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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Julius jumped at the sound of Yukie's voice. He hadn't heard thf door or even his foot steps. He quickly turned to the other and smiled. Then Julius hurried over to put his arm around him. "Hey gorgeous" Julius greeted his lover and kissed him.

The kiss started soft but soon turned inyo more, as Julius's feelings of loning and and love working around his heart.

Julius got a few of the same pink petals on him, as his body pressed into Yukie's.

The witch drew in a big breath of air as they broke apart after a while longer.

"I've missed you" he smiled with blushing cheeks. Reaching up to remove a pedal from h

Yukie's hair.

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“Mmh I couldn’t tell” Yukie replied with a blush a touch surprised by how loving Julius was once he was back. “Where my guards behaved? They tend to cause trouble.” Yukie asked playfully before settling pretty bird on the coatrack the poor think having fallen asleep hiding under Yukies long hair. “I’m done with work for now so you have me all weekend” Yukie added with a tiered smile.

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Julius smiled  as he lossened his grib around Yukie to let him breath. "No they were very helpful and alot of fun to have around. They are still here but I think they gave me some space to rest.. also they helped testing out a few brews so next time you try my tea I'm confident you'll like it"

Julius reached up and caressed each of Yukie's cheeks. He could see the other was exausted from work. Even the raven slept.

"If you are tired what about we just chill out on the couch tonight. You don't have to push yourself."

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“I have tiered days but I’m good. I still want to stay up with you and keep you company” Yukie replied being stubborn enough to argue Julius despite being hardly awake on his feet. “It felt like years being away from you. It made me so lonely” Yukie admitted kissing his mates cheek ever so softly as if proving a touch more that he wanted to be near Julius and awake just to find that loneliness leave while he was awake the poor demon afraid of the loneliness  staying in his dreams while he slept.

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Julius didn't wanna force Yukie to bed since the demon was an adult. He liked that Yukie wanted to spent time with him. Even if his eyes were barely open. Julius had ti be sneaky so Yukie wouldn't figur him out.

He slid his hand into Yukie's and gently pulled the demon along towards the couch. "Come sit with me then. You talked about netflix and cuddles, before you left this morning.

Julius sat down and patted the spot next to him for Yukie to sit.

Then he picked a blanket up and unfolded it.

"I just feel a little cold" Julius said as he wrapped the blanket around both of them 

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“Even witches get cold?” Yukie teased as he snuggled down beside his mate his arms wrapping around Julius as he laid them down under the blankets. “Thought you guys had spells for everything.” Yukie mumbled Kia lips kissing Juliuss head as he kept him trapped under the warm blanket their bodies pressed together.

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"I prefer this over any magic" Julius replied with a soft chuckle.

The kisses tickled Julius in all the best ways. And the way Yukie held him tightly to him was so reasuring. Julius had forgotten all about watching a movie. Heck Yukie had him wrapped up in the blanket so good that he couldn't reach the remote.

The snake let them be to themself and went out to figur out if the guards still was there or not.


Julius and Yukie kept on sharing small butterfly kisses on the couch for abit more.

Julius's hands went around Yukie's waist. One hand gently stroke along Yukie's spine.

"This is much better" Julius whispered against Yukie's lips.

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“Mmh I’m glad” Yukie mumbled half awake as he snuggled lovingly into Juliuss arms enjoying every touch and caress. “Remind me to take you out to eat in the morning. I know a cute cafe on the beach” Yukie added with a small yawn his eyes closed as he tried to fight sleep but in the end lost and was out a few seconds later.

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Julius watched Yukie in the last few seconds he managed to fight his sleep dozing eyes. He kept quiet and continued to gently touch him. Even as Yukie already were sound asleep.

Yukie properly didn't get it. But Julius was just as satisfied having the demon sleep comfortable against him, as he would any other time they spent time together.

Well... not if we were in the act through. Julius reminded himself with a cute little blush as he kissed the tip of Yukie's nose.

He wondered if yukie was dreaming right now and about what kinda dream he did have.

Julius watched Yukie thought fully. He could go look for himself?.. Yukie said he didn't want sleep to separate them. Julius could dream with Yukie. He knew the magic to it but had never tried it on anyone before.

Julius just hadn't wanted to be with anyone like that before. Since entering another dream would mean that person would be able to crontrole Julius if he wanted to. Compared to the other Julius would also feel things like pain or pleasur transfered to his own body. But Julius could always break the spell if it became to much.


Julius stroke Yukie jaw as he decided with himself to do it or not.

He went and did it.. Julius rested his forhead against Yukie's and closed his eyes as he let his mind slip in through Yukie's skin.

When Julius opened his eyes again the was a bit of fog around as the pictur sharpened.

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Looking to the distance one would notice a much younger Yukie the young demon holding tightly to an older mans hand as they both stood in a soft green meadow the house behind him in the distance looking much like Yukies current home. As they stood the older man seemed to be talking both looking at the almost brand new home that was showing a few areas of construction being completed by a group of people. Smiling Yukie seemed happy as a beautiful woman sharing many of Yukies features walked up towards them the family wearing old feudal era clothes and seeming rather happy. Yukie laughing ran over to the woman gently being held and adored by his mother the sight rather loving and heartwarming.

”you should be careful. My dreams aren’t the best place to explore around in” Yukie added as he stood beside Julius watching the faint memories of happiness. “They turn dark rather quickly.” Yukie added as he watched the family go towards the house the scene changing as the men’s faces that where working blurred and they focuses on Yukie and his mother generally worried the two had possessed the man and would posses them or the village. “I have a few small memories that I can remember of my mother before father went insane...these are my most common.” Yukie mumbled as he stood by as if watching a movie the characters moving along in the dream being such a happy family.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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Julius jumped as he suddenly heard Yukie's voice beside him.

How did he know it was the real me? Julius thought as he watched the family move away.

"Do you see these every time?" He asked instead. It was no wonder why Yukie couldn't relax if he did.

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“Mmh sometimes they look different. It’s hard to explain sometimes I dream of you. But usually I can’t talk with you like this. Usually your in a much different setting” Yukie added as the scene before they changed in a blaze of hellfire and their surroundings where pitch black before the sound of soft rain could be heard. Looking through the trees Yukie smiled warmly at the scene before them the two lovers sitting outside on a comfortable loveseat watching the cool summer rain and drinking some tea. “Dreams of you usually are peaceful or incredibly sexual” Yukie added having shown his mate one of his more milder dreams as other areas of his consciousness showed up behind them as little orbs of white light. “Dreaming connects me to my other forms and to other parts of me” Yukie explained as he looked at the two together. “You can explore if you want but I’m not sure it will be interesting to you you might stumble upon dreams mixed with reality.” Yukie explained his life being rather entangled with his dream state.

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Instead of looking through the dreams Julius reached out for Yukie's hand.

It would have been hard to touch since there were only a memory image of their form in Yukie hand. But since Julius had entered Yukie's dream he could touch and feel everything.

Julius squeezed Yukie hand and made the other look at him.

"What abou we just make a new one together? I want to spend time with you my mate"

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“Mmh that would prove interesting. What would we even do?” Yukie asked curiously as the scene shifted and they where on a beach the soft breeze drifting by as Yukie lead Julius down the beach so they could decide.

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Julius hadn't honestly thought things through that far. "I don't know" Julius replied with a shrugge. "It's my first time appearing in someones dream.. well not in yours but thats driffrent" Julius smiled shyly as he looked at yukie with the ocean behind him. His lover were so beautiful that if was unfair.

Julius wanted to do nothing more that pulled the male into a huge bed. He would even be willing to do a couple of kinky. After talking with the guards this afternoon. The things they said still hung fresh in his memory. 

Julius didn't know it but suddenly a bed appeared along the beach, right in the sand.

A big wooden bed with soft cream white sheets.

Looking forward Julius couldn't help but to notice the sudden pop up bed.

"Mn..." Julius blushed.

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“Seems even in my dreams you only have one thing on your mind. My guess if you wanted to fool around but I fell asleep?” Yukie asked curiously as he sat on the bed marveling at how comfortable the mattress was. “Well, feel free to do as you wish with me. I’m at your mercy~” Yukie teased his eyes burning with confidence around his mate.

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"I'm not only thinking of sex.. but I wouldn't apologise for it either" Julius blushed as he looked back at Yukie. 

"I've.. learned things, while you were gone. And I can't help to remember those things when we are together.. don't call me a pervet cause it dosen't count compared to some of the things you be into." Julius smirked as the setting around them changed. He wasn't even sure if he was doing it but the beach disappeared and the bed stayed. Now however they were in what looked to be a huge glamorous rum. There were huge windows, showing a view from som sort of hotel in the city. There were high toweres and car light moving far below.

The inside of the room were dark in a comfortable way, with red wallpaper and light wooden floors. There were a couch with a sitting area and other light furniture.

The only really things out of normal was the huge mirror celling, and a decorated with things meant for sex. Such as an 9-tailed short whip in leather. Handcuffs, leashes gagballs. And dildos in all shape, sizes and colors.

Julius pretty sure they might have moved into another one of Yukie's fantasies. Because Julius could remember his fantasi be as detailed as this..

Suddenly he saw a image of himself laying on the the bed with nothing on that a couple of tight skin jeans. The Julius he saw was looking nowhere else but at Yukie with a sexy smile than screamed confidens and sexappeal. Julius felt his mouth drop in disbelive. He had never ever looked that confident and so utterly cocky, like he could spin the world with just a flick of his wrist.

"Well are you just gonna stand there all night beautiful? Hurry over here your sweet scent is making me all hot and exited." The second Julius sat up to showcast the bugle in his shorts. He rubbed his hand over it slowely. Watching Yukie with an intense gaze.

"Who do you belong to love.. say my name.. you'll be screaming it out soon"

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“I see so the guards ran their mouths a touch to much” Yukie replied looking at Julius as the scene shifted to one he knew all to well. “Well...seems my memory is still fond of this playroom. I didn’t want to scare you off so I kept the door locked back at the house. I had a wild streak enjoyed being a plaything and having playthings to much back then” Yukie admitted his eyes falling to the scene unfolding infront of him. Looking at Julius Yukie blushed a little before walking over to the Julius on the bed. Looking at his mate he was obedient to his master as if he had been very well trained. Getting down on his knees Yukie nuzzled into his mates hand affectionately. “I belong to only you~” Yukie whispered his voice full of obedience.

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The Julius on the bed smile widened as he caressed Yukie's cheek with his thumb. "God boy"

He slid his hand back and truck at Yukie's hair to make his look up as Julius stood up.

"I got something speciale for you." Julius said and a small box appeared in his other hand. He released Yukie's hair as he gave him the gift.

Inside were a smooth thin hair-pen in silver.

"Take your closer off and come here to me" he comanded in his normal voice.

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Yukie nodded and with a touch of a show stripped for Julius his body shining softly under the rooms lights as he carefully crawled beside his mate on the bed. Settling beside Julius Yukie waited enjoying his masters attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Julius pulled Yukie in closer and gathered Yukie's hair in a bun. Then he used the hairpin to fasten it. He smiled as he tilted Yukie's chin up to get a better look at his beautiful face. "It suits you" he said and kissed Yukie's cheek. Then he moved his hands over on Yukie's thighs and lifted him up onto his lay.

"What should my reward be for giving you such a lovely gift?" Julius asked as his hands rested on Yukie's bottom.

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“Whatever you desire~” Yukie whispered his face blushing as he settled down on his mates lap his body aching to be touched and adored by his master. Outside of the dream Yukie let out a small happy sigh snuggling more into the couch beside Julius his body reacting to the sexy dream.

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Julius smiled as he leaned in to kiss Yukie's lips. Light at first, then he put his hand on the back of Yukie's head and pushed forward to claim his lover's mouth.

Julius blushed as he watched the scene from outside. It was like he were closed off from it, he couldn't enter nor could he move. But he still felt everything the dream image him felt.


Julius groaned as he tipped them back into the bed. He lay on top between Yukie's legs and pressed down on him.

His hand explored Yukie's fair skin as his mouth travled down to nip at the demon's neck. "So beautiful. You are so absolutely breath taking... ngh.. My sexy little demon"

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Blushing red Yukie tried to not squirm under the soft kissing. While Juliuss lips wandered across his neck Yukie could only focus on his cock which was throbbing with need. “Mmnhgh” Yukie moaned his body burning at the touch as he whimpered feeling like he was being thrown into heat by his masters kind attention.

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Julius slid his hands down both of Yukie's arms. Till he could entangel his fingers through Yukie's. His mouth went back up to suck on Yukie's jaw and cheeks, as he slowly moved the other's arms above his head.

Julius untangled his hands but still held Yukie's up by his wrist.

The was a click sound of metal locking as Julius handcuffed Yukie's wrist to the bedframe. The handcuff were soilded with pink furry wrist bands.

Julius move back to ensure the cuffs would hold Yukie and not break as he pulled back on them.

"I know pink was your color" Julius smiled as he tilted Yukie's face up. "I'm gonna do some things to you now and it it too much you can use the save word 'Red' okay?" Julius said and waited for an answer.

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