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Because of You (ACuckoo and Zombie) [18+]


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Alex scoffed to himself while walking through the center. He pursed his lips at the question, but nodded nevertheless. "We can, after you've changed. If you're hungry, we could also stop by and have a snack..." He trailed off, slipping into a luxurious underwear shop. He hummed to himself quietly, glancing around before pulling Camden towards the various panties. "Do you see anything you like, pet?" He asked softly, letting go of his hand to check a pair he found to be pretty - seemingly simple black bootyshorts with pastel pink lace around. "How about these? Pick however many you want. I'll look around as well." There he offered the other a smile, reaching out to lightly pat his bottom. "You think about what you want, and I'll take what I want you to wear." He smiled, moving away to gather up some things.


Alex ended up with at least a dozen of various panties, most of which had at least some lace. Looking around for Camden, he let a quiet sigh part his lips. Being away helped him collect his thoughts again... He was ready to go back to who he usually seemed like. Once he found Camden, he pressed a soft kiss to the side of his neck. "How's the search going, kitten?" He asked softly, holding the panties in one hand, while the other sneaked underneath his shirt to gently caress his waist. "I found quite many I'd like you to wear..." He murmured, ignoring any looks he got. He wasn't doing anything bad, after all. Although it was probably obvious to who the panties were meant to go, it certainly wasn't the worst thing people could do.

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Never once had Camden gone shopping for female panties… Not for anyone especially himself. But this might occur on a regular basis and admittedly they weren’t incredibly uncomfortable. It was time to change his outlook and try to see things in a different light, at least when it came to this. He wandered around the store by himself, looking at the panties, trying to decide if he enjoyed them well enough or not. He eventually decided not to pick out ones he thought would look good on him, but to pick out ones he thought were pretty or attractive, ones that were simply aesthetically pleasing. He picked out what he thought were quite a few, most of them a soft satin fabric and only in solid colors, but with little bows or ribbons on them. They were cute more than sexy, but his master seemed to have expertly found sexy panties for him. There was no need to worry about that. His master had more than him, but Camden thought he did a good job. He held out the panties he found and kissed his master on his cheek.


“I found these for me. What do you think? Do you like them?” He quelled any embarrassment he felt by simply enjoying the time spent together. It didn’t matter what they were shopping for; if they could have fun doing it then they would bond and perhaps Camden could penetrate the other’s heart just a tinge more. Screw what anyone else thought. “Also…” He bit his lip a bit, nervous at what his master would think when he showed him this, but he wanted to try. It was a sign of goodwill, a sign that he was trying to be more than just a good pet, but a good companion too. “Since we went to my apartment first I have my money now and I’d… I’d like to buy you this.” It was just a simple, satin robe. Nothing terribly special and nothing that Alex couldn’t afford, but Camden wanted to present it to him. “I don’t know what to get someone who has everything. I snuck over to the men’s section and I found this. And I know you can easily afford this and I don’t even know if you really wear robes, but… If you’ll allow me, it would be nice to buy this for you.” He had come up with this idea the previous night, but now his reasonings for buying his master a gift have changed. Before he wanted to do it so his master would lighten up on him and show him mercy, now he genuinely wanted to buy something for him. To show him that Camden wasn’t an enemy or just a pet. He was someone he could rely on if he just treated him more decently.

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Alex looked at the panties his pet presented him, a smile tugging at his lips. "They'll suit you." He murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. "Don't think this is it, though. This amount of underwear isn't enough... But we'll continue in other shops, or even another day." He smiled softly, lightly squeezing his ass. At what he was shown next, his eyes widened slightly. This... This was definitely unusual. And confusing. Again. Camden seemed to know exactly how to get to him, how to make him confused. He had to play it off... Letting out a warm laugh, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "It seems very comfortable. Thanks, Camden." He smiled, sounding so genuine and... Casual. It was almost weird for him to be like this, not even close to royal. He seemed very everyday-like. That look suited him, honestly, even if he would refuse it. How could he not? He was a rich bastard, there was no way he could be at the same level as people living average lives... Yet he was still just a human, like everyone else.


Walking to the cashier, he let Camden buy the robe first, finding a soft, warm feeling blooming in his heart at that gesture. It was nice to have someone buy something for him... He didn't dig deeper into it, knowing he wouldn't be able to find a reason. Maybe it was for the best. After everything was packed into bags, Alex turned to walk into the best clothing shops he knew. He wasn't satisfied, it seemed, even if the clothes seemed to fit Camden. There was always some bad detail. They ended up with one pair of jeans, with which he rushed his pet off to the bathroom to change. Running a hand over his hair, Alex let out a deep sigh. "I don't get it, this place used to have decent clothes. God, I should just get a designer to make yours..." He grumbled, looking as if he was a child who didn't get the treat he wanted. "Well, now that you actually have what to wear, we can go and eat... Or do you still want only something to drink, kitten?" He asked, looking up at the raven. "Maybe I just need to calm down a bit... Love, I want you to try on some skirts, as well. I think some of them could really fit you... And you certainly need crop tops, it would be a crime to hide yourself in such good weather." Alex really seemed to know his way around clothes and fashion in general. "Have you thought about getting your ears pierced? I want you to do that. Maybe your nipples, as well. That way you'd have something in common with me!" He laughed warmly, shaking his head. God, he loved shopping...

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It was slight, and very quick, but Camden could see just a hint of confusion in his master's eyes. It was gone as fast as it appeared though, and the next moment his master was thanking him for the gift. At least he was accepting it. Camden had no idea how this man was going to react, but it was quite pleasant. On top of that it felt nice to buy something for someone else, and Camden felt that his master was truly grateful. Maybe the man who had everything never really received a present before. Well that would change today. Camden purchased the robe, then followed his master out of the store, still feeling as exhausted as when he had walked in.


After changing into a new pair of pants and new underwear, a pair of black panties with red trim and a red bow, Camden held his master's hand as they walked slowly around the shopping center. "Maybe some food would help keep me awake. I'm so tired, master, and admittedly it's hard to even stand up after all that. And we can eat and chat together too." Camden would like that... Perhaps his master would too. But what Camden didn't like was the idea of a skirt... He wasn't about to get punished for blatantly refusing to wear one, especially after all he had put up with wearing, but he had to draw the line somewhere. "I don't think I would look good in a skirt. Maybe we shouldn't bother with them. They won't suit me..." And even worse idea was the nipple piercing. "A piercing? I've never wanted one before. They had to have hurt, right?" He shook his head, picturing his master's cock piercings in his head. The man wasn't asking him for something so extreme but even the idea of getting his nipple pierced freaked him out. "No no, I don't know if I can do that. It would be so painful and I just... I don't know. I can't."

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Alex nodded, beginning to walk towards one of his favorite cafes. He held his pet's hand, walking at the speed Camden went in. He didn't want his pet to fall, after all. However, a soft huff left his mouth as the other said skirts probably wouldn't suit him. "I'll decide if they suit or not after you try them on. You have a feminine body, you have to take advantage of that." He smiled, holding the bags in his hand. The dirtied clothes were put into the empty bag so no one had to see them anymore. "Piercings aren't that bad, kitten. I could ask them to numb you a bit, then you wouldn't feel anything. I really like nipple piercings... I think they would look good on you." He smiled to himself, pulling Camden into the cafe.


He sat down on the small couch at the table, pulling Camden next to him. Smiling at the waitress, he thanked for the menus and asked for a caramel latte - he always got it for himself. Looking at Camden, he leaned closer to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Pick what you want to eat and drink." He muttered softly, opening the menu as well. He definitely wanted some cake, mostly because he wasn't that hungry. He would have to get a decent lunch and dinner, though... He really consumed a lot of sugar already. It was something he couldn't help but do... He made up for it with exercise, of course.

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"Do I?" His ex had told him he had a feminine body too, but that didn't bother him much. What bothered him was having to "take advantage" of it in these ways. But there was no reason to get upset. He had already been forced into lingerie... A skirt was far less shameful. Piercings though... He didn't know why the idea frightened him so much. Even if they numbed him he couldn't help but think he would still feel the pain. The area was so sensitive... "I don't know, master. The thought of piercings makes me nervous. Maybe we can hold off on that?" It was worth it to ask. That was one thing he had come to like about his master. He often surprised him when he asked for something.


The cafe his master had chosen was cute. Camden had never been here before and he smiled at how quaint and sweet it looked. After a quick glance at the menu he decided on a vanilla iced coffee and a small tuna sandwich. The two didn't go together well, but he could care less at this point. He just needed to stay functioning until he got home. After he had ordered, Camden returned his master's kiss with one of his own, then lightly ran his fingers over the other man's hand. "Thanks for treating me, master." This was nice... These were the kind of moments he wanted to have with this man. Even if they did have to talk about piercings and the like.

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Alex just nodded, gently patting his hip. He really liked Camden's figure... He was lean, but with the perfect curves where needed. He could tell his pet wasn't too exited by the idea of skirts, but that merely encouraged him to buy them. He was sure they would look great... Dresses, too. In general, he wanted to dress Camden in clothes that showed off his great figure. Laughing softly at the request, he pinched his ass slightly. "No. This is something I really want on you. We'll go... Either today or tomorrow." He smiled to himself, even though he knew he would have to be very careful with his nipples until they healed properly. Still, once they had, he would have a lot of fun.


As he was thanked for treating his pet, Alex smiled softly and turned to kiss him gently, tugging on his bottom lip with his teeth before pulling away. "That's what I do, pet." He grinned, leaning back until the food arrived. He was a bit... Disgusted, with Camden's choice of food, but he didn't mention it. Simply beginning to eat his citrus-poppy seed cake, he pulled the other against his shoulder for him to lean on. He adored flaunting the fact that he liked men, honestly, just as much as he loved showing off his wealth. It made him feel good about himself.

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Camden and what he considered his still clever though very exhausted mind knew which battles to fight and which ones weren't so worth it. The skirt wasn't worth it; he had decided that earlier. Even earlier than that he decided panties weren't worth it. Clothes in general were not worth angering this man over. And though he wanted to fight so badly over these piercings he decided they too weren't worth it. It was superficial, nothing that would damage him or his reputation, and nothing that would give him lasting pain. Still... "You don't think it would mar my body? You want me to stay perfect right?" Negotiating or bringing up certain points was not out right refusal. "I mean if you want me to do it then you know I will. But... I'll not be so cute. Don't you think?"


Camden enjoyed when his master was affectionate, and smiled as he was kissed. He even quickly leaned in for another kiss after he was bitten. But when their food arrived Camden didn't miss the disgusted expression on his master's face. It was quick, but it was there and quite amusing. "You don't like my tuna and coffee? Come on! You know you want some!" He giggled as he teased the other man, taking a bite of his sandwich which made him realize just how hungry he was. This probably wouldn't be enough to satisfy him, but he wouldn't make his master order him more food. When he leaned against his master he instantly began to feel sleepy. The other man's warmth seeped into him, and it was a struggle to keep his eyes open. "As nice as this is you should let me go. I'm so tired, master. I'll fall asleep if we stay like this. But if you want to carry me, that's fine too."

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Alex raised his eyebrow at his pet's words. "Not perfect? Pet, are you saying that because of my piercings I'm somehow less than without them?" He asked with a soft, displeased huff. "I don't think piercings somehow ruin beauty. They're just... Accessories." He ended with a soft sigh before gently nuzzling his nose into Camden's neck. "I think I'll take you today and just go through with this... You'll look great with them, kitten." He chuckled, kissing his neck softly. While he did think that the younger would just be better with nipple piercings, it was also to go against his wishes a bit. He was still in control, and he goddamn had to show it.


He turned away with a scowl as he was teased. "That's a horrible choice of food." He scoffed, shaking his head. Camden would have to learn to eat foods that at the very least went with one another... Not this mess. His mood lightened, though, when his pet protested against being held because, apparently, he was tired. "You're tired from the toy? What a shame." He hummed, but let go nevertheless. "Try not to fall asleep, then. I'm far from done here. I want to find you at least several decent outfits... And you have to decide about where you want to go study, as well. I'd rather not leave that for too long, pet." He sighed out, taking a sip of his coffee. He specifically asked for his to be made weaker, so it was purely for the taste. If he actually needed to wake himself up, he just went with black coffee, although with milk or cream.

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"I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth." He looked a bit cross at what his master said and before he spoke again he took a sip of his coffee to make sure he didn't say anything that could be misconstrued. "Piercings aren't for everyone. Yours are fine. And I have no problem with piercings, but I just don't think they're suiting to me." He sipped again at his coffee, the upset look he carried not leaving his face as his master said today would be the day he got a piercing. He had put up with a lot, but it was things like this, decisions being made about his body that he had no control over and the way his body was taken advantage of, that made him angry, made him truly hateful of his position.


He was bitter now, his tiredness not enough to stave off his anger. The reasonable part of him told him it was no big deal. He had already reasoned that piercings were harmless, if not painful but only at the beginning. But the feisty side of him, the part that he tried to control when it came to this man, told him that this treatment was unacceptable. He turned away from his master as he finished off his food and drink, barely nodding his head at what he said. "I'll decide and let you know." He answered quickly and quietly, closing his eyes to try and meditate his anger away.

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Alex scoffed quietly, but left the subject asside. His mind wouldn't be changed. If his pet struggled too much, he would simply be tied to the table. Although he hoped it wouldn't come to that. Sighing softly, he rubbed Camden's hip slightly. He really looked tired... It was no fun this way. Grumbling softly as Camden said he would decide about his college and let him know, the man pressed a small kiss to the side of his neck. "Maybe we should go home and let you sleep for a bit... Then we can go back here and continue shopping. You look like you're about to pass out." He murmured, taking another bite of his cake.


"After you take a nap, we could go to a different place... You need at least a few pairs of pants, shirts, I want to get you shorts, too. Shoes are important as well. Hmm... If you're feeling up to it, we can look through the jewelry as well. I'll have to order the collar privately, but the choker we can find like this." He spoke softly, mapping out a plan for himself. Maybe they could go through the online shops, as well, if necessary. And while his pet slept, he could freely work out a bit. He was certain Camden could be alone for a bit. He'd probably just get in the way of exercising, anyway. They could get the piercings when they came back here, too. He wanted to get his pet's ears pierced... He genuinely wanted to make him a bit more feminine. He was more into guys, of course, but there was something incredibly attractive about feminine bodies to him. Perhaps it was the fragility. The way certain weakness showed... God, he really liked that.

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Camden instantly perked up at his master's words. Sleep... That was all he wanted to do. He just wanted to close his eyes, pretend he didn't completely humiliate himself in front of this man and the limo driver and whoever else may have seen him, and go to sleep. He pressed himself back against his master, giving him a few gentle kisses on his cheek. "Really? We can go home? I'd like that so much. You have no idea." He pecked at his neck several times before snuggling up against him as if he were the pillow in his imaginary world of sleep.


His anger at the piercing situation died out rather quickly. He figured he was cranky from exhaustion, like an old man or worse! A small child. Even just the promise of sleep put him in a blissful state and he knew that when he awoke from his nap he would be of clearer mind and would have far more energy. He smiled as his master spoke about what they would do, and he nodded happily along beside him. Clothes, jewelry, food, whatever else his master wanted to get for him he didn't care. "Whatever you want to do." He mumbled, now feeling very passive and happy that sleep was only a quick drive home. He imagined those warm sheets, the soft pillow that held his head so wonderfully, the fluffy blanket... Maybe he could even get his master to stay beside him for added warmth. At these very warm, very cuddly thoughts, Camden found himself wrapping his arms around his master's waist and squeezing him tightly. "Thank you." After one more kiss to his master's neck, Camden picked up the fork and fed the other man another piece of cake. "I'm ready when you are," he whispered.

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Alex smiled softly, gently running a hand over his dark hair. "Yeah, we can just go home." He reassured the other, letting him kiss his neck. He really liked that... However, his pet seemed to be a lot sleepier than he'd assumed. He chuckled quietly to himself at the mumble, shaking his head as he sipped his coffee a bit again. When he was hugged, the blond grinned, gently rubbing his pet's side. "Anything for you, pet." He smiled, gladly opening his mouth as he was offered a piece of cake. Soon, the cake was finished, as well as the coffee, and they could go home. He led Camden back to the car, gently holding him close during the drive. If needed, he would carry the other inside as well.


"While you take a nap, I'll go work out for a while. Sleep for however long you wish, and ask the maids where to find me when you wake up." He explained with a light smile as they got closer to his mansion. There was no doubt in his mind that Camden could go against a request this simple. It didn't even have to be an order of some sort. Besides, he desperately needed to work out, just as his pet needed to sleep. If he didn't keep a good exercise regime, he would just get fat, and he did not want that. He didn't have anything against fat people in general, but he needed to keep his body at the best shape. If he let himself be lazy, he found his mood worsened, he lost his motivation and so on. He could eat whatever he wanted, as long as he sweat out the calories in gym later. Besides, when he had his own personal space to work out, there really was no excuse not to.

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That was a nice thing to hear... Anything for you. Camden had fallen into a state of complete bliss... He couldn't remember a time he had felt so relaxed. He barely noticed the walk to the car, all he noticed was was soft seats and the man next to him. He wrapped his arms around his master and snuggled against him, allowing his body to finally rest as it needed to. It was only when his master spoke did he tense up a bit, but it didn't last long. "Oh," he said quietly. "You don't want to stay in bed with me?" Well... He shouldn't be selfish. He gently placed a kiss on his master's lips then rested his head on his shoulder again. "It's okay. You shouldn't break your routine because of me. You need to take care of yourself." Camden slid his hand under his the other's shirt, gently running his hand across his stomach to feel his strong abs. "But if you finish before I wake up, come lay down with me. It'll be nice."


He enjoyed this calm energy. He enjoyed his master's affection and his soft voice. He enjoyed being treated like a lover, and he enjoyed having someone to treat like a lover. If it was possible he scooted closer to the other man, pressing against him as much as he could as he curled into himself. "I'll try to stay awake for the ride home," he mumbled, though his eyes were already fluttering shut. His hand slowly took a hold of his master's, their fingers entwined in Camden's grasp. After mumbling incoherent nonsense about sleeping beside the other man Camden finally dozed off, his hand falling limp in his master's as his body fully relaxed.

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Alex let out a quiet chuckle, lightly kissing his forehead. His pet truly could be adorable. He let the other slide his hand underneath his shirt, grinning to himself. It wasn't a secret he liked flaunting his body. "Okay, I will." He chuckled, watching as Camden struggled to stay awake. At his words, Alex just smiled, as soon enough the young man was asleep. It didn't take much longer for them to reach home, either. Gently picking his pet up, Alex carried him inside and into his bedroom, laying him down on the bed. He removed his pants, leaving the panties and shirt on before pulling the blanket on top of him for the best quality of sleep.


He himself, though, changed into tight, but comfortable clothes and walked off to the gym on the other side of the mansion. There, all kinds of equipment was already placed - it was probably more and better than most public gyms. He put on music to make things easier and began, easily going for an hour of heavier exercise, and then another hour of easier, lighter tasks for his body. Sure, he was all sweaty and hot, but he always felt incredible after working out. Grabbing the water, he chugged down a decent amount, trying to catch his breath. He liked to push himself when it came to working out, honestly. He'd removed his shirt long ago, standing with only his pants and sneakers, sweat rolling off his toned chest, abs, and muscular arms. It was obvious he took good care of himself physically, at the very least.

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He had no idea how long he had been asleep. In all honesty, he wanted to sleep more. His body sill felt weak, and he was still tired, but he remembered the day that was planned by his master, so he slowly and begrudgingly sat up. After rubbing his eyes he looked over the bed, relishing in the comfort he felt, but there was something missing... He sighed softly as he throw the blanket away from him only then realizing his pants were off. He put them back on and took out his wallet and the picture of his ex that he had transferred to them. He set them on the desk, staring at the photo... He would have to find a good time to bring up his very special request to his master.


In the meantime he needed to find the man! He left the room, found a maid quickly enough and followed her directions to the gym. But of course, as destiny would have it, Camden got lost. This mansion was far too big for one person... He scoffed at the strange necessities of rich people, then opened the door he thought would lead him to the gym... It didn't. His mouth dropped at the sight before him; it was a child's room. Was there a child living here he didn't know about? No... Alex wasn't the type. The first thought that crossed his mind was to leave. His master had trusted him alone and he didn't want to do anything to break that trust but... This was such an odd finding. Camden slowly stepped inside and ran his hand over the sheets of the tiny bed, then the tiny dresser with little toys on it, cars and small soldiers, and then the photograph that didn't seem to belong. "Master..." He picked up the frame, smiling at the little boy on the picture. He ran his fingers over the boy who he knew would grow up to be the loneliest man he ever knew. "You poor thing," he whispered, noticing how unwelcoming the parents looked. And in return the boy looked just as unhappy. Of course... Someone who grew up in a warm household with caring and loving parents wouldn't become a man who owned human pets. He gently kissed the small boy in the photo, then held it to his chest as he looked at the bookcase, smiling happily at the books that he himself had read growing up. "You can't go wrong with fairy tales," he mumbled picking up the book and flipping through it, never letting go of the photograph of the precious and unhappy little boy.

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Alex left the gym after a while, first going off to shower. He was sure that Camden would be asleep for a while longer, so he figured that he would just slip into bed before he woke up. He took his time with the shower, letting his muscles relax and his sweat get washed away. God, he adored long hot showers. Honestly, they were the absolute best. He dried his hair with a towel, not bothering with actually using a blow dryer, as he thought he would have enough time to let them dry naturally - after all, it was the healthiest way. He put on a pair of pants and left the bathroom to go to the bedroom, but... His pet wasn't there. First thing, he checked the gym, then asked around if anyone had seen him. Had the man left him?!


No, it was impossible. After a while of searching, he found the door to the "memory room", as he called it, open a bit. Pursing his lips, he opened it a bit more, finding Camden going through the books that were his favorites when growing up. "What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, his voice a bit cold. After noticing the photo, the blond scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "How did you get here?" He asked once more, feeling as if the other had torn off a piece of his thick armor. He didn't like that feeling one bit. He always buried his past deep inside. His mother was a bitch who only saw him as something to flaunt, and his father... Hell, Alex could've disappeared for weeks and he probably wouldn't have noticed. It was like he didn't matter... No, he never did matter. "Put that down." He said, looking at the picture with a gaze that was sad and angry at the same time. No one was supposed to see this but himself. Why wasn't it locked?.. Had he forgotten to?

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Camden gasped and dropped both the book and photo, cringing at the thud of one item and the breaking of glass of the other. His master had startled him, and as a result Camden let everything slip from his hands. "I'm so sorry!" He dropped to his knees and rescued the photo from the sea of glass it was drowning in. The man didn't look happy, but this time Camden couldn't blame him. He had invaded his privacy and broken his trust, as well as his things. "I'm sorry," he said in barely a whisper. "I got lost trying to find you and..." His master looked more than just angry though. That was sadness, clear as day. It was the only thing that stopped him from putting down the photo and leaving this all behind him. The risk of punishment was worth trying to understand another layer of his master.


"These are your parents, right?" He walked closer to the other, looking at the photo as he slowly approached him. "I'm... I'm surprised. You've shown me a lot of kindness. I bet you never got that, did you?" It all made sense. The cruel look of the parents, the way Alex had treated Camden initially, the fact he craved a companion and love... It all had to stem from somewhere. He handed the photo back to his master, keeping his head down if only to show how apologetic he was. "I'm sorry," he whispered again. "I'll take whatever punishment you want to give to me, but... I'll admit that I'm happy to know a bit more about you." He smiled softly, looking back up at the man in front of him. "We liked the same books as children."

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Alexander flinched barely at the sound of shattering glass, his eyes closing. He ignored all of the apologies, only reopening his eyes when Camden got closer. "They are." He replied quietly, although he despised referring to them that way. They were his birth-givers, not parents. He wasn't about to open up about his life to his pet, though. No way in hell. The blond grabbed the photo from Camden's hands in a rather rough manner, avoiding the glass as he walked back to the table and placed it there. "Just shut up." He groaned, desperately trying to keep himself hidden. "I'll have a maid clean this mess up. Don't ever come into this room again." His voice was cold as he tossed a glare at Camden and pulled him out of the room harshly. The same books... Books didn't matter. It was a way for his parents to make sure he had "friends". Aside from the ones they'd bought. He never had friends. He still didn't. Hell, his life was a fucking mess.


"You can go into whatever room you want, just not that one. Forget it exists." He muttered, sighing deeply, his hair still slightly damp. He covered his face, rubbing his forehead slightly. "You don't know shit about me... You never will." Alex added quietly, beginning to walk downstairs. The farther away he was from that room, the better. He hated it, but he couldn't bring himself to toss anything out. He got such... Nostalgia whenever he was there. "I won't punish you, but stop whatever it is you're doing." He muttered, for once feeling a bit scared. Of course, he used to be terrified most of the time as a kid, because failure was the worst thing that could possibly happen. He would get beaten for bad grades, or not learning something quickly enough. His life was absolute hell... So, to make up for it, he made other people experience hell as well. It seemed like a fair trade.

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He could never forget it exists... He wouldn't go in there again unless his master took him himself, but he couldn't forget it. He couldn't forget anything he learned about his master, especially when it was something like this. Camden could see the other's armor crack and break around him... He could also see how much his master despised it. Then again no one liked to be vulnerable, but few people had real, true issues they were hiding from or running from. His master did... His master was damaged and it only made sense that he would want to damage someone else. But Camden couldn't let that happen.


"Hey." Camden moved quickly so he was in front of the other and stopped him in his tracks. "Please listen. I'm sorry. I really am." He gently took his master's arms and placed them around his waist, while he cupped the other man's face in his own hands. "But... I do want to know more about you. I want to know you, master... I want to know Alex." He said, daring to say the other man's name. "But I can't and won't force you to say anything to me. I just... If you ever want to share, then I'll listen. Okay?" He gently kissed him, deepening it just a bit, absolutely positive that he had crossed many boundaries with the other man. No risk no reward. But the risks were high. Not only did he risk losing his master, he risked a severe punishment, but it was worth it. It had to be worth it.

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Alex was dumbfounded when Camden was in front of him, crossing more lines that he could. He tried to keep himself calm, but he no longer could. The brat dared even to say his name. His eye twitched in irritation. If he ever wanted to share? What the hell was wrong with this one. As he was kissed, the man couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Camden away roughly before delivering a harsh, strong slap across his face. "I told you to shut up!" He hissed, mercilessly kicking him down. He was terrified of letting someone else know him, his past. "Say one more word and I'll cut your tongue out." He spat out, roughly grabbing him by the hair. Like that, he dragged his pet off to the bedroom, all of the emotions boiling inside.


Shoving him into the room, Alex seemed close to the line of completely breaking. "Go sit on the bed. On your knees. Don't make a fucking sound." He growled, his mind messy, as well as his actions. He seemed incredibly unstable. Hell, the man probably needed professional help. He got some rope and a gag, pushing it into the other's mouth roughly, tightening it around his head before tying his wrists to his ankles. The rope was digging into his skin deeply, sure to leave marks. "Now you'll stay here, silently, until you learn not to speak unless you're told." He hissed, roughly pulling his hair back. Just inflict pain upon others... It'll feel better. He found something saying this inside his head. This was it. Camden would be someone he let out his anger on.

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Camden barely had time to react to the harsh slap before he was kicked to the ground. It all happened so quickly he could barely register it. He gasped, holding where he had been kicked and his cheek, though soon his hands were flying in the air, desperately trying to find something to grab onto. He screamed and kicked as he was dragged by his hair to the bedroom. Any maid or servant they passed ignored him, and he could only imagine what they were thinking. ‘Oh he must have disobeyed the master. There goes some servant getting punished.’ That being said he hardly cared about the humiliation of it all. He just wanted help. Not that he would get any from these people.


Camden teared up as he hesitantly obeyed his master and crawled on the bed. He was hardly on his knees before the other came back and shoved the gag in his mouth. His cries were muffled as he was tied up. He fell to his side struggling against the other’s grip in his hair and his restraints. It didn’t take long, though, for him to realize moving around too much was a bad idea. The more he fought against them, the more the ropes cut into him. He finally began crying, his tears falling down his cheeks, but he knew the other man wouldn’t care. He was scared and in pain, and what was more horrible was that he knew his master could do worse to him. He moaned in pain and fear, struggling to get away from this man who was hurting him. There were so many things he wanted to say to him, particularly begging for mercy, but his mouth was what got him here in the first place. Still, he couldn't help the muffled moans and cries that tried to leave him, even though he tried to remain silent. He was just so frightened and hurting...

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Alex wasn't doing this because of some satisfaction he got from seeing Camden suffer. He was genuinely terrified. It showed in his eyes, the fear as he tossed one last glance at his slave and quickly got out of the room. He needed to think, or simply get himself away from everything. Most likely the second choice. He dressed up and left, ordering strictly for no one to even set foot in his bedroom. Camden had to learn the price. Alex drove out to the city and spent over six hours carelessly spending money on everything, drinking and having sex. At least by the time he got back he was in a lot better mood. He'd gotten a whole wardrobe of new clothes, accessories, sex toys and costumes. He was also a bit drunk, though it seemed to make him a lot more relaxed. He finally stepped back into his bedroom, looking over at Camden with a light grin on his face. "I'm home~"


With slightly wobbly steps, he walked up to his pet and untied him, then removed the gag. He didn't care what he looked or smelled like. He could've pissed himself and Alex wouldn't have cared. Grabbing his jaw tightly, he pressed their lips together, tasting his mouth in a hungry manner. "Mm...~ You'll be a good boy from now on, won't you?" He asked slowly, running a hand over his hair in a vaguely threatening way, tugging on the strands the slightest bit. He couldn't handle not having absolute control. If something slipped out of his hands, his whole world crashed down as well. It was exactly what happened now, too. Leaving Camden alone and gagged for nearly seven hours didn't even seem like a sober idea. Perhaps the other had deserved a punishment, but it was incredibly harsh.

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Two minutes… Five minutes… Six minutes… Nine minutes. Camden stared at the clock when his master left him alone. He couldn’t even look back in the past and think about what occurred or why this had happened. All that he could think about was the future and when his master would come back and untie him. His tears fell from the side of his eyes as the clock moved achingly slow. As much as he hated the man right now he felt himself craving him again… He wanted him back. Being left here alone was frightening and he couldn’t handle it. He finally began screaming and thrashing around, ignoring the pain in his hands and ankles. He cried loudly, wishing he could scream for help, but with the gag all he could do was make terribly tragic noises, like a dying animal. When he finally settled down he looked at the clock again. Only twenty minutes had passed since his master left…. To try and stay sane he recited poems, thought about his favorite books and riddles, counted backwards from 1000… Anything at all. It made him wonder which was a more effective method of breaking him: Punishment or kind treatment so he would eat out of his master’s hand. He whimpered as his desire for someone, anyone to be beside him grew stronger, though ultimately he craved the man who could get him out of this situation. He looked at the clock again. Thirty-four minutes had passed.


Six hours and forty-two minutes… That was how long his master had been away. The moment he saw the other man walk through the doors his heart leapt and he moaned softly for him. He continued to whimper softly, pleading in his own way to be undone. Thankfully his master immediately untied him, though the pain that hit his feet and hands made him cry out as best as he could with the gag. However the gag was removed next and before he could say anything he was kissed; the alcohol on the other man’s breath was clear as day, but Camden didn’t care. He was just happy to see him again. He was happy to be untied. He laid out flat on his back, his arms and legs stretched out so the blood could flow back to them. “Uh huh! Yes, master.” With lidded eyes he nodded his head eagerly. “I’ll be good. I promise.” His voice was soft and hoarse, but he didn’t care as long as his master knew that he understood. “I promise. I’ll be good, I promise. I promise.” He repeated this over and over if only so the other man knew he was serious. Still, it made him sick how happy he was to see him, but he couldn’t control it. “Master….” he began, slowly moving his legs though cringing at the feel of pins and needles. “Can you take me to the bathroom, please? I don’t think I can walk and I need to clean up. A shower or… Anything. Please help me?” he begged, though when he thought about it he was unsure whether he cared or not if his master helped him. It was his master's needs that mattered, not his own. He bit his lip to try and tried to push away those stupid thoughts but it was hard… It was so hard.

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Alex was so damn satisfied to see his pet waiting for him this eagerly. It really made him feel good about himself... His mood was lifted even further as Camden promised to be a good boy. He really seemed to have learned his lesson... Or had he? Of course, it was nice to hear begging, but, being the twisted man he was, Alex just grinned. "No." He replied simply, the feeling of power rushing over him, filling him up with the sweet sensation. "I'm sure you can crawl there, if you want to go so bad." He laughed, already imagining how pathetic his little pet would look, trying to crawl to the bathroom with entirely numb feet and hands. God, it would certainly be a view worth seeing. "In fact... I want you to crawl to the bathroom. And quickly. Or you'll get a punishment again~" He purred, removing his shirt and tossing it aside.


"You wouldn't want to be punished again, would you? I'm sure this wasn't too fun for you." Alex laughed, a nearly crazed grin on his face. Oh, he already had a plan for a punishment. This was about how quickly his pet would be able to get to the bathroom... So naturally, the punishment would have something to do with it as well. Judging from his body, Camden wasn't too active physically - surely, a hundred laps would be impossible to achieve. Or perhaps, he'd offer another way - for example, with one toy to run fifty, with two - twenty-five and so on. That could certainly be fun. Especially if his pet failed to complete the task... Boy, oh boy, right now all he wanted to do was to break him entirely. And yet, he himself was close to that point. He'd already cracked, Camden had gotten further than anyone else... He had to be stopped, of course. Alex's face morphed into a twisted, crazed expression. "Come on, love... You have five minutes." He purred, and purposely closed the door of his bedroom. He wanted to make this as hard as he could.

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