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Club Boys ♤ (virtualoo x M-jow {18+}


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Nathan could feel the others heart racing against his chest since he was oresssed so close to Noah. “I know..” He answered the other, knowing how much he had teased the other in the past and here he was asking the other out. “I think we can..” Nathan replies, taking the others replies as a yes and smiling to himself. It felt like all eyes were on him again as he tilted up the others chin from where Noah was hiding his face, giving him a soft and tender kiss on the lips. “It’s our turn..” He looked ahead of him when they were in front of the line and being called inside.

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Everything tickled as Nathan brought his face up for a kiss. It was so soft that Noah barely noticed when he pulled his lips off and spoke again.

"Huh??" Noah had almost forgotten the line as he opened his eyes back up and followed Nathan's gace towards the waiter looking at them. They hadn't moved so Noah hadn't noticed they were the very first in the line now.

"Then we better get going right" Noah giggled only slightly embarrassed as he stepped out of the other's arms and took his hand.


The waiter waved them forward and showed them inside.

The place was filled at every table in the room all except on small one set up for two.

"Reminde me again just how you could make this happen" Noah said in a low whisper as they got the the table.

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Nathan took the others hand as they were led into the restaurant. Everything was packed except their table set up in the corner. “I had a lot of people owe me a solid so I called in all my favors and got us a table here..” Nathan smiled shyly as he sat down. A waiter came by and lit a candle at the center of the table. Wow..Noah looks even better in the candlelight..he could see the flame sparkle in his eyes. This man was going to kill him..He thought as he ordered a drink.

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Noah really enjoy the dinner with Nathan. They could keep up a conversation and both of them would laugh together over a fun story or some other weird thing.

When the time came to order dessert off the menu, Noah got a better idea. "How about I take you somewhere else for dessert? I don't know about you but after just sitting her a eating I could use a short walk first" Noah said peeking at the other over the menu.

The food had been delicious a bit pricey, but he refused to let Nathan pay for him when the bill was brought to their table. Nathan had been almost too sweet ever since he had picked him up. He was use to an more teasing and the now-all-this- sweet guy back at the club. A guy who could make Noah both horny and annoyed all at the same time. This was a new side of the person he hadn't seen before.

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“Oh! Well sure if you insist..” Nathan had said when he wanted to eat dessert somewhere else, going to pay for Noah’s and his. Noah had refused and it was surprising considering he asked him out and he usually paid. So he ended up paying for his own and escorting Noah out of the restaurant and into his car. “So where did you have In mind?” He asked curiosily as he dug for the keys in his pocket to start the car.

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Noah exuse had been that he couldn't see why Nathan had to pay for him. He earned just as much as he did. It was sweet Nathan through that just because he was the one who had asked Noah out that he also needed to provide for him. It was so old fasion and Noah had always insisted on sharing the bills since he had gotten a job. An old habit but he didn't wanted to owe anyone.


Back in the car Noah looked at Nathan who was busy finding his keys. The male grined to himself as he scooted further over towards the driver's seat. "You'll just have to wait till we get there" Noah answered trying to hid a little secret on his own as he directed Nathan the way towards a park. They pulled in on a parking lot near by on a road filled with stores, all closed of for the night.

Noah let the other locked the car before he wrapped his arm around Nathan's.

"You aren't afraid to take a short walk in the dark are you?" Noah asked teasingly as he pointed towards the entrance to the park. Trees stood tall all up over the fence surrounding the place. A soft light from streets lights was visible through some of the leaves so they wouldn’t be walking totaly in the dark.


Noah lead the way and as they stood at the park entrance they could see that the path was light up just fine.

Noah lead them inside taking a turn after a while and then they were at a big open space. There weren't many people around but a few. There were small food stalls spread out In one corner of the space.

Noah walked them towards a creampink food wagon that served Italian icecream. The wagon was called 'Papa Ice'.

"You ever tried this?" Noah asked curiously as the walked close to the wagon to see the flavours exhibited in the window. "I'm telling you this it the best you will ever tast in this city" Noah smiled, he may not had be all that hungry but there was enough room for a scoop of papy Ice.

He ordered a scoop with cookie-dough flavour in a cup for himself and got a cute little plastic spoon with it. He couldn't wait and almost instally took a spoon ful in his mouth after he had paid it.

"Mnh!" Noah groan happily when the flavour hit his tongue, he stood with the spoon in his mouth. "Still the best!"


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Nathan was curious when the other would not tell him where they were going crazy, which only made him all the more curious. He found himself driving toward the park. What were they doing at the park at such a late hour? He got out of the car and locked it, Noah soon following. He could feel Noah’s arms wrapped around him and even now it felt like it made his heart race.


“Through there? No problem at all!” Nathan smirked as he wrapped his own arm around Noah. He let Noah led the way, following the dark and simply lit path. It seems he was being led to an opening, a few food stalls and people lingering around. It actually looked really nice in the area. He was soon let to a pink looking stall, being given some chocolate papy ice. Noah’s face was adorable when it lit up, trying some himself. “This is..really good..!” Nathan’s face smiled happily. “You have some of my flavor too..” He said shyly, taking a spoonful of his and holding it out for the other to eat.

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Noah didn’t hesitate to put his mouth around the offer spoonful and slided the icecream onto his tongue.

"Mmm!.." Moaned as he pulled his lips back. "So good" Noah wasn't shy to admit and to a spoonful of his own and extended to towards Nathan. "Here, try mine" normally Noah wasn't the type to share his icecream, but here he wanted to share on his own with Nathan.

"If I could I'd come by here everyday" Noah admitted as he looked around the place for a free spot to sit. Either they could eat it on the way back to the car or they took a bench in the park. May be best to eat it on the way Noah thought since it was still a bit cold to eat icecream outside. "wanna head back or?" Noah asked, tilting his head sideways as he tried to figure out what Nathan's thoughts were.

He might ad stared a bit too much, but Nathan looked gorgeous below the soft light above. His eyes shifted from the guy’s face and down a few times as he took another spoonful to his mouth. He could imagine were he wanted to go next, though it almost seem a shame to take all of that off. Noah sighed. "So what would you suggest we do now?" He asked in a sexy suggesting tone.

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Nathan happily took a spoonful from Noah’s spoon, smiling happily. “This stuff is amazing...!” Nathan smiles happily before going back to eat his own. He started to head back towards the car with the other when he heard Noah ask him what he wanted to do in that cute flirty voice of his. How could Noah look so freaking gorgeous in streetlights and sound heavenly? “I want to have an early Christmas and open my present..” He leaned down and whispered into the others ear. As much as he didn’t want to spoil this image he was seeing, he wanted to go back home and rip that mans clothes off. He gave him a deep kiss before opening the door for Noah and started the drive back home.

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“I want to have an early Christmas and open my present..”

Noah's smile was sexy as he gaced at the other. "Well you been a very good boy so far" Noah said as he gently caressed Nathan's chest with his palm. Letting his fingers traile alone the outline of a mucel. "Bet santa came early.."


Back at the car Noah took Nathan's lips in like a pro. Nathan's mouth tasted sweet from the icecream and Noah felt like he was having a sugar rush. "Stop teasing me" Noah growled as he nipped him. They got in the car and drov off. The trip was quiet up until Nathan shut off the engine, Noah didn’t wait for Nathan to get the door this time. He jumped out the car and when around the car to meet Nathan at his side of the car. He waited till Nathan got out and pushed him up against the car as their lips met once again this time Noah was the aggressive one. He was impatient and couldn't wait till they were inside Nathan's apartment without filling up a bit.


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Nathan couldn’t wait to open it after hearing all that...Nathan thought as his heart hammered against his chest. The drive felt even longer as he finally pulled up to his house. No sooner had he stepped out of the car that he found himself being pushed against his own car, being taken in a deep kiss. He was surprised but didn’t complain, kissing him back. He quickly locked his car and picked Noah up, throwing him over his shoulder in a similar way he picked up Marcus when he kicked him out. He used his free hand to open the door, living it open and closing it with his foot. He quickly made his way to his bedroom, closing the door in a similar manner before plopping him down on his bed and taking him right into another deep kiss.

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Noah gasped surprised when he found himself getting picked up and throwed over Nathan's shoulder.

"Hey I can walk you know" the man laughed amused as he reached down and squeezed the other's ass cheek. He watched would Nathan's mucels flixed as he walked. It was a enjoyable sight and a nice rid. He kicked of his shoes the moment Nathan had got the door and they fell to the floor by the door before Nathan raced them to the bedroom.

Noah giggled again as he bounced back on the bed but it didn't take Nathan long before he shut him up with his mouth.

Noah wrapped his arms up around his neck, pulling him further in to him. He opened himself to Nathan, letting his in as deeply as he could. Noah started to pull at Nathan's shirt but the stopped as if changing his mind. So hard to decide.

"So aren't you gonna open you presset?" Noah asked curiously when he go the chance to speak.

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Nathan happily have the other deep kisses, loving the sweet warm taste of Noah’s mouth that still tasted like pappy ice. He could feel the other tugging on shirt before he stopped, looking down at him. “Gladly..” He ssaid with a smirk, taking off the thereby shirt and loving he sight. Sure he saw this all the time but it looked even better now. “My present..” He said in a whisper, placing kisses over the others chest.

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Nathan's kisses along his skin tickled and Noah got goosebumps.

"Like what you got?" Noah asked from his place in the sheets as he gaced up at him. In the soft light in the room Noah's pale skin was clearly visible. He flexed hos muscles to show of the health state of his torso, Noah might not be as big and muscle toned as Nathan but it had it's own sexyness and charm. His pules was racing again, but his breathing calm up till... Noah closed his eyes and held his breath for no more than merly a second when Nathan's lip brushed over a nipple. He wasn't used to like being below a bigger guy than him and his body reacted more to this.

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“Very much..” Nathan whispered against the others chest when he was asked if he liked it. “I love my present of a boyfriend..” He whispered over the others nipple, still trying to wrap his head around the idea he had today asked him out. He flicked his tongue a few times over him before sitting up more. “Want to unwrap yours..?” Nathan asked with a small smirk, giving the other enough room if he chose to do so, running a hand over the others exposed skin while he waited.

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Noah entire face light up pink when he hear the word boyfriend. He didn't know for sure if Nathan had actually meant it when he asked or if it just had been the mood. But for now he wouldn't ask, if Nathan's answered would be something like the last the mood would be gone.

Noah shivered slightly when Nathan licked a nipple and a little whine came through his breathing.


"Hell yeah!" Noah answered him with a delight smile and pushed himself up to sit. His legs was on top of the other's and around Nathan's hips. Their crotchs were close and almost touched when Noah leaned forward.

"Lots of buttons" He chuckled as he had gotten the westcoat off and moved over to the shirt, starting from the top. When he had open about halfway exposing that delicious firm chest, Noah ran his hands inside. "Godness oh my" Noah moaned as his palms inspected the torso. "So freaking hot.." He continued, this time in close to Nathan's throat as he kissed it hungrily.


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Nathan watched as the other seemed all too eager to unwrap his present. Nathan smirked with small chuckle when the other mentioned how many buttons there were, letting him finish at his own pace. Nathan had a little bit of pink in his cheeks when the other had that kind of reaction to just seeing his chest through the first few buttons of his shirt. It made him heart pound and only sent the blood concentrating to other parts of his body. Nathan groaned when the other hungrily kissed his neck, wrapping a hand around Noahs waist and pull him closer. "Man I need to dress like this more often.." He said with a small moan but still tried tease even if he was also being honest. He went to kiss the others neck hungrily, his shirt barely on his body from the last few unbuttoned buttons on his shirt.

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Noah's spine shivered at the other's kisses, the sound he did was a weird mix between a groan and a chuckle. "That tickles!" Noah said against Nathan's earlobe before he gently bite into it with his teeths. Noah's hands worked the last buttons open and pushed the shirt down Nathan's body.

He was semi hard as he climbed up higher onto Nathan's lap till they were chest against chest.

"I like you prettied nicely up for me, but In bed I prefer you in your birthday suit" Noah grined teasingly before he rolled his hips into Nathan's, rubbing both of their hard-ons against eachother through their pants.

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Nathan let out a small groaning moan when he felt the others teeth play with his earlobe. He might as well have been jello underneath those lips in the moment. "I love looking at you naked...You are just..so good looking.." Nathan said as he could feel the other grinding up into his growing hard one. It only made Nathan grind back up into him, wanting more of that touch. He grabbed the others ass and leaned over to the others neck again, sucking roughly on the skin of the others neck.

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Noah blushed embarrassed at Nathan's words. It wasn't fair how easily just simple words from Nathan's lips had the power to butter him up like that.

Nathan started to move with him, pushing up into Noah from bellow just as his neck was getting devoured again.

Noah tried at first to push Nathan away from that ticklish spot, but as he got more rough, it turned more towards pleasure. Noah whimpered as his fingers dug into Nathan's shoulder. His cock was now fully erect and terrible uncomfortable in his pants. The man panted heavyly as he lay all of his weight onto Nathan. One hand travlt down below Nathan's stomach into his pants and further into his underwear. He grabbed Nathan's cock and lightly squeezed it before rubbing his palm all over it.

"Fuck me Nathan" It wasn't a order, like the times the had been fucking before when Nathan had been the one with power. But it was a very needy request.

Noah tilted his eye as he brushed their lips over eachother.

"I want in me Nathan, my body burns so bad for it!"

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Nathan groaned as he could feel the others hand slipping into his pants. When they got past his underwear and it touched him, he was already at full attention. He breathed heavily as he felt the others lips brush against him, begging for him to be in him. “Don’t need to ask...” He groaned, taking the others lips into a heated kiss. He pushed him back into the bed so he looked over the other, still in his heated kiss with the other. He reached down as he was kissing to unbutton the others pants, reaching into the others underwear to stroke him.

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"Mnh" Noah hummed into Nathan's mouth, his tongue and fingers was doing all kinds of things to him that had Noah's body and it's end. God how he wished Nathan would just get to but at the same time he never wanted Nathan's mouth or hans to stop driving him crazy.

He fingered Nathan's hair as he pushed them back. Noah had to let go of Nathan's member but only for a bit as they moved. Noah hummed approvingly when he felt Nathan's hand touch his cock and starting to rub it. Noah tried to move with the other in unison as their kiss continued on.

He loved the tast and feeling of having Nathan here making.. could he say they made love?.. Fuck it what ever they were doing now he didn't care what to call it.

Noah spread his legs further for Nathan, making room for the other to slip in between.

A sound of a phone buzzed with a message on it's display Noah's. Noah recommended the sound but ignore it, thinking that whatever the thing was could fuck wait.


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While their lips and tongues were entangled in a passionate kiss, it also had this sense of meaningfulness. It was not just mindless passion but it also seemed to have something else in it. It had more feeling....more care and...maybe even love.

Nathan took a moment to breath so he could pull the others underwear off, taking a second to admire the others body. It was a god like...and it was all his for the taking. Nathan captured Noah's lips in another kiss, slowly putting himself inside. Sure, he has had sex with him before, but it felt so much more different.

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Noah's lips was wet from all the kissing, both of theirs were. He smirked against Nathan's lip as his underwear was pulled of. It was more easily to feel the air in the room when your ass was naked and cock and balls bare.

Noah pulled himself back from the other and held his palm over Nathan's mouth to keep the his lips off of Noah's long enough for him to catch his breath to speak.

"I really like your kisses, but I got a better idea for where my mouth could pleasure you" the man said as he mentioned with his eyes downwards to Nathan's crotch and looked up at him again.

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Nathan pulled himself out of the other when he heard him start to speak. He knew what he was getting at when he seemed to glance downward toward his crotch. “I’d like that..” Nathan said in a low hum, more than happy t experience more pleasure from Noah. The thought of those warm lips and mouth around him was such a turn on right now..He thought to himself. He adjusted his position on the bed so he was laying back on the bed

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