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Neko Private Roleplay {Ciel and Koe-chan} (18+)


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The younger teen returned a few minutes later with his hoodie halfway over his head, his jeans dragging against the floor. He leaned against the doorway and tugged the hood down off of his head so that he could see. "I'm ready," he said softly, blowing air out of the corner of his mouth to clear the hair from his face. The sleeves of his sweatshirt passed his hands at a good length, and it made him look even smaller compared to it.

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By the time the younger male was back in the room, Tai was already dressed, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that fit snuggly to his body, a long, pale green hoodie that was a bit too big for him, and a pair of black converse shoes, a black beanie covering his hair. "Ready to go?" He asked with a small smile.

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Katsumi smiled back at him and nodded, walking over and taking his hand in his, pushing both of their sleeves up to do so. "Yeah. Let's go." His white hair was messy, as he hadn't bothered to comb it, and it hung partially in his eyes while other parts were sticking up oddly; even his ear-fur was uneven. His tail, however, remained neat and smooth, curling around his waist and then uncurling in a repeating pattern.

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Tai smiled gently and walked them out of the door, closing the door behind them. Walking out towards the forest, he asked, "May you lead the way?"

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"Sure." Staying close to the other, Katsumi started walking in the direction of the town, trying to remember the right way to go. "My mom probably just got up. She works really late now..." The sentence trailed off as it reminded him of why she was working two jobs. The brightness in his eyes faded slightly and he lowered his head, shivering at the memories of his father. In a strange way he missed him, almost wanting him back; though this was mostly due to guilt. His father had made most of their money and he felt that it was his fault his father had become violent, and therefore it was his fault that his mother was struggling. His grip on Tai's hand tightened, trying to get a grip on his thoughts. If his panic attacks became too bad, he would start seeing what wasn't there, memories taking a physical form. The abuse he suffered under Takeru and his father, combined with his anxiety and depression, took a toll on both his physical and mental health.

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"What's wrong, Kat-kun, please tell me." All though Tai was horrible at dealing with his sadness and depression, he could read others like a book, and tell when they are in different moods. He gripped his lover's hand back, gently rubbing his thumb over the inside of the other's hand.

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"I should get a job," he mumbled, his eyes half-closed. "She needs help..." He shook his head, taking in a deep breath. "I can do it, even with school..." He was losing focus, trying to think of different ways to help his mother. He rambled on to himself, feeling cold. "Its all my fault that she's like this..." His voice dropped to a pained whisper. "I hear her cry...whenever she's home..."

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Hand gripping tighter to the one that was already in his hand, he quickly wrapped his arms around the whitette, a small sigh escaping his lips, "If you'll allow me to, I'll try to help your mother and you however I can..."

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The neko shook his head, biting down hard on his bottom lip. "N-no, it's my problem, I have to fix it on my own..." He closed his eyes, his body tensing. "She acts like she's okay built she's not, and she still gives me so much...it's not fair!" He put his head down, his hair shielding his eyes. "Its all my fault...she needs my dad..." He dug his nails into his arm, close to scratching. "I wish that he was still here! I would let him hit me if he kept her safe..."

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Tai breathed heavily. And this is all my fault. Shivers ran down his face, and he could feel the tears begin to well up in his eyes, though they didn't come out, instead, he decided to stay calm, at least, that's what his brain wanted to do. "This is all of my fault, not your's...I'm the one who called the police in the first place, and I'm the one who got him arrested, if anything, you should hate me for all of this occurring, because in all honesty, this is all of my fault, not your's...you should hate me..not yourself..." And his chest ached and tears began to well up in his eyes, "I should probably get going..." He withdrew his arms away from the other male, and took away his hand, guilt and pain washing over his eyes, and he stood completely still for a few moments, staring at the ground, expecting the neko to hit him, bite him, or kick him, expecting some sort of hatred to come from the other male.

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Katsumi's head snapped up in shock, his blue eyes watery. "W-what? I don't blame you...you did it to help me. I could never hate you for that." He reached forward and grabbed his arm, almost desperately. "I didn't like getting hurt by him...I was just saying that I would give up my health for her sake." He tugged on his sleeve, trying to bring him closer. "Don't go away...you're all I have, remember?" His voice cracked, and he hung his head. "Stopping my dad from doing that to me..." He swallowed uncomfortably. "I almost died once, when I was younger. It could've happened again..."

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"But I'm still to blame...I'm the reason why your family is struggling...I'm the reason why your father was arrested...I'm the reason why you would want to risk your own well-being for your mother because of the fact that your father is gone." Tai's voice cracked a bit, trying not to cry, "I'm the reason why you're in pain right this moment, I'm the reason why your mom is crying because she can't take stress, I'm the reason for ruining your life...why would you even stay around me and love me? You should hate me..." And yet the only way that I could feel like I've repented...is if I was caused pain...or if I were to experience what he was going through...or for him to hate me...losing the sight in my eye isn't enough...I need to understand true pain. Though I've lost my parents, that doesn't mean anything, I shouldn't even be standing here with this boy...I've hurt him so much...I'm a sinner. "Why won't you hate me?" His voice cracked, a tear sliding from his eye, gliding down his cheek slowly.

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The whitette felt his own tears begin to leak from his eyes, and he started shaking, a lump settling in his throat. "I can deal with it, Tai...but not without you." He once again pulled on his sweatshirt. "You promised that you wouldn't leave me, no matter what...I don't think that you were lying." He took a hesitant step towards him, his expression broken. "People make mistakes...but they still live. I can't live without you...you saved my life. Even though I wish my mom was happy, I really don't want things to go back to the way they were. I want to stay with you, now...even though I don't think it's your fault, I forgive you. I'll always forgive you." He was begging now, desperate to keep him here. "Please...I don't want to be alone again..."

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"The only way that I'd leave you is if you wanted me to leave, or if it were for your own good..." His voice was quiet and firm, yet tears streamed down his cheeks quietly. "I'll stay, if you'll keep me..." I've loved you...ever since you had shown concern over my problems, problems that weren't even your own to worry about...and yet you showed me that you cared, even though that I close to a stranger...even though you hardly knew me...I hadn't cried in front of a single person for such a long time, and yet, you have this affect on me... Chestnut eyes stared at the ground quietly, and sullenly, he leaned over and wrapped his arms carefully around the other's neck, lightly holding him close, though not closing the space completely, leaving enough room so that he could look at him, "Kat-kun...look at me, please."

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The small teen obeyed, lifting his head and fixing his blue gaze on the other's brown one. "I don't want you to leave," he whispered, putting both hands on the older male's chest. He gave him a shaky smile, holding in more tears. "I really need you...I want to make you happy." He moved one hand up to brush the tears from his cheek.

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Chestnut eyes glancing into the whitette's blue ones, he carefully leaned in, only breath's lengths away from the other's lips, before lightly saying, "I need you too...I know it get's difficult at times...but I wouldn't want to leave your side, no matter what." And with that, he pressed his lips softly against the whitette's. And if I could pour my love into you, and show you how much you truly mean to me, then maybe you could understand the way that I feel when I say that I would never want to hurt you...maybe you will understand to what lengths that my love for you go's...

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The small neko closed his eyes when their lips met, kissing Tai back gently. He put his arms around the other's neck and pressed against him, keeping the contact sweet and chaste. He got lost in the moment, his worries being pushed to the back of his mind. He felt so safe with Tai, so warm and loved. I want to show you how much I care about you... When they parted from the kiss to breathe, he kept his face close. "I love you," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion.

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"I love you too." hushed Tai gently, lightly brisking his thumb leisurely on Katsumi's bottom lip, lightly nuzzling his cheek before he stated, "We should really get to your mother's house, we don't need her to be worried sick about you."

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Katsumi smiled gently and nodded, his eyes bright again and much more hopeful. "Okay." He put his head against Tai's chest for a moment, breathing in deeply before taking his hand again. "It's this way," he said softly as he pulled away, ears low against his head due to the wind that had picked up while they were talking.

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"Would you like me to stay or go home once we get to your house? And if I were to stay, is our relationship something that we should discuss with your mother?" He asked, considering it a sensible question, given he had no clue if his mother was homophobic or not.

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The whitette looked thoughtful, head tilted slightly. "I'd like for you to stay, but you don't have to. My mom won't mind, I don't think. She may not know how to deal with it, but she won't get angry." The small smile from before was still on his face, and he leaned against Tai slightly as they walked.

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"I would love to stay." replied Tai gently, a thin smile spreading across his lips, "I'd honestly love to spend as much time with you as I possibly could." He gripped his hand a bit tighter, to emphasis his statement.

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"Me too," he agreed, glancing up at the sky. The clouds were moving quickly due to the wind, and his hair was blowing backwards, clearing his face. He narrowed his eyes against the force and lowered his ears even further, not liking the cold discomfort that came when the wind hit them. It made his head hurt from the ringing it caused his sensitive ears.

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Tai looked up at the clouds quietly, before saying, "I just wished that I was a cloud sometimes...they are so free...and elegant...they are so beautiful up there, watching over everyone, as if they were angels." Voice soft, he then glanced ahead of him, "Hey, is that your apartment complex?" He pointed over at an apartment area.

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"Huh?" He had been distracted by the clouds and stopped walking so that he could focus on what Tai was pointing to. "Yeah, that's it." He grinned and moved towards it, pulling Tai along easily. "We're on the third floor."

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