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Who's the real Monster? (WolfDog x Dragongirl) [18+]


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Asher caught him. "So I do have another question why is the city repaired and not destroyed last thing I knew the demons were in the town and killing people." Asher said taking a bit of food "One more Tandome front never made it to Tyletus front," Asher said and looked at the adviser trying to make him sweat. Asher shrugged, "Another thing I never understood is why I love torturing demon's so much." He said

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The adviser felt like a trapped rat. Did Asher already know? Would he need another memory wipe? "Sir, I don't know what you mean, while you were having fun with a different demon some time ago, you missed the battle. It was short and the demons fled the area..." he said gulping hard. "As for the demons in the city... There are still plenty of places in repair, people just don't want to see their hero sad," he lied. "Demons are horrible creatures. It is fine to take pleasure in their pain. Just like the one you were having fun with upstairs," he continued. "Now hurry and eat. I'll go have them prepare dessert," he said and got up to head to the kitchen. He feared they might have to put their hero back to sleep for a while.

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"I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom." Feeling like something bad was going to happen he walked back to his room. Then sighed. "I don't know what is going to happen but I am going to give you an order. If I am not back up here in a hour or two I need you to come and find me no matter what. I think that they are going to do something to me because of the way he acted. It might be the only way to find out. You are not to sumit to anyone but me you hear me." He said looking at the demon. "Other than than I order free will." He said biting his lip hoping that would be enough and ran back to the dinning room hoping he was wrong about this.



"Demons are the worst and I will kill them all sorry about that I should of went to the bathroom before coming down here." He said as he started to eat the food on the table.

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"Just don't eat the dessert. Fill up on dinner," Xegas said quickly as Asher went out the door again.


"Not a problem," the adviser said. "Well then, enjoy your meal but don't fill up. Dessert is a a small personalized cake just for you. As a congrats on breaking another powerful demon," he said raising his glass.

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Asher smiled, "I'm kind of full I don't think I can eat another bite." He said looking at him. "The meal was great and I should really get back to torturing my demon. I bet he will miss me." Asher said smiling at the adviser

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"Oh come now, the chef worked so hard on this just for you. Please, you must take at least a bite," he pleaded and worked to convince the hero. As soon as Asher took a bite though, he found himself tired, and shortly, passed out. The adviser called for the soldiers nearby who grabbed up the hero and dragged him to another part of the basement where they kept the freeze pods.


Xegas didn't know how long he could wait... He took off right away finding the collar not reacting. Seemed going ahead of schedule was alright. He flew to where he could peak in on the dinner, though it was hard since it had been so long since he'd flown. It almost felt foreign and yet, it felt so amazing at the same time. He found the dinning room fairly easy and got a nice perch, watching the other for a while and when he saw Asher get knocked out, he shook his head. He had to wait to see where they were headed and try to catch them window by window. That wasn't easy but Xegas found a way back in nearby and followed the group to the basement. He hid in the shadows and watched the man pull out a book on how to freeze the hero and how it all worked. Xegas waited patiently for everything to be done before grabbing the book, and fleeing upstairs. For the sake of safety, he waited until the following morning to sneak back down but when he did, he found the adviser already down there already waking Asher up.... it had only been one night... and yet, they erased his memory of this time he was awake since it hadn't been long. Not good.


"Go, drag the demon back to the dungeon, clean his room before he thaws and we pretend that none of this happened, the adviser said and the men hopped to. Oh no. Xegas either could grab Asher now and book it... Or go along with it... He did have to re convince Asher without getting killed. The demon fled and returned to the room. He wasn't leaving him here. Not a chance.

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Asher knew it was a trap but couldn't help it he took a bite of the cake and with one bite he was out of it. Not really knowing what the hell was going on after words. Please let me remember something after this he thought in his sleep


After one night Asher awoke with no memories and looked around he was in a funny tube and awoke earlier that he should have "Where am I?" he asked looking around the room and held his head. He couldn't remember anything at all what was going on with him. His head was hurting so much at this point and didn't understand any of it.

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"Asher, Sir you're alright! And Awake!!!" He rushed over to the other pretending to be distraught. "You see, a demon came out of no where and attacked you. We had to freeze you to keep you from dying but don't worry. It was only for a few days. We also caught the horrid creature that attacked you," the adviser strung his tale of lies once again. "You have been asleep for three days and the demon that hurt you has been locked in the dungeon. Your men were so upset they harmed the creature but it is alive an awaiting your judgement. You can feel free to hurt it as much as you want to help you feel better," the adviser said drawing back out the original Asher. The hero that hated demons for all that they were.

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"Damn demons I'll deal with it myself I have to go to my room first I feel a little weird." He said standing up and walking to his room. Holding his head not sure why everything was weird. Walking into his room it looked a little different than he remembered. He walked over to his bed and laid now finding his pillow lumpy when he went to fix it he found a book and read it. "What the hell is this?" He asked and found a note. The note read

When you find this I'll be in the dungeon if you order me to tell you the truth I can do nothing but tell you the truth of what really happened.


Asher sighed and held his head. The demon had attacked him right well then why did he leave him a note like this. After Asher got his head cleared he went down to the dungeon and looked at them. "Leave us now!" He yelled once all the guards were out Asher sighed. "Something doesn't add up here. Alright lets see if this works I order you to tell me the truth on what the hell is going on here!" Asher asked

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"You certainly took your sweet time getting back down here, Asher," Xegas said focusing on the other harshly. "Read the book and it will explain. You are over 40 years old, the war is mostly over and you are being controlled, brainwashed really by that oh so loyal adviser of yours who isn't even the same you you remember," Xegas was giving him the short version. he didn't want to deal with explaining the whole freaking thing over again.


"The war is also a sham. Humans stole a dragon's baby and the mother got angry and burned down a village. Humans used it as a means to declare war," he added.

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"How do you know my name we have never met before." He said looking at the demon unsure if he could trust you. "How can I trust a demon like you!" He said glaring at the demon. "Demon's love to lie and play games how do I know if this book is real or not?" He said holding up the book. "Maybe I should just torture you into the truth." He said

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"See this collar, it is set to you. Any order you give I cannot disobey without it strangling me. For example, my name is Dave," he said and the collar immediately tightened for a bit and he squirmed and nearly passed out before it finally released him again. "Fuck... My name is actually Xegas. You've been awake for a while. I was hunted and captured by you somewhere about a week ago. I'm not too sure anymore. You've been in that freezer over night. Until just a short while ago I was in your room and we were plotting an escape. However, you really wanted to know your past... as did I." He had to take a breath now and pull himself together/


"If you still don't believe me then torture me. They can clean your memory but they can't take your feeling. One day, I give you one day. Torture me all you can, do everything in your power and then come to me tomorrow. If you still want to torture me then you know I've been tricking you. If you come back in the morning feeling a sinking regret in your stomach you know I'm telling the truth," He was willing to give himself up once more to this human and his eyes challenged Asher to take the bet or turn around and never know what is or isn't real.

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Asher grabbed a knife and walked towards the demon already feeling the regret he was taking about dropping the knife he sighed. "I guess your right I can't do it I just can't. Damn what the hell should I do so we found out about my past and then what were we going to do next?" He asked looking at the demon. "Damn it all it suck not knowing what the hell happened. So 40 years have past and I look like this still the book said they froze me because when I will killing demons I was being unstable." He said releasing the demon from the bonds. "Should we make a run for it or stay and fight them?" he asked holding his hand to his head

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"We planned on running. I don't really have much in the way of fight skills... Also, I need clothes," he stated. "You were faster than I thought. I figured you'd at least start the torture. You really have grown soft. That adviser is going to come looking for you to make sure his plans worked so just act normal. I'll help if anything goes wrong," Xegas said.

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"You are an ass you know that." He said thowing the knife and cutting the demons bonds. "Why did I save you the first time?" He said looking around and finding his demon hunting sword. "I guess he dug his own grave when he put that collar on you didn't he. The collar is the only reason I believe you."

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"Of course I am. I've been an observer all my life and now, I'm being dragged around like a dog on a leash asked to dance for you people. I'm tired and sore. I've been through a lot. The collar is a blessing and a curse." Xegas slowly got back to his feet and looked down still freaking naked. "You saved me because I was the only one who did and would tell you about what was really going on. I haven't lied to you and I don't plan to."

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"sorry, but I don't know how to get the collar off so if we leave. We have to do so with the collar or i can kill the human that has been lying to me about everything since the moment they woke me up." He said wanting to kill something.

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"I'm not sure that's a good idea but I won't stop you if that's what you want," he said. Xegas wondered if Asher really had it in him to kill the adviser. "Hey... I want to check one thing..." he grabbed Asher's head and head butted him really hard. The collar tightened but Xegas didn't stop. He hoped to clear Asher's head. It had only been one night. There was no way they could have erased his memories properly in that time. So, he wanted to knock those memories loose.

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Asher looked at him. "What the hell was that for you ass." He said looking at him as all the memories came flowing back into his head. "Thanks I guess do I have to tell the thing free will again." Shaking his head he sighed. "He is willing to go that far I do want to kill him would that release you?" He asked

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"Even if you order free will, it still doesn't want me to hurt you," he explained. "Killing him might work but I think he has to actually lift the spell... Use a powerful counter spell. Otherwise you might have to die to break the spell and after all we've gone through, I'm not having you die on me just like that," He said. It seemed the observer was now a bit too invested in what was happening.

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"Yeah like hell he will lift. I might have a plan to get if off you, but its risky." He said biting his lip. "If I tell him the only reason why I know is because you have that collar. He will erase my memories again, but he would remove the collar." Asher said thinking about it. "Unless you want to stay like that forever." He said

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"Do that and he'll kill me. He already tried to by giving you the chance to turn on me this time but I don't see him risking that again. The only way I can think of is if we spent a few more days here, you "Break" me completely and say you want to test my loyalty without the collar and see if you really succeeded. If not, then we should leave and I'll deal with this collar on my own," he stated. "We can't do anything risky for no reason again or things will go really south. You're on your last life her."

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"Its risky either way and if we stay here I will let you choose tho no matter the out come he is dead," Asher said trying to think of a way out of his mess. "I can't think of a way I don't want to just run, but I don't know if I can stay a fight here." he said thinking about it. "Your better with plans what do you think?" He asked looking at the demon

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Xegas's ears came down and it was clear this was one plan he didn't want to decide on. "The safest bet is to stay. I can handle the pain, I can handle the torture... I can live with it for a few more days.... But I don't want to live out the rest of your life with this collar on... Clearly, you're going to live longer than normal humans," he explained. Xegas was already so much older... but still... "As soon as the collar comes off, Cut his head off and I will fly us out of this place before anyone notices," he said. Xegas's eyes were dark and he looked truly serious now. "Can you handle this? Because when this is over I'm feasting on his remained," the demon said. This was the first time he actually sounded like a demon.

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"I guess I can try to." He said. "I could also say that for some reason you already seem broke, but I'm gonna have to hook you back up." Asher said biting his thumb. "After he is dead feel free to to eat him, but you might get a stomach ache since he is rotten. Alright I guess I should really torture you should I?" He said sighing. As he through another knife and grazed the demon's side. "Alright so sexual torture or normal torture?" He asked the demon

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