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What's Mine is Mine ~18+ WeWuWe x virtualoo~


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Oliver leaned down and kissed Adrian passionately, wanting to do so much more..

He smiled against the kiss and leaned back just enough to kiss.

"No response?" He teased, sliding his free hand up the blonde's forearm, holding it tightly, as if to keep him there.

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"I-I'm fine..In the shower I mean..on my own" Adrian coughed as he felt a bit flustered. He felt like an idiot but Oliver's teasing made his heart race. What was he supposed to do..?

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Oliver loved how flustered he could make the blonde.

He let go of his arm gently, pulling away.

"Alright." He picked up his coffee mug and set it in the sink.

"I have a few calls to make, so let me know I you need anything." He said as he pulled out his phone and headed to the living room.

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Kyo quickly left Oliver to go take a shower. He hated he acted as flustered as he did with Oliver, no matter what he said. He took the longest time he felt could pass in the shower. It hasn't really been long at all as he kept thinking..

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Oliver finished his phone call with his father's body guard, who was warning Oliver of a gun smuggler who was pissed with Oliver's dad, and might go after Oliver.


He pinched the bridge of his nose and finally went to his bathroom to take a shower, trying to figure out how he was suppose to go to school with someone trying to kill him.


The dark haired man stepped into the shower and began washing his hair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Sorry about the delay in my post..I honestly thought I replied, so adding in mentions to help me remember


Kyo finally stepped out of the shower and started to get dressed. He felt much better and clean, happy to take a nice long shower for once. There was room to stretch..it was a nice place..yeah..this was nice. How did he meet such a kind person? He was so kind to him and they could still be called strangers. Now..he better start thinking about this one-his thoughts trailed off into school.

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Oliver slid on his suit jacket and brushed back his hair, knowing he needed to look more professional with what he needed to do today.


He walked into the living room and pulled out a 9mm handgun and slid it into his holster under the jacket.


He just wanted to make sure he, and Adrian, are safe...

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Once he was finally dressed he stepped out of the room. "You look very..dressed up" Adrian said with a small smile, not seeing the other put the handgun under his jacket. "Did you want any food waiting for when you get back? Least I can do to show you some hospitality and thanks for letting me stay the night" He said with a small smile. He wondered where the other was going..

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Oliver didn't want him to leave the apartment for anything at the moment. He feared Adrian was now a target

He calmly walked over to the blonde and leaned down and captured his lips, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Anything in the apartment will be just fine, it would be nice to have dinner ready when I got home." He murmured against his lips.


"Just please be here when I get back." He hummed, nipping the blondes lip teasingly.

"I'll only be out until about 3pm. So only a couple hours. You're welcome to anything, make yourself at home." He pulled away and smiled down at Adrian.


"Just.. Please do me a favor and don't answer the door if someone knocks, okay?" He asked softly.

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Adrian's lips were captured in a kiss and a small blush appeared on his cheeks. He was surprised at the sudden loss and how close he was to the other in addition to the other being all dressed up. "Okay..a bit early for dinner. I'll figure something out with what you have in the fridge" He laughed lughtly in hopes to push back his embarrassment. "It's not my house don't wprry" He smiled, finding it odd he would have to mention that

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Oliver smiled from relief. "Thank you." He murmured, stealing one more kiss.

"Have a good day." He purred against his lips.

Oliver opened his front door and looked back at the blonde. "If you're still here when I get back I'll reward you, okay?" He smiled before shutting the door behind him and pulling out his phone.

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Reward me...? He thought confused. He didn't plan on leaving so it left him confused..and quite curious. What was he going to do? Adrian looked through the fridge and saw so much delicious food. Okay..you have all the basics..and you will be back by..Thoughts kept going through his head about cooking times for everything. A creamy meat dish..Adrian nodded, getting out some noodles meat and other ingredients and started to cook.

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"Look," Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to raise his voice. "Dad, how many times do I have to keep reminding you that I don't want to become the leader?" He lowered his hand and looked at his father, who looked even more angry.


"Oliver, I don't think you understand the family you grew up in. You don't really have a choice in the matter." He cleared his throat.


"What about Marcus?" Oliver suggested. "He's the oldest."


"He's too violent and thoughtless with his actions." His father retorted.


"Then he's a perfect fit for the group." Oliver stood up and balled his hands into fists, not wanting to punch his own father.


"For now just be cautious." His father said, grabbing a file from his desk drawer. "They want to hurt you and Marcus too.." He said.


Oliver gritted his teeth and stormed out of his father's office.




The darkest haired man unlocked his apartment door and stepped in cautiously, making sure it was safe and that Adrian was hopefully still there.

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"In here..!" Adrian poked his head out, happy to see it was Oliver. "I made a creamy meat dish with some noodles and I had extra time so I made mashed potatoes too from scratch from the ones in the fridge. I didn't out any toppings on in case you don't like soemthing" Adrian laughed, happy to be cooking a meal for someone at all. "Oh and I'm still here of course" Adrian laughed more befor she started to make plates. It smelt so good and he hoped Oliver would like it.

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"I'm glad you're still here." Oliver said honestly as he walked into the kitchen and loosened his tie. "It's nice to not come home to an empty apartment." He sighed, walking over to the blonde.

He gently tucked a finger under Adrian's chin and lifted it, brushing a kiss against his lips.

"Thank you for dinner." He murmured lowly, kissing him passionately. "It smells delicious." He praised him, pulling away to take his own bowl of food, handing the other to the blonde.


"Were you lonely in the apartment alone?" He asked suddenly, sitting down, keeping his eyes on the window near them to be safe.

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Adrian saw the other come toward him and blushed slightly at the others lips brush against his. His cheeks turned even redder when he was given a passionate kiss. Adrian wasn't sure what to do with himself and stood there with his embarrassing blush. Adrian took the bowl and tried to let the small of the food distract himself from his current barrassment.


"Me lonely?" Adrian said, needing to snap out of his thoughts. "It was quiet but I'm used to that. It is nice to have someone to wait at home for" He amiled happily.

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"I'm glad." Oliver said as he continued to eat. He honestly was happy to not eat alone, but he knew they weren't a couple or anything, so he knew this would end soon enough.


The dark haired student felt the hair on his neck rise in paranoia. He set down his fork and kept a sharp eye on the window, scanning for anyone.


"Fuck--shit." He jumped up and snatched the blonde by the collar and roughly yanked him away from the window.


Seconds later the window cracked and a bullet shot into the room, smashing the cabinet of plates.


He moved to the wall beside the window, nearest to the bedroom.


He grabbed the blonde's face and checked to see if anything had happened. Relief washed over him seeing Adrian fine.

"Shit. I'm sorry." He said painfully, too nervous to let go of the blondes arms. "Stay behind this wall, okay?"

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"Oliver..Are you all right?" Adrian asked with a curious eyebrow raised. He seemed very tense for some reason. Suddenly, Oliver had yanked him backward and next to a wall, the sound of the window shattering soon following the sudden gesture. A bullet? Did someone..do this intentionally possibly? Either way it made him scared and he didn't want any of them to die. "What's happening..?" He asked in a quiet voice, holding R onto him tightly.

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Oliver he didn't want to lie to him, but he didn't want to scare him more.


"I'm sorry, my father has people going after him and their now coming after me to upset him."

The older man frowned and finally let go of Adrian.

"I have you involved in this now.." He murmured lowly, angry at himself. He lightly pushed Adrian closer to the wall.

"Don't move for a bit okay?" He moved against the wall and pulled the gun from his jacket holster.


He couldn't see the man anymore. "Dammit!" He cursed, punching the wall hard.


"I'm so sorry, I need you to stay here with me for a couple day, just so I can figure out how to keep you safe.." HE was obviously angry with himself.

"I'm just glad you're okay.." He moved back over to the little blonde.

He pushed back Adrian's hair. "After everything is safe, you don't have to see me again, I understand why you wouldn't...."

Oliver looked like a hurt puppy, but he knew it was his fault for inviting the blonde over when he knew he was being followed.

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"Oh my.." Adrian said quietly at hearing people were after Oliver's father. Why would they want to hurt his son even if he did something wrong? And wait...Oliver had a gun?! Why?! He didn't want to freak out and tried to focus on the fact that Oliver now wanted him to stay over. "Can I get my schoolbooks from my house..and a change of clothes f I'm staying?" He asked quietly, looking around. He wanted to know it was safe now and he didn't have to worry. Adrian let his hair be pushed aside as he said "I don't know what's going on or what is happening..but it's not your fault..right? You are a nice guy, that's what matters" He smiled shyly.

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Oliver looked so upset with Adrian saying he was nice.

He was the son of a monster, doomed to follow his footsteps.


"We can go a little later, if that's okay?" He offered gently, moving away from the blonde.

"I'm sorry." He murmured. "I didn't mean to have you get involved in this mess." He frowned.

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"I'm sure you didn't mean to.." Adrian said with a shy scared smile from the previous gunshot still having him a bit startled. He wasn't going to ask what his father did to get these people angry, he just wanted Oliver to be safe.


"Um..so...Should we clean up the broken glass?" The younger male asked, trying to get off the subject and not think about how he almost got shot. Sweep up the glass..clean up..go over anything you need to bring with you..

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"Yeah, you're right." Oliver let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed his broom and dustpan.

He glanced at the window, relieved the man was gone.

"Good thing it's suppose to be good weather all week." He walked over to the window and looked at the small hole, cracks spread out like veins around the hole.

"Sniper." He mumbled, "obviously new since they missed. Or was it a warning shot?" He mumbled to himself, reaching up and lowering the large blind, making it safer for Adrian to walk around.


"I'll get someone to fix the glass tomorrow." He said as he walked back over to the large pile of broken dishes.

Oliver clicked his tongue.

"I really liked those plates." He pursed his lips, trying to not get angry.

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Asian looked at the mess of glass, starting to help clean up the mess from the floor. "There is still some food left so I'll leave that in the fridge for tomorrow. I better see if I have any change at home to take with me for lunch tomorrow..Maybe a nice sandwich if I have enough" Adrian spoke out loud, wondering what he should do to prepare for tomorrow since he was going to be staying at Oliver's. "What kind of plates were these..?" He asked, wondering if it was the design he liked or if he just used them frequently.

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"I had gotten them when I was in India." Oliver said as he helped picked up.

"I had to go there on business and walked by a shop that had them in the store, the old woman who made them painted them uniquely for me." He tightened his jaw at the thought. "I can get others." He said, then looked at Adrian.


"Do you need money for food tomorrow?" He brushed up the rest of the shards. "I can get groceries if you'd like?" He looked frazzled. "God, I still feel so bad. Is there anything I can do to make up for all of this?" He offered, putting the broom away and walking towards the blonde.

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