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:_red_fox 14


I cosplayed as Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate :3

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pictures please :cuteonion26:


I feel :cuteonion41: ... wait, actually I'm still hungry. *sigh* this has happened a lot today insatiable hunger and I've already eaten way too much: I had 500g bread for breakfast (normally only one or two slices) followed by cornflakes and orange juice. Then craving some sweets later on ... I munched up all my cookies at home. During shopping I got hungry again snacking on cheese and three sandwiches, so once I was home I prepared some snacks to bring for my coworkers tomorrow a third is gone already. Making chocolate croissants, tomato-olive pesto croissants and cheese-sausage filled croissants. Then again had some dinner which consisted of another 500g bread and sausages accompanied by fried veggies, couscous and chicken slices as second course. Here I am now still feeling hungry... :cuteonion43:

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are you on your period? :p


No you remind me of a little hobbit who has to eat all of there 8 meals a day :D I fancy one of you croissant *drool* I guess you are recovering now from your flu and your body has to get back all the nutrients :D


How are you anyways? Missed you my besstlike humble pervert foxy3

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are you on your period? :p


No you remind me of a little hobbit who has to eat all of there 8 meals a day :D I fancy one of you croissant *drool* I guess you are recovering now from your flu and your body has to get back all the nutrients :D


How are you anyways? Missed you my besstlike humble pervert foxy3

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, are you making fun of my height? Next time I'll make your kimchi extra spicy so it'll burn and sting your ass on the toilet.


I'm good actually. Recovered from the mental shock of living maggots, and after three days of showering more than 5 times a day my body doesn't itch anymore.

Now getting ready to move again. Will have to move twice. .. once back to my parents place this week and next week to the new place... well whatever. Then starting in a new environment - looking for cuties online.

Right I didn't tell you that one (I almost met a korean guy) he was travelling with his mother so he didn't manage to ditch her but I got his line and we'll stay in contact.

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i would NEVER make fun of your hight my sweet tsundere cheetah14 *so cute, well you will always be taller than me no matter how high my heels are that I wear ;) * hope it cheers you up and you won't make my kimchi extra spicy anymore :D (you meanie)


Eww i still have the picture of the maggot wound in my head *gag* thank you you didn't show me any pics of it. Seriously I think I would still have nightmares of that.


And noooo you didn't tell me :D so happy for you! I hope you get the date back with this cute guy as compensation for the last one you had to cancel ;) foxy3 I'm so curious about your new friend :p

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I will never show me so easily

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, muhahaha cheetah8 *cough*...maybe *blush*...

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confused and amused?


it's interesting to see people's reaction when one's being honest and straight-forward. i guess not everyone appreciate bluntness and honesty XD

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down -__- My ballon-stress ball with powder inside just broke._.

I squeezed it to hard -________-

...i have White powder over my clothes and my floor now....

It looks like I have been raving and 'snorting' all night

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I feel like I am being watched T_T

probably because the girl I turned down today is sitting right in front of me :_red_fox 5

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Oh boiz! I feel like a complete new person! Sooooo relaaaxed and refreshed! It was like heaven onion9 :cuteonion41: I have to do this in the winter again ^_^

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*sigh* melancholic... cuz I'm back home T_T I could have stayed a whole week, would have had no problem with it onion12

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