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Lakki felt very flattered that even Rokko's mother is thankful for Rokko's change. He glanced at Rokko's mother showing his humble smile and resumed eating. He happily listened to the Toshihisa family talking over the meal and smiled when he needed to.


When Rokko's mother told Lakki about taking care of Rokko at school, Lakki felt like Rokko's mother is entrusting his son to him. Hehe Strange.. Lakki thought. Doesn't Rokko have friends at school? Besides the girls? Lakki didn't think about it 'til now. I haven't seen him much with guys before.. Or is it that I keep to my own very so often that I don't notice? Oh well..


"Gifts? Even me?" Lakki asked Rokko. This is the first time Lakki met his mother and he already receives a gift?

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“Yes Lakki it seems my mother brought gifts for you too.” Ren answered and smiled to his lover. As soon as the dinner finished Aya called the boys in the living room. “These are the flower seeds you wanted son” she said giving Rokko a small bag. “And since my husband said you are a huge fun of games Lakki, these are for you” she added and passed some DVDs to Lakki.


“Thank you mother. I will plant them tomorrow. I’m happy you didn’t forget about them Rokko said and hugged his mother. “We are going now mom as we are tired” he said and turned to leave when his mother called him. “Rokko! You forgot these” she smiled and threw him some keys. “Since tomorrow is Friday as soon as you finish the classes you two can go and spend your weekend on summer house. Your father agreed with letting you all weekend not only on Sunday”.


Rokko took the keys and laughed “You are the best mom. Let’s go Lakki. We can play the new games”.

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"Oh woah.. Thank you very much, Mrs. Toshihisa!" Lakki thanked Rokko's mother earnestly. He was so happy about the new games. Summer house? Oh yeah, Rokko mentioned that once before..


They went back to Rokko's room. Rokko went to get some snacks from his peronsal snack bar and told Rokko to set up the consoles to try out the new games. "Hey Rokko, we're going to the summer house tomorrow until the week ends?" Lakki asked as he opened the new pack of games that was still in its plastic wrap. Wow, I can't believe it. I'm going to spend time alone with Rokko. Oh, wait.. Alone?


"Uhh Rokko? Are we going to be alone in the summer house? How will we get there? Is it far? Are there your maids there?" Lakki was curious since he hasn't really given it a thought when Rokko mentioned it to his father a long time ago.

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“Do you remember I asked father to let us go this Sunday at the summer house? Well he agreed us to go but it seems mom changed his mind- we can stay there for all weekend love. We can swim, play games. I need to relax after all these days writing for the project” Rokko answered to the other and put the plate with the snacks on the table.


Hearing the other questions he started to laugh and jumped on the sofa staring at him“Yes we will be alone love. It’s about 2 hours by car from here on the beach. I won’t take my maid with me there as I don’t need her. I will drive myself until there Lakki as I have a car. Or I should say 3 but I don’t use all of them.” He started eating and waited for his lover to finish with the console.


“Let’s play love” he said and sited next to the other. He wondered why Lakki looked so scared at the thought they will be alone.

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"Yeah." Lakki did remember Rokko asking his father's permission but he forgot about it till Rokko's mother mentioned it.


"N-no maid? Oh..and it's a beach.. S-so we'll be all alone for 2 days and a night? Okayy.." Lakki was trying to sound curious hiding the fact that he was a bit nervous. He had never been alone with Rokko..except on the rooftop. But I can't count the rooftop! There are still people under it so it's not really alone. And if it's a 2 hour drive, I bet it's a private beach and they're the only ones in the neighborhood! Ack-- W-why am I nervous? It's not like something will happen. Hahah.. Just like Rokko said, we'll swim and play games. Swim and play games. It's just a summer house. To relax. Lakki thought as they played the new game.


A little over an hour, Lakki noticed Rokko yawn which made him look at the clock and saw that they should be sleeping right now. "Rokko. We'll stop here. We need to sleep. School tomorrow." Lakki told the other while tidying up the stuff.

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“Hahaha, yes only you and I love. Imagine I will kiss you all day and nobody will disturb us” he answered being concentrated on the game. He was kinda sleepy but he didn’t want to stop the game because of that. Lakki loved to play games and since he was his lover…


But when the other suggested it was time for bed and already started to tide all the games he yawned again and nodded. “I will go to have my shower love. Or do you want to join me? Please sleep in bed with me tonight. I won’t touch you and I will have a pyjama on me” he said leaving to bathroom.


After a short shower, he brushed his teeth and took some pyjama pants on him. He hoped the other won’t feel embarrassed because of him being half naked. He opened the bathroom’s door and prayed the other to wait him in his bed.

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"No. I"ll just wash my face and brush my teeth. I'll go first." Lakki replied. How considerate. He's putting on pants for me?


After Lakki left the bathroom, Rokko followed. Hmm.. Should I indulge him? But he's wearing bottom now.. Being shirtless doesn't matter right? Plus, he's doing it for me. And there are sheets.. And I'm dressed right? Lakki thought as he sat on the edge of Rokko's bed.


As Lakki was deep in thought, Rokko came back to the bedroom wearing only the bottom of his pyjama. Lakki just looked at Rokko, unable to move. Well, he still has a great body. Too dazzling. But it would look like I reject him if I move away.. Oh well.. I'll just have to trust Rokko.

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“I’m ready love” Rokko said being happy the other wasn’t on the sofa but on the edge of his bed waiting for him. “I’m so tired. I tell Mya you will wake me in the morning so she won’t come to bother us.” He remembered he forgot to tell Lakki about this. He also knew he had a bad mood in the mornings but if the kissed the other he would woke up in an instant.


Rokko laid on bed and yawned “Come on love. I want to sleep in your arms” he asked closing his eyes. He fell asleep immediately and dreamt him and Lakki were already on the beach…kissing each other…naked…making love. Just when he was about to make the other his he heard a fucking noise.


“Gooddd morningggg, goodddd morning” Rokko opened his eyes being furious on that stupid song wondering from where it came when he realized it was Lakki’s alarm. “Why he has this song as alarm?” he wondered waiting for his lover to wake up.

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"Okay." Lakki answered as he pulled up the covers and snuggled closer to Rokko. Fuuu~ how comfortable. And with that, Lakki drifted off to sleep.


Lakki woke up the next morning to some shuffling beside him and hearing his alarm somewhere in the distance. He opened his eyes to see Rokko's staring back with a look Lakki couldn't quite decide whether it's annoyance or whether the other is looking at him half-asleep. Lakki smiled at the other sheepishly when he remembered that his alarm was ringing.


"Oh. Sorry. Wait." Lakki stood up and turned the alarm off. "I forgot to turn that off, huh." Lakki mumbled and stretched his arms up. "Good morning, Rokko. Do you want to bathe first or sleep some more?"

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“Good morning love. What’s with that alarm?” Rokko asked as he was still in shock. Never before he had woke up so fast in the morning. “I would like to sleep a little more but after that alarm I can’t. I will have my shower” he answered and stood up.


He turned on the water and started to wash his hair. Until that day Mya tried hard to wake him up every morning. But today Lakki and his alarm succeeded to wake him up so fast. Since Lakki arrived into his life he changed so much. He finished his shower and went back to the room with a big smile on his face.


“I’m very happy love. After the classes we can go in that trip. 2 days without the project, just you and I…” Rokko said while he was taking his uniform. He was excited about it as he wanted to be with Lakki. “Are you ready? Let’s go have our breakfast. Also Mya must do our luggage. I will speak with her.”

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"Ah. That was..uhh..one of my favorite character's voice clips. It's really..it wakes me up." Lakki smiled at Rokko, half-embarassed that the other heard that alarm. Rokko went to shower first so Lakki arranged his things for school and waited for Rokko to finish so he could have his turn.


"Uh huh... Ah, yes, I'm ready." Lakki nodded and went down with Rokko. They went down and when they passed by Mya, Rokko talked to her for a bit about their luggage. Lakki was about to tell Rokko that he can pack his stuff up when he remembered that his mother texted him earlier this morning to tell him that she will send his things over for the trip.


When they entered the dining room, Rokko's parents were already there. "Good morning, boys." Aya greeted them with a smile. "G-good morning, Mrs. Toshihisa." Lakki smiled shyly and answered after Rokko. Mr. Toshihisa nodded to them over his cup of coffee and newspaper. "Did your mother already tell you that she'll send your things over for the trip? I contacted her last night. She's quite a lovely lady on the phone. I hope I could meet her." Aya smiled at Lakki which made Lakki smile back and answered, Her smile is contagious.. "Yes. She did. Thank you so much. I'll mention it to her."


Rokko do you want to come home first after school ends or do you want me to send your car to school with all your luggage in it so you could go straight after?" Mr. Toshihisa asked Rokko.

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“I want us coming home first father. We will eat our lunch, check if we have everything we need and then go. Don’t forget Mya will prepare the food for us too.” Rokko answered hoping his father won’t insist. He didn’t want to leave to his summer house from school as the girls would see them leaving together in a trip so they would have more reasons to gossip around. The last thing he and Lakki needed was those bitches after them again.


“Ok son. I will take you two to school now.” his father answered as he stood up. The boys followed him to the car and after 15 minutes they were in front of the school “Have a nice holiday boys and see you on Sunday. Be careful on the way son” his father greeted them and then he left to his office.


Rokko was surprised to see the girls didn’t wait them as usually so he smiled to Lakki and said slowly “It seemed my plan worked love”. Once they arrived in the class room the girls ignored them completely. “Finally we have peace” he thought and dreamed about his trip all day without paying attention to the teachers.

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After they finished breakfast, both boys bid goodbye to Aya as her husband was taking them to school. They arrived school after a few minutes. "Yes, sir." Lakki waved goodbye to Rokko's father when he left. When they entered the gates, Lakki noticed something amiss. Huh? No girls? Weird..


When they came through the classroom doors, Lakki expected the girls to flock over to Rokko immediately.. But they didn't. "Huh.." Lakki answered, weirded out by what happened. They sat in their respective seats and then class began.


"Hey! Lakki!", whispered one of Lakki's friends. "Isn't it weird that the girls were not at all agressive today? When you guys entered the room, they just ignored you guys!", he said. "Yeah! Ignored you AND casanova!", chimed in another one of his friends. "Uhh yeah.. Maybe something happened?" Lakki answered. He couldn't tell them that Rokko did something that made the girls that way and all for the sake of his new lover, Lakki himself. "M-maybe they grew tired of him.. He's known to be a playboy after all.. Ha ha ha..." Lakki's laugh made an awkward laugh but his friends didn't care much about it. "Yeah yeah. Maybe." One of them answered.


Just before break came, Rokko got called on by the teacher for not paying attention which made a few chuckle.

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“Mr Rokko… wake up. Are you dreaming with your eyes opened?” the teacher asked and looked at him curiously. “It seems both you and Mr. Lakki are strange today” he added and then laughed “As punishment you both must do an essay about today lesson”. Rokko only nodded and pretended he’s listening the teacher.


“Teacher since Rokko and Lakki live together both of them behave strange” a girl said and all the others yelled “It’s true, it’s true” Rokko wanted to punch them so he stood up and answered “We work together on a project all day and even on night so we are just tired. Maybe being sleepy we look like we are…” The girl stood up too and replied “You two are sleeping in the same room. We all knew that. So who knows…”.


Rokko laughed and asked the teacher “Explain them teacher if is wrong for 2 friends to sleep in the same room. We work hard every day on the project and I want to thank to Lakki for having patience with me and helps me with my homework”. The teacher looked at him one more time before he answered “Rokko is right girls. You should study more too instead of gossiping all day. All of you must do the essay, with the exception of Lakki and Rokko”. Rokko sited down and smiled to himself. The bitches were KO now.

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Geh-- Me also? Damn those guys. Lakki faced his friends and made an i'm-annoyed-at-you-for-getting-me-in-trouble face. It was a good thing Lakki half-listened so that he has a gist of the class discussion.


Shoot. They're on to us now! Lakki was surprised that the girls made that deduction. However, fortunately, the teacher saw nothing more to it than should be so he let them off and with a little bonus at that. Whew.. We were saved. Lakki didn't dare look at the girls reactions. When the bell rang, he packed up his things and went to the bathroom first.


"Phew~ That was close. Hmm~ Do I give something away on my face?" Lakki looked at his face in the mirror. There's nothing strange with me at all. Well.. Whatever. Lakki washed his hands and was headed to the library.


He arrived a few seconds after Rokko. The other just entered the door and still didn't see Lakki. Lakki made a quick glance at the surroundings. Hehe It's a good thing nobody's here.. Now, to surprise him. Rokko had his back turned on Lakki as he was walking down the aisle. Lakki slowly crept upon Rokko and pounced on the other blocking Rokko's eyes with his hands. "Guess who?", said Lakki holding off a laugh.

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“My lover” Rokko answered and waited for the other to set his eyes free. “Hahaha. Have you seen the girls love? I make them cry.” Rokko said wanting so bad to kiss the other but he knew he couldn’t in library even nobody was there. “I’m sure they won’t bother us again. They will be busy with the essay”.


He took the other’s hand into his and they went far from the entry so they could chat in peace. “We must be careful love as they suspect something. Also your friends, the other nerds, can we trust them? If they became suspicious too we will have more enemies. “


As they were talking they didn’t hear someone entered in the library and was looking around for them. “Rokko are you here?” a female voice asked and Rokko froze. Who could be?

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"Hahaha" Lakki laughed and went beside Rokko, walking along with him inside the library. "Yeah, we were lucky. I thought.. I really thought they knew..somehow found out. Really scared me for a moment." Lakki told Rokko. When the other asked if his friends are trustworthy enough, Lakki answered, "Uhh.. They don't really mind..I think. Or they don't really care. Though I can't be so sure." Lakki and his friends never really talked about their relationships even though the guys had their own lovers.


When Lakki heard some girl calling Rokko, he straightened up and told Rokko, "Hey, someones looking for you.", casually pretending that they were doing nothing intimate of some sort. Shoot.. Did we get caught already? Lakki's heart skipped a beat at that thought. He tried to look at the books to make it look like they were still working on that project.

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“It’s my mother voice. What’s she’s doing here?” he asked the other as if Lakki knew the answer. “We are here mother!” he said loudly and went to welcome his mother. Aya smiled and hugged him. “Are you two working on project boys? I’m sorry to disturb you from studying but we need to talk son.”


Rokko could’t understand why his mother was in school as she never came there. “What is about mother? Is something wrong with you or dad?” he asked looking into her eyes. “No son, don’t be silly.” she said loudly before whispering something in his ear. All Rokko could say after was “WHAT?”

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Oh. It's Rokko's mother. Why is she here? Lakki nodded when Aya asked them if they were working on the project. As if they could tell her they were only flirting. Although in actuality, there's only a quarter left undone with the project anyway. They could take their time.


"Uhh I'll just be over there." Lakki told the two Toshihisa's so that they could talk privately. he smiled and nodded to Rokko's mother before going to a table and look at the book he randomly picked. I wonder what are they talking about.

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Aya laughed and hugged him “You can’t hide anything from me son. I’m not blind” she whispered again in his ear and then laughed again “Where you two hiding here for being together?” Rooko nodded and then put his fingers over her mother lips. “We can speak about this at home mother. Please, not here. Anyone can enter in the library”. Aya laughed harder and answered “Ok son. After you will be back from your trip we will talk.” And with that she left the room.


Rokko went where his boyfriend was. He took a deep breath before he said “She knows about us love. I have no idea how she did, but she knows. She asked me just to be nice with you and to take care of you”. He blushed because couldn’t say to Lakki her exactly words. They were too embarrassing.

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Lakki blushed. "Ohh. Woah. How?..." Lakki was quite surprised. How did she know? I'm pretty sure we weren't that obvious. He blushed harder when he heard Rokko was asked by his mother to be nice to him and take care of him. Then it hit him. "Oh! Maybe he saw us last night? Maybe she came in? Well we were sleeping together on the same bed.." Lakki told the other. Oh maan, what do I do? What do we do? If his mother says to take care of me then does that me she approves? Lakki, suddenly feeling giddy, looked into Rokko's eyes and asked, "Rokko, does that mean she approves of our r-relationship?"

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“Yes Lakki, she give us her bless” Rokko answered and smiled “I think you are right love. She used to enter in my room to check me when I was little and give me a good night kiss. But after she opened her own hospital she was too busy with it and conferences… I think she realized since the dinner last night and later checked us...”


The bell rang so they needed to go back to the last class. “Let’s go we have the last class on the Biology lab. After it we are free to go home for our luggage. Mom went to work so we won’t meet her again until we are back from our trip” As they were leaving the library Rokko was thinking on his mother words “Finally you have a lover you can’t get pregnant”.

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"Ohh." Lakki answered, a little flustered that Rokko's mother saw them together asleep on the same bed. "But how did she..." Lakki began to ask when he thought of the answer immediately. Mother's instincts. "...oh nevermind."


After the last class, Lakki fixed his things so that they wouldn't be left behind at school for the whole weekend. He looked around to see if Rokko was waiting for him. It really is weird that Rokko's girls weren't flocking to him. After that, they went out to the gates expecting Rokko's father waiting. Instead, Rokko recognized a man that waved at them so they went and approach him. "Good afternoon, Mr. Rokko. Your father had an emergency at the office so he wasn't able to come get you. He has asked me to be a replacement for this time." The man said.

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“Good afternoon Hiroki. It’s ok. Just take us fast home” Rokko asked and both boys got in the car. Once they arrived at his house he smiled “Please prepare my car Hiroki. We will go in 30 minutes”. The man bowed as the boys entered in the house. “Mya” Rokko called the maid who came quickly. “Yes, Young Master”. Rokko smiled and ordered “Go and take our luggage in the car while we are eating. We will leave soon”.


They eat their lunch and checked one more time if they took all they needed. “Let’s go Lakki.” he said and a little later they were on their way to summer house. “Can you put some music love? The CDs are in there” Rokko explained being careful on the road. He was excited already about their trip together.

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Oh.. They not only have maids but chauffeurs as well. Nice. Lakki thought as they made their way back to the mansion. Everything was prepared and all that's left was to have their lunch before setting off.


Inside Rokko's car on the way to the rest house, Lakki fumbled with some CD's looking for ones Rokko would like but also he likes. Even though Lakki was not familiar with the car, he was the one who inserted the cd only taking a look and a guess to what the buttons might mean. It's not hard enough to guess for a gamer. Games.. "Hey Rokko, did you bring some games? Oh By the way, what activities can we do there?" Lakki asked. He has no idea about he things they will do in an isolated place. Isolated place. And just the two of them. He only came to family trips a few times and all he did was tag along his family and get teased by his sisters now and then.

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