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Neko Roommate ~robertita and YaoiFanGirlBritty~ {18+}


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Kiyo laughs a little and nods his head as he was driving back to the restaurant, "yeah we don't want a grumpy hungry neko." He looks at Arata and pouts a little, "aw.. your not going to sleep with me," he sticks his tongue out teasingly. "I am sure Sara will like it but she might still prefer you over Kay," he laughs a little as he parks in the parking lot at the restaurant.

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Arata laughed “Do you think I’m a grumpy hungry neko? I simply love to eat” he purred loudly as he heard Kiyo’s words “Of course I will sleep with you. I will hold you into my arms and Kay into my tail” he saw Christie came out of the restaurant and he laughed “I’m sure Sara loves me more but let’s get out as Christie is coming to check what we bought” he opened the car’s door holding Kay into his free hand. Christie laughed “Don’t tell me you bought one for you neko”. Arata couldn’t believe she knew “Yes, he’s Kay my toy”.

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Kiyo laughs a little and nods his head, "well it is normal to get grumpy when hungry." He blushes and nods his head with a smile, "well good," he pouts a little, couldn't believe he got controlling of Arata over a plush toy. Kiyo looks at Christie as he was getting out of the car. Kiyo looks at Christie and then Kay, "Arata wanted to get something too since he felt left out that I had a stuff animal while I was a kid."

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Christie nodded "I still have my favourite doll too". Arata blinked "So you aren't teasing me?" He asked Christie. She giggled "Of course not. Xane still has his favourite car". Arata held Kay closer and smiled "Ok then, let's show you what we get". He opened the truck for Christie to look.

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Kiyo blinks a little and laughs a little with a smile as he looks at Arata, "see? Having a first toy ever are very special. They really do hold a lot of memories so no one will make fun of that, even if Kay is your first toy," he watches as Arata opens the trunk, "you think we got enough," he laughs a little when seeing all the bags filled with toys.

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It was Christie's time to blink "You really did a good job. I will call Xane to help you taking them out". Arata giggled "We can handle them, I use my tail as well" he showed it to Christie. She sighed "You will never change Arata, always need to impress me" Arata ignored her and rushed inside with the bags full of toys.

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Kiyo nods his head as he looks at the toys, "we tried to get what the kids would be into." He looks at Arata and laughs a little, "he is very good with his tail, he used his tail to put the toys into the car, I am sure it can handle bringing the toys into the restaurant." He grabs the remaining bags and goes into the restaurant with Arata.


Xane looks up and places food into the oven, "wow.. already back," he wipes his hands. "Let's bring these bags to my office, they will be in the way in the kitchen or in the dining area," he takes his key to his office out of his pocket and leads Kiyo and Arata to his office. He unlocks the door and opens it so Kiyo and Arata can place the bags down.

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Arata smiled as he let the bags down "They are heavy boss but we are happy we bought everything kids like. When the room will be ready we will arrange everything inside". Christie came and giggled "You forgot one toy Arata" she showed him Kay. He sighed "That's my new toy boss - Kay" he presented his toy to Xane as he took it from Christie's hands.

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Kiyo places the bags he head on the floor and sighs, looking at Xane, "yeah, hopefully the kids will like what we got them all," he rubs his forehead, wondering when the kid's room was going to be installed to the restaurant.


"You two did a very good job," Xane smiles as he looks over the sheet he got while he was calling for the installment of the kid's playroom, "next week, the restaurant will be close for half a week while the kid's room gets installed to the restaurant, so everyone will be on a small break." Xane looks at the toy and holds it to look at it closer, "it's cute, how did it get that name?"

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Arata smiled and clapped his hands "So you are proud of us boss. It was my first time I felt like a kid. I must say it's Sara's fault" Christie giggled "You are being cute now Arata". He hugged his toy and nodded "The name means Kiyo and Arata Yours Forever". Christie yelled "Are you serious? It's such a good name. I like it." Arata replied "I'm a smart neko girl. We will be free few days before our wedding while you two in honeymoon. It's a good idea boss".

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Xane nods his head, "yeah, you sure got a lot of stuff for the kids that I am sure all of them will enjoy." He looks at the toy and laughs a little, "ah so Kay is the symbol of your and Kiyo's love?" Xane nods his head, "so you don't have to come in the rest of this week during the weekend. Try not to go too crazy with my brother," Xane laughed and pats Arata's head.


Kiyo looks at Xane while blushing and looks to the side, leaning down and starts taking the toys out of the bags so it will be easier to put them in the kid's room later since the toys were off to the side so Xane didn't trip on them while at work. He wondered how much of the restaurant was going to change when the kid's room was going to get installed. Kiyo looks at Xane with a pout and nudges him, looking to the side embarrassingly.

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Arata whispered to Xane "Is this meaning no bet for me yes? You just give me your accord to have fun with Kiyo". He giggled hardly and hugged Kay. "It's just my toy boss, I prefer to hug Kiyo more. I'm hungry now, I hope you prepared me some fish". Sophie entered the room and heard Arata. "First you should help Kiyo with the toys, only after you can come to kitchen. Your lunch is ready".

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Xane looks at Arata and laughs a little as he pokes the neko's nose, "at least not yet, I am waiting for the perfect moment to set the bet." He looks at Kiyo and then Arata's stuffed toy Kay, "well.. you prefer Kiyo over a lot of things," he smirks a bit as he walks back to the kitchen to get back to work.


Kiyo blushes as he looks at Xane as he left, pouting a bit as he goes back to taking the toys out of the bags while bent over.

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Arata sighed "Do I get the feeling he teased me?" he asked Kiyo as he used his tail to tidy the toys. "Even Sophie is doing their game now, I'm a hungry neko" he complained and hid Kay into his bag. "I think we brought too many toys, the Xane's office is full of them now. He have no space to throw a thing inside" he laughed playing with a robot. "Since Christie is having a son we need to buy lots of toys for him too".

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Kiyo looks at Arata and laughs a little with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head, "well.. nothing new about that." He cleans up the toys, "well.. hopefully she won't be as bad as Christie and Xane." He laughs a little, "well.. at least we will know what the kids would like." Kiyo nods his head, "exactly, this will help us decide what to get Christie's son. Well looks like we are done here, lets go eat something now," he walks out of Xane's office, heading back to the kitchen.

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Arata looked one more time on toys and purred "I'm a hungry neko after tiding so many toys" He followed Kiyo out of office and headed to the kitchen. Christie was already on table eating. Arata sited next to her and quickly put food into his plate starting to eat "It seems you are very hungry neko, you didn't wash your hands" she scolded him. Arata sighed and went to bathroom.

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Kiyo nods his head, "yeah, don't worry, you will get some food in you soon." He looks at Christie already eating and looks at Arata as he walks to the bathroom, following Arata since he had to wash his hands too, "it's not like we are really having finger food," he shrugs his head as he turns on the water and soaps up his hands, washing them.

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Arata nodded "Yes I know. But Christie says I always need to wash my hands before eating". He licked Kiyo's cheeks "What Christie doesn't know is that I use my tongue to clean myself. Or at least I did that as a cat". Arata explained as he dried his hands "I like to use soap, it makes my skin softer and smells wonderful". Christie opened the door and giggled "Sorry boys, I need to use the bath. It's an emergency". Arata laughed "Maybe you neep diapers Christie". He ran away before she could answer.

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Kiyo nods his head, "she probably doesn't want you to get sick, especially since we were just at the toy store, where lots of germs are." He laughs a little, "that is only when your a cat.. and frankly, ever since I turned you into a human, you never did change back into your cat form." He sniffs the soap on his hands and smiles, "yeah it does smell pretty nice." Kiyo looks at Christie and nods his head as he looks at Arata, following him out of the bathroom.

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Arata kept laughing as he left the bath "I'm not going back into my cat form Kiyo as you are my mate and you are human. Plus, I think I don't like to be like a mere cat, I'm handsome as a human".


Christie cursed as the neko teased her. But he was right - she felt she needs to pee so often. She washed her hands after using the toilet and rushed back to kitchen. "Well Arata you are a very naughty neko. You should behave well around a lady". Arata giggled "You aren't a lady yet".

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Kiyo blushes a bit, "so.. your not turning into your cat form because of me?" He tilts his head and laughs a little, nodding his head, "yes.. your very handsome," he walks to the table and sits down at the table.


Xane looks at Arata and laughs a little as he served both Kiyo and Arata their lunch, "you two act like brother and sister," he smirks a bit as he goes to take out some food from the oven and dings the bell so other waiters would come in to serve the food for the customers.

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Arata answered to Kiyo as he sniffed the food “Yes, I can’t be a cat anymore as you are my mate and a human. Plus as a cat we can’t have sex” he ignored Christie and smiled to Xane “You are right boss, she’s my sister in law. And both of you will tease me until I will be an old neko”. He licked his lips as Sophie was bringing the dessert “Donuts for you boys”.

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"Is that how it works? If a neko finds a human mate, they have to remind a human?" Kiyo was eating as he was blushing and then laughs a little, "that would be very awkward to talk about if we had sex while you were a cat." He rubs the back of his head a bit.


Xane laughs a little, "it really isn't a big deal is it hm? You know you like it, that is what relatives do so get use to it," he pokes Arata's nose.


Kiyo laughs a little with a sigh, "Xane is right about that, he teased me a lot too in the past. He still does," he looks at the donuts as he finishes eating lunch and grabs one of the donuts, nibbling on it slightly since he was still a bit full from lunch.

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“Yes, I have to remain a human. I’m not on my planet anymore, there is no need to be a cat” Arata answered smiling to Kiyo. “Do you want me to be your pet? To stay on your lap and purring while you pet my head?” he asked his lover before he started to eat a donut. “I’m used with it Xane but Kiyo and I aren’t kids you know. We can look after ourselves”. Christie giggled “Yes neko, you two will have to take care of yourself for a week while we are in honeymoon”.

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Kiyo blushes as he looks at Arata, rubbing the back of his head as he thinks about if Arata did change into his cat form more often. He shakes his head while blushing, "w-well I... it's a little embarrassing to say it right now so I will tell you later," he eats a donut.


Xane laughs a little, "just because you two aren't kids anymore doesn't mean we can't tease you and Kiyo. I mean.. I know your teasing me about the whole pregnancy thing and me and Christie needing to wait to have the baby to have anymore.. intercourse. So don't act innocent."


Kiyo looks at Arata and nods his head, "and then soon after or so.. we will get married too," he smiles softly at Arata.

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