just stared at the younger boy who was looked down and avoid to make eye contact to him, moreover Ren look like surprised by his last act.


"What do you want from me, senpai? You never exactly said what did you want from me?"


The silver haired male stared dumbly at his kohai and never stop sighed. 'so, he still didn't get it, huh? Why did I fall in love with this boy?' he though for a moment and bring both of his hand then put it on Ren's shoulder while he looked to him with confused mixed with scared eyes.


"whether I must declare clearly to you right now?"


The president finally manage his sound out and look at the gray orbs which full of curiosity. After second later passed, the older male decided on his head to make this whole thing clear right now. Cleared his throat one more time again, he look at Ren's eyes with serious look.


"Ren, I fall in love with you... I love you... do you understand it now?"


Yugi's face turn out deep red after saying that but he can't look away this time he must faced what will Ren says, whatever he says he will accept it.

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Ren’s eyes were wide like saucers as the words left Yugi-senpai’s mouth. He couldn’t move his head nor he could close his mouth. It was such a shock for him. He shook his head, trying to wake himself up from this surreal dream, even pinching his arm hard, “Ouch!” he rubbed his upper arm and stared with disbelief look at the red face of silver haired boy.


“This is not a dream, is it?” he asked dumbly.


But, he knew and understood from the serious look and red face of his tutor, he knew that what was happening right now was a reality. A reality that he couldn’t escape since Yugi-senpai had him trapped in his room. He couldn’t run when those hands were planted it selves on his shoulder firmly.


He gulped down nervously as he started to turn red to from seeing his tutor’s flush face. He stuttered and looked at those light blue orbs waveringly. “I-I see…” he started and added more. “S-So that was why you did all that? You love me, Shimada Ren of all people…” realization took him in and he stared with pink dusted his cheeks. “But how come? We just talked and met yesterday…”

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The silver head stared at the boy in front of him that was shocked and gaped his mouth like goldfish. He blink his eyes in surprised when the other pinch his arm. "h-hey, you don't have to do that.." he stated and rubbed Ren's arm that turn out red after being pinched by it owner. Though he tried his best to serious he couldn't hold his laugh then burst out his laugh when Ren asked dumbly about this is reality or just dream. "no, it's not dream.."


Yugi goes back to nailed his gaze on his the gray orbs and waited the younger boy to finished all his words. He know that his acted too much and look impatient because he saw the blondy male seems uneasy on his grip. But a moment later he form a small smile as caught a faint pink color on Ren's face. He rolled his eyes when the other mention about loving him of million people. "yeah, I love Shimada Ren of all people.."


“But how come? We just talked and met yesterday…”


The glasses want to laughed again after hear that. "Is people have to reason when they fall in love?" he chuckled and let his grip on Ren's shoulder free then leaned on his bedpost with both of his arm behind his head. He sighed and smiled at the boy. "you know, my mood was a bit calm because I already let out my feeling to you.." he said simply, keep smile to Ren.

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"Is people have to reason when they fall in love?"


Ren looked at his student president and thought about it. He slowly nodded his head and replied unsurely. “Well, I don’t think we need a reason. If we fall in love so be it…” he watched as the other leaned on the headboard and smiled. The second year student could feel his heart beat faster at the smile the other showed. He looked away in embarrassment as he clutched the shirt on top of his heart. “T-Thank you for loving me…” he said shyly and fidgeted.


He felt silence for a while, not knowing what he should say to his tutor. Well, he now knew the reason behind Yugi-senpai’s kiss and embrace but he didn’t know what he should say to him. Should he response to his feelings or love even? Or should he just reject him flatly?... He shook his head. No! He shouldn’t do that second choice, he didn’t want to see Yugi-senpai sad. He paused and frowned. Why he didn’t want Yugi-senpai to be sad?


After thinking for a while, Ren sighed and turned to look at the Student Council’s President. He laced his fingers together and took a deep breath. “W-Well, I don’t know if I should answer to your feeling, but…” he paused and looked away with pink on his cheeks. “I’m not sure of myself and I don’t know how to love someone… I never in love before.”

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The silver haired male watched the other nodded, seems agreed with his last words before. His eyes meet again with the calming gray eyes of Ren then frowned because the other immediately looked away from his eyes with hands clutched to his chest. The president council blink in confusion and tilt his head to the side. 'hmm? am I making another mistake?' but that though gone when he heard Ren's shy voice. "hmm, yeah.." he replied simply.


Yugi turn his head to his kohai and watched the other expression that always change by the next second. 'he's cute when confuse like that..' he though with another smile. Yeah, the cold-president seems changed a bit after knew Ren, he always smiled though still just for his student. And the most important was the glasses male's chest wasn't tight and tensed like before, now he could think clearly, his brain not full of guilt and insecure feeling anymore though there's still a little feeling that scared about Ren will back away from him.


Yugi's blue orbs looked back at the younger male and stared at him when the other start to speak up, listen to everything that he said. The older male's mood just go down when Ren told he didn't what will he react and then...


“I’m not sure of myself and I don’t know how to love someone… I never in love before.”


This surprised the president but smiled at the end. "I know I can't force you to love me...but I can teach you to love me..well it's your decision at all..."

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"I know I can't force you to love me...but I can teach you to love me..well it's your decision at all..."


The scholarship student blushed redder than before when he heard the reply of his tutor. He fidgeted with his fingers as he thought of what he should reply to that sentence. Should he accept or should he not? It was a difficult decision for Shimada Ren and his brain was overwhelming by this sudden turn of fate. 'Guh, what should I do?' he asked himself, still looking down on his lap as he didn't have a courage to look at Yugi-senpai face since it would be embarrassing.


But... he didn't hate the Student Council's President and he kind of liked him too. At his own thought, the second year student's heart started to beat faster and louder. He could practically hear it, almost like his heart was outside of his rib cage. 'This is so difficult...' he thought and closed his eyes, trying to find an answer from deep within his heart. Once, he had watched an anime, a romance anime at that. The heroin wasn't sure of her feeling and the hero asked her to find it deep inside her heart. So, that was why, right now, he, Shimada Ren, was trying to find an answer from within his heart.


"Um... I... Yugi-senpai..." he paused, still wasn't sure what to say.


He put his hands on his chest trying to feel what his real feeling was. He thought about his tutor, his beautiful, soft silver hair and his soft lips. Also, those smile and soft chuckle from him... it was enough to make his heart beat wildly. Did he fall in love with the silver haired male? He slowly turned to look at his tutor and hesitantly smiled.


"I... I don't hate Yugi-senpai," he said and bit his bottom lip before he spoke again. "My heart beat faster when I think of senpai... I don't know if this is love but... I-I would like for Yugi-senpai to tutor me on how to love you." he ended his sentence and got a full-blown blush as he tried to hide his red face in his hands. Oh my god! He couldn't believe it that he just said that! Now, he wasn't sure what Yugi-senpai's response would be...

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The head of student council male was caught another blush that creep on his kohai's face. 'why were you always blushed like that? you will make my heart stop beating? you're too cute when do that..' he struggled on his mind for a while then take his eyes back at the other again who was still stared down on his lap. "don't over think about it, Ren..." he suggested the younger male that seems will produced some smoke from his head.


The silver head still tried to keep patient to wait another make a desicion, though his heart couldn't stop beating fast. He wanna throw his body to nowhere! Well, waiting was the first thing that the cold-male hate the most. But now is different, he waited for his love, something that couldn't be rushed and pushed too hard. But Yugi's brain start to estimated the things like 'Ren still didn't know his own feeling' or 'he was slapped by his kohai' and another scary possibilities. Yeah, sometimes smart brain could turn out to be insane included Yugi's brain.


The glasses male snapped back to reality again while the younger male's voice audible again and bring his curious gaze to the smaller male. His heart skipped a beat again when heard that Ren didn't hate him.


"My heart beat faster when I think of senpai... I don't know if this is love but... I-I would like for Yugi-senpai to tutor me on how to love you."


The red dark color start to decorate the older male's face after that beautiful words then make him take his student's hand, cupped with his own hands. "okay, I'll tutor you... I'll tell you everything..." he sounded really glad but looked away again because he was acted too expert in love though that was the first time for the student council felt this kind of feeling that called love.

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Ren blushed pretty pink color when suddenly his tutor grabbed his hands. He hesitantly looked up at those beautiful blue orbs and smiled shyly when he heard he said that he would ‘tutor’ him in the subject of love. He nodded his head shyly and looked down again. Oh gosh! This was very embarrassing for Shimada Ren but it also felt nice. He stared at their hands where the older boy’s hands were on top of him. It felt so good to have that contact with the student body president. He pulled his hands from the others and stared into those blue eyes.


“Yugi-senpai…” he whispered and leaned forward to give an awkward hug to the slightly taller male. He wrapped his arms around the other’s neck and put his face in the crook of Yugi’s neck. He didn’t know why he did this but he was just trying to follow a shoujo manga that he had read. ‘Well, it don’t feel that bad…’ he thought and smiled happily as he tightened his hold on the other. “Yugi-senpai…” he said and nuzzled into those heat of his favorite tutor. It felt so right doing this.


Ah, Ren loved it, how Yugi-senpai's name sounded in his lips, he pulled back and stared at those blue eyes shyly. “I think I like Yugi-senpai,” he said and put his hands on his laps again, looking down on his laps. This was ridiculous but the moment he hugged the senior of his, he felt that all his problem and uncertainly vanished and his feeling for the older boy grew bigger.


Perhaps, he did love Yugi-senpai.

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Yugi felt like in some soap opera now, eh no! It's too stodgy well you call that inside some anime that full of moe stuff. All his attention was just focused on one person, Ren with his flushed face. Even his eyes catch a weird background around them, his room full of flowers and glittering stuff. Oh, it's seems that the great Kasuhiro Yugi went insane by his first love. After looked away for a couple of second his blue eyes linked again to his kohai eyes that were stare at his since then. He just couldn't stop smiled to the other though their hand already apart again.


"y-yes..." The silver haired male answered really slow and full of stutter then at the same time his guard was off when Ren leaned closer and gave him a warm and cozy hug. Yugi's mind going blank for a moment when reality hit him, he couldn't help but gasps in surprised way then bring his arm around the smaller male, hugged him lovingly. Ren's voice when called his name like a melodious sounds on his ear and he more and more like it when that voice echoed on his head. The younger male's breath felt warm against his slender neck.


When the embrace of his student was over, he can't stop the pink color that stained all his face especially after he heard that the other mention about liking him. "thank you, that words really makes me happy..." he said and sighed softly. But while his gaze shifted to the book that he borrow yesterday make he remembered something but just shrugg it off at the end. "I think today you can be free from my tutor for your grade...I want resting from that pile of book.." he breathed deeply and close his eyes for a while.


Yeah, he just want to forget for a while about his duty and be with Ren a little long.

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"Eh? No tutor?" Ren looked at the older and let out a loud, "Yes!" he said and saw the other closing his eyes. "Opps... sorry," he mumbled apologetically as he stared at the silver haired boy resting on the bed, face full with serenity and tranquility. Now, they were in silence, the usually loud student didn't know what he should do. He contemplating beside laying next to Yugi-senpai or just sat there silently or just go back to his room. But, he didn't want to go back to his room yet, it was so rare to see a relax expression on normally stoic, cold Student Council's President. Very very rare indeed.


Perhaps, he should stay there.


Then, it would leave him with next two choices. Laying beside the president or just plainly sitting there, not doing anything. Shimada Ren was known as an active boy and not doing anything making him a bit restless. Well, perhaps 'a bit' was a bit far-fetched... making him really restless should be a perfect usage of word. Fiddling with his fingers, the shorter younger boy hesitantly laid on the bed next to the other student. He lay for a while but he really couldn't sit still.


Curse it! he would bother the older boy no matter if he would be angry at him or not!


Gathering his courage, the younger boy poked at the student body president's side. Poked. Poked. Poked. He grinned and kept poking. Hah, that felt nice rather than this stifling silence! Shimada Ren never like silence. "Ne, Senpai, should we do something or just play?" he grinned and waited for the older boy's response. His question was innocent, no innuendo put into it. "Yugi-senpai, this is so boring... at least, you should entertain me. I can't stand the silence. Yugi-senpai~"


This loud, cheerful behavior really fitting him rather than the shy Ren.

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Yugi furrowed his forehead the loud sound of Ren deafen both of his ears. He just nodded with a slight 'hmm' then went back to his little peaceful still with closing eyes. Though he know that his student was person that get bored quickly, he keep silent on his spot and want to know if the other will jumping or do something that amused him. Well.. everything about Ren always amusing the student council anyway.


Just when he almost went down to a deep slumber, he felt a sudden movement on the bed and felt the warm of the younger male's body beside him. The glasses male flashed a small smile when he know that. 'he must be desperate not doing anything..' he though and laughed in his mind. But second later the blondy buy already get up again from the bed, make the cold-guy pouted maybe he would rolled his eyes if it was opened.


'you really are an active person that I ever meet...Oh gosh, he just laying beside me for a second then he got up again when I want to hug him..' the cold president cursed on his head.


The older male wanted finish his pretend-sleep and open his eyes when Ren's finger poked his body then he couldn't help but squirming his body because it was tickling! He open his eyes and stared at the noisy male after he said his whined words. "play? entertain you? I'm not a clown silly..." he laughed and added, "but I never played anything the only one that I did when my free time was read some book.."

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Ren sighed at the older boy's reply. He shook his head and looked at the other boy, stopping his poking altogether. He propped his elbows on the mattress and watched the older male's face. Ah... that was why Yugi-senpai didn't have many friends. Plus that cold attitude of him, he was really a lonely boy. He smiled and poked at the student council president's cheek instead. "You know that reading a book is not counted as playing around, right? And coming from Yugi-senpai, I am sure that it's serious and text books only," he huffed loudly and rested his head on his palm.


"Hm... why don't we play a game?" he grinned and suggested. "We can play a guess game. The game is like rock, paper, scissors. I will hide my hand at the back and you'll suggest it. We'll play this for until the first that guessed five correct, won." he grinned mischievously and his eyes twinkled at the thought of winning and practice soccer. "And... to make it more interesting, the one who lost would have to follow the winner's request. No matter what it is." he finished explaining.


He would take this chance to get at least a two days free of tutoring!


"So, senpai... are you ready for this?" he asked, excited. He had already sat up on the mattress and turned towards the older boy. Hiding his hand behind himself, he urged to the student council president to hurry up. "Come on, senpai! I'll do whatever you want if you won! I'll even wash your clothes for you."

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The president council furrowed his forehead as the other sighed, seems didn't satisfied by his answer. Well, he was always do that because book was the most things that he like. He shifted his gaze to the younger boy that planted his elbow on his bed and caught that observation gray eyes on him again. Huffed a couple of breath, he looked another way, wanted to avoid that eyes that could see through him. He's narrowing his eyes at Ren, "I-I know, It just what I always do, so I didn't have any idea what should we play now for killing time.." he pouted slightly.


"a guess game? it's sounds interesting.." he mumbled and hear the other explain of the game then nodded a couple of times, showing that he understood the game rules. He was ready for the game when he caught Ren's eyes twinkle in suspicious way then clicked his tongue. "are you planing something on your head? your grin was too suspicious for me.." he blurt out so bluntly with his hand on his chin, gazing at the other.


The silver head guessed that this must be related to the soccer stuff that Ren always played.


He just shrugged it off for now at looked at the bouncing male and rolled his eyes more. "yes, yes I'm ready..." he watched the other already had his hands on his back and sighed. "don't say 'you want do anything' or you will be chagrined at the end.." he said teasingly with a flash of grin on his lips.

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Ren just grinned wider and flashed his white teeth. Such confidence oozed from him as he got ready. “Okay, Yugi-senpai, the moment I said, three you will have to show your hand, okay?” he asked to make sure and added more. “Also, no cheating! Or the prize will go to the loser! Prepare yourself Yugi-senpai since I’ve been known as the ‘King of Rock-Paper-Scissors’” he laughed loudly and started to count. “One… two… three!” he pulled out his hand from the back and showed a, ‘scissors’.

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The silver head gazed at Ren that seems really full confidence and nodded his head once as he heard the boy added one rules again. He just chuckled at the moment the younger male told him about 'the king of Rock-Paper-Scissors' then get ready his hand at his back. When Ren count three, he pulled out his hands and showed a 'rock' at the same time with Ren's hand that showed 'scissors'. The president council smirked and looked at his kohai. "I win! Are you really a king of Jan-Ken-Pon, hmm?" he crossed his arm.

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"Damn it! I lost! I swear that I never lost before..." After five rounds, Ren punched his fist onto the bed and pouted at the student council president. He stared at the president and tried to give his best puppy eyes, hoping the older boy wouldn't ask him to do something weird or worst, giving him full tutoring. "Ne, Yugi-senpai..." another beam of puppy eyes. "What do you want me to do since you already won and everything? Since, we're couple now what about you give this cute boyfriend of yours a chance to practice soccer instead? Please~"

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Yugi fixed his glasses and look at the younger boy that disappointed by the result. "I told you don't get too cocky about your king title.." he stated simply. As expected, the president council win easily against his kohai. Well, he hate lose so he didn't have any choice then won this game. He watched the other with narrowing eyes because Ren's puppy eyes start to beamed to him. The silver head sighed at the other words that benefited their relationship to practice a soccer. "what? are you try to beg no tutor for a days and do your soccer stuff? no, I banned that.." he paused then an great idea crossed his mind. "I had one simple ask...," he paused then grinned to the blondy male. "move to my room and be my roommate, Ren..."

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"I had one simple ask... move to my room and be my roommate, Ren..."


"Eh? Be Yugi-senpai's room mate?" he asked and blinked his eyes before he whined loudly. "But if I move in with you what about my room mate? And if I moved in with Yugi-senpai, I'll have to study for hours!" he stated and sulked. He didn't mind actually moved in with his new boyfriend but with Yugi-senpai's attitude it would be a disaster to him at least. He didn't want to study for all hours and that would kill him. He would be dried like a fish being dried under the sun. He sighed and folded his arms across his chest. "...Fine. I'll move to your room since a man doesn't take back his words." he said after thinking and mumbled quietly. "Though, I will surely die of the tutoring and no soccer..."

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