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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Julius might have been a bit more louder than he would had liked to be. Any vampire near the shine could hear their love making.

Julius called out Yukie's name with such passion je thought his head would explode with the intens pleasur as Yukie hit his prostate. He trembled in yukie's arms and cried out louder each time the other's teeths pierced his skin.


He tightened down on him hard as a small load of cum got pushed out of him, just as Yukie pulled in and hit his prostat again. "AH yukie!" Julius screamed out Yukie's name as the other bite his neck and a enormous explosion of pain mixed in pleasure send his entre world rocking.

He wrapped his arms and legs around Yukie wraist to make move space to move with the other.

Julius were panting and shaking as sought out yukie's mouth. He should have been scared when Yukie's eyes turned but found himself not carring at all and just took.the mal in. Even the ion tast.of blood on Yukie's tongue didn't make his hold.

This was Yukie and he was beautiful no matter what.

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Yukie only grew more excited by his mates moans and cries of pleasure relaxing more Yukie fucked and went all out on his mate his horns and tail finally appearing alongside the giant black wings. Groaning happily at Julius moving closer to his body Yukie bit hard into his mates shoulder his teeth much sharper and longer then before as they easily ripped into Julius’s flesh. With a deep throated growl Yukie thrusted even deeper and harder until he finally climaxed filling Julius with a lot of his hot seed.

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Julius seem to be in a world of his own to even react to Yukie's transformation. He felt the horns grow under his palm. When they had grown to full size he was holding onto on of them, instead of the hair.

"Ah~Yukie~ah" Julius was panting as he felt himself come closer for every thrust.

Everything about it being gentle and slowe went straight out the window. He could hardly keep up with the guy as je took him hard right there on the bed. The water bed didn't make the same kind of noises a normal would have and it wouldn't wiggle with their movements.

It was kind like having sex on a giant gello, but with how deep Yukie was penetrated in him Julius hardly noticed.


When Yukie bite his for real, Julius's scream died in his throat as he splated cum between their bodies just before it went soft from the pain.

He tried catching his breath but Yukie made it impossible and even if he tried pushing him off, he had no strengt to fight.

He helt utterly relived when he felt the burn from his lover's seed in him. His shoulder ached like every other bite mark on him. But the wounds healed up quickly, only some light bruises marked his skin. It was the overflod of magic that worked that way on it's own without him noticing.


Julius held yukie to him tightly as whispered into the other's ear. "You are so beautiful Yukie" he ran his hand along the demon's strong wing. "So beautiful"

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“I’m sorry” Yukie whispered instant guilt washing over him as he laid beside his mate wishing deeply that he could control himself better. “I was to rough” Yukie mumbled moving to look at Julius his own beastly eyes a little calmer as he laid beside his lover his body quenched of his desires for now. “Humans apparently are much more breakable then I had thought...” Yukie whispered his finger brushing the bite marks as his eyes fell to look at them a deep guilt reflecting back. “ This side of me is move violent and sexually aggressive it’s the side of me that has any sexual desire so controlling it is rather hard” Yukie mumbled his long tail tipped with white fur swishing back and forth angrily as Yukie buried his face in juliuss chest. “Forgive me please for not being a gentleman” Yukie begged his voice dripping with sadness and regret at how much he must have hurt his mate. As Yukie laid quietly his long ears laid back against his head his body having hair only on his long ears and below his waist looking more storybook demon but with a human top half. While to some it would seem rather terrifying in a certain light Yukie could be rather seductive since his body was well cared for an maintained with exercise and a great diet.

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Julius pulled Yukie's face up so he could kiss the guys face.

"I'm alright now, see" Julius said as he pointed ti his closed up wounds. "You feet me up with lots of magic, so my body recover on it's own"

To prove his Julius pushed his lover back and sadled the demon's hips to hold him down.

"See."he smirked as a hand cared up along yukies furry leg.

"Call me breakable again and I'll have to punish you in a wau you might both hate and enjoy" Julius whispered as je kissed yukie's chest.

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“Oh is that a promise?” Yukie asked his leg moving and pushing Julius off playfully the cute little paw stretching a little before Yukie smirked and got up. “We need to shower and get dressed for dinner the person they sent to fetch us is still waiting outside” Yukie teased as he went into the shower and started cleaning off the smell of sex and blood.

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Julius pointed his tongue at him and chuckled as he was pushed back. "Foxy is sneaky and so hot when he is pushy" Julius giggled but tried to quited down as Yukie meantioned people waiting for them out side.

"Wups" the witch squizzed his lips shut with an awkward smile before he hurried after yukie to the showers. He waited for yukie to finish. He was embarrassed to admit that he still found it too embarrassing to clean up with yukie there. So when yukie finished, Julius told him he would been right there in a bit.


Once he was clean he dressed and joined Yukie in the living room. He wore the kimono tied as Yukie had tought him.

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Yukie sat at a table sipping some sake and wearing just some loose fitting shorts. Relaxing Yukie smirked at his mate adoring how cute he looked in his kimono. “Sadly I can’t fit in my clothes until I calm down enough to change back.” Yukie admitted blushing slightly before pouring himself another drink. “Have to admit I’ve missed coming to the villages to visit they spoil me to much” Yukie mumbled with a happy smile helping himself to the arrangement of snacks. On the the shrine keepers looked at Julius before setting down a giant fluffy pillow beside Yukie for him to join beside him while they waited on the vampire elder and the fairy elder.

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Julius blushed as the keepers brought in a big fluffy pillow it sit on. He only managed to send them a thanking nod a he lowered it eyes to the floor.

It was nice of them to think of his well being, but it also very much comfirmed how things were in the open room.

"I don't mind your cloths, I think you look cute" the witch said as he sad down and lightly took yukie's tail into his arms. He hugged it, liking how soft and fluffy it felt. If Julius could get away with it he would probably hold onto yukie's tail for the entire dinner just to feel him and to draw out the courage he normally was lacking.

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“I’m glad you approve” Yukie added as he sipped his drink watching the two elders enter the vampire huffing as he took place next to the fairy. “You both know I hate being dragged out for such silly conflicts” Yukie added his voice cold yet one of a pure alpha making them two flinch a little at the scolding. “The alcohol doesn’t make up for dragging me here either don’t think you can soothe me with this and food” Yukie grumbled his tail twitching angrily in Juliuss arms the thin but long tail almost like a very wiggly snake. Glaring at the two who sat in front of Yukie like scolded children Yukie smirked before pouring another drink. “I really did have to think of a good punishment for bickering and fighting the way you two have. Spilling each other’s blood in this shrine.” Yukie hissed his voice sharper and much harsher then before. “I grew a nice forest and home for you both raised both of you two together! Brothers shouldn’t fight like this you both know better. So...I’ve taken the liberty of arranging your retirement starting tonight! Tomorrow morning your replacements will take over and will be raising the child I’ve brought home to you.” Yukie finished mulling over his drink already quite tipsy and in a mood.

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The fairy eldre nodded, he had already predicted that outcome. Bu the vampired elder wasn't as pleased about being made to step down.

"I will not! It wasn't my people starting this. They broke the agreement not us"


When Yukie's tail was moving around too much Julius had to let go of it as he nervously watched the word exchanged.

The fairy elder broke in. "We only did what was best to the forest. Uou guys has all already moved to the city so why do you still hung on to it. Let me tell you why, because you are selfish and wants to own a much you can to have bigger influence!"

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“Your both forgetting that I own this land you live on!” Yukie snapped annoyed with the fighting as he sighed his tail slowing its flicking back and forth. “Evidently you have no choice when it comes to stepping down it’s either that or banishment from your village! And if you really want to fight me on it I’m all for killing you at this point” Yukie finished setting his drink down clearly drunk. “Neither of you will live here if you keep it up I’ll send both of you to mingle with humans and be under a much stricter law. Those that live with humans can’t drink blood and live with blood tablets and aren’t allowed to use any powers you get marked by me to become just like a human excusing the appearance.” Yukie grumbled as one of the shrine keepers walked over and gently touched Yukies cheek looking into his eyes for a moment before moving a basket closer to him in the event he did get sick.


“What our master says goes we can easily evict you if needed one of the fairies added looking to the vampire he worked alongside who seemed to be in agreement and carefully removed the alcohol worried Yukie was way to eager to fight the vampire. “At this point unless this conversation going forward is nonviolent in nature you may stay” the fairy added looking over at Julius the two not wanting him to see Yukies ugly side when it came to the meetings.


“You two shouldn’t protect him...Julius can hold his own and probably fight me off if I get out of it” Yukie added knowing that Raven had trained them all well in how to keep Him under control of he did drink and since the alcohol was offered by the two elders well Yukie found it rude to refuse the gift.


“We aren’t stupid raven trained us...” the vampire serpent added before looking to Julius watching his reactions as he tried to figure out if he wanted to leave or force the elders to leave.

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The vampire elder were just about to stand and giv yukie a piece of his mind. But Julius saw it coming and tighed the man down in his chair with magic and shut the vampire up as the staff came over.

He felt a hint of jealousy from the way the fairy casualty touched Yukie. He wanted to cast a spell that would make the guy back off but when he felt the vampire trying to get lose, he had to turn his attention back on the elders before him. None other that Julius and the vampire lord knew what was up. From an outsid view the Vampire simply looked as he tried not to glare at his master's mate. And Julius looked like he just sat there and not holding onto some ancient creature, that most likly wanted to breaj his neck.


Julius looked up and smiled as the staff looked at him with concern of his safety.

"I good" he said as he poured yukie a glass of water instead. He still didn't liked it when yukie drank cause he knew how easily it could get to him. But Julius also knew that refusing to tast the gift brought to him could send of the wtong signal.

Turning his head back the two elders Julius cleared his throad.

"How many vampires still lives in the forest?" Julius asked the vampire worker.

The guy looked at him confused. "Uhm, around 10 or so. Most of them workes around the shine"

Julius looked back on the vampire lord. "And you still think you can call your claim when you barely have people around here? From what I see the remaining vampires that lives here can stay. But your claim should be erased. You told me yourself, that you couldn't care less for some tree huggers as long as they stayed off your land. Now the land belong ti Yukie and he can say who should take care of that land. But this is something we should talk over with your replacement" Julius wore friendly face but his tone was all business.

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“I agree” Yukie mumbled as he was helped up the fairy easily fixing a strand of hair that had fallen out of place on his masters hair.


“I’ll go fetch the elders and have them escort these two out” one of the servants added coming in with some saltier snacks to help settle the demons stomach.


“Juice might be better mango if we have it...” the fairy added continuing to look after Yukie the male a little concerned with the rise in body temperature. “Better yet call Raven....” the fairy demanded a little before moving the waste basket in front of Yukie who proceeded to vomit violently. “ our new task is to keep these two here until Raven can come by and check Yukies blood. Seems he’s drank something that was bad for him” the fairy finished his eyes glaring at the elders sitting before him knowing that poison was quite an attempt. As the servant left to go call for Raven the four others in the shrine stood by the door guarding it patiently.


“What the fuck did you give me!!!” Yukie hissed clearly pissed at the two and wondering who would betray him in such a way.

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Both men became pale as they shook their heads. "Nothing was in it my lord I swear" the fairy tried to convince Yukie.

Julius couldn't tell if they were lying or not but they were differently afraid.

The witch released his hold on the vampire as he turned to yukie to feel his skin.

He was burning up. "This isn't poison it's something"'Julius said as he tried to cast a spell on yukie that would stabilise him for some time. He gently pulled the other's head towards him to study the demon's eyes. The eye could tell a witch many things, Julius didn't know if he could do the same with a demon as he would have a human but he tried anyway.

Focusing he sucked in all the infomation he could get as his hand checked each organ from the outside of his skin.

The stomach was the problem and Julius found his signatur on it. "Yukie I think this it because of my blood." Julius said worried. "Something in it mixed with the alcohol is what are coursing this."

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“Fucking hell” Yukie groaned clearly in a lot of pain as he tried to keep control of himself. Breathing slowly Yukie looked at Julius with murderous eyes his face flashing a grin that was quite unsettling. “I’m sorry” Yukie whispered before his features snapped and his body squirmed in pain forcing itself between forms quite instantly as he moved out of the shrine and away from Julius afraid his mate might get hurt.


“You said he was poisoned not going mad!” Raven snapped at the fairy who stood behind him Raven watching before opening the door and letting Yukie run out into the forest the shrine trashed and covered in throw up blood and deep scratch marks. Turning his eyes to Julius raven frowned before walking over and pulled the collar of his shirt down. “...you have some explaining to do at why your blood is hurting him” Raven added setting down a computer as he mentioned for one of the servants to keep watch at where the dot on the screen was moving. “If he leaves the boundaries notify Those in the direction he’s heading let them know to just stay inside and he’s just feverish” Raven added before sitting down and taking a deep breath before sighing and looking up at Julius.

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Julius felt a chill down his spine, as he saw the exposed murderous intense in yukie's eyes and moved a bit back.

It was an normal reaction, but Julius felt so bad about it when Yukie looked so hurt by it.

"Yukie no don't go" Julius got up quickly to go after him. But yukie was already gone before he resched the door.


Julius turned towards Raven's voice just as the male came up and pulled his rob out of the way. Exposing the dark bruises form the healed bitemarks on his skin.


Deciding Raven had seen enough he pulled hid clothes from the demon's grip and covered himself again.

"I don't know, it shouldn't." Julius stated just as confused as the other.

"But he was just fin up till he drank the alcohol so somthing in it must have reacted in his stomach somehow. I never drink and I'v never heard of blood reacting that way."

Julius felt lost and hollow inside for having hurt his lover, eventhough he couldn't have known.

"I need to go find him" Julius said as he turned back to the door.

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“You want to hurt him more then by all means go after him. If he ends up hurting you in that form he won’t ever touch you again.” Raven added with a frown sitting down at the table before helping himself to a snack left out the male tasting everything. Raising a brow he looked at the fairy who brought him the alcohol that he took on sip of and gagged. “Damn where they trying to get him killed” Raven muttered setting the alcohol down. “This stuff is stronger then normal most likely the alcohol and your blood upset his stomach his first reaction must have been thinking he was being poisoned due to the hostile atmosphere of this place” Raven added looking at Julius for a moment. “If you want go and get him then go but at least know what your dealing with from someone who’s dealt with him before” Raven added with a small frown looking at the shrine clearly not to pleased with the cleaning routine done with the place.

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Julius stopped in his tracks.

No he didn't know what he was walking into if he found Yukie but st the same time he hated being apart.

Turning back on his heels he walked over to the table and slamed his palm against the wood.

"How does this go then? Tell me what needs to be done cause I wanna help!" Julius's eyes burned with worry an hurt for him mate.

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“First take a breather and relax being tense and pent up with worry like you are will only freak him out and drive him away. Second he’s not going to wander far most likely he’s headed to a deeper shrine to either hide away or sleep off being so sick” raven explained already removing his kimono top and tying his hair back. “When it comes to getting close to him don’t touch him you do he won’t hesitate to lash out” Raven added the thick scars decorating across one shoulder and down his chest.


“This place really is remote” Another demon mumbled looking around as Haru popped out from behind his elder and ran to Julius hugging him tightly his face burying in his stomach.


“Oh yeah we dragged Haru with us didn’t feel right leaving him home” Raven explained already setting to work at getting the shrine cleaned and purified for his masters return.

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(Sorry if I get the people mixed together)


Haru was the last person Julius had expected to show up. As Haru ran to him he opened his arms and caressed the boys head.

With those bad memories from his past about vampires he could understand if the boy wanted to clench on to someone familiar.

"Hey Haru" he greeted the child with the best smile he could pull up.

"Wanna help me look for Yukie?"

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“I already found him! He’s in a tree up the mountainside!” Haru explained happy to have his family back the boy snuggling into Julius all the more. “I could see him from the car we took up here he looks stuck” Haru added before becoming serious to ask his next question. “Did you send him to the couch for biting you?” Haru asked getting a light snack by Raven.


“If it’s not your place to ask don’t ask it.” Raven added with a sigh rubbing his temples as his mate came over to snuggle him. “Just take him to Yukie. And don’t let him get eaten by anything or hurt” Raven added watching Haru take Juliuss hand ready to take him to see his mate

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Julius simple laughed at the kids question. He could now that he knew where yukie was hidding out.

"No" he shook his head. "His stomach it making him feel sick and hurt because of something he drank. He still got his spot in bed next to me" Julius winked as he took his jacked on and a blanked under the arm.

"A three up the mountainside, got it, I'll go get him had hopfull get him down if he really is stuck." Julius said as he ran out the door an ran along the path looking up and around for quit a while before he spotted him.

"Yukie, yukie are you alright" he yelled up at the three as he ran over to it. "Why the hell did you go up there?!"

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“Why did raven come up here and Haru!” Yukie yelled clearly still pissed but very much calmed down and feeling less sick his body having adjusted to the blood and booze. “Haru hates it here” Yukie added not wanting to face his mate after the show he had put on.

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The people around the shine called him here and he said he didn't want to leave haru alone. It was him who told me where you were so come down please" Julius asked yukie nicely before he would start using his magic to get him down.

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