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A cute new bunny for me! 18+ (closed)


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Mitzu nods his head, "that would be... outside right? Since this house had been abandoned, it probably doesn't have any wood around inside," He goes outside and walks in the snow, finding a lot of big pieces of wood to use for firewood. Mitzu takes the wood pieces inside the house and brushes off the snow quickly so it didn't melt on the wood to make the wood unusable. He puts the wood near the stove and goes outside to get more wood. Mitzu was done gathering the wood and puts all the wood next to the stove, hoping this was enough wood.

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"That's a good amount for now" Sana replied as he started putting it in the stove and then afew minutes later had a nice fire going.

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Mitzu watches Sana was he as setting up a fire and smiles a bit as he closes his eyes, "it feels so nice, especially since it is so cold outside." He looks back at the vehicle, wondering if it was finally time to get Ayme and Yukie into the house since it was starting to get warm in the house.

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"Go and wake them up" Sana replied already deep cleaning the room they would be sleeping in as he smiled and continued to get more clean hot water.

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Mitzu nods his head with a smile, "o-okay I will go get them," he walks outside. He shivers, rubbing his hands on his arms as he walks to the car. Mitzu looks at Yukie and Ayme through the window, opening the door and sneaks inside. He slowly leans down so he didn't scare Ayme and Yukie, "hey, it's time to wake up and go inside the house now. It is all nice, clean and warm," he slowly shakes Ayme followed by Yukie to get them to wake up.

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"Mmh are we there?" Yukie asked as he streatched and snuggled into Ayme who woke up watchingnthe snow both twins fascinated by how pretty it was.

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Mitzu nods his head, "yup, we are here." He smiles as he crawls back to the door and watches Yukie snuggling Ayme as they were starting to wake up, putting his hand on the door. Mitzu looks at both Ayme and Yukie, tilting his head as he wondered what they were looking at and then slowly looks in the direction they were looking in just to see the snow. "Have.. you two ever seen snow before," he tilts his head confusingly. "Come on out and get a better view of it outside, it looks more pretty that way," he starts heading out of the vehicle.

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"We weren't allowed to leave the house so no..." Ayme explained as he touched the snow. "It's cold" Ayme mumbled as Yukie touched it also amused by the icy beauty that surrounded them as he giggled Sana watching from a window as he made dinner.

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"Oh... right, well not we have more freedom to go outside so things will get better now." Mitzu nods his head as Ayme touches the snow first, "yeah, it's really cold. I saw it all the time when I was at my previous house. The grandson there would always take me out of the cage just to play with me in the snow. I guess kids have their own amusement seeing a white bunny hopping out of the snow, just seeing my eyes." He watches as Yukie even touches the snow now and crouches down to make small snowballs. Mitzu perks his ears as he looks at the window, seeing Sana and makes a miniature snowman.

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"Dinners ready" Sana replied as he came outside and sat in the step to smoke watching the three as he smiled just a little.

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Mitzu looks at Sana as he puts down the little snowman, nodding his head, "okay," he wiggles his tail a bit, wondering what Sana made. He walks to the sink to wash his hands first before sitting down to eat. Mitzu sits down at the table and looks over at Sana, "aren't.. you going to eat to," he tilts his head in confusion.

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"Yeah in a minute" Sana replied watching the twins as he sighed and picked them up kissing their heads as he carried the, inside and set them down at the table serving everyone a stew.

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Mitzu sits at the table, perking his ears up as he turns around, watching Sana carry Ayme and Yukie into the house, "they were still outside? I thought they followed me inside the house. They must really enjoy seeing snow for the first time." He watches as Sana serves the food onto the table, sniffing the steam coming from the stew, "it smells really good," he picks up a spoon. He scoops up a spoonful of the stew and opens his mouth, putting the spoon in his mouth and starts eating.

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(Okay so when writing you don't a start a new paragraph unless someone new speaks please have proper writing when rping with me...if you cant have proper grammer and writing style for story writing we are going to have more issues. Your sentences are not punctuated correctly when writing, also your posts are not making sense and your sentences have peices that dont make sense such as when you say take the spoon to mouth it sounds like it was written by a three year old. Please fix your writing and keep it better maintained and then I will post.)

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"Well it is their first time seeing snow one would assume they wouldn't just come back in on their own" Sana replied as he sat himself down and ate his stew enjoying the thick chunks of meat inside it as he watched the twins and mentioned for them to eat both doing as told.

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"Yeah I suppose that is true. I know when I first saw snow, I didn't feel like going back inside the house either. I just wanted to stay in the snow and play with my previous owner's grandson." Mitzu pokes at the meat chunk in the stew with his spoon and tilts his head, "I have only ate carrots so ... is this part good too," he tilts his head as he scoops up the chunk of meat on the spoon and sniffs it. Mitzu slowly puts the meat chunk in his mouth and starts chewing it, "it is good," he swallows the meat and goes back to eating until the stew was all gone from his bowl, letting out a hiccup since he ate too fast. "Now I got the hiccups, but it was worth it, the meal was super yummy."

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"I'm glad you liked it" Sana replied as he started on dishes humming softly seeming to be much happier as Yukie and Ayme slipped down from the table and ran off to explore the huge house.

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Mitzu hiccups and watches as Sana was already washing the dirty dishes, perking up his ears as he watches Yukie and Ayme getting up from the table. Mitzu didn't just want to sit at the table alone, so he got up from the table and follows Yukie and Ayme.

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"Mitzu! Look" Yukie replied as he giggled and ran back excited to show his pet the giant bathhouse the tub or course empty it being a room Sana hadn't gotten to.


"It's dusty" Ayme replied drawing a squiggle in the dust on the floor.

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Mitzu looks at Yukie and tilts his head, wondering what Yukie was excited about as he looks at the bathhouse, surprise to see how big it was. He looks around, seeing it wasn't really too clean and looks at Ayme, "Sana probably didn't get to this room yet. He probably wanted the basics to run first, like heat and water. Then he got involved with making dinner," he continues looking around the room.

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"It will be pretty when it's done and we can take long hot baths!" Ayme replied with a happy smile as he ran out to go find dad wanting to hug him to explore the house with him only to find Sana outside smoking.


"Mitzu, maybe we can go outside tomorrow...the doctors won't get mad anymore" Yukie admitted as he blushed truely happy in his new home enjoying the old house. He smiled as he gently took Mitzus hand. "Let's help dad unpack~"

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"Yeah, a long hot bath sounds very relaxing right about now," Mitzu smiles a bit as he watches Ayme run off, wondering if he went off to meet up with Sana. He looks at Yukie and nods his head, "yeah... we don't have to worry about those doctors anymore even though I didn't really meet them." Mitzu perks his ears slightly and nods his head at Yukie, "yeah we probably have a lot of unpacking to do."

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"We didn't meet the doctors because they watched through the cameras..dad says we where a test family for experiments" Yukie explained as he let go of Mitzus hand upon seeing Sana and ran to his father happily snuggling him and almost knocking him over when he reentered the house Ayme watching from up in an empty cupboard.

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"So.. even if I didn't see them, they saw me? That is very disturbing," Mitzu shivers a bit, not liking the idea of being watched. He watches Yukie with and smiles, thinking back as he remembered what he was told, ~...if Yukie's father does pass away, how am I suppose to bring Yukie back to the house? It was destroyed,~ he thought as he sits on the floor, watching Yukie with Sana.

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