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trapped birds.((Sosuke0549 and bloodbunny.))


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Yamito fell back agansit the ground struggling to breathe Kai rushed over and calmed him down.

"I'll...still..love you...if you sell...me...I'll tear him from limb to limb and find my way back to your side even if end up torn to bits."He breathed softly slowly beganing to calm down but the tears never stopped rolling down his cheeks

"You are a fool for saying such a idiotic sentence to me...get out of my sight...and go to your room."
He trembled softly as he began to speak.

" I know I am love turns any man into a fool but i will always be your fool Rai you can't just dispose of me I'll come crawling back ."He refused to leave and stayed put.

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"I'll...still..love you...if you sell...me...I'll tear him from limb to limb and find my way back to your side even if end up torn to bits."[/Quote]

The demon said, tears running down his cheeks and Kai by his side...


He'd honestly still love him after that? Was he stupid?! Yamito trembled.

" I know I am love turns any man into a fool but i will always be your fool Rai you can't just dispose of me I'll come crawling back ,"[/Quote]

How dare he say his name!! How dare he not refer to him as master! HOW DARE HE REFUSE TO LEAVE! He clenched his teeth and his hands were in trembling fists, showing just how upset He was.

"Yamito...GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT! How dare you!! "

Using his magic, a knife flew out of the kitchen and into his hand, before he threw it at Yamito, stabbing him in his right shoulder.

"Get out...."

He hissed. Rage...Confusion...and...Pain in his strange yet...alluring eyes. Rai was somewhat of a child...throwing a grown up temper tantrum. Why....Why was Yamito doing this! He didn't need it...He hated love!

"Theres nothing! Nothing you can say to sway me! Im going to sell you! Your time here is done! "

He yelled at the other... but... if Yamito wished to calm him down...he'd have to show him...show Rai what love was and what he was truly missing...but that would mean..Yamito.. would have to force himself on his master.

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Yamito felt his heart sink into his chest more and more by the second .

"T-then kill me I don't want anyone else but you!I want you to be the cause of my death." He pulled the knife out of his shoulder.

"If you don't I will." He began to slice at his arm blood splattering on his face as he continued and snapped the limb off with his own hands.

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Rai watched....He watched Yamito pull out the knife and begin slicing at his arm...blood splattering on his face, until he snapped his own limb off.


Rai felt this...unbelievable urge to stop him...but why...Why didn't he care!!!


The other slaves must of been horrified...all the blood...and the suffering. Rai never cared about such trivial things like love...he liked seeing people suffer...so why? Why didn't he want to see Yamito suffer.

Rai looked away...taking a few moments to calm himself down.... his eyes returning to that cold distant look. He looked back at Yamito.

Stop...you've proven your point. Now stop staining my floor with your blood.

He appeared in front of his slave on one knee at eye level. And Rai took the knife away from his slave.

I will not sell you...

The other was so devoted to him...that it'd be a waste if he did so.

Rai sighed looking at the mess Yamito made.

"Kai.. go get me a first aid kit..Yuma..Go down into my study..and on the third shelf there is a blue vile...bring it to me...and do not touch anything else! "

He looked back at his demon and cupped his cheek, licking his tears away.

Now stop your crying..~

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Gilbert began to turn pale as he watched in able to look away from Yamito as the blood just kept pouring out .Yamito looked up as he heard the others voice in his head and stopped attemping to slice another limb off Yamito looked up at the other slightly dumbfounded.

"Kai.. go get me a first aid kit..Yuma..Go down into my study..and on the third shelf there is a blue vile...bring it to me...and do not touch anything else! "
Yuma and Kai nodded and left and came back right away with the items he asked fore handing the to Rai Yamito made a demonlic purring like sound as his master licked the tears off his cheek Yamito began to stop crying as he was told to.
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When the others returned. Rai pulled back a little and began to wrap up the others arm in a effort to stop the bleeding. He then took the blue vile and handed it to Yamito.

"Drink it..it'll heal you.."

He watched and waited.

"Gilbert..Clean up this mess. And Kai.. take Yamito to his room to rest. "

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Rai took the vile and drank it watching the other wrapp his arm trying to stop the bleeding.

"Thankyou master." He said softly and sat up looking at his master.

"Should I go get the clearing supplies to get rid of the blood?....." He mentioned as he looked at all the blood not caring about the blood spilled on himself.

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Rai shook his head.

"The others will clean it... stay put until your wounds heal. "

He didn't want the others blood to get on anything else.

Rai sighed as he sat back down on the couch looking tired.

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Rai didn't image the other would go so far as to cut His lim off... of course it would grow back soon since he was a demon like him.. but still...


Although... Seeing how the other behaved..it was clear He was completely devoted to him. Dispite the fact that he liked to talk back occasionally... the demon loved him... a word Rai never imaged would be said to him... would the other really stay here? After everything he's done to him... He cared about him that much.

Now he knew Kai and Yamito were completely devoted to him...but what about the others? He'd soon find out.


Rai closed his eyes, sighing.

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Kai's tail swished nervously as the watched their master sigh .

"Master....should I go and put the first aid kit back?" He questioned once noticing the other had finished covering Yamito's wounds and began to patiently wait for the others answer.Yamito used his finger to stop the blood from running any futher and gently rubbed it on the small cut on his other arm speeding up the healing process slightly. Kai felt his stomach flip as he watched the other it almost looked like he was playing around with his blood as if it was paint. Once Gilbert finished geting the blood out of the cloth he went to the laundry room sink and began to wash the blood out of the clothes and sponges untill they were clean once again and wrug them out placing them on the window edge letting them dry.

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"You may"

He told Kai, will a dull expression and voice. He wasn't looking at any of his slaves. He seemed to be just....in a daze. Staring up at the ceiling.

He was thinking of ways to see just how much his slaves cared about him...

"Yuma. Bring me my phone. "

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Kai took the kit and returned it back to its rightful place before coming back .Yuma nodded and limped off to go get the phone Gilbert came back and sat on the floor his hands stained with Yamito's blood.After awhile Yuma got back and handed him the phone his legs creating cracking sounds as he walked.

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Rai took the phone from Yuma and sat up standing.

"You four stay put..."

He left the room. Calling someone.... and Rai didn't return for at lest an hour! Who could have he been talking too? When Rai came back into the room, He slipped his phone in his pocket looking at his slaves.

"I'm going out... stay in the house,"

He muttered. Grabbing his coat.

"I'll be back in a few hours.."

He went to the door, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, before heading out.


What if....he never came back?

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Kai frowned and nodded .

"Be careful master......"Kai almost whimpered do figiting unable to stay still wanting to run into his arms .Yamito gave a low weak grumble not wanting him to leave he curled up on the spot .Yuma looked over for a moment or so .

".... Where are you going......." He said weakly his voice cracking not wanting to be left alone.

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Kai frowned but nodded .

"Be careful master......"[/Quote]

Rai could sense how desperately He didn't want him to go. Hearing the boys whimper. Yamito gave a weak grumble asking weakly.

".... Where are you going......." [/Quote]He His voice cracking not wanting to be left alone.

Rai glanced back at him.

"Out... Kai, your in charge.."

And if... a few days past... and I haven't returned...assume I'm dead...and that your free.

He spoke to the kitten. Only telling him and no one else. He quickly left, closing the door behind him. The area in the room was cold...as if...maybe...something bad was bound to happen.

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Yuma frowned as the other didn't tell him what he wanted to hear and sighed flopping onto the couch.

And if... a few days past... and I haven't returned...assume I'm dead...and that your free.
Kai sqeaked as he heard the other.Yamito sneaked out of the house making sure he wasn't noticed and began following him on foot running so quickly he was just a blurr following Rai's car.Kai sighed after he noticed yamito was gone but didn't bother chasing him knowing he wouldn't be able to catch up
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Rai pulled up to a abounded factory. He got out of his car and closed the door. His hands in his coat. He sighed and leaned against his car.


Rai was a very powerful demon...and extremely high ranking. It was practically impossible to get the drop on him... so he knew that he had been followed.

He closed his eyes..

...Yamito...Why did you follow me...Go back to the house...You are unnecessary. Leave..that is an order..do not disobey me.

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Yamito gave a small his and jumped down from the ceiling landing on his feet with as loud thump infront of the other his purple glowing eyes contrasted agansited his shadowed demon,he lowered his head in a apologetic way .

"Master......I'm sorry.....but...once I saw the look on Kai's face once you left I knew something wasn't right...please let me stay by your side if you die....well im not sure what will happen but if I can give you the time you need I'm fine with making that sacrifice...." He said his voice echoing of the walls all breathy and weak from using up to much energy from running to keep up with the car.

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Yamito was ruining everything. Rai didn't plan on him following him. He wasn't sure how to get rid of him...

"Go back...do not make me repeat myself... if you disobey me I will never touch or look at you again..."

He looked at him with cold eyes. He couldn't let Yamito ruin What he has planned.

He went to the other and touched his cheek.

"Do not worry... i will come back to you..now go.."

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Yamito gave a soft soft sigh.

"If that is what you wish for.....I don't wish to be a burden " Yamito felt his heart sink deeper into his chest as the other tryed to threaten him his eyes faded to a lavenderish gray his tail sagging between his legs as he began to walk back open to the elements the world could throw at him.Kai was suprised to even see that Yamaito came back without saying a word the demon flopped onto the couch and sunk into a deep sleep.

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Rai waited for Yamito to leave, and once he was gone Rai headed inside the abandon factory.


"Hey.,. I'm surprised Yamito followed you."

His friend appeared, smiling mischievously.

"I was a little...surprised as well...Yamito and Kai have shown there loyalty... I just need to see where Gilbert and Yuma stand. "

"I see...But are you sure about this?"

Rai rolled his eyes.

"Lets Get this over with, "


Ichrio pulled out a whip as Rai began to undress.

"This...plan...is perfect..."

He tensed as the whip stung his back... He pulled out a potion and drunk it... smiling.

"Keep going...~"


{ 1 month later }

It had been a month since Rai left and he hadn't returned.... there was no sign of him...

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Kai sighed and continued to say at the house but began going out every now and again the boy had even got a job to be able to feed the others being a bartender it wasn't the best and the boy usually came back tired and reaking of achol but he didn't let the others leave .Yamatio practically had gone into hibernation he was still breathing Kai could tell by the ocasion cough and that his chest was moving up and down the slightest bit.Yuma and Gilbert were forced by Kai to keep everything tidy and clean.

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Kai sighed and continued to say at the house but began going out every now and again the boy had even got a job to be able to feed the others being a bartender it wasn't the best and the boy usually came back tired and reaking of achol but he didn't let the others leave .Yamatio practically had gone into hibernation he was still breathing Kai could tell by the ocasion cough and that his chest was moving up and down the slightest bit.Yuma and Gilbert were forced by Kai to keep everything tidy and clean.

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It was midnight, and it was pouring. That night...that cold night..,Rai returned.

He opened the door soaking wet...wearing torn bloody clothes and was soaken wet. He closed the door behind him...and fell to the floor. Going in and out of consciousness.

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