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I love you more than any sweets (( CheputChan19 & mitsukixlin )) [18+]


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The younger male gasped a bit while his lover lifted up his body and throw him gently on the cozy bed. He felt relaxed as his body touched the soft bed, felt sleepy a moment later. Fuuta just nodded and clinging on Shin's body tight when slowly drifted to deep sleep cause he was indeed really tired. The loud sounds of thunder already gone a minutes later just drizzle rain that could be heard from outside whih made the brunette could sleep peacely, still on the bigger male's embrace.


Fuuta yawned and rubbed his eyes for a few times, curled up beside Shin and fall asleep second later, felt the warm body of the other that make him relaxed more. The brown eyes male actually not really scared with thunder or the think but he the thunder before was too loud for him, that's why he acted like that.


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Shin felt Fuuta was asleep and got up to call for room serves then snuggled back whit the younger male kissing his forehead gently closing his own eyes till there was a knock on the door he crawled out of the bed again and let the room service in then paid for it and tipped the guy who brought it in and had set it up for them.

By now the rain was still coming down but not as hard, the older male walked to the younger male and gently woke him up "hey handsome, do you want to eat something the food is here"


The dark haired male smiled at the brunette stroking his hair slightly then leaned down and kissed his lips softly before walking to the dining table "im so hungry" he mumbled and stretched before he sat down and took the food he wanted looking over to the brunette if he was joining.


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The brunette was in deep sleep, he was never let go his grip on his lover though his mind was in dream land. Once Shin got off of somewhere, he was a bit grunted and turn his body to other side but as the other got back to the bed, he put both of his arm on the older male's chest again like a little baby who want to curled up with his mom. Fuuta moved a bit when he heard Shin's voice but keep shut his eyes closed.


But at the moment his his lover kissed his lips, finally wake him up then opened his eyes slowly with blushed face. "Um, yes I'm a bit hungry.." he replied and rubbing his sleepy eyes then walked toward his lover. When he stood near the black head, the younger male was clinging instead to the other. "Nee, Shin.. why were you looked tired? Are you sleep enough before?" he gazing at Shin then sat next to him.


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Shin felt Fuuta cling to him and ask why he looked so tired, shin tilted his head and looked confused as he pulled the younger male onto his lap resting his head on the younger male his shoulder "do i still look tired?" he glanced at the brunette still confused a bit, at the spot i fell asleep on you didnt i, sorry about that" he paused "i guess from all this free time you never knew how tired you where till you have a good chance to rest" he smiled slightly.


The older male pulled the second plate closer so they could both eat but it was a bit more difficult cause the younger male was still in his lap "hmm would you feed me Fuuta?" he asked whit a cheeky smile and an anticipating look if the younger male would feed him or not.


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The brunette nod his head slowly as the other asking him and smiled when heard Shin's next words. "Yeah, you still looked tired and don't apologize I'm okay if you fall asleep on me.." he chuckled lightly then nod again when his lover explain his tired looks, rested on the black haired male's chest for a moment. But then he jolted against the other chest while heard Shin's taunting sentence, blushed and loooed at the older male slowly.


"Umm, I-I... y-yeah, I want to feed you but let me to change my position first.." he replied stutterly with more red face. He sat on the chair right next to Shin and glance at the plate, took the spoon and scoop the food on it. "Now, open your mouth, Shin.. Say aaa~" he positioned the spoon in front of his lover and waited him to open up his mouth.


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Shin pouted slightly when Fuuta got off his lap then chuckled when the younger male told him to open his mouth and say ahh, so he opened his mouth "aah " he said whit a smug face and waited to be fed by his cute lover, he took the bite and ate it then opened his mouth again waiting for another bite to be fed to him after that he decided to quit the games "i only wanted you to feed me cause you where blocking the way when you where in my lap"


The older male paused "i wanted you to stay on my lap but i can eat my self now that you are off my lap" he smiled and kissed his lovers cheek before he started to eat normally finishing his food and stretched letting out a burp and lounged in the chair looking at the younger male whit a smile.


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Fuuta had pouted while the other seems amused by his cute act though he know that he didn't do that on purpose, he just wanted to feed his lover. He smiled as Shin ate his food but looked disappointed at the moment the older male decided to stop this feeding session. "o-oh? I though you were really wanted to be fed by me.." he tilt his head, gazing at his boyfriend with innocence looks. The brunette listened to what the other said to him, blushed as Shin mentioned about sitting on his laps.


"b-but if I sat on your laps, it was difficult to fed you, Shin~" he whined then his face heated more while the black haired male kissed his cheek. He's taking his spoon and start to eat his own foods. Fuuta finished up his foods right after Shin and chuckled cause his lover burped after eat. "mou.. don't do that after eat something. It was sloven, you know.." he poked Shin's cheek still with chuckle.


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Shin chuckled "you know that burping shows i enjoyed the food right" he rested his head on Fuuta his shoulder "mind if i take a bath in a bit?" he asked whit puppy eyes "you can join me if you want" he smirked and licked his lovers neck before sitting back up and stretched before getting up and looked out the window and his jaw dropped "shit we are really stuck here for a while"


The streets where filled whit water the road was closed off, this made the older male glad he had stopped at this hotel and didnt drove home they could have been really hurt if they didnt stop here, he grabbed his phone and took some pictures then sends them to his sister to keep her posted on how long they would be stuck there.


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The brunette just sighed and let the other rested on his shoulder for a moment. "umm, okay you could having your shower, Shin.." he replied then blushed as hearing the older male suggest that seems amused and seductive him, grunted at the moment his lover licked his neck. Fuuta blinked and approached Shin when he cursed out. "oh my! we were lucky that we had stopped at this hotel.." he commented with widen eyes as seeing the road that full of water from rain before.


Fuuta watched the black head busy with his phone, looked like contacted his older sister cause they will stuck at this place. The younger male gazed at Shin then pulled his arm and play with it. "nee, Shin.. did I still could join you to had shower together?" he tilted his head and glanced at the bathroom then back again at his boyfriend.


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Shin grinned as Fuuta asked him if he could join them in the shower "no i wont let you join me in the shower" he paused and pulled the younger male close "because im going to take a bath not a shower" he pulled the younger male whit him to the bathroom, the bathtub wasnt to big but it was big en of for two, he moved the clothes he had hung above the bathtub earlier then filled the tub.


"dont you think baths are better then a shower" he started to undress the younger male wanting him to undress the older male then then run the tab so the tub would fill up while he quickly put the stop in the drain then kissed the younger male again deeply feeling hungry for him already again like always, hes never been this lust full whit a partner before.


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Fuuta was blank at the moment Shin told him that he couldn't joined which made the younger male wanted to cried out like a child. But before he could do that, his hands already pulled toward the bathroom. "w-whoa! wait for a moment, S-Shin.." he whined yet his boyfriend still pull him inside the bathroom, glanced at the bathtub and blushed knowing that this will lead to having another intimate again.


Just like the brunette though, he saw the other turn on the water and filing the tub then yelped a bit while his lover put off his clothes. He immediately covers his chest within his arm, seeing the black head signaling him to strip the other as well. He nod slowly and put off the clothes with shaking hands. "S-Shin.. you just want to bath, rig―" his sentence cut off as Shin crashed his lips against Fuuta's, kissed him in deep lust. Unconsciously, he clung his arm around the older male and titled his head.


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Shin broke the kiss as the tub was full en of and entered the tub stopping the water from running, he tugged on Fuuta to enter the tub to "i promise i wont do anything if you dont want me to, but just the thought of you makes me all horny" he said in a childish way showing his affection whit out any embarrassment at all since it was the simple truth.


The black haired male pulled the brunette close to him and kissed his neck "im addicted to you, how did you do that" he asks whit a whisper in the brunette his ear "i am to much in love whit you" he kissed his lover's cheek gently trying to control his lust for his lover.


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The brunette exhaled a deep breath as Shin broke the passionate kiss, even his saliva start to stream down to his chin. He got on the bathtub as his lover tugged him, shuddered a little with the sudden change of temperature. Fuuta blushe darky while the other mentioned about being horny when near the younger male, shakes his head. "I think it's better if we just had an usual bath, r-right?" he stuttered at his word then looked away, tried not to looked at Shin's eyes.


The suck on Fuuta's neck and the husky voice of Shin made his body somehow heated up. He glanced at the older male with half lidded eyes and hazzy mind, couldn't concentrate to replied the black head's question . "I-I'm not doing a-anything nnh.. Shin.." he start to moaned softly. Though his mouth said 'no' but his body told the different things.


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Shin chuckled "you dont sound convincing, but fine i wont do anything" he rested his head on Fuuta his shoulder and closed his eyes just holding his lover and enjoying the hot water closing his eyes relaxing as he tried to think of non sexual things to calm himself down but it was harder then it looked, he lets out a sign "just so you know Fuuta, i really do love you and dont just say it" he whispered as he felt he really was tired.


The older male felt the strength in his body fade slightly as he could feel the the sleep taking over him, as he still holds the younger male in his arms he slowly started to drift to sleep.


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Fuuta snapped back to reality as Shin's chuckled echoing on his ear then blushed again and covering his face with his palm. "Mou, Shin.. You know I'm sensitive so just being touched by you my mind will going crazy.." he whined but stopped when his lover's head on his shoulder, relaxed as heard the other won't do anything except having usual bath. He could felt the older male's body rested completely on his body and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist to support him.


The brunette smiled softly as heard a mumbled and sleepy sentence from Shin, nodded and bring his palm over the black locks near him then ruffled it lovingly. "Yeah, I know it Shin.. I love you more than anything even the sweets thing that I always liked could be forgotten if I'm with you..." he replied with a low chuckle though he know that the black haired male already in deep sleep. " rested well, my love.." he whispered as restedvhis head on the edge of the bathtub, still having his lover on his body.


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Shin just held on to Fuuta in his sleep mumbling some stuff in his sleep, once the water started to cool off the older male woke up whit a groan "cold" he mumbled holding the younger male tighter before he took a deep breath in and out before waking up looking at his lovers face and smiled slightly "im not much fun to be around am i?" he whispered to his lover then lets go and gets out.


Once the older male had grabbed towels to dry himself off and put on on the rack for the younger male to dry himself off when he gets out, once the older male was dried off and dressed he stretched and looked for his phone to see if he missed something. The phone was found and it had some missed messages, the older male started to read it and signed "looks like there stuck to" he mumbled as he puts the phone away again.


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The brunette start to moved on the bathtub while temperature of the water got cold, felt shivers run down on his body and glanced at the other who was already wake up. " yeah, let's get out from the tub before we freezing," he chuckled then sink his body for a moment while his lover got out from the bathtub, blinked in confuse way as Shin said he was boring person. "E-Eh? I always had much fun when near you, Shin.." he replied then catch the other but the older already out of the bathroom.


Fuuta dried himself and put on his clothes on then walked out the bathroom with towel on his wet hair. The younger male tilted his head as seeing his boyfriend mumbled about something while looking at his phone, looked a bit disappointed. "Nee Shin, is something wrong? What happen?" he asked the other while dried his hair, looked at Shin as well


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Shin looked at Fuuta "Nee-san and her husband where on a small trip them selfs to make up but there stuck now to so if we are both still stuck neither of us will be able to open the store so we have to get a solution to how we are going to solve that or just keep the shop closed cause everywhere its bad weather i doubt alot of costumers will come, so i was thinking over the options" he let himself fall on the bed.


"fuuta do you think i should call the employees for this week and just give them days off because of the weather, it also means we can have a small holiday here since we are stuck here for who knows how long, Nee-san put me in charge" he signed and though over all the options he had but he waited for his lovers input on this.


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The brunette sat on the couch near Shin and listen to all of his explain then immediately raise himself from the couch with widen eyes. "Eeh? So it's just not here that had bad weather?" his voice high up a bit then he walk toward his lover and seated himself beside the other. He tried to find any solution after heard the older male's words but his mind always at the dead way so he had nothing on his head right now. "In this bad weather, people usually just stayed at home until the bad weather gone and if I saw the road outside, we couldn't went home with flood on the road.." he mumbled, still tried to think this things up.


Fuuta looked up at the black-haired male and nodded at the suggest that just Shin said a moment later. "Yeah, I though that was a better idea cause at this bad weather, not much the costumer that will come to your shop.." he commented then rested his head within his boyfriend's big arm. "I don't know if I must happy cause we had much time for holiday but the weather was really bad at outside.." the younger male said with a low chuckle.


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Shin felt Fuuta joins him on the bed and used his arm as a pillow making the black haired male look at the brunette whit a smile as the brunette spoke to him. "i need to go make the calls and stuff but i dont want to have to get up now your in my arms" he smirked and pulled the brunette in a tight hug entangling there legs and nuzzled the brunette his neck knowing he should get his work phone and start calling and make arrangements for the shop.


Shin thought for a moment then got up "i have to go to the car for a sec i will be back in a bit, can you open the door for me?" he asked as he stretched and walked to the door to put his shoes and coat on before he walked out and went back to his car, he went trough his trunk hoping he had it whit him and to his luck he had the laptop stuffed in the trunk on its usual secure spot, he pulled the laptop bag out of his trunk then locked the car again and went back up knocking on the door to be let back in.


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Fuuta just smiled softly while Shin make him as a pilow, enjoyed the warm body of his lover that always he liked. He gasped softly at the moment the older male pulled him into the embrace, blushed while the other leg intertwined with his own leg. "Mou, don't be lazy! Shin.. you must do your job well.." he said and poked the other cheek though he didn't want to let go the hug moreover his boyfriend nuzzled on his neck that made him whined softly.


The brunette watched the black head get off of the bed and told him he want to go to his car for a moment and asked him to open the door. The younger just nodded and looking at the other walked off toward his car. Fuuta lay on the bed with a soft sigh, seeing the flood still filling the road through the window. His attention distracted while the door being knocked then he start to stand up and open the door saw the older male come with bag on his hands.


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Shin waited for the door to be opened once it was he walked in kissing his lover "im back" he put the bag on the ground and too his shoes and coat off again then lifted the bag up again and set it up on the dining table and looked for a wirebox and found one soon after, he pulled his laptop and other stuff out and grabbed his glasses, he plugged in the power cable so he was sure his laptop would have power the started it up.


"good thing i usually have this whit me in the car" he stretched and mentioned for the younger male to come over then pulled him on his lap resting his head on his lovers shoulder "now i can work, dont you dare get off my lap" he mumbled and waited for the laptop to be ready for use then started to make some changes on the webpage announcing that due to the weather the shop would be closed, he started to do some other stuff for the shop on the computer and mail everyone about the closing because of the weather, and of course they would have paid vacation time wile the shop was closed because of it.


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Fuuta blushed as Shin got inside and gave him a sudden kiss, it felt like he was his spouse and waiting his husband come home after work. He smiled and fixed the shoes and coat on its place then followed the other to the dining table, watched the older male busy with wirebox and turn on the laptop that was on the bag that he brought before. "you seems busy now, Shin.." he commented then leaned on the edge of the dining table with a soft smile.


The brunette nodded at his boyfriend's words but blinked and tilted his head when the other called him to be near him which he obeyed immediately. "w-whoa.." he startled and already sat on the other laps, having Shin's head on his shoulder. The younger male could just nod his head and sat on the other laps without moving an inch then looked over his shoulder to Shin. "a-ano, Shin.. Did I just bugged you if I sat on your laps?" he asked while glancing at the laptop which had much data that make him dizzy cause laptop or the thing not his things. Fuuta never touched the electronic much cause once he touched just a couple of second it will damaged the next second later.


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Shin worked whit Fuuta on his lap "dont worry i can work just fine like this" he smiled and kissed the younger male his cheek and continued to write on the laptop "i should be done in a few minutes dont worry" he looked back at the screen to make sure he didnt make a mistake white he was typing blindly, once he was done he played the music he had on his laptop so he could relax a bit.


"so now that we have that finished what is it you want to do since im not tired really anymore" he paused "i saw they have some facilities here in the hotel maybe we should check those out" he kept his arms wrapped around his lovers waist and his chin on his lovers shoulder.


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FUuta chuckled as Shin said that he was fine with him on the other laps then poked his lover's cheek. "yeah, you were always could do anything though it was weird.." he grinned then rested his back on Shin's chest, smell the scent of the older male that somehow made him relaxed. Once Shin done with his work, Fuuta stretch his body and rested his arm within the dining table while listen to he music that just the other played before.


"umm? I want to go anywhere that you want, Shin.." he smiled and added more. "..or we can go for walk around this hotel, maybe we can found something that interesting.." the younger male blushed as the black haired male hugged him tight then hug the big warm of Shin with his own arm, nuzzled his head on it.


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