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Hey Guys, I'm back with another CD Contents from DL site A sexually ignorant young boy is sent to the demonic world. The demon lord generously teaches him about the birds and bees in this lovey-dovey situational voice drama. Contains: fellatio / deep kiss / boy's cry / rabbit / 6 tracks total playback time: 39:56 for ending 1 / 41:31 for ending 2 [Credits] Production: Eisyodo CV: Leraje Illustration: Jewel Savior FREE You can Purchase the original work Here 👉 DL Site And the Download Link : MediaFire Also Don't share these CDs outside of this Forum without My Permission 💥 You've been warned ⚠️ Nevertheless Enjoy~
Title: Tsurumaki Sensei no Sakka Seikatsu Original: 弦巻先生の作家生活 Author: tacocasi Year: 2017 Download: LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.
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Hello!!! I would like to ask if anyone has heard any updates for this one. I've only been able to find it updated to chapter 4 in English and Spanish. But I am aware that the original is updated with 2 Volumes. Volume one containing about 6 or 7 chapters, the same for chapter two I believe. I am not 100% sure. The author is Pokerou, initial publishing in 2022. I just want to know how it's going and where I can read it or something. Thank you so much!!
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This might be 1 or more books, I don't know. But what I am looking for: Mc, have contract w this demon. Mc has been living for a long time now. He kinda have a crush on ml, demon. The ml is a demon, high ranking, that has been w mc since the beginning. I think mc was abused and raised by his father so he, the father, could use his son's, mc, power for himself. I'm sorry, I might be missing 2 books. Anyway, mc and ml r in this safe haven, protected by a witch(?) Who turns out to be working for his, mc, father revival. And I think this is a society where the supernatural deals with themselves and the human government have no parts, or only higher ups knows about them. I think. There was a plant, a wolf, and at the end mc was voted to be the new leader but he went to the appointment with no clothes on( he can do magic so he let's everyone thinks he has clothes on). This one person in this appointment, i think this person is the new leader instead of mc, when the person pointed out that mc is naked to this holy meeting....I think. Ps. The plot is mc and ml fighting 4 their lives while this other supernatural groups try to resurrect mc father. And mc went back to his childhood house, where the butler was already defected(?). Anyway, the main point is, the resurrection almost succeeded or succeeded and then mc destroy his father's corspe for eternity...ish. Anyway, if this section is still active. Help me please. Thank you And if I do find it before new notification, I will be coming back here.
Played this demo today. It was fun. I'll toss a few nickles at it when I get paid.
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Here are some ideas I have for some pairings/ships that we can do. The bolded roles are the roles I would prefer to play, but I am up to switching things around. Don't fret. Vampire x Human Aristocrat x Street-rat/Urchin Apprentice x Wizard/Witch/Magic-Wielder Witch/Wizard x Werewolf Werewolves --> Alpha x Omega Master x Slave Master x Pet Demon x witch/wizard Demons --> We can discuss what to do through PMs if you would like to rp this one. Merman x College Student Chief Medical Examiner x Detective Forensic Pathologist x Pathology Assistant Teacher x Student (I could lean either way on this one) Prince x Peasant/Serf Noble x Peasant/Serf King x Prince Cellist x Model (Once again, I could go either way) Psychologist x Patient Professor x Student Magical Professor x Magical Student Supernatural --> A roleplay consisting of supernatural elements. We can discuss this if you would like to chose this one. Necromancer x Druid Druid x Necromancer Some Darker Themes/Pairings
There exists a world beyond the mortal realm, inhabited by all measure of spirit creatures called demons. There are many places in this world, and many kids of demons, but Azizodarh is an incubus, young by the standards of his people, and one of the few incubi without a human sex slave. In his world, it is /expected/ that he will have a human, without one, he will be unable to drain sexual energy, and will weaken. He's been subsisting on gifts from friends who are willing to share their pets, on students from training acadamies who are willing to rent their wares, or from professionals who charge for their pets by the hour. He knows how it is done, he's seen it happen to his friends. Humans are willing to sell their souls in exchange for all kinds of trivial things, summoning demons through bizzar rituals, bartering eternity for finite riches or love or skills. He's sure that in the human world these things seem very important. But he has never found one that he likes, that he wants to put the effort into training and rearing. He's seen the new ones and they need to be be broken. His friends tell him that he needs to settle, that there are perfectly good pets going on the market every day, but he doesn't think he's reached the point of accepting something not to his tastes quite yet. He doesn't know exactly what he wants, but believes that he will know it when he sees it.
18+ Spandexverse: Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Link/Ghirahim
candicame posted a topic in Anime/ Manga
I can’t even begin to explain how completely insane this is. It’s as if it’s some alternate universe where someone- not me, but someone who looks like me, and reacts like I do, is in a situation that I would never find myself in. Perhaps I tell myself that because I can’t cope with the complete failure that I have become. I try not to think about it. I’ve always tried not to think to much about what I’m doing, because if I do, I become overwhelmed- because if I allow myself to think, I think to much, and the depression sinks in so quickly and so completely that all I can think of are ways that I could escape- not escape so that I could undo all the damage I have done, but escape from the world of the living through any means necessary. And it has become very clear that escape is not allowed. The very thought of escape is not allowed. This world- for it is a world in and of itself in this castle, is so dark, so different from the airy sky-islands or even the lush variety of land on the surface, that it drains energy. I have tried- oh how I have tried to escape, but without Fi I am nothing. How did I let this happen? I find myself wondering over the fates of my friends, of the people who stood in the way of the demon- and when I do, the anger that swells within me is enough to warrant an attack- I can’t contain it. I can’t control it. And my entire body festers in the anger until it threatens to tear me apart. I want to know. I want to at least know what happened in the world outside these gates, to see the destruction that my failure has caused. Why the hell did this fall to me anyway? What did they expect!? I was nothing- I wasn’t at the top of my class, I wasn’t a warrior I wasn’t a knight. If the goddess chose me, she made a horrible choice- if it had been anyone else- Pipin for example, we wouldn’t have been where we are now. Why did I follow that goddamn spirit out in the middle of the night? Why didn’t I go back to bed and forget what I had seen. Why did I do any of this? I have doomed us all- and everyone should had seen it coming! The way that Groose did. We had an entire army of knights, yet they let me, time and time again, venture to the surface alone. I cannot blame myself entirely- because this should have never fallen to me to begin with. But that does not change the fact that I failed. "Good morning, Skychild." So it’s morning now, is it? You would never know in the perpetual gloom that sinks over this land and never lets up. The clouds that I once dwelt above are a blockade now, dark and brooding. They no longer offer any comfort. Lord Ghirahim’s mocking voice rings in my ears, and I want to rip him apart. I want my sword so that I might slice that wicked grin off his arrogant face. "Are you ready to come out of your cell, yet?"He leans against the bars of my prison, head tilted with that ridiculous hair blocking the view of a full half of his face, and speaks as if talking to a caged dog he’s trying to get to stop chewing on the furniture. I am not his pet. I glare up at him and scowl. "I had hoped that you would eventually see the light,” his face shows a tinge of sorrow, but I’m certain that he’s faking it. I growl at him. I’m getting out of here. I’ve exhausted all my ideas, but as long as I am alive I have the ability to think. And I will not trust this spirit- I wonder what he has done with Fi. "Skychild," his tone is one of warning, and I can see the white fabric cape he had been wearing disappear in a flash of light. Good. He’s angry. He comes down here, to taunt me every day- I remain in his mind and that tells me that he still considers me a threat. I look up at him- I can mock as well as he does with a plastered-on smile and a gleam in my eyes. I am defiant. And he knows it. He is not my sword and he sure as hell isn’t my master. "Master wants me to kill you," the demon lord explains for the thousandth time, "It is only by my good nature that you survive. You would think that you would be a little more grateful." Then kill me. Kill me- unless something is stopping you. I continue to watch him, silent and defiant. "Pretty little hero," he mocks, shaking his head his ridiculous piercing clacking against the cold metal bars, "Who are you trying to protect now?" And he’s gone. I hate it when he does that. There’s absolutely no reason to do that. He’s going to reappear somewhere creepy- I know it. That’s just the way that thing is. He’s trying to freak me out and I’m not going to- I scream and scamper backwards as he appears within inches of my face. My heart pounds against my rib cage as I foolishly back myself into a corner. Why do I keep letting him get me like that? I take deep calming breaths and glare at him, at the intrusion of my personal space and the violation of what little composure I have left. I hate him. And he’s crawling on top of me. This time I won’t let him get the reaction he wants. No, I know what he wants, and I am not going to give him the satisfaction. Why is everyone in this realm so huge? He does it to be menacing, I’m sure of it. I don’t know if the spirits can control their height or not, but Fi wasn’t twice my size, and the man- the thing towering over me always used his size to try and intimidate me. I take a deep breath and tell myself that it doesn’t matter. I’ve felled foes larger then him, I’m trained- I’m almost a knight- And his hands are at the sides of my face as he stares down at me, his hair falling away and revealing his entire countenance with those demonic glowing eyes. He’s staring into me. He thinks that I will falter- but he’s wrong. "Skychild," he repeats- and it is still not my name, "You need to stop this foolish struggling." He forces me to look up at him, into those glowing eyes- and I can feel the rest of the world melting away… No! I jerk my eyes closed violently and try to wretch my head from his grasp- but he’s strong- so strong- and all I hear is an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. Let him be angry. I don’t care. I know I only tire myself out fighting, but I want him off of me and lash out, pushing him away, bracing myself with the floor to push him off of me. "Stop that," he says and his voice is one of warning. The tone that tells me a "punishment" is coming. He repeats it in the same voice as I try to scamper out from under him. "I am tired of this," and it shows in his voice and the scowl on his face, as the milky white of his skin is beginning to fade into a shining onyx. "Stop this insufferable disobedience right now.” Never. It comes across in my eyes and he hits me hard enough to make the small room spin. I want my sword, but I don’t need it to fight against him. I kick up, pushing him away and allowing myself to scuttle across the floor, but it’s a temporary escape and he grabs me by the wrist hard enough for me to hear a sickening crunch. It doesn’t matter if I lose- he only needs to know that I will never submit. My vision is still blurry as he moves with that inhuman swiftness, pinning me down and doing his damnedest, despite my struggles, to hold me open for him. How is that type of strength possible? Is he drawing it from his master? "Stop. Struggling." he hisses again, his voice commanding and frightening, but I’m beyond fear. I let out an exasperated grunt and use the wall behind me for momentum to shove against him, but he’s stronger still and slides an arm under my back. "There you are," his words are soothing- does he think… what does he think? "Calm down Skychild, and I won’t have to hurt you." I hate that name. I hate it so much. It reminds me of everything I was, of everything I lost- and I must have been crying because I felt the tears streaming across my cheeks. Not now, of all times, goddamn it. Absolutely not right now. And he’s kissing my tears away. What the holy hell is that? "Calm down, Skychild," he instructs again in little more then a whisper, running those hands up and down my back. That is not my name. Not my name. Not who I am. He’s so much stronger then I am- and after everything I’ve been through, he has nothing better to do then to sit here, holding me and pretending to know who I am? I want to kill him- I want my blade to be the thing that spills his blood and causes him to draw his last breath- I want… "Everything is going to be alright," He assures me, and pins me to the ground. I wish I was strong enough to kill him. Instead, I find myself burrowing into that diamond-patterned fabric, so ashamed of who I am, of what I have become that nothing he does to me matters anymore. None of it is of any consequence. Because I can’t escape. I know that. So for all purposes, I’m already dead. And it doesn’t matter what happens to a dead man. So I let him kiss my closed eyes, and I try to tell myself that at least it’s some kind of contact- at least I’m not completely alone in the darkness anymore. I try to tell myself that maybe if I give into him he’ll let me go- or give me more freedom so that I can try to find a way to escape. And I let myself believe it. I’m desperate, and he can feel it, he can feel the change as the tension in my body is replaced by defeat. And he’s back to his soft kisses, across my jawline and down my neck and I have to admit that after so long of nothing, then pain, that a little bit of pleasure has to be taken when it’s offered. I know how stupid it is. I know what I’m doing wrong. And I tell myself that I’m only doing it because I have some small hope that he’s going to release me. And by the time that he’s at my lips I’ve stopped telling myself anything altogether. I don’t care anymore. That demon tongue… he has amazing control and I give up thinking and just live in a tactile wonderland of sensation. I escape from my practical mind and think of nothing more then the way his soft hands feel on my warm body, of the way his tongue massages against my own. I had nearly bitten it in half once- but now the desire to do so has drained from me. I can take solace in the feelings it brings. He becomes… less violent when I’m not trying to push him away. He isn’t mocking me for giving in or hurting me like I thought he would. He defies expectations by pulling away from my mouth and nibbling down my chest, the one bright red eye that I could see locked with my own, taking in my puzzlement. He’s leading me up to something- I know it. This is the calm before the storm. I don’t close my legs when he pries them apart, I only pull myself a little farther up, bracing my back with the cold stone wall and watching, shaking with anticipation- I have no idea what he’s going to do. I know he wants to hurt me. And a million things dance through my imagination- the vast majority involving some kind of genital torture that my brain won’t finish fathoming- it sees no reason to put me through any kind of anguish when it knows that I’m about to experience it in the outside. He grabs my dick and I freeze, every muscle tense- afraid that if I move or breath it will spur him on to something terrible. He rests the other hand on my side and looks down at me with a smile. "See?" he asks, "Doesn’t it feel better to give in? Look how excited you are." What the hell is he talking about? Don’t think about it. Should I try to hide the fear in my eyes? Does it matter? But those thoughts melt away as he picks up a rhythm and moves his long fingers expertly across my cock- the fear never leaves me, but the sensations are enough to provoke strange sounds and feelings of relief as he seems to know just when to squeeze and just where to touch, playing nimbly with the little bundle of nerves under my head, and teasing at the slit, squeezing the shaft to provide that extra little friction- I don’t notice that my arms are around his neck until he stops and pulls his hand away. What the fuck is going on? His fingers are at my mouth and I assume he wants me to open it- there’s something coating them, salty, sweet- my precum… Oh fuck. He’s… I’m… This is so fucked up. This is beyond the ability for my psyche to understand, and I’m not even going to try. He takes my chin in his fingertips and forces me to look up at him. "What’s wrong Skychild?" He asks, and for once it doesn’t sound as if he’s mocking me, "Let yourself go. Enjoy it. Haven’t you ever done this before?" Done- what the actual fuck? No. No I’ve never gotten a hand job from a demon in a cell after the goddamn apocalypse before. I can’t even… I can’t even really wrap my head around that as it’s happening. I can feel my anger rising again, but it fades as he pushes violently against my lips, warm and inviting, leading the way, leading to what I can only assume is hell, and I’ve stopped fighting. His tongue. is magical, and it puts me at ease. By the time he pulls back, I’m in his lap and I have no idea what I’m doing there. The bulge grinding against me shocks me- I honestly didn’t think that the spirits had… well, anything down there. But obviously, I was wrong. He had something. And it was in proportion to his body. What the- did he want me to do something? No- thank god, no, he was sliding me off his lap and back onto the floor. The panic was slowly easing itself away when he loomed over me again. He kissed the side of my jaw, then nibbled up my ear, and I shocked myself by wrapping my arms around his neck again. There was something desperately wrong with me. I’m letting him play with me- I’m… involved in my own downfall. Perhaps it’s what I deserve. "Still the strong, silent type?" He asks me, whispering, his hot breath against my ear. What does he want me to say? "Never mind" there’s an underlying laughter, and the memories of that laugh come flooding back- nothing good follows it. Demons and beasts of nightmares are summoned with that laughter, traps and battles and hell itself. I jerk my arms back and prop myself up, and I know that the fear shows now. I wish he would just do what he was planning and leave me to my own suffering. His gloved hand is tracing little triangles across my chest, and I lay my head against the wall and try to breath, try to will myself through this. He’s a cat with a mouse. And suddenly, his hands are at my hips and he’s jerking me to the floor again. I brace myself and stare up at him as he looms over me, licking his lips with that unsettling tongue of his. "So beautiful for a mortal," He must have been talking about me, and it angers me. As my eyes narrow, he notices and tries a correction, "Don’t be upset Skychild. Relax. Your life doesn’t have to be like this. If you show me that I can trust you, then you could have a very different environment. I can let you see the sun again.” He’s lying. Isn’t he? It would be a lie to say that I consider myself experienced with sexual relationships, but I thought I knew what he was planning when he positioned himself between my legs, and I searched desperately for a way to deal with it. I looked up at him, judging him, resting there with his hands on my thighs, forcing them open, and I struggled, trying to will myself to say something- something that would stop what I knew was coming. Would it hurt? Of course. Ghirahim was going to do it, so it was going to hurt. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to prepare myself. He spoke again. "Are you afraid, SkyChild?” I opened my eyes and looked up at him- he wore that arrogant smirk that so often led to trouble for me. He knew the answer. I covered my face with my hands, ran them through my hair and looked back up at him. He was laughing under his breath, laughing at me- at how pathetic I had become. "I’m not going to try to hurt you,” The promise fell from his lying lips, “so you need to relax.” I looked down at his erection and suddenly, the realization of what was happening hit me full force. He was a big man, and… this was not going to work. Just- even if I had wanted it, there was no way- spatially, physically, it wasn’t something that could happen- And he was smiling as the first intense bolt of pain shot through me. It burned and stretched and even though he stopped, it hurt- an intense pain that shot through me, and forced my body to clench, to jerk, to try and scuttle away- but he reached down and held me by my shoulders, bolted to the spot. I hadn’t realized I had been screaming until the silence startled me. "It isn’t that bad," he chastised, and then added, "relax,” in a tone that made such an act impossible. There was no escape, and as he lunged forward, forming a path through my body-a body that rejected him outright, more pain shot through me, and I knew that something was horribly, horribly wrong. This was not happening. I cried out again and reached for the only thing I could find, wrapping my arms around his back and clawing at him, no longer consciously pushing him away or accepting- my mind was focused only on the pain and the ordeal going on inside. Everything was stretched out of place, rearranged to make room for him, and by the time I felt his hips push against my balls, something inside sent a bolt of electricity through my spine and I felt as if I were going to pass out. I saw stars against a black background and a brilliant flash, and nothing else mattered. I was spasming, twitching, and I couldn’t stop until he had pulled back. "Now," he smiled, and brushed my face with his free hand, one that wasn’t holding me down, "This is the part that you’re going to like.” Liar. He thrust forward again, both hands on my shoulders, but this time there was no path to forge, and all pretense of gentility was abandoned- he slammed into me with the force of a killing stroke, forcing me to brace myself against the wall to avoid slamming my head into it. But what he said was true, the pain was lessened almost to the point of nonexistence, and as he slammed again, the bolt of pleasure lit up my nervous system- and the world outside my body melted away. This happened again and again, but I had lost track of everything- I had all but forgotten about him as anything other then the cause of this feeling of euphoria. I was aware of an intense pain, of a soreness, but it was distant and far away, as if I were under the influence of some wonderful drug, and in my consciousness, all that was really present was the rhythmic feeling of those glorious bolts- he had somehow timed it so that one would begin just as the shuddering rays of the last had faded out. I had no control of my muscles as they hit, I knew that I had to be ripping the flesh from his back, but it would heal and it didn’t seem to be slowing him down. I could hear the rhythmic breathing he let out becoming more and more erratic, but it seemed far away and inconsequential. The euphoria wasn’t fading as it had been, he was moving too quickly, and the part I didn’t get to experience before a new wave set in was building, had no release, was burning, and I screamed at the sensation. The tension it created was unbearable- my body ached at it, but he continued his onslaught, merciless and uninhibited, slamming with all his might at blinding, erratic speed. I buried my head in his shoulder and held on, riding the waves of pleasure and praying for a release of the energy building up so high it hurt- And a flash blinded me as it did, as everything that had been building up spilled over, and my body was wracked with the overabundance, the energy, the pure ecstasy of the release, as every muscle tensed at once, and I felt my back arch, sending me into the arms of my lover, and reality hit hard and fast, shattering the facade and leaving me a panting mess. What was wrong with me? Did I just call Ghirahim my… No. No, I didn’t. I’m not insane. I tried to steady my breathing, but his arms were around me and he was kissing my forehead, no longer pounding into me, no longer doing anything but resting inside me and gently stroking me, purring with delight and leaving me confused, used, and weighted down with the world as it is now compared to what it had just been. I whimpered under his body weight and he slowly said something that I couldn’t hear, the orgasm still ringing through my body. He was counting. And he pulled out in one smooth motion and suddenly the path he was forged was cleared- emptied. I felt empty. I grabbed at him and tried to pull him back down, and he laid his head on my chest. After so long with no-one, it felt nice. I have forgotten all pretense, forgotten that I was supposed to be plotting an escape and took a few minutes to just enjoy the other living creature breathing into my chest. He kissed my chest and looked up at me, sticky- he had laid in the pool of my cum that had collected on my stomach and I was suddenly embarrassed about that- but it didn’t seem to bother him. "Did you enjoy that, Skychild?" I merely stared down at him in wonder. And it elicited another laugh. But for some reason, this one didn’t frighten me. "Keep up the good work. Show me that I can trust you, and I’ll let you out of this cell." He promised, and I didn’t believe him. "A warm bed with silk sheets, good meals, and you’ll see the sky again." I wasn’t going to get my hopes up. I nodded in understanding and pulled his head back to my chest. Just a little more time… -
hi dear otakus Since @rineaka posted this pic on the chat it got me interested. Do you know where this image is from? I tried google image search and apparently some pinterest pages have it but upon checking the pages they didn't actually have the picture, huh? Just looka at it the picture is so gorgeous - just look at those lovely demon horns I'm putting a 18+ warning just in case Thank you very much for your help!
The Concept: In this world, demons are bred with humans to create hybrids called nephil, who are then used as slaves for demons, as they are stronger than humans, but too weak to resist the power of a true demon, resulting in durable slaves that are easy to keep under control. YC is a powerful demon renown for his power in the magic field [of your choosing]. He has no real interest in buying a slave, but at a marketplace he spies MC, a nephil, with a collar bearing symbols indicating he's meant for sex. But what catches YC's eye is that, due to being incredibly proficient with his own magic, sees that he has an unusually high capacity for it, despite being a nephil, and should have significantly lower potency for magic. Thinking of the social benefit of training a nephil to be skilled with magic, he purchases him, for that very purpose. I'm semiliterate to literate, but I don't need epic sagas for replies, so long as they're longer than a handful of lines. I'll be available to reply at least once a day, potentially more. My idea for this, since you can probably tell from the title of the thread and the concept, that I'd like some bdsm elements, is that YC has little patience and is very strict when it comes to MC's schooling, and quick to chastise. (Of course, it's really up to you what your character is like!) Please let me know if you're interested! We can either discuss it here, or in PM, but please leave a reply here first if you wish to talk in PM. (My inbox is open)
You can call me Mephi. I'm just your average, everyday, lower demon. My current job is, literally Hell, but I've found time to amuse myself. I used to rp quite frequently when I was younger but only one or two remain (thankfully they've been longterm). So I'm here to bounce around, check out the loveliness, and hopefully scare myself up some rps. I'm very nice, I promise. I don't breathe fire much at all and I don't have a taste for people. -tosses thigh bone back into the darkness behind me- Absolutely, totally, human free diet. :Wink:
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- demon
- evil people eater
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Name: Archer West Age: 37 Appearance: Slender yet muscular build. Tall stature. Rich, sepia complexion. Narrow, amber eyes (though one is severely damaged). Medium-length, silver hair that is slicked back, worn down, or loosely gathered into a short ponytail. Usually wears a white, long-sleeved, dress shirt with a tie; black pants; black blazer; dark, dress shoes; fingerless gloves; and eye patch. Outdoor attire consists of a long, dark, trench coat splattered with questionable, red stains; and a scarf of sentimental value. Equipment includes (but is not limited to) enchanted, dual pistols, enchanted crossbow, an assortment of potions, and a sealing spell. Personality: Compassionate. Misunderstood. Impatient. Vengeful. Violent. Reckless. History: Born into a poor household, Archer was exposed to a never-ending onslaught of struggle, disappointment, and tragedy. At a young age, an unknown illness took the lives of his parents—the only family and people who cared of his existence. Holding a grudge against the unfortunate circumstances that contributed to his parents' demise, Archer swore to never let social standing take anything precious from him again. Instead of transferring to an orphanage and attending school, Archer relied on thievery to sustain a free, independent lifestyle. One day, he attempted to steal from a demon hunter but was caught. That fateful encounter marked another turning point in his life. The demon hunter took Archer under his wing and taught him his trade of hunting evil entities. Reluctantly, Archer also attended school, and much to everyone's surprise, was so advanced that he earned a high school diploma at the commendable age of 13. However, his misunderstood endeavors to aid the weak and innocent led to a fight (deemed an accident by adults) that ended with him damaging his right eye. The incident decreased Archer's trust in even the sincerest of people. With more free time on his hands, Archer shadowed his mentor on various missions, honing his skills as well. Unfortunately, one mission proved fatal for his mentor, and Archer was alone, once more. In the underworld, Archer became a renowned hunter and very wealthy from generous rewards. Despite his vision-impairment, his long and short-ranged marksmanship was rumored to be unrivaled. He also picked up skills in magic and enchantments, learning from the research his mentor left behind. As an adult, he gradually built some stability in his rather dangerous life and fell in love. However, before he could finally dream of a happy future, such bliss was trampled. A demon had brutally murdered his finance to shreds. All the money and riches he earned would never bring them back. Blinded by vengeance, Archer now seeks out the demon that shattered his naïve values.
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- demon
- embracinganime
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"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" "Let's make a Deal, shall we?" ++++++ Private RP/18+ ++++++ It was a dingy City in which the small establishment appeared. Magic went through great lengths to merge the building against another, as if it had always belonged where it now stood- connected somehow. And how was it that a building could suddenly appear and not make a starling scene in the community? Easy. It revealed itself to whom it Desired. Those it did not would not see it all. It was a perfect cloak, and a baffling one at that. The sun had just sunk beneath the horizon; the lasting dull colors dappling against the dark as if battling for it's last bit of Glory. A softly-lit neon sign slowly appeared above the entrance, flickering; the words it displayed were oddly blurred from far away. One would have to come closer ... closer still to read what it truly announced. Who would be the first customer? What would the sign read when revealing itself to the Patron. Would they be lulled to climb the steps and enter?
Red is the color of Roses and Rubies. Sweet is the color of Chocolate Love is the color a Box, a Bouquet and a Ring ought to Bring who I show it to but not Him not the Man my Heart beats for... No coin can buy a Gem that shines Bright enough to win his Eyes, His Smile glows with the purest Light and Priceless kind replies His Laughter Cracks open the windows at the Corners of his grin, A Flash Flood of warmth Follows, and Swallows me within Filling my lungs until I Choke on Jokes and giggles I am soaked up to my Tongue and Wrung out into squiggles He is Smooth with his movements and Glides like a phantom As misty Blue tendrils of magic enchant Him Gracing the walls of the path laid before Him Leaving in Shadow, the scores that adore Him He peers Far Deep into my watery Soul as the Sparks of my Trinkets slowly grow cold not a Tsar nor a Stranger does this Demon see, his Arms reach out for the Angel in me...
Character Sheet Name:Gaira Real name:Agares Sexual Orientation:Bisexual Age:Very old but looks like hes in his mid 20's. Personality:deceitful,evil, stubborn and controlling. Ability:Can change his appearance from a human to a demon, can control mortal's lives. Appearance in human form:Short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, tall, 6 ft, white skin, Appearance as a incubus: Medium length black hair, 6 ft, red eyes, pale skin, horns, masculine, black wings, fangs, and sharp finger black finger nails. Dislike:Humans, or being at a low rank. Likes:Having his army go out and cause wars and death among the world. Bio:A demon thats very wealthy with his family, lives in the underworld, where hes usually in control of millions of legions of many demons, he gets a bit bored with this and he wants to see whats like to control a human as a servant instead. A lot of the demons do not approve of this they hate humans but refuse to question their king why he brought a human to their underworld. Deyinara sat on his thrown in his household, studying his crystal ball, through it he could see the devastation that he had caused on the earth and he was pleased. All day long he commanded legions of demons to pester, abuse and have humans destroy themselves in their own sin. Deyinara was a wealthy king, and controlled his own kingdom, a civilized society, where he was incharge over everything. They also had other demons incharge of their own kingdoms, every immortal kingdom was different. Deyinara's kingdom had many emons that had similar characteristics to humans, such as appearance but they were far more evil than mortals. He also had many demon servants: females, males and angels that he had won over in battle. He abuse his servants, forcing them to serve, respect and feared him. None of them had the guts to rebel against him and a lot of them bore his children. He beats and controls them so much that they have become traumatized, forcing themselves to believe that he even though he abuses them he still loves them dearly. They have nothing else to live for and they rather believe a lie than realize the truth and be empty forever. When Deyinara started having kids, this is when Gaira came in the picture,he had a lot of similar traits to his father. Deyinara never showed any affection to any of his offspring. Gaira grew up to an unloving father with a mother that was a servant. One day Gaira became angry, he decided to beat his mother to death at the age of 10 because he didnt like the way she spoke to him. Deyinara liked how bold Gaira was, because he killed his mother and wasnt afraid of what his father could have done to him for killing what belonged to him. Gaira had a lot of kids for many servants like his father did, and he beat most of the servants for getting pregnant. He didnt want any kids, so whatever offspring he had never got a chance to see there mother but he still took care of them. He never loved any of them, however he did have a favorite like his dad did, Laufeia. Both him and Laufeia do not like people being defiant, telling them what to do or thinking they could stoop to there level.
This is an idea of mine which is not very new but i haven't used it here sooo imma try it. So the idea is my new-born angel, which is around 100 to 200 years old, is frustrated about heaven, so many works, from paperwork to taking care of after-life people. One day he can't take it anymore. He runs away from heaven, run away from his Father - God. But by accident, he has entered a demon's territory on the way escaping to Earth. Since then he was captured by the demon. But later they can develop emotions for the other This rp will mainly be BDSM, Bondage, but please don't go too bloody, guro and kill my character, A little bit is okay but not too much, pretty please. And if you want more info or additional details, we can discuss more. Angel:
Hai guys! I'm kinda new to all of this and wanted to start an RP...I had a couple of ideas and then decided to go on to do this one! Not only would I like some people to be characters in this RP I would also like some help, possibly with a bit more structure as I'm having a major block at the moment. There are three, maybe four main characters...Suggestions would be nice! Main Characters: Demonic Spirit - Seme (Can make himself invisible and visible, but when invisible only the boy can see him, this intrigues him causing him to follow him around) Boy -Uke (Can see spirits and a demon that keeps following him, fears the demon but tries not to show it...Though I say boy he is 23) This is the character I have chosen to play ^_^ Inspector - Seme/Seke (He is the boys best friend and also investigating a mysterious murder.) The Demon is not the killer but knows of other creatures that kill like this, normally he would stay out of these sort of affairs and revel in all the chaos but something about the boy makes him want to help...the demon is more than just a demon and will be progressed more through out the RP something that me and however decides to play the Demon will probably discuss further. The fourth character will be the true murderer who may not come in until a lot later, or make small appearances through-out slowly revealing himself! One Final Note!! Depending on how the story progresses, there may be a love triangle between these characters! Only time would tell!
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- demon
- horror yaoi
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hehehe! well I'm rolling around in my bed and just so happen that I have thought of a demon God so I made this Plot:cuteonion41: One day two high school best friends were walking in the streets talking random stuff, the other guy has feelings for his best friend but he wouldn’t want his best friend to know so he just keep it to himself about his unrequited love for him, then as they are walking in the streets a car was in high speed, speeding up in there way, his best friend saw this and push him away, taking the hit, his best friend was taken to hospital and was in a 1 week comma, the guy with the unrequited love taken guilty of this and went to see him occasionally, then one day his best friend suddenly waken up and came through but, his best friend is saying that his not his best friend but he is the demon god of sloth (lazyness) “Belphegor”. What do you think ne?? want to continue it??:cuteonion24:
- 15 replies
- best friend
- demon
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