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A Wolf, A Human And An Egg (Zombie and Pigeon) [18+]


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Samuel slowly slid down the wall onto the ground, hiding his face into his hands while Athan talked. "Of course I actually like you!" He said, his voice shaking slightly as he stared up at the other, his eyes full of tears. "I meant every word I said... And I meant the kiss, Athan, I... I love you..." He muttered quietly, sounding so sad, so broken. He was close to sobbing, all of this hitting a bit too hard.

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"W-what are you talking about...?" Athan took a step back. Samuel had always seemed so cool and confident, like nothing could really phase him. But now he was crying because of Athan? "I... If this is a joke... If this is a joke it isn't funny" Tears overflowed onto his cheeks. "D-dont mess with my f-feeligs, i-it isn't funny" he pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes as if to force the tears down. "Do you have any idea- any idea of how much I try not to-" he choked out a broken sob. "Not to think of you l-like that? You're so n-nice and cool... B-but you're a guy and you're my friend so I can't! So don't... Don't mess with me... It isn't funny"

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Samuel couldn't keep himself together by then. His hands were shaking as he pressed them against his mouth, eyes squeezed shut tightly. "Why do you keep thinking this is a joke?!" He cried out suddenly, grabbing onto the door handle to get himself up again. The werewolf gripped both of Athan's wrists, now tighter than before. "I need to be with you, why can't you understand?" He asked, pulling the other closer until he could cup his cheek with one hand, lovingly tracing his thumb over the scars. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered, a quiet, quivering breath leaving his parted lips as he kept their gazes locked together.

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"Because it isn't possible" Athan flinched as his scar was touched but he didn't try to pull away. "You're..." Even with Samuel right in front of him Athan couldn't make eye contact. It felt like everything would spill out if he did. "You cool... And kind... A-and handsome... Why would you want someone like me? I'm not beautiful... Or anything like that" his eyes began to water so he shut them tightly to hide the tears."so it has to be a joke..."

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Samuel put his other arm around the other's waist, still holding his cheek gently. "It's not a joke, I swear." He whispered softly, feeling actual physical pain as he watched Athan close his eyes. No... This was the last chance he got. The werewolf leaned in again, his heart beating like crazy as their lips met. He was hoping not to get kicked again at least; it still hurt up till now. He was purposely going slow, his grip loosening as he, just for a few moments, imagined a life like this. A life where he had someone to love, to actually love and not just pretend.

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Athan froze at the feeling of the other's lips on his own. He immediately put his hands on Samuel's chest to push him away, but stopped. He wanted this... He wanted this to be real and not just a joke. Samuel wouldn't go this far for a joke, if he was then Athan wouldn't want to be his friend anyway. It felt nice, not just the kiss but also the way Samuel talked aboiut him. Even if Athan didn't believe any of it, it was nice that Samuel cared enough to tell him that. Slowly he leaned into the kiss and gripped the front of Samuel's shirt, allowing himself to enjoy the moment.

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Samuel's body relaxed visibly as Athan gave in to the kiss. He deepened it, gently bringing their bodies closer together. This felt a bit like a dream, but at least it was a good one. The werewolf pulled away after a while, but instead of showing his eyes, he pressed his forehead against the other's shoulder. Saying nothing, the brunet just stayed like this, holding Athan to himself. He was scared his friend would just leave.

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Athan hesitated again, unsure of how far to take this. When Samuel rested his forehead on his shoulder, Athan slowly wrapped his arms around the man's shoulder, holding him gently. "Samuel...? What's wrong?" He asked softly. "Did you want me to push you away?"

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Samuel shook his head immediately after hearing the question, his hold tightening a bit more. "Don't leave me." He muttered softly, a quiet breath parting his lips. He was afraid he would just wake up and this will all have been a dream. The werewolf was scared to even lift his gaze, as Athan could have been judging him. Athan could hate him.

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"W-what are you talking about?" Athan blushed deeply at the man's words. "I... I wasn't planning on leaving you... I should be asking you not to leave me" He nuzzled his face into his friend's shoulder. "If we're friends we can just hang out even after fights or stuff... If we were more than that I'll just end up messing up and we'll break up and- and I'll never be able to see you again..."

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Samuel took in a deep breath, managing to lift his head. "If we're more than friends, we can still work through the fights." He muttered, taking Athan's face into both hands, pressing a small kiss to his lips. "Please." He added quietly, slowly tracing his fingers over the other's scars. Since they were a part of someone he loved, it was obvious he'd love them as well.

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"You won't hate me..? You know I can't be honest with my feelings, and I'm not confident, and I shut down, and I hate myself... You won't notice all that later and decide you don't like me because of it?" Athan avoided the other man's gaze. He brought one hand up to hold onto Samuel's. "I don't want to lose you... You're the only friend I have, if you leave me I'll be all alone."

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Samuel shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "I'll be with you for as long as you need me." He muttered softly, gently kissing his cheek. "I have noticed all that and I still love you." He added, pressing a kiss to his lips, then went down to gently kiss his neck. "I really... Really want this, Athan."

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Athan closed his eyes and took a shaky breath, trying to think of anything else he wanted to stay before fully accepting this. "My scars aren't just on my face... They're all over my body..." He bit his lip for a moment before managing to speak again. "I... If you're okay with that... Then I..." He trailed off for a moment, closing his eyes tightly. "I want this too"

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Samuel's face lit up with a soft, gentle smile as he closed the distance between their lips again, gently kissing his... Boyfriend, he supposed. The werewolf pulled away with a gleeful expression, entwining their fingers. Even though the remnants of the tears still shined in his eyes, he looked insanely happy. "Still... You shouldn't have kicked me that hard." He dared to complain, letting out a nervous laugh.

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Athan's face flushed at Samuel's words. "Sorry... I just got really freaked out" He mumbled, quickly looking away. He chewed his lip for a moment, trying to make himself relax. "Want me to kiss it better?" He laughed nervously, trying to show that it was just a joke.

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Samuel's cheeks lit up with a rosy pink, a nervous laugh slipping past his lips as well. "I think I'll manage." He smiled slightly, a bit embarrassed as he ran his thumb over Athan's hand, gently holding it. "Oh-..." He was cut off by the sound of opening doors, and a grinning Samantha. "You two took forever."

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Athan yelped and jerked away from Samuel, his face bright red. "W-were you listening?" He pulled his hood up more to cover his face. Once again his eyes burned with tears at the idea of someone paying attention to their conversation. He hated that feeling so much.

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Samuel flinched visibly as Athan jerked away so suddenly, appearing a bit hurt for a moment. "It was hard not to, you two were pretty damn loud." Samantha spoke, carefreely walking up to Athan, trying to catch his gaze from under the hood. "You better not hurt Sammy." She muttered only loud enough for him to hear before moving up, flashing a bright grin. "I can see you're walking, so I'll be off. Do call me sometime~"

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Athan felt a pang of fear and frustration at the girl's words. He wanted to say something about how he wasn't the one who had gotten this started. Samuel had been the one who kissed him in the bar. "Bye..." Was all he mumbled. He really did want to make things work with Samuel, but he wasn't very confident that he would be good enough. He let out a soft sigh and pushed his hands into his pockets. "I guess I should head off too, you're probably busy"

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Samuel stared at Athan like the latter had grown two extra heads when he said he should leave too. "What?.. No!" He whined, his lips in a slight pout. "I don't have anything to do until the afternoon, when the feeding begins... Can't you stay?" He asked, feeling like a teenager asking his crush to stay over for the night after a birthday. He felt nervous, a bit hesitant and even embarrassed. It'd been so long since he felt like he really wanted a relationship to work, this was a bit weird for him. Maybe he'd never really been in love before?

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Athan hesitated for a moment, he wasn't really sure if it would be a good idea to spend a lot of time together when he was so on edge. He was already all worked up so just about anything could set him off. But that could be a good thing, if Athan really had a breakdown it might get a chance to let Samuel in a bit more. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to happen, but it might not be too bad. "I... Guess I could stay" He finally said. After another moment of hesitation Athan pulled his hood off, but he left the hair over his face.

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Samuel smiled, feeling some confidence seep in as Athan pulled off his hood. Still unsure of how much he could do, the werewolf motioned to the living room, a small, somewhat nervous smile on his face. "You wanna watch something?" He asked, pushing his hands into his pockets. He thought hanging out with the other after they became a couple would be the same, but he found himself so nervous... It was weird, nothing really changed when he thought about it.

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"Yeah... That sounds great" Athan managed a nervous smile. He walked into the living room and glanced around. He usually sat on the armchair and curled up in a ball, but today he sat on the edge of the couch hoping that he could manage to sit next to his new... Boyfriend...

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Samuel smiled nervously, his cheeks flushed the slightest bit. He put on a movie, walking to sit down at the couch next to Athan. His couch wasn't that big - he didn't have enough money for something extravagant. So, even when he sat down at the other edge of the couch, all it took for him was to lean a little bit to be able to put his arm around the other male. "Is this okay?" He asked softly, pulling him closer.

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