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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Okay” Yukie whispered as he crawled into the bed and snuggled down beside his mate his arms wrapping around Julius. “I’m sorry I left for so long...you must have been worried” Yukie added his voice soft almost soothing as he played with his sleepy mates hair as if trying to comfort him.

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Julius sighed happily as he nuzzled into Yukie's embrace. Just thhe simple smell off him helped calm his nerves.

"I was pissed at you.. stil maybe, but I missed you alot too" the witch said tired.

"Next time.. I really.. will...kick.. y.."(zzz) Julius could keep himself away to finish, he was already back in dream land. Resting closely entangled with Yukie.

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“I look forward to seeing you keep your threat” Yukie admitted with a small laugh at his sleeping mate who snuggled in closer to him making Yukie smile.

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When Julius woke, he smiled as he fund yukie by his side.

He decided to tease him a bit by running a finger down the demon's forhead, nose and ending by the chin. Then he leaned in and kissed where his finger ended.

Julius felt refresh and well rested, his eyes felt a bit dry from crying yesterday and his legs a but sore.

Julius peeked over at the clock. It was 7am on a Saturday.

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“Mmh it better be after ten if your even daring to enter or knock on that door” Yukie grumbled having heard Haru walk down to the hallway to invite them to breakfast the male carrying the infant in a sling.


“It’s 7am and Saturday. Perfect day for a trip” Haru added opening the door slightly.

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Though Julius may had already know Yukie might have been awake. But he was still suprised and let out a startled yup, befor he started to chuckle. And moved away from his grumby lover's chest.

"Not a morning person" Julius smirked as he poked the demon.


Turning his eyes to the door as it cracked open. "Good morning Haru, a trip? Uh" Julius crawled out of bed and checked his plants. "Huh.. I don't know, I got a meeting with the vampire and fairs elders this afternoon"

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“That’s where we are going since it was planned I bought the train tickets and booked our rooms” Haru added with a happy smile.


“....god this is going to be uncomfortable” Yukie groaned as he stretched before wrapping his arms around his mate quite lovingly. “I’m going to be scolded for skipping out on visiting for so long. And for not letting anyone know I took a new mate. Hell Haru was sworn to secrecy the second he started working for me” Yukie mumbled snuggling Julius a little more.


“Wait till they get into the custody battle” Haru added in a little song song voice a small smirk on his face. “Come and eat while it’s hot” Haru added before leaving to finish watching his tv show and to feed the child.

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Julius like to feel yukie wrap him into his arms. He rested his own hand over Yukies as he turned his head to kiss the demon over his shoulder.

"Why do yiu need to tell others about me? Uh not that I mind, I was just wondering" Julius asked, wanting an exuse to stay just a little longer as they were.

"And what was that about custody battle?? Don't tell me there is gonna be fighting!?"

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“Well Normally I would throw a ball and invite all the elders to meet you and their clans. Have to admit I kinda got busy flirting with you and never got around to sending out invites or even telling you” Yukie admitted with an embarrassed blush feeling slightly ashamed he glossed over the celebration. “As for the whole custody battle I get final say who the child goes to. Being both fairy and vampire it’s a touchy choice.” Yukie added resting his head on Julius shoulder as he spoke.

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"Hmm, I prefer flirting, throwing a ball.. just how old fashion are you guys. All though I know people still uses them it still sounds weird. Back home my father calls it a banquet or a party.. guess that much be quite the same thing." Julius said as he thought it ower. "Speaking of parties my father wantes me to come with him to one next friday.. would you maybe like to come?" He asked, feelig a tiny bit nervous for asking yukie to come meet his father.

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“...not my fault I grew up before your modern parties. Keep in mind I don’t set up or plan anything other then our outfits” Yukie explained having left all formal and social arrangements to Raven who at least modernized a little. Raising a brow at the sudden invitation Yukie mulled it over. “I would be honored to attend...but, I’m not entirely sure I wouldn’t embarrass you or your father not knowing your customs and all. While I can dress in a suit and discuss rules and laws with others clans and humans. Social events are a little different when it comes to impressing others outside of my set social group. It would help if you would go suit shopping with me, maybe give me a few tips on charming your father and set rules of respect” Yukie added all for the party, but clearly unsure of how to interact with his mates own people since he didn’t know their customs.

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Julius shook.his head as he turned on the bed to face Yukie. The demon wouldn't understand before they stood in the middle of it all. "I wouldn't mind go shopping for a nice new suid for you. But you don't have to think about pleasing my father. He is not gonna like any of us once a tell him I'm gay. He wouldn't like it but it is not like acted anything like my older brother and dragged one woman home after the other." How his mother hadn't noticed Julius's brother hadn't been the perfect son, was beyond him. Maybe if she really had known her oldest son she would still had been alive today.

"And I plan to tell him the entire truth about me but after the party.. would you still be willing to come? Even knowing it might turn very weird and uncomfortable"

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“You have an older brother?” Yukie asked raising a brow before taking his mates hand. Looking into Julius eyes Yukie smiled lovingly. “Julius I was willing to sit through Ravens sex talk and lectures for a week straight when I started seeing you. And to be fair at this point I’m use to awkward if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be dragging you out to meet everyone” Yukie explained kissing his mates cheek lovingly. “I’m not afraid of your father but if you are and need reassurance just hold my hand close, I’m on your side” Yukie whispered before kissing his mates hand lovingly.

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"Had, he died a few years back" Julius explained. He really didn't talk much about it but he still thought of it often.


"A whole week huh.." Julius could feel himself get embarrassed on yukie's behaves. Je smiled as yukie kissed his cheek and then he said the most sweetest thing that melted his heart. It was almost too much and the witch blushed as the demon kissed his hand.


Julius's voise was stuck in his throat. He felt he might end up chocking with everything that had been building up. "I love you" Julius's entire body shivered as he fought with the sudden relife ozzing out.

"Hehe" Julius laughted weirdly of himself as he leaned in to hug yukie. "Thank you for telling me, for being my strengh. But if we don't soon leave this room I fear Haru is gonna drag us out pretty soon"

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“Yeah yeah, he’s already sick of being a baby sitter” Yukie added easily slipping off the bed and instantly was cleaned up as if he had just showered and dressed in fresh clothes. “Don’t forget your pack a bag with some clothes and anything else you might need” Yukie added Haru poking his head in and glared at Yukie.


“I didn’t sign up to watch him all the time” Haru huffed holding out the small infant to Yukie who smirked and gently took the child.


“I’ll keep that in mind” Yukie teased knowing the car was already packed Haru having called in a few favors to get it brought to the campus. “I trust you’ve gotten everything ready?” Yukie asked as Haru nodded.


“I called and got blood formula to hold him over, packed lunches, and had both of your outfits cleaned and packed along with a few different sizes for Julius to choose from. I also set aside preparations for the shrine and a night of isolation and packed the other items along with a mourning kimono. I called ahead and had the shrines polished and prepped for you to visit and stay the night in also” Haru finished well aware Yukie would require a night of isolation tomorrow.

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Julius shook his head amused. "I been wondering about that from last time too, just how did know my size?" Julius asked haru but glared over at yukie with a smirk. Since he had been the only one to touch him while they were naked.


"I'll just bag necessities then" just smiled as he got off the bed and stretched his arms with a soft groan. "Umm, how long will we be gone this time?" He asked just to make sure they could come back before the party.

He took some new fresh clothes from a drawer. The once he had slept in from yesterday didn't smell but he still felt better changing before breakfeast.

"You guy don't have to wait on me, go eat, I'll be right there in a minute."

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“I guess and alter your clothes by having Yukie mimic your features and size. Since he has explored your body he knows exactly how it looks” Haru added with a devious smirk. “Have to say you do have a nice body from what I’ve seen you shouldn’t be so shy to change around others~” Haru finished wanting to creep out Julius a little.


“Ignore him and his teasing, but for our trip it shouldn’t be longer then four days. I expect it to run smoothly and for the elders to behave” Yukie added with a small smile as he left at Julius permission.

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Why the hell would yukie be waking around in his form?! Had he seriously pulled in a real weirdo? Julius eyes glared into the back of yukie's head as the demon turned to leave then room for him to change in peace.


Well nothing was really wrong with his body, he liked the way he looked in the mirrow. Julius could stand proudly while wearing a suit, or look smart and in crontrole what ever the occasion. But it was driffernt when being naked infront of another, especially someone he really liked..

Julius washed and got changed quickly. He threw on some deo as he pakked a small bag with his toothbrush and things.


He had the same backbag with him from their last trip, je placed it by the door before turning to the kitchen.

"Wow, I think this might be the second time someone use this kitchen" Julius said as he picked up a piece of toast on a plate with some eggs...Wait did he even have eggs? Julius couldn't remember the last time he had went shopping for food.

"Did you fill fridge Haru? Cause I don't remember having anything in there. I usally don't eat breakfeast in the mornings when I'm on my own. And I most often just either pick something up or eat out."

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“I had groceries delivered and restocked your house. You have emergency funds on your credit card for shipping any anything else you would like to buy. Keeping your house stocked with soap food and basics is part of my job.” Haru added carefully feeding the baby as Yukie ate. “My teasing on seeing you naked was a bit of revenge for having to restock your house and for doing your laundry” Haru added sticking out his tongue teasingly.


“Haru, manners...you know what you signed up for moving in with me while we help your in charge of know what we have and don’t have. It’s great training also learning how to manage your time and find everything we need.” Yukie added with a small huff not liking his mate being any bit scolded.

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Julius's face turned pale. "You really didn't have to.. I mean really you shouldn't." Okay things were going from weird to embarrassing. Lucky je remembered doing his laundry just before they went camping so it wouldn't have been much. But just the thought of Haru soring out his underwear was enough to make Julius away eye contact.

Oh good je really didn't like it.

"Haru from now one you are forbidden to do anything unrelated to cooking at my place got it. I don't really like others doing those kind of things for me. I know you meant well but please don't from now on" he looked down in his hands as he sat down with his plate on the table.

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“...ah....sorry love seems we’ve been a touch to pushy. We should have asked” Yukie admitted not wanting Haru to feel like he had overstepped since he was only doing what he usually did at home. “Would you still feel the same if we ever lived together?” Yukie asked softly unsure of Julius would even want to move in with him and given their circumstances...Yukie was starting to wonder how everything would work out. “I’ll be blunt, if your uncomfortable with Haru doing your laundry how would you survive changing in a spare room or in public behind a blanket if needed. I don’t know if my life would make your happy we move around a lot and change where we can often I live as a guest with others taking care of my clothes and shopping while I’m busy. Adding this into account....would you be able to even visit comfortably with me if I was out and about...hell would you even be comfortable living with me if we became more serious” Yukie asked his heart aching as he looked at Julius.


“...Yukie. Your being a little to honest and blunt.” Haru warned knowing Yukie was worried about Julius leaving and being alone again.

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"I..I..." Julius's shoulders sank. He hadn't really thought about it.

"I'm just not use to it. If I weren't human I may have seen things like you guys do. I mean.. I want to be with you yukie don't think I wouldn't. I know what kind of job you do. Heck I read all those emails last night. I can get use to changes but not change who I am."

Julius looked back over at haru. "I don't mind you choosing my clothes or helping out. I don't think what you are doing is dad Haru, its just I usally just uses my magic to wash and get everything done. Even cleaning this place up" Julius said as he pointed towards the pans and dirty tablewear in the zink. His magic was already washing it clean, and putting it back on their places.


"I do wanna live with you Yukie But I'm only a human, I am not flawless"

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“I’m not saying you have to be flawless and there’s nothing wrong with being human. Hell....I just don’t want to feel like we can’t get along or move forward. I’ve been alone for so long that I worry it might be to much and you won’t want to stay because we make you uncomfortable” Yukie added with a small frown the demon uncomfortable and unsure of what to do or say.


“Basically Yukie worries you’ll walk out on him and he will be left alone and turn to drinking and crying all night because he lost his old mate and feels like he’s loosing you because the future is so uncertain for you. Honestly he’s just overthinking his fears when all you two need to do is go off and fuck and reconnect” Haru added not holding back the harsh truth for the two of them. “Now if you excuse me I need to go outside to figure out how to set up a car seat! I want you two to be acting like your deeply in love or I swear to god I’ll make sure your two regret it!....not dealing with any damn matchmaking on this trip I refuse to help Interveiw lovers because the elders are overly worried” Haru grumbled taking the child out to the car leaving the two alone the demon ranting about the twos stupid love issues

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"..." Julius stayed quiet as Haru stormed of while growling at them. When he looked back at Yukie he wasn't if he was gonna laugh or how to react.

"We got scolded" he finally said, breaking the silence between them.

Julius placed his palm.on yukie's leg as he leaned in closer. "I didn't want to make you feel uneasy about us. Honestly I don't wanna fight with you, so if I have to I guess I'll just suck up my embarrassment" Julius tilted his head to the side, before he slided out of his.chair and down on his knees by yukie's chair and wrapped his arms around the demon's waist.

"Yukie, I already told you this a few times , but here it comes again.. I love you and I only wanna be with you"

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“Seems we struck a nerve maybe I should start paying him.” Yukie joked with a small laugh. Listening to Julius Yukie smiled softly before bopping his nose. “I find your shyness cute, and as for you professing you’re love for me I know” Yukie whispered smiling happily at his mate. “You don’t need to worry about me” he added before running a hand lovingly through Julius‘a hair.

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