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The bond they Share 1x1 w/ animelover19912014


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Ayato nods as he knew falling asleep in class wasn't a good thing. He finished eating and decided to head to bed early. He was excited about school and bonding with Takano.

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Ayato was super happy his new family life was easily adjustable. He was worried things would get weird or they would ignore him for being different. "Good night mommy and papa!" he said

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near midnight Takano returned and wandered in to the house and headed right to bed to tired to even bother eating the dinner his mother had left him

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The next morning Ayato awoke. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed for school. He went to the kitchen and prepared himself breakfast and a bento for lunch time. He then set aside three plates for when everyone else would awake for breakfast. Once fully ready for school he glanced at the clock. "I have thirty minutes before leaving. I'll watch television." he said going into the living room.

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Nakata came in to the living room and spotted him and then walked over and kissed his head "morning baby ho did you sleep" Nakata then made herself some coffee so that she could wake up a bit more so that she could go to work

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Ayato glanced up at her. "Oh I slept wonderful. I was dreaming of all the fun things I'll do in school and then I'll get to share them with everyone at home." he said smiling.

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Ayato stands up as he noticed the time. "I would like macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets on the side." he said walking to the door and putting on his shoes. "I'll see you later mommy. I am off to school." he said before leaving. He wasn't wearing one of the new outfits they had just bought. Ayato went to school in a cute frilly dress.

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"ok see you later baby" Nakata then ate her own breakfast while she sat down and looked over her own work schedule that she had for the day

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Ayato got to school and everything started out fine. All his classes seemed easy, the students all liked him. The day was going all too well and he knew things wouldn't last. As he predicted it didn't go well during the end of the school day. While looking at the list of after school activities he could join a group of upperclassmen walked by. He remembered the group from his shopping trip with Nakata. He knew avoiding them was the best solution but that was practically impossible. "Long time no see Aya-chan." the main ringleader of the upperclassmen, Yuuto said to him. Ayato turned to face him. "What do you want?" he asked

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Takano had gone to the school to get his brother liked he had promised and he knew that he would be waiting till Ayato got out of class and that they would have a lot of things to talk about

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"Oh no. Is that any way to greet a friend. I just want to talk." Yuuto said practically cornering Ayato. "I see your still as cute as ever and still in girly clothing." he chuckled. Ayato never liked him and he had a feeling this was about his dressing as a girl. It always was when it came to the upperclassmen. "Just spit out what you want from me. Answers to the next quiz, to do your homework...? I know its all the same as before." he sighs. Yuuto smirks. "No way! We aren't in grade school anymore. We are men now and as a girl Aya-chan, you have to step up your game. If you plan to dress like a girl then you'll have to play the role of a girl. For each and every one of us." he said. Ayato may have been home schooled for a while but he wasn't foolish. He knew what Yuuto was getting at and didn't like the sounds of it.

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Takano had headed in to the school since it was taking Ayato so long. Spotting him getting cornered by a bunch of Guys he called out "Hey Aya mom and dad sent me to get you so we need to get going they said we were going out for dinner" Takano walked over and pulled Ayato to him and then gave him a light push so that they could get going and way from the boys.

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Ayato bit his lips as he wonders what to do. He was only slightly relieved to see his brother. The upperclassmen stepped aside as they watched them leave. "Takano... Is that true? Are we really going out to eat?" he asked following him out the building. Ayato quickly got silent. "Please don't tell mommy and papa. I don't want to be home schooled anymore." he says

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"I promise but from now on if they bother you you call me and I will either come and get you or you can use it as a way to get away from them I will tell mom but she will make sure that you are picked up so that they can't do this again and I'll talk to mom about dinner ok" Takano gave him a one armed hug holding him close and was more then ready to pound the boys that had bothered him

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Ayato smiled as he looked at him brother. "I am so glad your my brother Takano. I couldn't imagine any other person being my big brother." he says with a smile. He heads home with him. "What kind of things do you like Taka-nii? I really want to get to know my big brother better."

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"we can talk later while doing your home work right now we need to hurry mom was ready to drive here and get you herself when she texted me last" Takano smiled at him lightly since he knew he wanted to know more about him

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Ayato nods as he walked a bit faster with Takano. He knew things would be hectic once he got to school tomorrow but he was prepared. He decided he'd wear one of the new outfits his mother bought. 'It may only temporarily hold them off but its better than nothing..' Ayato thinks.

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Takano ruffled his hair when they arrived and got out of his mothers way when she moved for ward and hugged Ayato hard happy to see that he was ok and that nothing bad had happened to him while at school

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Ayato smiled as he was embraced by his mother. "I am home mommy. Taka-nii came to get me. I am all in one piece." he said smiling happily. He was glad someone was concerned about him. His father was always the only one worrying about him. Now he had two more people to care about him.

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Nakata hugged him hard wanting to make sure that he was ok. she had been worried since she hadn't gotten a text right away saying that they were on their way back. Takano then headed in to get something to drink and rolled his neck wondering what all was going to happen that day

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"You are squeezing me out of air mommy" Ayato says giggling. "I really am okay. Though I want to go and talk with big brother. I have to bond with him." he says eagerly trying to get away but only playfully.

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